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A Forever Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 1) by Krista Lakes (68)

Chapter 22

Gray light seeped through the edges of the boarded-up window, but instead of making Logan’s room seem gloomy, it simply made me sleepy. I guessed it must still be early morning, but with the storm hiding the sun, it was difficult to tell. A gust of wind shook the boards on the windows, but they were locked down tight. So far, the hotel had withstood the force of the hurricane as if it were nothing more than a summer breeze. Noah had done a good job.

I rolled to my side, expecting to find a warm body to cuddle up against. Instead, I found empty sheets. The space was cold. Logan was long gone from the bed. A moment of panic washed over me, but peeking out through the doorway, I could see the glow of a computer screen in the other room. I instantly relaxed. He was just working. I could understand that. The man ran a multibillion-dollar travel company; he had to work sometime.

I reached out to the nightstand and checked my smartphone. It was only a little after eight in the morning, but the little blinking alert light was going crazy. In addition to all the emails I'd ignored previously, I'd received five urgent messages. I hoped, maybe, that one or two of them might be my consultants asking to return to Dream Vacations, or maybe my lawyer telling me I'd be able to destroy Gerald Hayes in court. Either way, I needed to go to my room and use my computer.

I slid silently out of bed and tiptoed out to the living area. Logan's room was similar to mine. He sat typing away at the work desk. I crept up behind him, grinning like a naughty school girl at the thrill of startling him. It looked like he was emailing someone, but I did my best not to read over his shoulder.

“Good morning, handsome,” I whispered seductively in his ear.

Logan jumped practically three feet into the air and slammed the laptop shut. I giggled and came to sit on his lap. He stared at me for a moment, his hand still pressing down on his computer.

“Good morning to you too,” he finally spit out. There was an edge to his words that I wasn't expecting, but I put it off as just being annoyed that I had scared him. He quickly shuffled the papers laying on the desk into a computer bag and out of sight. It was almost as if he didn't want me to see them.

He pushed me off his lap and stood up, putting the laptop into the bag with the papers. Once everything was away, he took a deep breath and smiled at me. His shoulders dropped down to their proper position, and he looked far calmer. I wondered what could possibly be in that bag that had him so anxious to keep it private.

“You okay?” I asked, trying to get my bearings. I had been expecting warm kisses by now.

“Yes,” he said, but his head shook no. “Just catching up on work stuff. Lawyers stress me out. You want to go get some breakfast?”

“I can't,” I replied, looking around the room for my clothes. I had thought I had taken them off here, but I didn't see them.

“Room service again?” Logan asked, wrapping me up in his arms. This was the morning greeting I had been expecting. He pulled me in to him, his bare chest against mine. Between his skin and the panty-dropping smile he was using, I was tempted to stay. Very tempted.

“I can't,” I said, kissing him softly before disentangling myself from his arms. “While room service does sound wonderful, I need to go check my email.”

I saw my shirt peeking out from beneath the couch and pulled it out. Logan was right behind me as I stood, nipping on the soft spot of my neck and sending shivers down my spine. His breath was hot and welcome on my skin. “You sure?”

I let myself relax against him again, his kisses teasing the delicate skin of my neck and the shirt nearly falling from my fingers. “I can’t,” I managed to say a final time, though not without hesitation. I stepped away and turned to look him in the face. “I have this little business problem I'm trying to fix today.”

He grimaced slightly. “Right. That. I promise, I'm doing what I can to make it right.”

I knew this wasn't his fault. It was his father's. “I really appreciate it. I do.” I put the shirt up over my head, starting the process of getting dressed. “You want to get a table for us downstairs? I'll do my best to get through my emails quickly, but then we can at least still have breakfast.”

“I'll take you any way I can get you,” he answered, his eyes hovering at the bottom hem of my shirt and darkening. He was wearing only a pair of boxers, and I was strongly considering changing my mind yet again. But my phone chirped indicating another urgent message. Business before pleasure, I thought. Always business before pleasure.

“I want you to know how incredibly tempted I am just to stay up here,” I said. He grinned and I nearly lost my nerve to leave.

“Hurry, then, and we'll eat quickly and come back.” He paused, bending over to pick up my shorts and hand them over. He leaned back and watched me finish dressing. As I put on my shoes, he waggled his eyebrows. “Or maybe we'll go destroy your room next.”

“I'd like that. I'll see you in fifteen minutes. Maybe twenty, depending on the emails,” I promised, going to the door.

“One more thing,” he said, crossing the distance between us and taking me in his arms again. I knew his kiss was coming, but even then, I wasn't prepared for it. He took my breath away, stealing it for himself and making me forget that I had ever needed to breathe in the first place. My knees went weak, and my heart pounded in my chest as my body started to heat. I melted into him, relishing his kiss. This was the way to start a morning.

“That's better than coffee,” I gasped when he let me go. He chuckled, obviously proud of himself.

“There’s more where that came from,” he assured me, sauntering back to his office chair. I took one last look at his broad shoulders, enjoying the view and the pleasant tingling sensation that his visage caused in my nether regions. Today was going to be a very good day.

* * *

I slid my key card into the door and waited for the green light to flash in recognition. I never trusted these electronic hotel locks. I had accidentally stored one too many of them in the same pocket as my phone so that they were demagnetized.

“Where were you all day yesterday?” Maddy asked, startling me. I nearly missed the green light because I was too busy bumping my head against the ceiling. “And in the same clothes no less?”

“Maddy, you scared me,” I told her, putting a hand to my thumping heart. The little jolt of adrenaline raced through me. “What are you doing here?”

“Just walking by.” Maddy came right up next to me, peering into my face and then bursting out in a big grin. “I was right. You've been with someone.”

“What?” I chuckled nervously. I wasn't ready for this conversation yet. I hadn't had my coffee, and while Logan's kiss was the best way to wake up, I wasn't ready to face the wrath of Momma Maddy without my caffeine. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”

Maddy laughed, clearly enjoying my discomfort. “You met a boy. Or rather, judging from that happy glow you're giving off, you met a man.”

I nearly slipped putting the key card in a second time, but I at least managed to get the door open. Maddy followed me inside, practically bouncing with excitement.

“Maddy, I have no idea what you're talking about.” I tried to keep my face serious, but she knew me far too well. She hugged me and giggled.

“Tell me all about him. I want to know everything.” She grinned. She was so happy for me. Both of us had struggled with the dating world the past two years, so I knew she saw either one of us getting any action as a victory for both of us.

I sighed. There was no way I was getting out of this. At least I didn't have to tell her who it was. “Maddy...” I had no idea what to say next. Maddy, I'm sleeping with my biggest rival and the man who already broke my heart once. And I think I'm falling for him again. Because, I'm just that smart. Yeah. That would go over really well.

“I haven't seen you this happy in a long time. I was a little worried about you,” Maddy confessed. “But right now, you're radiant. Love looks good on you.”

“It's not love,” I said a little too quickly, feeling a blush settle in my cheeks.

Maddy raised her eyebrows. “If you say so. Whatever it is, at least the sex makes you look good.”

“Maddy!” My blush went deeper.

“Messy hair, rosy cheeks, a little wiggle in your walk…” Maddy demonstrated, moving her hips in a swivel that made her look like she was going to throw out her back in the process. “It's pretty obvious. Tell me all about him.”

I let my arms fall to my side. There was no fighting her. If I just gave her the info she wanted, and left out the Logan part, everyone could go happily to breakfast. If she saw me at breakfast with him, I could say I was being a good businesswoman and considering all my options. That sounded reasonable enough to me.

“Well, he's built like a Greek god and worthy of the legends.” I thought of Logan's broad shoulders and the magic his fingers could work. Definitely worthy of the legends. “I was... let's go with hesitant, about him at first. But he's not what I thought. He convinced me to look a little deeper.”

“Oh, you've got it bad.” Maddy snickered and sat down on the bed, bouncing up and down a little like a middle school sleepover guest. “What's his name?”

“Um...” I turned away from her, digging into my suitcase, and bit my lip. Maddy knew my history with Logan. She was one of the few people that actually understood all of it, and had witnessed its effects on me. Ever since the wedding, she had become extremely protective of me when it came to Logan. I was pretty sure she felt guilty about blabbing to him.

A knock on the door saved me. “I got it,” Maddy said, hopping up from the bed. I let out a sigh of relief. Hopefully, it was just housekeeping.

“Hi, Maddy,” Logan's voice said from the doorway. “I was just seeing if Olivia was ready for breakfast.”

My heart dropped, landed on the floor, and flopped around like a fish. It just had to be Logan at the door. I was pretty sure Fate hated me. I held onto a sliver of hope that I could convince her this would be just a business meeting, but I could feel it in my bones that she was going to figure it out. Maddy was a mom. She always figured this stuff out.

“She's getting dressed. How about I have her meet you down at the restaurant?” Maddy was nothing but polite, and I knew that meant trouble. She was never courteous unless it was to a customer or someone she was contemplating killing later. She said the politeness was part of her plan to get away with murder some day. All the witnesses would say it just couldn't have been Maddy because she was always so gracious. Logan was a dead man.

“That sounds wonderful. Would you and Tyler like to join us?” Logan asked. I wanted to kiss him and smack him at the same time. Bless him for trying to find a way to be a part of my life, but this was just digging my grave a little deeper.

“We already ate, thank you,” Maddy responded.

“All right. Say hi to Tyler for me,” Logan said with a smile in his voice. “I should go get a table before all the good ones are taken. It was nice to see you, Maddy.”

“Thank you, Logan. I'll send Olivia down in just a bit. We have some things we need to discuss,” she said, all smiles and sunshine. An icy balloon was growing in the pit of my stomach. The regret I had so successfully ignored up until now was filling up all the hollow spaces in my body. I quickly changed my clothes as Maddy quietly closed the door.

“Please tell me this isn't what I'm thinking it is,” she said, coming into the bedroom. She was wearing her worried mom look and I could feel my willpower crumbling against it.

“Maddy, let me explain...”

“Oh my gosh, it is...” Maddy leaned against the doorway, her mouth hanging open. Disappointment was written all over her face. “What is there to explain? You're sleeping with the man who not only tried to ruin your business once, but is actively trying to do it again? Not to mention, the last time he slept with you he never bothered to call you back? What are you thinking?”

“He didn't have anything to do with the business!” I interjected. I hated that disapproving look. I would take angry, upset, or horror over disappointed any day of the week.

“Olivia...” Maddy pressed her fingertips into her forehead and took a steadying breath. “Don't you see what he's doing?”

“He didn't have anything to do with the consultants, Maddy. He feels terribly about all of it. He's even trying to help,” I told her, desperate to explain. I couldn’t handle her stricken gaze.

“He's using you!” she exclaimed, swiftly crossing the space between us and resting her hands atop my shoulders so she could shake them.

“What?” Her words didn't make any sense. I stepped back, but she didn't let go.

She sighed and spoke slowly. “He wants your company. For the past six months, you haven't given it to him. He's tried everything to get it. And it hasn't worked, so he's trying a new tactic.”

“No...” I shook my head, but she wouldn’t let me go.

“He gets you to like him. Trust him. Believe that he's looking out for your best interests.” Maddy paused and pressed her lips together for a moment. “How long do you think you'll be able to keep telling him you're not selling when you’re sleeping in bed with him?”

“It's not like that, Maddy,” I said, trying to figure out what it actually was like myself. With her words in my ear, I wasn't quite so sure anymore. Doubt was creeping into regret's spot in my stomach.

“Then what is it like? From where I'm standing, a shrewd, conniving businessman is reaching you where you are most vulnerable. As soon as you give him what he wants, he's going to leave you high and dry…again.” She frowned, her eyes concerned. What scared me more than anything was that she wasn't even angry.

“He wouldn't...” I repeated breathlessly.

“How can you say that after what he did to you? If it hadn't been for him, you would have had backers like Travel-Pedia and HotelVacations two years ago.” She stopped and took a deep breath. “He led you on for the benefit of Travel, Inc. And now he's doing it again, but you're too charmed by his six-pack abs and empty promises to see it. But this time, it's going to be even worse. I won't be able to save you this time.”

Tears welled up in my eyes. What if she was right? What if this was just another one of Logan’s amazing business negotiation tactics? I didn't want to be used again. But he had been so honest and sincere yesterday. It had felt real, more real than anything I had ever had with another person.

“He's promised to help me fix this,” I said meekly, still unwilling to doubt him in full. “He's sincere about it. I know it.”

“And he hasn't given you any reason not to trust that? I mean, even if we negate past experiences with him, he hasn't done anything that makes you think he might be hiding something from you?” Maddy asked. I instantly remembered when he slammed his laptop shut this morning.

“No. He hasn't done anything to make me doubt him.” It wasn't really a lie. Maddy didn't need to know what had happened this morning after I startled him. Besides, he had every right to be startled. I would have reacted the same way.

Maddy looked at me, evaluating my words before speaking. “You remember meeting my ex-husband, Tom, right? You shook his hand and he smiled and was incredibly charming?”

I nodded. I had met him only once, but he had seemed very nice.

“And I bet you wondered for a moment, 'Is Maddy crazy? This is a great guy!'” Maddy paused just long enough for me to start denying it before she cut me off. “But you saw what he did to me. How he was so sweet and kind and caring about the whole affair. He apologized so many times and I believed him.”

“I remember,” I said softly.

She sniffled and wiped her eye with her hand. “And then he took everything. And because I had trusted him--because I thought his lies were sincere promises--he got it all. He left Tyler and me with nothing because I trusted him when he said he had 'only good intentions' toward me.”

I remembered that part, too. I met Maddy just as the divorce proceedings had started. Things had seemed to be amicable on the surface, but the lying, cheating bastard had abused Maddy's innocence and love. He took almost everything in the divorce simply because he could.

“Tell me you don't see the parallel here. Tell me that Logan, and all his tactics and charm, doesn't remind you of Tom.” Maddy held onto me, forcing me to look her in the eye instead of down at the floor. The parallels were strong, but surely Logan was a better person than Tom. As much as I loved Maddy, I knew I was better at reading people. But when I met Maddy's pleading gaze, I wasn't so sure about anything anymore.

Maddy was one of the sharpest people I knew. Nothing seemed to get by her, and yet Tom had taken advantage of her, time and again. Could I be missing what Logan was doing in the same way? Was Maddy right? Was love blinding me? I wasn't sure.

“I'm not trying to destroy your happiness. I'm really not. I'm trying to do you a favor here. Don't be me.” She let go of my shoulders and sighed. “Just don't believe his sweet words and leave your business unguarded.”

I looked down at my hands. I was so confused. Logan and Maddy each pulled on my heartstrings and unsettled my mind. How on earth was I supposed to chose?

“Even if he is exactly what he says he is, even if the evil Travel, Inc. company did all of this without his knowledge, is Logan Hayes of Travel, Inc. someone that Olivia Statler of Dream Vacations should be associating with?” Maddy asked, switching to a more logical tactic.

When I didn't respond, she continued, “If he can't buy your company, he's going to become your biggest competition. His company, with or without his consent, stole our top consultants. If Travel, Inc. can't get ownership of Dream Vacations, they are going to make their own. With that in mind, where do you see this relationship going?”

I didn't have an immediate answer for that. I had been so caught up in the moment, in our passionate hurricane kisses, that I hadn't thought of the future. I turned and walked to the window, trying to think. The wind rattled the boards, but we were still safe from the storm outside. I realized I was now accustomed to the roar of the rain and barely even heard it anymore. It was funny how quickly that had happened.

I tried to imagine a future where I still had complete control over Dream Vacations and also still had Logan. My imagination was not kind. In every scenario I could think of, hostilities were bound to brew up between us like storms. I thought of us trying to talk over dinner about work; thought of meeting his brother; thought of meeting his father.

That last one made me shudder. If his father was willing to go to the work of stealing my consultants away in order to bring down my business, what would he be willing to do if he found out we were together? Not only would both of our lives revolve around our work; we'd be working toward completely opposite goals. Despite my feelings for Logan, I couldn't see a way of us working beyond these hotel walls.

“What do I do, Maddy?” I felt a tear run down my cheek. I turned from the window to face her. “I like him, and I know he likes me. A lot. How do I go downstairs and say, ‘Hey, thanks for the fantastic sex and deep conversations, but for business reasons, we’re going to have to stop seeing each other.’”

“You say just that. Maybe a little more nicely,” she offered with a smile.

“I don't want to hurt him,” I whispered. Even though he had once hurt me, I didn't want to turn around and do the same. Once, not that long ago, I would have relished this opportunity. But now … now, I hated it. I slid to the floor and leaned against the wall. I could feel the strength of the storm outside as it pummeled the siding.

“You have a choice to make, then,” Maddy stated logically. “Logan Hayes, billionaire playboy representing your biggest competition, or the business you built with your own blood, sweat, and tears. The business that feeds not only my son and me, but six other women's families? The company of your dreams. It's either Logan, or Dream Vacations, Liv.”

I glanced up at her, my eyes welling with fresh tears. I knew she was right. I was responsible for the financial well-being of my employees. That didn't mean I had to like it, though. “Why can't I have both?”

Maddy crossed the room and dropped to her knees to hug me. I felt safe in her arms--not as safe as I did in Logan's, but I knew she loved me and would always do so. “Because life sucks. I'm pretty sure the whole goal of existence is to make things as complicated and difficult as possible.”

I let out a shuddering sigh. I wished I had never gotten out of bed. This isn't what I wanted. Not even close, but I knew what I needed to do. Maddy rose and helped me stand.

“You ready?” she asked, once I was up. I stared at the door, desperately racking my brain for an alternative solution. I couldn't find one.

“I hate being an adult,” I whined, sounding more like a kid instead. “I don't want to do this.”

“Do you want me to do it for you?” Maddy offered. “I'll go down there and do it myself if it will make it easier for you.”

“Thank you, but no.” I shook my head and took a deep breath. “It needs to come from me. Otherwise, it's too close to what he did to me. I had the hardest time accepting that and letting it go. If I do it, it will be real. If you do it, then there's a chance. I don't want to tempt him with false hope. If he had been the one to call and tell me that Travel, Inc. didn't want me--that our drinks had been fun, but there was nothing for us--I would have believed it and it wouldn't have weighed so heavy on my heart.”

Maddy hugged me again. I tried to absorb some of her resolve, but I didn't feel any tougher. She squeezed me tighter. “You can do it. Do you want me to come down with you?”

“Yes,” I said timidly. “But stay out of sight. I need to be the one doing this. I can’t have you standing there coaching me.”

“I'll stay hidden, don't worry,” she assured me. “This will all work out in the end.”

I nodded absently, opening the door to the hallway. “By the way, where's Tyler?” I asked. I knew it was a distraction, but I needed something better to put in my mind than the fact that I was off to break someone's heart.

“Sleeping in. He spent most of the night with Spock. The room that they have him in echoes really loudly with the wind. Plus, if Tyler isn't with him, the dog gets anxious,” she explained.

“I guess they both need each other,” I reasoned.

“Yeah, they do.” Maddy waited patiently for me to step into the hallway, but I just stood there listening to her tell me about Tyler. “Anyway, I went down and found them both fast asleep in a corner, so I brought Tyler back to sleep in a bed. Poor kid needed some actual rest. Spock should be fine until Tyler wakes up.”

I nodded but made no move to leave the doorway. Maddy gave me a gentle nudge. “Now, stop stalling. Rip off the Band-Aid, or it's just going to hurt worse,” she advised me.

I finally moved forward, and Maddy closed the door firmly behind me.