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A Forever Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 1) by Krista Lakes (20)

Chapter 20


Forty-eight hours in heaven. That's what the weekend was to Mia. It was bliss. She'd never had a weekend so relaxing, revitalizing, or amazing. She hated that it was over because she never wanted it to end. She never wanted this alone time with Carter to end.

The plane started to descend as they came in for a landing. Mia had never noticed before, but the empty field behind the ranch house was actually a runway. Not having to go to the airport was definitely a perk to dating a billionaire. Mia held Carter's hand, wishing they could just stay up in the air forever. It wasn't Vegas that she was going to miss, it was having him all to herself.

He'd showed her Vegas as only a billionaire could. They'd eaten the most amazing food she'd ever had in her life from beef Wellington to sushi to gourmet chocolates. They'd gambled at the high roller tables with celebrities. Carter told her most of it was comped, but she didn't even want to know what their spend had been.

The best part was the time they spent up in their suite. Much of it was in the bedroom, but it wasn't all just sex. They'd talked and laughed until she was crying with joy. They'd both put their phones away and just spent time with one another.

Mia hadn't even missed her phone. Carter was amazing. He had this unique ability to take something serious and turn it into something hilarious. He was witty and kind, and he always put her first. It made for the best weekend of her life.

Now, she felt like Cinderella returning home after the ball. Except she still had her prince. That made her smile as the plane landed with a soft thump. She wasn't missing a shoe, and her prince charming knew where she lived. She was better off than Cinderella.

Carter held her hand as they exited the plane. Going down the stairs, even with no one around, still felt luxurious and elite. She felt like she should wave to the paparazzi, even though all there was around them was grass and a couple of pine trees. The air was cold, and there was a tang to it that told her snow was on the way. It was now fall in the mountains and winter was coming.

Once down the stairs, she turned her phone back on and together they walked back toward the ranch house. Her phone immediately buzzed with a message.

Kids at ranch. Can you bring them home with you?


Mia frowned as she read the message from the kids' foster mom. Today wasn't one of the kids usual work days, so she didn't know why they were here. The fact that Margie had dropped them off but couldn't pick them up was also strange.

“The kids are here,” Mia told Carter, putting her phone away. “Did you know they were here?”

“No,” Carter said shaking his head. “Laura must have needed some extra help. I should check my phone. I turned it off.”

“I know.” Mia grinned at him. “I appreciated it too. It made this morning much more fun.”

He grabbed her hip to spin him to her and kissed her full on the mouth. It was only a taste of what happened this morning, but it heated Mia up better than a fire. If the kids weren't at the ranch, she would have gone for another round.

“Next time,” Carter promised. Apparently, he was thinking the same thing. She loved the naughty grin he gave as he released her and they walked to the barn.

“Alexander, did you find the extra curry combs?” Lily asked as they walked in.

“Yes, I put them in the stalls like you asked,” Alexander replied as he hurried past with his arms full of supplies. He smiled as Carter and Mia walked in, hurrying over to give them both a hug hello.

“Where's Laura?” Mia asked, looking around the barn. The manager was nowhere to be seen, which was odd. She was always so good about being where the kids could find her.

Lily walked over slowly. She had a clipboard and a serious look on her face.

“She called me this morning totally freaking out,” Lily explained after greeting them. “There's been an accident.”

Carter stiffened, and Mia could see him pale. He reached for his phone and quickly began fumbling with the buttons.

“Is she okay?” Mia asked, concerned. From the look on Lily's face, Mia had a bad feeling she wasn't.

“Physically, she's fine,” Lily replied. She sighed and fiddled with the clipboard. “Her parents were in an airplane crash early this morning.”

Mia's heart sunk. There was no way that the next words out of Lily's mouth were anything good. Lily looked up at her and Carter with tears in her big brown eyes.

“They didn't make it.” Lily swallowed hard and looked at the floor. “I was here helping her when she got the news.”

Mia hugged Lily to her. The girl leaned into her, sniffling but keeping strong.

“I have to go help with arrangements,” Carter said. His voice was hollow. He patted Lily on the back, obviously still in shock himself. “Thank you for being here for her.”

He gave her shoulder a squeeze and looked at Mia.

“Go,” Mia whispered. She now felt guilty about having him keep his phone off all morning. He cared for Laura, and she knew that he was worried about her. He was a good boss.

“Thank you, Lily.” Carter nodded and patted Lily's shoulder one last time before pulling out his phone and heading into the house to see what he could do to help.

“Are you okay, Lily?” Mia asked, keeping her arms around the girl until Lily let go of her. Lily nodded and wiped her eyes.

“I just feel so bad for Laura. She's got a younger brother and sister.” Lily looked over to where her brothers were busy cleaning one of the stalls. “I can't imagine having to tell them.”

Mia's heart broke. Lily and Laura had grown close these past few weeks, and Mia knew how much Lily respected and looked up to the other woman. She pulled Lily back into her for another hug. Lily didn't resist, which told Mia that the teenager needed the affection. Mia wrapped her arms around her tighter and rubbed her back. It didn't take away the pain, but it was soothing.

“Is Laura going to be okay?” Lily asked her voice a whisper into Mia's shoulder.

“Laura is strong,” Mia assured her. “It's going to be rough, but she'll get through it. You're doing a good thing helping her here.”

Lily smiled up at her and took a deep breath. She pulled away, and Mia knew that she was going to be okay, too.

“I'm glad I can help,” Lily told her. “I'm glad Alexander and Grayson can help, too. Between the three of us and the trainer, we’ll keep things running for her. She taught me most of what she does, so I can at least keep things under control. It's one less thing she has to worry about for the moment.”

Mia warmed with pride. “You are all such good kids.”

Lily rolled her eyes but smiled and blushed. She shrugged and resettled herself. “Did you have fun on your weekend away? Margie said Carter took you someplace.”

Lily grinned. “He took me to Las Vegas. It was amazing.”

“Vegas? Nice,” Lily said. Her eyes narrowed. “So, are you two a thing now? Please tell me you married him there.”

Mia laughed. “I did not marry him.” Though, she thought of his offer and felt butterflies. “But, you want to know if we're dating?”

“Yeah.” Lily nodded. “Are you?”

“I think so,” Mia told her, thinking back to the weekend. They'd never officially discussed it, but there was no way after the weekend they'd just shared that they weren't some sort of couple.

Lily grinned. “Good. He's good for you, Mia.”

Mia looked at her surprised at her bluntness. “Thanks.”

“I'm going to get back to work,” Lily informed her, pointing to her clipboard. “Do you think we can stop and pick up some food to bring to Laura's house on the way home?”

“Definitely,” Mia promised.

“Thanks,” Lily said with a grin and then turned and started helping her brothers with the barn chores.

Mia was impressed. Lily was growing up so fast and doing a great job at it. She looked calm and collected as she checked her list and made sure that the barn and the horses were taken care of the way Laura would want. Mia had a feeling Laura would be pleased with the results. She made a mental note that Lily would need to spend more time here, as would the boys.

The idea of spending more time on the ranch made her happy. She wished it had come about differently, but she was going to take advantage of the opportunity. More time at the ranch meant more time with Carter. She looked over at Lily working one last time before pulling out her phone and looking for restaurants with takeout on their way to Laura's house.




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