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A Heart Reborn (The Doctors of Atlants Book 3) by BK Harrell (14)

Chapter Eleven


Sarah awoke early on Monday, feeling the effects of a sleepless night. She tossed and turned all night thinking about Coop and his family. She didn’t want to hurt him, but the inevitability of it stared her in the face. Sarah rolled out of bed, getting ready for her day and week. She had a relatively light week patient wise and she had traded call to be available for Marcie and Nicole all week.

After getting ready, Sarah sucked down her life-giving coffee and headed out the door. The drive was peaceful and the staff was ready for rounds by the time she arrived. Sadly, all the planning in the world didn’t prepare her for the weekend’s developments. She had four patients that went into early labor, and they all delivered between thirty-two and thirty-six weeks. All the babies appeared to be doing well, and had no complications since their admissions. Sarah was thankful that they had a world class children’s hospital next door that provided top line care. With rounds complete, they discharged all the new mothers who were chomping at the bit to be home with their newborns.

Sarah went to her office and was surprised to see a Starbucks latte and box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts sitting on her desk. She smiled because she knew only one person would have taken the time to make sure she was taken care. After a quick snack, Sarah looked at her morning schedule and groaned. This was why she rarely looked at her schedule before the day, because she just didn’t want to know what patients were coming. No sense in thinking about a bad day before it began. She shook her head as she wondered how all these patients ended up scheduled on the same day back to back. All of them, were first time mothers who had insisted on reading the one book she advised them not to read and every little thing that happened became a major issue she had to deal with. Sarah gulped down the last of her latte before sending Coop a quick thank you text, and headed down the hall to face the gauntlet that was her morning.

Sarah finally, sucked in a deep breath as she finished her patients for the day. She was exhausted from a combination of lack of sleep and the patients, but she didn’t have time to dwell on the morning that was. She quickly finished her charts, and headed to meet Marcie and Nicole for lunch. They were scheduled for their final fittings today and she was glad that she could be part of this wedding.

Sarah arrived at Jason’s Deli just as Marcie and Nicole walked up. They hugged each other and went in to order. They sat down waiting for the lunch to be delivered. Knowing that the conversation was going to turn to her and Coop, Sarah tried to get Marcie to talk and avoid the usual inquisition. “Marcie, I take it your surprise went over well Saturday night?”

Marcie blushed. “Yes. He loved the surprise and showed me how much when we got to the hotel. By the way, you might want to make sure no one is around if you decide to have sex on the balcony.”

Sarah nearly choked on her Diet Coke that she was swallowing, and turned a deep shade of crimson at the embarrassment. “I…I…have no idea what you are talking about.”

“Really, because from our vantage point above you, it sure looked like Harrison was taking you from behind and enjoying himself. Plus, you’re still kinda loud when you orgasm.”

“Dammit, I miss all of the good stuff. I told Lincoln we should’ve headed to the hotel earlier than we did. Marcie, why didn’t you tell me this on Sunday over brunch? I hate being the last to know.”

“Sorry, but I thought the ambush technique worked better today. Sarah, that man loves you so much. I know why you’re doing what you’re doing, but all you’re doing is hurting yourself as well as Harrison.”

“I don’t know anymore. I told him I loved him, but I also told him he might not love me in a few months, and if he still loved me, then I was all in, and there would be nothing keeping us apart. However, I know the truth, and he may still love me, but he’ll also be so mad at me that he won’t be able to be around me.”

“We’ll hope for the best and deal with the worst. Now enough about this past weekend. The schedule for the week is simple. Today, final dress fittings, tomorrow is the final meeting with the church to make sure we have everything set up for the wedding, Wednesday we will meet with the High Museum to make sure the reception site is ready, Thursday is the caterers and florist. Finally, if we make it to Friday, the rehearsal at seven, followed by the rehearsal dinner at Bones and Saturday is wedding day. I’ll need a honeymoon just to get over the stress of planning this thing. Having over a thousand-people invited including numerous US Senators, the Governor, and children of a sitting US President complicates matters. I didn’t know the secret service would have so much input on my wedding.”

Sarah took Marcie’s hand to give her support. “We’ll be here with you every step of the way. We don’t want you to be stressed this week. Nicole and I scheduled you a massage and facial on Thursday afternoon. We want you as relaxed as you can be. Even though I have clinic through Wednesday, I’ll make sure I’m with you guys for your appointments. Erin is supposed to be there as well. She wanted to come today, but the girls are sick and didn’t want to risk spreading any germs to you.”

Marcie smiled. “I appreciate everything you gals are doing. I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish all of this without you. Thank you for your help.”

“You’re welcome,” Sarah and Nicole said together.

“I’ve definitely enjoyed planning your wedding more than mine. You remember when Lincoln sent you to save me from killing that wedding planner? We pulled it off. Looks like our next wedding to plan will be Sarah and Harrison’s. I can’t wait for that one. By the way, apparently, you didn’t get a say in this, but are you okay with the whole walking through the bat arch the players have planned for you guys?”

“I’m fine with it. Don’t want to break tradition and the guys have been great about it. Well, lunch was good, but we better go so we don’t miss our appointment.”

The girls went to the dress shop, and thankfully, no last-minute alterations were needed. The owner swore she would have everything delivered to the hotel on Friday.

Sarah hugged both women as they finished their appointment and walked out to her car. She had just enough time to make it to Harry’s practice and then cook dinner for the family. She still felt bad about not spending anytime with Harry and her mom this past weekend, but it was something that she needed. As she drove to the field, she called Coop to talk to him. She had missed him, but wanted to make sure that he wasn’t going to show up to do a clinic at the baseball field. Thankfully, he was finishing his work out and was going to dinner at Rhett’s house. Though she missed him, she was glad he was taking time with his best-friend.

By the time Sarah pulled into the parking lot practice was underway. She walked over and sat down beside her mother and hugged her. She looked up to see Harry send her a wave, and she waved back.

“So, how was your weekend? We didn’t get much of a chance to talk yesterday.”

“It was great. The bachelorette party was wonderful, Harrison’s welcome home was better than expected after I managed to embarrass myself with his mother, which led to us having lunch at his parent’s house Sunday afternoon. Other than the initial reception I got from his siblings, everything went well. Then I slept like shit last night thinking about all the lies I’ve been telling and the impact they’ll have on the future. Overall, same old same old in the life of Sarah. How was your weekend? Anything new with Harry I need to know about?”

“Everything was wonderful. He missed you but understood you had adult things you needed to take care of. He is looking forward to next weekend when he has you all to himself. I told him we would go to the Georgia Aquarium this Saturday and a movie probably Friday night. He’s glad that he has a break from games until the new season starts. I looked into the dance lessons we spoke about, and he’ll start after the New Year.”

“Thanks, mom. I couldn’t do it without you.”

“Sure, you could. You just wouldn’t get any sleep and this thing with Harrison would be much more difficult to work through.”

“You mean more difficult than it already is?”

“I never told you it’d be easy. Enough about your love life. What did you decide what to do about Harry’s Christmas present?”

“He’ll get it early. At least his big one. I talked to the company last week and they’re going to pour the concrete pad and put up the post. After that, the other company is going to put up the netting and deliver the pitching machine. They will also build a small shed and run the power from the house to the batting cage. In the long run, it saves me gas and trips, plus Harry can practice whenever he wants.”

“I know he’ll love it. Are you still going to get him a new Playstation and TV?”

“Yes. Then whatever you want to get him along with some other small things.”

Sarah turned her attention back to the practice, watching as Harry hammered ball after ball over the fence. She watched his swing and noted some of the improvements since their return and smiled. He was becoming more like his dad every day. If she was being honest, she couldn’t think of a better person to be like than Coop. He was a great man all around. She was the one who screwed up. Sarah continued to watch as they finally finished practice. She was definitely going to miss seeing him play when he was traveling, but it was the next logical step in his development. It was fun to see the difference between his regular team, where he was the best, to seeing him play with the best in the league. He was still the best, but the difference in the talent level wasn’t as discernable.

“Did you see those homeruns, mom” Harry said as he ran to where they were sitting.

“You did wonderfully. Those tips are starting to pay off. I have a surprise for you. You’re getting one of your Christmas presents early because there was no way to wrap it up under the tree. I got you a batting cage for the house. They are coming next week to start work on it.”

“You’re the best, mom,” Harry said as he threw his arms around her.

“I’m glad you’re excited. Anything else you want for Christmas? What did you tell Santa that you wanted?”

“You know, a new Playstation, some games, a new bat, and to meet my dad.”

Sarah’s breath caught in her throat. “You know, Santa has limitations on what he can do. He might not be able to make all your wishes come true.”

“I know, mom, but a kid can hope right.”


Sarah ruffled his hair and led him to the car. “I’m making cube steak and mac and cheese for dinner, and not the box kind. I hope that’s okay.”

“Sounds great, you always know what to fix.”

As Sarah drove home, she pondered the requests of her son. How could she make it seem like Santa had answered his requests without doing what she had to do ahead of schedule. Then suddenly, the idea hit her like a bolt of lightning, she could ask Marcie to help her out and write a letter from Santa since she did such a great job with calligraphy. Then she could include a letter that said not to open until his mom told him to. That way he got the letter from Santa and he would still get what he asked for. Problem solved.

Sarah arrived at home and sent Harry to finish his homework while she cooked dinner. It wasn’t something she got to do often with work, but she wanted to take advantage of it as much as possible since she would be busy this weekend as well.

Dinner turned out great and everyone had their fill. Surprisingly, there were no leftovers. After cleaning up and putting Harry to bed, she finally headed to her room to talk to Coop and Marcie. She sat down and called Marcie first.

“Hey, Marcie. How’s everything going tonight?”

“Fine. Just trying to fend Cole off. We agreed no sex this week, but he’s being persistent.” Marcie laughed. “What can I do for you?”

“I need some help with a project.” She explained her dilemma to Marcie who readily agreed to help.

“I’ll take care of it tomorrow morning and bring it to you at the meeting. Can you text me what you want the letter to say other than he’ll open when I tell him to?”

“Sure. Thanks for your help. You have a good night. Just remember you can always claim a visit from Aunt Flow to ward him off.”

Marcie laughed again. “Most men that would scare away, but you know these doctor types. Nothing scares them, at least not that subject.”

Sarah sat down and texted Marcie the body of the letter that she wanted to give to Harry. After hitting send she texted Coop to see if he was home yet. Instead of a reply she heard her phone ring.

“Hey babe. How was your day?”

“Good. A light patient load but wedding stuff all afternoon. How was your visit with Rhett?”

“Good. Worked out hard today, then admired the baby for a while, but she slept most of the time. I like the smell of a baby, except when they need to be changed, but there is something about a baby that’s soothing.”

Tears pricked Sarah’s eyes as she thought of Harrison holding Harry and what he would have looked like. She didn’t know how long she could talk tonight without the tears falling.

“Baby. You there? I lost you.”

Sarah regained her composure before answering. “Sorry, I was just thinking about you holding a baby. It was making me smile.”

“You know what makes me smile?”


“The thought of possibly holding our baby one day.”

Sarah couldn’t handle anymore. “Shit, sorry Coop, but Marcie is calling about the wedding. I need to talk to her. It could be a while so I’ll call you tomorrow. Love you.”

“Okay. Love you too. Have a good day tomorrow.”

“You too. Good night.”

Sarah held on long enough to hang up the phone before she broke down crying. Her mother must have been walking by the door when it happened because she was in their instantly.

“What’s wrong baby girl?” Her mom asked as she sat down beside her and pulled her into a hug.”

Sarah was unable to answer, and just sat there crying on her mom’s shoulder. She finally cried herself out as her mom handed her a tissue, and blew her nose before relaying her conversation with Harrison.

“I’m such an awful person, mom. I’ve totally deprived Harrison of a chance to watch his son grow up, and I’ve deprived Harry of his father. I know now that he didn’t do anything wrong. I can feel it deep in my heart. I was such a stupid twit for not talking to him.”

“Oh, baby. I know you feel that way now, but back then you were so young and so scared. I’m never going to tell you that you made the wrong decision, but you have to make peace with the decision you made and move forward.”

“I’m trying, mom, but it’s so hard. I love him so much, and I know I’ve hurt him deeply and he hasn’t even seen the depth of the hurt I inflicted yet.”

“You may not believe me, but he’ll forgive you. It may not be instantly, but that man is not going to miss spending any more time with his family, than he already has.”

“I’m scared that he’ll want to spend time with Harry, and not with both of us.”

“He may at first. You may only be a conduit to get Harry from point A to point B. He may ask that I take him, but you can’t stop fighting for him.”

“I won’t. I made that mistake once, and I won’t do it again.”

Sarah’s mother hugged her tight and left her to think about what she needed to do. She really wanted to call Coop back, she just didn’t know if she could do it without breaking down again. She decided to try and sleep, but sleep was difficult to come by. When the sun rose, Sarah awoke from a fitful sleep not feeling rested at all. She had to stop having nights like this before the wedding. She didn’t want to look like shit for the pictures. Rolling out of bed, Sarah got ready and gulped down two quick cups of coffee before leaving for work. Her team had been on call last night, so they would be chomping at the bit to get out of there. Since no one had called her last night, she assumed that none of her patients had come in.

Rounds went quickly and easily. Her team only had two discharges to take care of before they could leave. Sarah thought that she was very fortunate, to be surrounded by such competent young doctors. As Sarah rounded the corner she literally ran into Elisha, causing her to spill her coffee over both of them.

“Shit, Sarah, I mean Dr. Buckley. I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be, it was my fault. My mind is anywhere but here. Let’s go grab some new scrubs and coffee.”

“What has your mind so discombobulated today?”

“Harrison and Harry, and just… fuck my life. I was wrong about everything. I’m sure of it.”

“You can’t change what’s going to happen. You told me you were going to fight, so fight. Fight for yourself, fight for Harry, and most importantly fight for Harrison.”

“He told me he loved me.”

“What did you say?”

“I told him I love him, but there would come a time when he probably wouldn’t love me. He just laughed at that, and assured me that would never happen.”

“Then don’t let it. I know y’all have this huge thing between you, but I can see that you love each other. Time will heal old wounds, as my grammy would say, but if you run away then they can only fester.”

“You’re right. I know what I have to do, but it won’t be easy.”

“Nope. It won’t be easy. Is he going to be your date this weekend?”

“Yes. I just hope I don’t end up on page six of the newspaper.”

Elisha laughed as Sarah filled her in on the story of Lincoln and Nicole’s first date.

Sarah left the lounge with a fresh coffee and a better outlook on her day. She saw her morning patients and finished off with the Akers. The baby was growing nicely and had put on five pounds since she was born. Sarah thought about how this baby was going to be a female version of Rhett.

After seeing her last patient, Sarah quickly finished her notes and headed to lunch with the girls and then their afternoon meetings.

Lunch at the Cheesecake Factory was wonderful as always. They had a great conversation and true to her word, Marcie brought the letter they had discussed the previous evening. Marcie hugged her tight and hoped that it would be enough for Harry.

Marcie smiled as she looked at Sarah, Nicole, and Erin. “As a thank you and in preparation for the wedding, I have our favorite manicurist coming to do our nails at the hotel Saturday morning and their makeup girl coming as well. Anton from the salon will also be there for our hair.”

The girls all thanked Marcie profusely and headed out to the afternoon appointment.

As they finished their meeting at Christ the King Catholic Church, Sarah did something she hadn’t done in a long time. She walked away from the group and headed into the rectory. She made her way to the confessional booth and slid inside. The window slid open and Sarah took a deep breath before she began.

“Forgive me father for I have sinned. It has been eight years seven months since my last confession.”

“Go on my child.”

“I have lied repeatedly over the last ten years, and more lately to protect my family. I have had lustful thoughts and have acted on them.”

“Why did you feel the need to do these things?”

“I’m trying to protect my son. He doesn’t know who his father is because of me, and now he wants to know who it is. I’ve been trying to make things right with his father before I tell his father that he has a son. My son is nine years old almost ten, and I think he needs to know his father.”

“Why doesn’t he know his father?”

“My choice. I thought his father cheated on me before I found out I was pregnant and then never gave him a chance to explain, and never told him about my pregnancy.”

“I take it that this also covers your bout of lust?”

“Yes, Father, but it is more than that. We both still love each other, but I’m so scared that he will hate me when he finds out what I’ve done.”

“Child, unburden yourself to the Lord and you will feel better. It is hard on your heart to keep all this inside. Say ten Hail Mary’s and light five candles. God loves you and will forgive you. You just have to ask for it and forgive yourself.”

“Thank you, Father.” Sarah left the confessional and went to light the candles. As she was on her knees, she lit the candles and said a prayer asking for forgiveness and guidance in how to handle her son and Coop. Sarah walked out of the church feeling lighter in her heart than she had in a while. She felt like God was helping to share her burden. Sarah drove home ready to face Coop and anything he threw at her. She just had to remember that she couldn’t keep everything inside of her and expect it to go away. Just as she was turning into her subdivision her mom called.

“Hey, mom. What’s up?”

“I don’t know. You tell me. There’s a gentleman here with a package for you and a limousine waiting outside.”

“I have no idea, but I’ll be there in two minutes or less, so I guess we’ll find out together.”

Sarah pulled into the driveway and sure enough a limousine was sitting out in front of her house. She walked up to the door and was greeted by a man who handed her a package and a note. She signed for the package and read the note.

Dear Sarah,

I’ve missed you this week. I sent this present for you. Please wear it tonight and join me for dinner. Harold will drive you to meet me when you are ready. Please don’t keep him waiting for too long.



Sarah didn’t know what to think, but she couldn’t say no to Coop. She hurried upstairs and opened the box. She was shocked to see an emerald green Versace sheath dress in the box with matching Louboutin Heels. Sarah quickly stripped and dressed in the present she was sent. She hurried downstairs, starting to say bye to her mother when Harry gave her a cat call and told her she looked hot for a mom.

“Harry, manners. I’m sorry, but apparently, I have plans for dinner that I shouldn’t decline. I know we haven’t talked about me dating much, but I’ve been seeing someone and he wants to take me to dinner tonight. I promise you if it gets serious I’ll make sure you meet him, but I don’t want that to happen until I’m sure.”

“Okay, mom. I’m glad your dating some. I think it’s great for you. You don’t have to worry about me so much.”

Tears threatened Sarah’s eyes, because Harry sounded so grown-up in what he said.

“Have fun, and don’t stay out to late. You have work tomorrow.”

Sarah couldn’t help but laugh. “Yes, sir. I love you, so much.”

“Love you too, mom.”

Sarah hugged Harry and her mom on her way out the door. She sat in the back of the limo and sipped the champagne that Coop had sent. Her nerves were a little on edge, since she didn’t know where she was going. The car pulled into the circular drive of the Hilton downtown and she was greeted by the doorman who opened her door and gave her another note to read.

Dearest Sarah:

I’m so glad you chose to come. Take the elevator to the top.



Sarah was excited. She’d never been to Nikolai’s Roof. She made her way up to the restaurant to find a very handsome Coop waiting for her in a tuxedo, man did he look hot.

Coop watched Sarah emerge from the elevator and swore he had never seen a more beautiful sight. He walked over to Sarah and kissed her on the cheek. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you for the dress and the shoes. They make me feel beautiful. You are a sight to behold in that tux.”

Coop allowed Sarah to loop her arm through his as he escorted her to their table. Coop watched Sarah’s eyes beam with happiness, and he was glad he had chosen to surprise her this way. He was going to have to give an extra big tip to his personal shopper at Sak’s.

“Have you ever been here?”

“No. Thank you for thinking of everything.”

“You’re welcome, but the happiness in your eyes is thanks enough. I hope you don’t mind, but I already ordered for us. I wanted to surprise you in every way.”

“I can’t wait.”

Sarah and Coop sat and talked while the waiter worked around them and presented them with a bottle of 1988 KRUG Clos du Mesnil Blanc de Blancs Brut and the Osetra Caviar. Sarah had never experienced caviar before, and happily let Coop feed her the delicacy. After the caviar, they were served a seared fois gras. Sarah was impressed with Coop’s ability to order for her especially when they presented the herb crusted lamb chops for the main course. Sarah had never experienced lamb chops that were so succulent and moist. The lamb chops were paired with a Chateau Lafite Rothschild, that she was sure was more than her car cost but went down smoothly. Sarah didn’t think she could eat anymore, but the Grand Marnier Soufflé was to die for, especially with the hundred-fifty-year-old Grand Marnier.

By the time they were finished, Sarah could barely breathe in her dress, but she wasn’t complaining. Coop paid the bill and escorted her back downstairs. “Thank you for coming out with me on a work night. I know you have other obligations, and it was last minute, but I couldn’t go another day without seeing you.”

“I love you, Coop. Thanks for the wonderful evening.”

“You’re welcome and I love you, too. I wish we could spend more time together, but I want you well rested for your patients tomorrow. I’ll see you Friday night at the rehearsal dinner.”

“I’ll see you then. Talk to you tomorrow.”

Sarah kissed Coop one last time before he put her in the limo and she rode away. By the time she got home, she hoped her mother would be asleep, but no such luck. As she walked into the house, she went immediately to the living room to see her mother.

“How was your date?”

“It was great, but you don’t always have to wait up for me. He took me to Nikolai’s Roof for dinner. It was wonderful, but just spending time with him did my heart good. I had such an emotional afternoon, and I really needed this.”

“What happened today?”

“Don’t laugh, but I actually went to confession. I felt so much better afterwards.”

“Good for you. We really should make more of an effort to go to mass. Harry is at the age where he would understand it more.”

“I agree. I’ll put it on the list of things I need to be better at. I hate to run, but I need to get to bed.”

“Good night. See you tomorrow.”

Sarah walked up the stairs and texted Coop that she had gotten home safely. She read his response and after getting ready for bed, she fell asleep with a smile on her face.


Sarah was excited when she woke up Friday morning knowing she had a day off and the wedding plans were done. All that was left was a little practice, a dinner and the big event. She stretched in bed and laid there thinking about the night to come. She and Coop hadn’t been able to see each other except for Tuesday night. She was going to have a big night with him and planned to wake up sated and well rested. Sarah picked up her phone to look at the time and was happy to see she had slept later than usual, and should have plenty of energy for the night to come.

Sarah, went downstairs to get coffee and found her mother still sitting down at the bar drinking her coffee.

“Good morning, Sarah. Sleep well last night?”

“Yes, and good morning to you too, mom. Thanks for taking care of Harry for the weekend. It’ll be a busy one. I’m due to meet the girls at the hotel for lunch, and then make sure there are no last-minute problems. Then an afternoon of relaxation and drinking champagne.”

“It must be so hard to be you,” her mother said with a smile.

Sarah drank her coffee and moved back upstairs to get ready for the day. She took longer than normal doing her hair and makeup. She had chosen a long sleeve periwinkle shift dress with matching wedge heels. She wanted to look good for Coop.

Sarah walked into the St. Regis, checking into her room a little after noon. She wanted to be early for lunch, and with Atlanta traffic you could never be too sure. They agreed to meet at The Wine Room for lunch. Sarah had never been, but she read up on the restaurant in the room and couldn’t wait to try out the cuisine.

Sarah walked in to find the all the bridesmaids waiting for her to arrive. She was happy to see Jennifer and Aubrey were able to join them. They were both beautiful young women who were growing up too fast. Before they knew it, they would both be falling in love and bringing their own young man home. Sarah chuckled to herself at that thought. She knew Lincoln and Cole would both be over-protective fathers. Lord help them both.

“Hello, everyone. Sorry I’m late.”

“No, we’re just all early. Is your room okay?”

“Great. I think it’ll be very suitable for tonight.” Sarah said raising her eyebrows.

All the girls laughed, even Aubrey and Jennifer, since most of them knew Coop would be spending the night.

They enjoyed lunch and the light conversation which focused on the wedding and the honeymoon. Sarah was happy for Marcie. She’d found her happily ever after, and Sarah was slightly jealous that she was still chasing hers.

“I wanted to thank you guys for the massage and facial yesterday. It melted all my stress away. Now I’m ready for the big event. I just wish my sister was here to see it.” Marcie said.

Nicole rubbed her back and said, “I know, Marcie. She’ll be here though in spirit. She’s been looking out for you for a longtime.”

Marcie blinked back tears as she took Jennifer’s hand. “We know she’s going to be here in spirit.”

They all continued to drink, talk, and drink some more until the limo arrived to take them to the church. Sarah loved weddings, but she knew they would be standing for a long time through all the catholic blessings and the vows.

They all arrived at the church to find the guys waiting on them. This was the first-time Sarah had met Cole’s family. They seemed wonderful. His parents seemed like they were still deeply in love, after all the years they had been married.

The rehearsal went well, and Sarah was beaming when she walked back down the aisle and saw Coop waiting for her in the back of the church. After she finished her trip down the aisle, she left Cole’s brother and jumped into Coop’s arms.

“I’ve…kiss…missed…kiss…you…kiss…so much this week. Tuesday night just wasn’t enough time for me.” Sarah kissed Coop deeply tasting the mint of his mouthwash as their tongues dueled for supremacy.

Breaking the kiss, Coop looked at Sarah and saw the pure lust in her darkened chocolate eyes. “I’ve missed you too, baby.” Coop set Sarah down and took her hand leading her out of the church and to a waiting town car. Coop stood by while the driver opened the door for them and they settled in for the ride to Bones. “As hungry as I am right now, I’d rather take a few loops around the perimeter and ravage you instead.”

“Don’t worry about that right now. We have a very nice room at the St. Regis to accomplish that tonight.” Sarah took Coop’s hand and slid it up her thigh until she reached her bare center.

Coop was shocked by Sarah’s boldness, but even more stunned by the fact that again she wasn’t wearing any panties. Coop had to use every ounce of self-control he had to keep from pushing Sarah down in the seat and taking her right there. Thankfully, the driver pulled up to the valet stand and stopped the car, giving him a reprieve, but he was going to suffer through dinner, knowing what was waiting for him as dessert.

Dinner was great, but Sarah was so turned on that she couldn’t wait to get Coop back to the hotel room and strip him naked. She was ready to have her way with him to the point she wanted to throw him on the table and eat him instead of the succulent bone-in-filet she had sitting in front of her. As dinner went on, Sarah’s needs intensified especially when Coop decided to slide his hand up her thigh and play with her creamy center. Sarah was close to having a When Harry Met Sally style orgasm in the middle of the restaurant.

When everybody said their goodbyes, Sarah grabbed Coop’s hand and almost ran out of the restaurant dragging him behind her, which was almost comical given their size difference. By the time they got in the car, Sarah was ready to combust. She closed the divider between the passenger and driver compartment before straddling Coop’s lap and kissing him deeply. She could taste the bourbon on his tongue, as they performed a dueling tango. Sarah broke the kiss and worked her way off Coop’s lap. Her hands worked furiously to unbuckle his belt and free his throbbing erection. Sarah’s slim fingers encircled his shaft, and slowly stroked him up and down lowering her lips to the velvety crown, before she licked his shaft and took him deep in her throat massaging the crown as she swallowed. The motion of the car made her work easier and as they turned the corner towards the hotel, she felt Coop swell and then explode down her throat. Sarah sat up and straightened her dress, and put little Coop away just as the valet opened the door.

This time, it was Coop pulling Sarah behind him and racing to the elevator. As soon as the door closed, Coop pressed Sarah up against the mirrored wall and proceeded to give Sarah a punishing kiss. Coop was so on edge, he was ready to explode in his pants, and embarrass himself like a high school virgin. He didn’t care about the damn video footage. All he cared about was getting inside of her as soon as possible. Fortunately, it was a short elevator ride, and the doors were open before he could get on with the business at hand. Cole took the key from Sarah and shoved it in the lock, but for some reason, he couldn’t get it to turn green. Finally, after three tries, the door opened and they nearly fell inside.

Coop picked her up and held her against the wall, as he used his free hand to drop his pants and push inside of her. He nearly lost it at the feel of her tight, hot, wet heat that encased him. When Sarah started to undulate her hips, and move with him nestled inside of her, Coop had to call on the Holy Father, Jesus and the baseball Gods to keep from immediately falling over the edge. Taking control, Coop took her hands and pinned them to the wall before he started to thrust into her. This wasn’t their gentle love making, but one born of lust and need. Sarah’s moans spurred him on, and she clenched around him, he felt his release barrel down his spine just before he spilled his seed deep in her womb. Coop thanked God that he was strong and able to hold them both up, because he needed to get her to the sofa or the bed before he collapsed.

Sarah laid on top of Coop, stroking his chest as they tried to catch their breaths from their frantic love making. She had never been taken like that before, and the roughness had turned her on more than she had ever been turned on before. Not she had never had a quickie before, but this was something different. This wasn’t scratching an itch, it was filling a need in their souls. Sarah kissed Coop’s neck, and felt the power of his bounding pulse beneath her lips. She did that to him. She got him so excited that her heart wanted to beat out of her chest. That thought was so powerful it brought tears to her eyes.

“Baby, are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

“No…I’m just so happy. I’m so in love with you, and we always connect on such deeper level. I feel like every time we make love, you’re touching my heart and soul. Sorry for crying all over you.”

“Trust me, it’s okay. I love you too, and you can cry on me anytime.”

Sarah continued to lay in Coop’s arms thinking that this was how she wanted to end every night with Coop. She was done with foolish thoughts and wishful thinking. She was going to go through the depths of hell if she had to keep his love. Sarah moved enough to look into Coop’s eyes. She could stare into his azure blue eyes any day, but tonight they seemed brighter and more vivid. She could feel his breathing change, and she knew that he was aroused again. All she could do was hold on for the ride, as he nudged her over onto her back and moved between her legs. His erection was pinned against her thigh as he kissed her and moved his hands to cup her breasts. She shuddered as his thumbs brushed across her nipples, making them even more painfully erect. Sarah was about to shove his head down where she needed it most when he moved and took her nipple into his mouth, nipping and sucking. Her body shook as she neared another orgasm. Sarah knew her nipples were sensitive spots for her, even more so after Harry was born, but she had never orgasmed simply from having her nipples played with. So, when Coop moved to her other nipple and bit down on the taut nub she was surprised when she exploded.

Coop couldn’t wait any longer. As he moved to spread Sarah’s thighs, she wrapped her legs around his waist begging for him to enter her. Coop entered her in one thrust, feeling as if he was home. Every time he was with Sarah, he knew this was where he was supposed to be. Coop set a tortuously slow pace, his eyes never leaving hers. He felt the perspiration build and he watched a drop fall from his forehead and roll down the valley between her luscious breasts. This was right. This was what he had searched ten years for, to be with the woman who completed him. Even though he felt Sarah try to urge him on with her heels, he was not going to be deterred from taking his time and savoring this experience. Coop reached his hand between them and slowly stroked her clit as he felt himself getting closer and closer. Finally, Coop felt Sarah let go as she called out his name and took him into blissful oblivion with her.

As Coop rolled off Sarah and pulled her into his arms, he felt as if he had just run for an inside the park homerun. Coop, knew at that moment, no matter what else happened in life, he had won the greatest prize of all. As he laid there holding Sarah, he felt her finally relax and her breathing even out as she fell asleep. Coop couldn’t sleep if his life depended on it. He was so wound up, all he wanted to do was stay up all night with Sarah and keep making love to her. Coop kissed her on the head and whispered, “I love you, Sarah. You’re the one for me.”

As Coop laid there, he kept thinking about life with Sarah and what they could be together. He smiled at the thoughts he was having and finally drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Coop awoke to Sarah still laying in his arms, their legs entwined and her naked breasts pressed against his chest. This was going to be a great day. Now if he could just convince her that all their days should start like this he would be a happy man. Coop watched as Sarah slowly arose from her deep sleep and stared into her beautiful eyes.

“Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?”

“Good morning to you too, handsome. I slept very well. Especially with my own personal heater to snuggle up to,” Sarah said as she stretched up to kiss Coop’s lips. “I wish I could stay like this all day, but I have to get ready, we have hair, nails, and makeup that has to be done, and we’re having a brunch before we get started.”

“I understand. I have to get ready and meet the other guys, so we can be ready for our bat archway salute to Cole and Marcie. I’ll miss you, but I’ll see you at the wedding and then at the reception. I love you, Sarah Buckley. Don’t forget that today.”

“I love you, too, Harrison Cooper and I couldn’t if I tried.” Sarah kissed him bye and walked out the door.

Sarah arrived at Marcie’s suite to find everyone standing around waiting for breakfast, the smile on Marcie’s face was well worth all the planning and meetings they had been through. She walked over and hugged Marcie and kissed her on the cheek. “Ready to get married?”

“More than you know. I can’t wait for Cole to see me in my dress and then become his wife. This is the start of my new life.”

“I’m so happy for you. Cole is the best man for you, and will give you a lifetime of love and happiness.”

Everyone sat down to eat as the food was delivered. They enjoyed the Eggs Benedict and Mimosas. By the time they had finished eating, the makeup, hair, and nail people had arrived. They all took their turns and by three o’clock, they had been pampered and made ready for the wedding. They took their gowns and accessories and headed down to the limos for the ride to the church. The ride was short, but everyone seemed be getting giddier with each passing mile.

The bride’s room at the church was set up exactly as they had specified. They had champagne, strawberries, and chocolate for the bride and bridesmaids with cider for the teenagers. Although, she had seen Nicole and Marcie slipping them a little champagne to toast with everyone else. The time came for them to get dressed as they saw the guests starting to arrive.

Sarah had peaked out the door and saw Harrison helping to escort people down the aisle with the other groomsmen. She smiled at how handsome he looked in his tux, and thought about how good he was going to look out of his tux.

With everyone dressed, Sarah, Nicole, Erin and Cole’s mom all stood around Marcie and her mother admiring how beautiful she was in her dress.

“You look gorgeous in that dress Marcie, but it seems to be missing a few things.” Sarah said.

Cole’s mom stepped up first. “This is your something borrowed. Cole’s grandmother wore these pearls on her wedding day as did I, and so shall you.” She said as she stepped behind Marcie and draped the pearls around her neck.

Marcie’s mom handed her a handkerchief. “This was your great-grandmother’s. Each of the women in our family has carried it on their wedding day.”

Trying to fight back the tears, Marcie said, “Thanks, mom.”

Nicole was next. “This is your something blue.” She said as she bent down to slide the blue garter belt up Marcie’s leg.

Erin said, “Don’t forget your something new.” As she opened a Tiffany’s box to display a new pair of pearl earrings to match the necklace.

Finally, Sarah said, “And a six-pence for your shoe.” As she bent over and placed the six pence in Marcie’s Louboutin heel. “You know, a sixpence in this day and age was not easy to find, but a little hard work and the internet helped me to find one. Let me tell you that it costs a bit more than six pence.”

They all watched as Marcie started to tear up. “No. You’ll ruin your makeup.” They all said in unison.

Marcie smiled at everyone, hugging them all just as a knock came through the door and the priest poked his head in and told them it was time.

They all lined up as Wagner’s Bridal Chorus began to play. Sarah was fourth in line and would be paired with Jackson when it was all said and done. She took her que and walked down the aisle, instantly spotting Coop sitting on the aisle watching every step she took and never taking his eyes off her. As Sarah stood at the front of the church, she never let her eyes stray from Coop, even as Marcie came down the aisle. She turned her attention to the ceremony up front and had to fight back tears as she watched the love between Cole and Marcie shine. She knew that Marcie was sad because April wasn’t here.

The priest went through the sacraments of marriage and the blessings of the Virgin Mary before turning to the happy couple and giving them a chance to say their own vows.

Cole had to fight back the happy tears, he was about to shed as he looked into Marcie’s eyes and held her hands. “Marcie, I thought my life was over and that I would never love again until I met you. You brought the light back into my life, and helped me find love again. I never could’ve imagined that fate would bring us together like it did, but we found each other and found love. You are my heart, my life, and my soul. I can’t imagine a life without you and as I stand here today, I know that I never will. I love you for now and forever.”

Marcie couldn’t stop the tears from falling. She took a moment to collect herself before she began. “Cole, I fell in love with you the first time we ever danced. The way that I fit into your body, it was as if God had made me for you. Even though we had both lost the same person, you came into my life and taught me how to live again. You have made me your family, but I love you for making Jennifer your family even more. When once we were individuals, now we are a family of three, and honestly, I can’t wait to grow our love and our family. You are my life, my heart, and my love. You will have my love from this day forward and it will only grow stronger. I love you now and forever.”

Sarah watched as both Cole and Marcie dried their tears and turned back to face the priest. She watched the priest take the rings and present them to each of them.

“Cole and Marcie have selected their own words to exchange rings.” The priest said.

“Marcie, with this ring I thee wed. To have and to hold from this day forward. I will always be your rock whether we are healthy or sick and I promise to bring you all the chicken soup you ever need. Whether we are rich or poor, our love will stand the test of time.” With his final words, Cole slid the ring onto Marcie’s finger.

“Cole, with this ring I thee wed. To have and to hold from this day forward. I will hold you when you’re happy and hold you when you’re sad. I can’t wait to be your partner in sickness and in health, and if we find ourselves poor, I’ll just ask Lincoln for a raise.” A chuckle arose from the congregation. “I will love you until I breathe my last breath.” With her final words, Marcie slid the ring onto Cole’s finger.

“With the power invested in me by the State of Georgia, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride”

Cole wrapped his arms around Marcie and dipped her as he kissed her deeply in front of God and the congregation.

“I present to you for the first time as man and wife, Dr. and Mrs. Cole Ryan. However, we have a special treat for you all today. Jennifer, will you please join Cole and Marcie.”

Sarah watched as Jennifer got a surprised look on her face and walked up the steps. Just as Jennifer arrived at the top between Marcie and Cole, Sarah watched as a black robed judge stepped up to stand in front of them.

“For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Judge James. I was thrilled when Cole and Marcie asked me to be a part of this wonderfully momentous occasion. You see today, is not just about Marcie and Cole starting their life together, today is about the joining of these three people together to make a family whole. Jennifer, do you want to be legally adopted by Cole and Marcie?”

Tears gathered in her eyes as she realized the gravity of what was happening. “Yes, with all of my heart.”

“Do you, Cole and Marcie, pledge to raise Jennifer in a loving household and ensure that she continues to grow into the fine young woman that stands before us today?”

“We do.” They said in unison.

“Then by the power vested in me, by the State of Georgia, I legally grant the adoption petition filed by these three people. Congratulations on your adoption.”

The priest stepped back up and said, “Ladies and gentlemen I proudly present Cole, Marcie and Jennifer Ryan.”

Everyone stood and applauded as the family made their way back down the aisle to Mendelssohn’s Wedding March.

Sarah was giddy with excitement as she marched back down the aisle to the front steps of the church. They all stood to the side as Cole and Marcie walked down the steps through an arch of bats that the new team had done for them. Sarah watched as Marcie smiled at Cole. She hoped that one day that would be Coop and her walking through the bat arch.

Once everyone left for the reception, the wedding party stayed behind to take pictures. Sarah hoped they were quick, because she was starving and ready to be with Coop.

Finally, the pictures were done, the wedding party made its way to the High Museum of Art for the reception. As they entered the museum, Sarah saw Coop standing off to the side She couldn’t wait to get the receiving line over with so they could get to the fun part of the evening.

With the receiving line completed, she found Coop and took him to their table, but before she could get them there, Coop pulled him into his chest and kissed her silly.

“I’ve been waiting to do that all afternoon. God, you taste so good, like champagne and chocolate.”

“You don’t taste so bad yourself stud.”

They walked hand in hand to the head table and found their seats. Everything was so beautiful. Marcie was a wizard at planning and they had pulled off a magnificent event. Sarah felt Coop’s hand squeeze hers as they sat there.

“Thinking about our wedding?”

“What? Noooo. Just thinking about how great of a job Marcie did planning this. You know they got engaged by the Monet Exhibit. That’s her favorite artist. Rumor has it that her sister wrote her a letter to be opened if she didn’t make it back and the letter said that she hoped she was happy with Cole because she sent her to him to heal and love.”

“That is either the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard or the creepiest.”

Sarah laughed. “I know what you mean. If something happens to you please don’t come back and haunt me.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t come back to haunt you. I love you too much to do that.”

After they finished dinner, the band started up and Coop led Sarah to the dance floor. He pulled her against him and swayed to the slow song that was promising love and a long life together. One song melted into another and when they finished the set Coop led Sarah over to the bar for drinks.

They patiently waited for the happy couple to cut the cake. Once the cake was cut and the happy couple left to start their honeymoon, Sarah told Coop she needed to stick around and help collect the presents and make sure everything was taken care of before they left.

Nicole and Lincoln walked up to them and she said, “You two get out of here. Erin and I can handle this. Plus, we have the girls to help us out. Go enjoy your time together we’ve got this.”

Coop didn’t need any more encouragement, he swept Sarah off her feet and practically ran out of the museum to their waiting car. He carried her into the car and sat her on his lap kissing her as the car pulled away. “Let’s see if you have any surprises for me tonight.” Coop said as he slid his hand up Sarah’s thigh to find a bare mound weeping with anticipation of his touch. His thumb brushed her clit and he felt her shiver under his touch. He knew they weren’t far from the hotel, so he just kept up his strokes and felt her building towards a climax. Coop felt Sarah bury her head in his neck and bite down on the tendons to muffle her cries of ecstasy. Coop straightened Sarah’s dress and then adjusted himself as not to surprise the valet. He let Sarah precede him out of the car, to block his erection.

They made it into the hotel without any commotion. Coop was glad there were no autograph seekers to impede their journey. They were in the elevator and then room before either one of them spoke.

Sarah pulled Coop into the room and pushed his jacket off his shoulders before ripping his shirt open sending his studs flying across the room. Her lips attacked his chest as her hands worked his pants down pulling his boxer briefs with them. Before Sarah could react, her dress was unzipped and pooling at her feet. She wrapped her arms around Coop’s neck and jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his hips and used her hand to guide him home. Sarah used her leverage to pump up and down on Coop’s manhood. She rode him hard, screaming out his name as she finally exploded around him and going limp in his arms.

Coop pumped twice more before falling over the edge and spilling into Sarah. He carried her over to the bed and laid down cradling her in his arms and pulling her close. After the exhausting day they had, they both fell asleep quickly holding onto each other.

Sarah awoke the next morning, looking at Coop as he slept, wondering if this could be the last time they would be together like this. If she had her way, she was going to fight for him to the bitter end. With those thoughts, a tear escaped and rolled down her cheeks landing on Coop’s chest.

“Now, come on sweetheart. Waking up next to me can’t be that bad. I know I need to brush my teeth, but that’s no reason to cry.”

“I’m just happy. For the first time in a long time I can finally see the finish line to my life and being with you makes me happy. I love you.”

“I love you too. I’m not going anywhere, baby. I promise. Well except to spring training but I’ll be back. Come on now. Let’s take a shower and then I’ll feed you before you have to head home.” Coop leaned down and took Sarah’s lips in a soft kiss that made her shed even more tears.

They showered together and enjoyed a couple of more orgasms before getting dressed and checking out of the room.

Brunch was delicious, but it still managed to sit like a rock in Sarah’s stomach. How many more of these days will we have like this?

Coop paid for brunch and walked Sarah to her car, where he kissed her goodbye. “I’ll call you later, baby. Drive safely. I love you.”

“I love you, too. Don’t get another ticket. I think they just sit and wait for you to roll into Forsyth County, so they can get you to pay for something else.”

Coop laughed and kissed her one more time, before closing the door and letting her drive away.





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