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A Husband for Christmas by Brown, Beau (11)

Chapter Eleven



After my announcement admitting I’d like to have sex tonight, Jax seemed a little flustered. Perhaps he was worried it would confuse things between us more. I didn’t think it would. I understood the score. He wanted a husband in name only. He wanted a happy family, but not one where he was expected to play the loving alpha. I knew the rules, but I still wanted to sleep with him.

Later in the evening, as we ate roast beef sandwiches prepared by Mrs. Lane, I watched Jax. Bumping into Henry had definitely made me jealous. It wasn’t logical, but meeting that other omega had triggered something inside of me. Possessiveness had curled in my gut knowing Henry had slept with Jax, when I hadn’t. He was my alpha. Mine. Maybe he didn’t love me, but he was still my alpha. I belonged to him, and he needed to claim me. Who knew how many other omegas we’d run into who might have slept with Jax? I needed his bite mark on my neck so that all other omegas knew we belonged to each other. Business deal or not.

The realization that we were finally going to sleep together, had me giddy. Jax was excited too. I’d seen the hunger in his eyes. He’d tried to hide it, but it had been there. Of course it had been there, we’d been sexually attracted to each other since the day we met. We’d only waited to consummate the marriage because Jax had been respectful. I appreciated that, but I was tired of denying myself the certain pleasure having Jax would bring me. It was hard enough knowing we’d never love each other, or at least, he’d never love me. But not enjoying sex too? That was beyond cruel. No… it was time we made this marriage official in all ways.

We spent the evening talking and laughing. I really enjoyed being around Jax, and he seemed to enjoy me too. When the clock struck nine, I glanced at Jax. He sat staring at the tree, his jaw tense. I smiled because he looked so uneasy. Was he worried I’d regret this? Or was it something else? Maybe something to do with Thomas? But that made no sense, he’d had sex with other omegas since losing Thomas. Maybe he was thinking of how he would rather have done all of this with Thomas. Yeah, that I could see. I could just imagine Jax beating himself up with guilt because Thomas wasn’t here with him, and I was.

I tried to ignore how that made me feel. I didn’t want to go into this feeling insecure. It was bad enough that Jax thought about Thomas all the time. I didn’t need to start fixating on him too.

I cleared my throat. “I’m ready for bed. How about you?”

He flicked his gaze to mine, and he nodded slowly. “I’ve been ready all evening.”

My face warmed, and I stood. His gaze roved over my body, and he made no attempt to hide his lust. Usually, he’d have glanced away, but now? No. He stared and didn’t seem to care if I noticed. I’d given him permission and he was taking it. I moved to the door and he followed, trailing up the stairs behind me. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled because I could feel his gaze on me.

Once we reached the landing, he took my hand and led me to his room. His room was dark and cool, the scent of his spicy cologne hung in the air. My pulse began to race as he closed the door and faced me. I’d never been claimed. Dale and I had talked about it, but thank God, he’d never actually claimed me. Thinking back, that should have been a warning sign. He should have insisted on marking what was his. But he hadn’t, and I’d still wasted four years on him.

He moved closer and he cupped my cheek. “You sure about this?” His serious gaze searched my face.

I nodded. “You’re my alpha.”


“I want others to know that.”

“Do you?”

“Yeah. I didn’t marry you so it could be a secret.”

“True. Well, I don’t have a problem claiming you, Rider. If that’s what you want.” He licked his lips, and then he leaned in and kissed me.

The feel of his mouth on mine made me whimper with need. He slipped his arm around my waist and tugged me closer. As I folded into his body, his erection was impossible to miss. This was real. It was finally happening. My stomach clenched with desire, and I felt a tiny bit light headed from excitement. He kissed a trail from my mouth to my neck, stopping to nip the tender skin now and then. Then his hot mouth returned to mine, teasing and tasting me slowly. I’d expected him to ravage me hungrily, and take what he wanted. But he didn’t. His kisses were soft and coaxing, as if he enjoyed exploring my mouth. I’d almost forgotten how it felt to be kissed by someone who liked me. Things had become so contentious with Dale toward the end, sex had been angry and just about getting off. This was nice. Affectionate, but also hot.

I threaded my fingers into his soft hair, tugging him closer; needing more. Our tongues tangled, and we shared puffs of breath, licking and sucking. He groaned and slid his hands down my back, cupping my ass through my jeans.

“We need to lose the clothes,” he rasped.

I nodded, my trembling fingers going to the snaps of my jeans. He stepped back, his eyes never leaving me, as he slid out of his pants and underwear. His cock was thick and ruddy, poking up proudly from his trimmed dark thatch of hair. He was uncut, and the pink tip glistened with precum as it peeked from the foreskin. I pushed my jeans and briefs down in one move, stepping out of them unsteadily. He grabbed my hand to balance me, and then we were together again, chests pressed tight, and mouths joined. Kissing had never been so good. He tasted of whiskey and him. Some undefinable thing that made his taste his.

We kissed as he walked me backwards, and when the back of my knees bumped the mattress, he gave me a gentle push and I collapsed on the bed. I laughed and scooted up toward the pillows, and he followed, looking like a tiger stalking its prey. My heart banged and I was breathless at the salacious look in his eyes. His eyes were almost black with lust, and his shoulders bunched as he gripped my thighs, and pushed my legs open. He leaned down and buried his face in my crotch, inhaling and groaning. I wheezed with pleasure as he took my cock into his mouth, his fingers squeezing my balls gently.

“Oh, fuck,” I hissed, digging my feet into the mattress. “Yeah, suck me.”

And suck me he did. His suction was hot and perfect, not too hard, not too soft. He licked and kissed the head of my dick, the length, nuzzling the base softly. Then he swallowed me again, deep into his throat, and I whimpered and begged for more. I was embarrassed about the noises I made, but incapable of stopping. It felt so fucking good. Jax’s dark lashes fanned out against his cheeks as he concentrated on pleasuring me. I tangled my fingers in his hair again, pumping into his mouth. The friction was almost too good, and my body trembled with the need to come.

He pulled off of my dick, and grabbed the lube from the nightstand. He slathered his cock, holding my gaze, and then he knelt between my legs, and I lifted my legs, offering myself to him. His gaze fell to my hole and he sucked in a breath, licking his lips. “So beautiful,” he muttered. “I can’t wait to fuck you.”

I gasped when he pushed one lubed finger into my hole, slowly parting the tight muscles. “Oh, God,” I whimpered.

“You’re so fucking tight.” His eyes glittered as he pushed his finger deeper and deeper, pulling it out and pushing it back in.

“Fuck me. Please, I need your cock inside me.”

He smiled and just kept working my hole, teasing and caressing until I was about to shoot. Finally, he withdrew his fingers and lowered my legs, covering my body with his. He buried his face in my neck, and he flexed his hips, sliding his cock against mine. The slide of delicate flesh was so good, and I tugged at his hips, wanting it all. He rubbed and rolled his body on mine, our cocks rubbing and leaking as my dick hardened almost painfully. His breath was hot on the skin of my neck, and he dragged his teeth over my flesh.

“Oh, God,” I whispered, knowing this was it. He was going to claim me now. I was terrified and excited, needing it, even as I feared it.

He lifted his head, his lips swollen from our kisses, and his eyes bright. “You want me to claim you?”

I admired his self-control, I wasn’t sure I shared it. “Yes.” I nodded. “Claim me. Mark me.”

The excitement in his eyes intensified, and he smiled. Then without another word, he lowered his head and sank his teeth into my neck. The agony of the bite made me cry out, but when he also pushed his cock slowly into my body, everything changed. The ecstasy mixed perversely with the pain, sending shudders of pleasure through me. My flesh crackled with electricity as he sucked against my flesh, and thrust deep. I arched my back and almost wanted to cry it felt so good, my neck throbbed and my cock was so hard it hurt. I humped against his body, needing friction on my dick. My hands dug into his back, and I dragged my nails down his spine. I had little doubt I drew blood, but none of that mattered as our twisted instinct drove us to mate.

I tightened my inner muscles on his cock, and Jax pumped into me hard, growling against my neck. Maybe I should have been scared because I could feel his lack of control, but I wasn’t. I too was under the spell of the claiming, and I just needed him to keep doing what he was doing to me, no matter what the cost. I wrapped my legs around him and I met each thrust, grunting with every punishing lunge, shuddering on the edge of climax.

“Mine,” he rasped, sucking at my skin. He lifted his head and kissed me, and I tasted my blood and precum on his tongue.

“Come in me alpha,” I begged. I felt frenzied and desperate. My skin was hot and overly sensitive, and my cock throbbed between our bodies. I needed to come, but I knew I’d be unable to do that until he filled me with his seed. It was as if my body knew to wait. Our bodies were in sync, molding into one another, preparing to mate.

Sweat dripped from his forehead and splashed on my lips as he pounded into me. “I’m going to come in you, and you’ll have my baby.”

I nodded, desperate and writhing beneath him. “Yes. Yes.”

His muscles bulged in his neck, and his cock swelled inside me. He widened his eyes, and panted. “Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.”

His cock jerked deep inside me, and he came hard. I came too, my cock pumping against his hard abs, and spilling my release down my sides. The second he exploded in me, I gasped and something happened. It was as if my insides opened like a flower, accepting his seed, and we quivered and shook against each other. My neck ached from his bite, and my body felt bruised as he gave two last clumsy thrusts. Then he collapsed on me, and my ass still quaked and trembled around his dick, milking every last drop of creamy release.

I was weak, and it was hard to breathe with his weight on me, but I also felt satiated and warm. I’d never come that hard in my life, and the tingle of his bite gave me a sense of peace. I’d finally been claimed by an alpha. My alpha. I didn’t have to be afraid of never having babies because he’d marked me with his seed. I had little doubt I was pregnant. It was rare that an omega didn’t get pregnant during the claiming. Happiness swept through me at the thought of our future children, and I wrapped my arms around Jax.

He lifted his head, looking dazed. “Are you okay?”

I grinned. “Yes.”

He winced, looking embarrassed. “I was out of control. I… I just wanted to climb inside your body.”

“Felt good.”

“Yeah.” He licked his lips. “It did.” He rolled his hips, and I gasped at the tingling sensations that went through me. “I can’t wait to do it again.”

I shivered. “Yes.”

We cleaned off with tissues, and then he surprised me by pulling me into his arms. I thought maybe he’d want me to return to my room, but apparently not. I rested my head on his shoulder, and sighed. I couldn’t remember a time when I’d felt like everything was right with the world. It seemed silly that something as small as Jax claiming me could give me such joy, but it did. Of course, maybe it wasn’t so small. The survival of our kind relied on procreation, and the alpha omega bond was the most important part of that.

He caressed his fingers lightly down my spine. “This is good.”

“Which part?”

“Having you in my bed. You should sleep in here from now on.”

I frowned. “Really?”

“Why not?”

I sat up on my elbow, staring down at him. “I’m not sure that’s the best way to keep from being emotionally involved.”

He studied my face, looking confused. “But I want you in here.”

I laughed. “Why?”

He traced his finger along my jaw, down my throat to my nipple. I jerked when he pinched me, and I scowled. He just grinned. “Why do you think?”

“For sex?”

He shrugged. “Is that a bad thing?”

“No. I know that I’m here for sex. But sleeping in the same room… it feels intimate.”

“I suppose.” He wrinkled his forehead. “Wait. And sex isn’t?”

“That kind of has to happen to have a kid.”

“True. But we did discuss sleeping together for pleasure too.”

“I know. But sharing a bedroom, that feels different.”

Sighing, he added, “Okay, but wanting you all the time is a big distraction. If you shared my bed, we could fuck in the morning, and then I could work throughout the day without thinking about sex.”

I grimaced. “Um… wow.”


“I’m not sure how to verbalize how that makes me feel.” I laid back down, rolling onto my back so that we weren’t touching.

“Are you mad?”

“No… not mad.” What was I exactly? I had no illusions of why he’d married me; I was here to give him kids, which equaled sex when needed. So why had what he’d said bothered me? Maybe I didn’t like the idea of him only wanting me around so he could use me like a blow up doll?

He turned onto his side. “Look, I know I stressed that I wanted a husband in name only. But… I like you.” He stopped and frowned. “I’m surprised how much I enjoy your company. I’d like to be closer than business partners.”

I was surprised, but happy to hear that. “I’d like that.”

He smiled. “Good. Obviously, I want sex with you. That’s no secret. But I also kind of like the idea of falling asleep with you in my arms, or waking up with you here in my bed. I know that wasn’t exactly the deal we made, but I’d be happy to adjust my way of thinking.”

“I suppose I could suffer through that.” I laughed. I was happy to hear he was rethinking things. It gave me hope that maybe in time, if things went well, we could be a real couple. I didn’t want to get my hopes up too high, but this was a good sign.

He flopped onto his back, and patted his chest. “Now get over here. I want to cuddle.”

Feeling lighthearted, I scooted over and put my arm around him, pressing close. “Who knew you liked to cuddle.”

“Don’t tell anyone.”

“I won’t. Although Henry might have already told everyone.” I shouldn’t have added that last bit. I wasn’t even sure why I did. Jealousy?

He didn’t get mad though, he laughed. “I didn’t cuddle with Henry.”

“Oh.” I was ridiculously happy to hear that.

He stroked my hair, and he sighed. “Thomas and you are the only two I’ve ever wanted to cuddle.”

I stilled, not sure how to react. I was touched that he’d shared that with me, but I didn’t want to read too much into it. I kissed his shoulder, and sighed. “That’s nice to know.” I nestled closer to him, feeling content. Maybe there was hope for us after all.