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Anchored: Book One of The Crashing Tides Duet by Ruby Rowe (39)



I take a deep breath before I open the door of my penthouse loft at The Mercer Hotel on the Lower East Side.

“Hi, come in.”

Elliott steals a glance at my body. I’m wearing a silky cream pajama tank and matching pants that are outlined with black lace. He smiles with approval before he holds up a bouquet of red roses.

“I thought you might want something to brighten up the place.”

“That’s thoughtful of you.” He follows me to the kitchen, and I find a glass to put them in. Once I face him again, I clasp my hands in front of me and notice his hair is damp.

“Did you just shower?”

“Yeah, at the hospital.”

“I thought you never went home at night on the days you work.”

“That was before there was a reason to leave. You’re a damn good reason.” He stalks toward me, and my nerves become heightened, the danger alarms sounding in my head.

“Aren’t you tired? I know I am from working and moving my shit here. The weekend was hectic, too.”

He doesn’t stop coming at me until he’s right at my toes and holding my head, leaving me no choice but to stare up at him.

“I know what you’re doing, and I keep wondering when you’re going to see it, too.”

“What’s that?”

“You’re stalling the inevitable between us, and I think you’re doing it because you’re worried that once you feel me inside of you, there’ll be no going back. You won’t be able to doubt us. The wall you’ve been hiding behind to protect your heart will vanish.”

“Exactly, and how do I know you won’t break it once it’s vulnerable?”

“Because your heart has been my anchor.”

Feeling that very heart in my throat, I swallow.


“I never got to tell you the other reason I gave you the necklace. It was to symbolize that I was anchored to you. The night Rebecca died wasn’t the first time I’d done stupid shit like drinking and driving.

“I vowed on your birthday, while putting the necklace around your neck, that I’d never drink and drive again, and I would think of you like an anchor, one that would keep me in check.

“I’d remember what you sacrificed for me when you took the blame for the accident, and I’d become the best damn doctor I could be. I’d save lives and not stray off course.”

“Really?” I whisper.

“Yes. I knew if I imagined you wearing it, I could survive anything. I wouldn’t give up or throw my future away.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Say that you believe I never wanted to leave you behind.”

“I believe you.”

“Now, if you can tell me that you don’t want to date me”–he slides his fingers into the back of my hair and grips it–“and that you don’t imagine me touching and kissing every inch of your body before I fuck it”–he stares down at me with stormy eyes, his intentions roiling in his grey irises–“then I’ll walk out that door.

“But aside from that one lie you told years ago, you’re as honest as they come, so tell me what I already know, what you feel between those sexy legs.”

With his free hand, he covers my thudding heart and clutches my hair even tighter. “Say it, Sailor Girl. Tell me you want me right now.”

“I do. I want you.”

Slamming his lips to mine, he kisses me rough and deep while keeping a firm hold on my hair. I moan, and as if he can’t be inside me fast enough, he grabs my ass and hoists me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and let him carry me to the bedroom.

After laying me on the king-size bed, he strips off his jeans and sweatshirt, and as I watch him get naked, I’m reminded of his long, thick cock. It’s in proportion with his towering height and, um, big feet that are exposed now like the rest of him.

Pulling my silky tank over my head, he tosses it to the floor and plunges his tongue inside my mouth. We share another spine-tingling kiss before he trails his lips down my throat and chest to my hardened pink nipples.

God, I’ve wanted this for so long, and it’s surreal that it’s finally happening.

He swirls his tongue around the stiff bud, and I grab hold of his blond hair and arch against his mouth. He sucks on my nipple forcefully, the sounds erotic, and I cry out when he bites down and pulls it between his teeth.

He’s not gentle with my body, but he’s not so rough I can’t handle it. Palming my other breast, he squeezes it and incites louder moans with each tug of my nipple.

“Yes, moan, baby.” Lifting his head, he pins me with an intense look. “When I leave here, you’re going to dream about me fucking you.”

He skims his open mouth up my chest to my throat and my ear. “Waking up with your pussy aching, you’ll be wishing I was between your legs again,” he whispers.

“Elliott.” It’s as if I need him to pop the cork on my bottled-up desire. Years of longing and fantasies are finally being set free, and I’m not fighting it or afraid.

I’m enthralled and curious, and as he kisses his way down my stomach, I flinch and grapple for breath. He’s going to set my body on fire. I’m sure of it.

Stepping off the bed, he grabs hold of my pajama pants and thong and pulls them off my legs.

“Get on all fours facing the headboard,” he commands. I stare at him, wondering if he’s going to fuck me like he watched Jake do.

I roll over and get up on all fours, and feeling his hands clamp around my thighs, I gasp. He’s underneath me on his back, his mouth right beneath my crotch.

“I want your pussy on my face, Sailor. Tomorrow, you’ll be remembering your arms and legs shaking around me as I made you come.” Pulling on my thighs, he lowers me, so I bend my arms, giving him what he wants.

He blows his breath on me first, and it’s as if he’s fanning the fire so it’ll only grow stronger. The second he sucks the hood of my clit between his lips, I raise up, the sensation unexpected.

He yanks me back down and licks me repeatedly. His evening stubble rubs against my inner thighs, and my arms are already shaking.

I close my eyes, savoring all the pleasure he’s delivering. I’m grounded to the moment as he licks and sucks. Moans sail from my lips as ecstasy drives my body closer to its release.

“Fucking Christ, those sounds, baby.”

Like he knows I’m close, he backs off with the pressure and faintly flicks at my clit, finding that one spot that will cause me to lose all control, and it works in no time.

My eyes are blinded from the light behind them, the shower of colors a show to accompany the onslaught of pleasure, the explosion like no other.

My arms want to give way, and the second I feel him move out from under me, I collapse on my stomach. While basking in the warm sensations blanketing me, I think I hear him getting a condom. He better freaking wear a condom.

“Roll onto your back.” I find the energy to do what he says, and he stalks on all fours over my body. “There’s so much I plan to do to you, but since it feels like our first time again, I’ll go easy. I want to watch your face as I make you orgasm.”

Resting on his forearms, he wedges himself between my legs and thrusts into me. I feel the stretch from the girth of his cock, the notable fullness from his length, too, and looking up, I find him staring down at me.

He slows his thrusts, and as his fingers gently play in my hair, he rocks into me.

We reconnect.

We remember.

We love again.

“You’re radiant, your scarlet cheeks against your raven hair, and right now, you’re all mine.” He picks up speed again, and I lift my legs to wrap them around his hips.

He manages to bury his cock deeper, groaning in the process, and it’s not long before we’re coming together. My heels dig against his firm ass as he flings his head back, the pleasure owning him, and right now … he’s mine.

Elliott was also right. The wall I’d built is gone, and after what he said about the necklace, I trust him. I’ve been holding back, but it’s not only because of the reasons he said.

It’s because I feared I’d see a future with two men, and now I do. I don’t want to give up either of them.