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Back-Up by A.m Madden (19)

Chapter 19 – Leila


I promised Jack that I would be at the barbeque today. I’ve made excuses the last few times the band went out after rehearsals and he called me out on it. He said he would drive to Hoboken to come get me if necessary. I just haven’t been in the right frame of mind to play the “we are friends” act outside the safety of the studio.

Plus, I’ve been worried about Evan. I would cancel any plans in a heartbeat if Evan needed me. The problem is he doesn’t. It’s an excuse I conjured up in my head. He and the boys are down the shore at their first band competition. Lori and Alisa are with them and Nina has resumed my place. My former life has gone on without me. It’s a good thing, they need to move on, and so do I. But it still stings not being part of my old entourage any longer. This is a huge milestone for them, and I wish I could be there just to witness it. However, I’m no longer a member of Cliffhangers, and they don’t need me tagging along. 

Since there has been no dire emergency requiring my presence, I will be spending the day with Devil’s Lair. Today I will have to deal with Jack and my feelings for him without the distraction of work. It had to happen sometime, with the tour weeks away and the fact I will very soon be living on a bus with him twenty-four-seven. I guess there’s no time better than Independence Day. It’s pretty symbolic of my life right now.

I baked a bunch of my brownies and bought a case of beer. It’s really hot outside and after spending way too much time on what I should wear I decide on shorts and a tank top. I don’t want to look like I tried too hard, but I don’t want to look like a slob either. Truth be told I did spend a little extra time on my hair and make-up.

I’m on my way and thinking to myself, “well, here goes nothing”.

Schlepping the four flights of stairs with all my crap has me sweating my ass off already, and wilting my hair-do. These guys better have their air conditioning cranked up.

Hunter opens the door, smiling from ear to ear. “Hey Leila, missed you.” He says pulling me in to the cool apartment…thank God.

“I saw you yesterday. You are so much like my Evan.” I grin until I realize what I said. Hunter doesn’t seem to notice, and grabs the beer and brownies out of my arms.

“Wait. Are these your homemade brownies?”

“Yes, why?”

“Oh my God. I had one bite of the left over’s you sent home with Jack. First of all, I love you. Second of all, he almost beat the crap out of me for taking just one bite and it’s left me craving them since.”

“Well it’s a good thing I made a double batch. I won’t tell him if you want to hide some.”

Hunter takes the platter of brownies into the kitchen, wraps a bunch of them in foil, and runs to his room, leaving me in hysterics.

Trey is on the couch watching TV. There is no sign of Scott or Jack. “Hey, Trey.” I say walking past him.

“Hey.” He simply says. He is a man of few words. I don’t buy a thing Lori tells me about her and Trey talking for hours and hours. She must be delusional.

Hunter comes out of his room grinning like he has a mad secret. He leans in and whispers, “I owe you one.”

“You owe me fifty bucks or I squeal like a pig.” Trey quips, never taking his eyes off the TV.

“Worth every penny.”

Giggling, I follow Hunter into the kitchen and ask, “Where are Jack and Scott?”

He turns to look at me and waits a second before he responds. “Um, Jack and Scott are on the roof, no doubt arguing on how to start a barbeque.” I smirk at the image of a rock star trying to start a barbeque.

There are burgers and hot dogs on the counter as well as different salads, chips, and all the necessary trimmings. I nod at the spread laid out. “I’m impressed. You boys know how to throw a barbeque.”

Hunter smiles and says, “It’s all Scott. He is a bit of a foodie. We could give a crap about…pesto pasta salad?” I laugh out loud as he points to the green concoction and is obviously repeating what Scott told him it was called.

Scott walks over holding a long spatula and says, “Fuck off. You never complain while you are shoveling my food into your face.” He turns to me. “Please tell me you appreciate my pesto pasta salad, Leila.”

I smile back and say, “Hell yes. This one looks better than mine. I may need the recipe.”

“See? She knows food too. Jackass.” He says to Hunter.

Hunter simply says back, “She’s a girl.”

“Quit yapping like women over the menu. I’m fucking starving.” Trey pipes in from the couch.

“Then get your ass up and go explain to Jack how to light a grill or we will be ordering in pizza.” Scott retorts, making me laugh again. “He is so fucking stubborn.” These guys need a woman to take control.

“I’ll go.” I say to Scott.

Hunter immediately says, “I’ll come with you.”

We both head for the roof, and as soon as we are on the stairwell Hunter stops and holds my arm. “I haven’t had a chance to talk to you alone, but I want you to know if you ever need to talk, I’m a good listener.”

The look on my face must have prompted him to explain. “You’ve been…quiet.”

“Has it been that obvious?”

“Not to them, but I noticed. I did ask Jack what was wrong. All he said was you had some personal stuff going on. I just wanted you to know I’m here if you need me.”

I’m touched by his concern. He truly is a nice guy. “Hunter I really appreciate that. It means a lot to me.”

“I mean ever word of it.”

He pulls me into a hug...a warm, friendly hug.  “Let’s go check on him before he burns the building down.”

Giggling at that visual, I follow him up to the roof.

The second we step outside the smoke assaults us. We can barely see Jack in the corner from the plume of smoke surrounding him. Incessant coughing clues us into his exact location. Hunter turns to me with his raised eyebrows and says, “I told you so.” 

Jack turns towards the sound of my giggling with tears streaming from his eyes.

Hunter and I walk up to the grill. “Where’s the flame?”

Jack looks annoyed, hot, and sweaty and like he is going to slug Hunter. I bite down on my lip to stop from laughing. Once he looks at me, his face breaks out into a smile. “I’m working on it.”

Hunter shakes his head and says, “We’d like to eat before Labor Day. I brought a professional.” He turns towards me. “Leila, please start our grill.”

Jack waves towards the grill and says, “Have at it.” 

“Such pressure.” I grab the lighter fluid and matches from Jack’s hand. “You’ve over saturated the briquettes. Do you have newspaper?”

They look at me like I’m speaking a foreign language, then turn to look at each other, neither of them moving. Finally Hunter huffs, “I’ll get it.” He stalks toward the door.

“What’s a briquette?” Jack asks. I shake my head and openly laugh at him. “They have no faith in me.” He adds.

“Gee, I wonder why?”

“You can start it and we can always tell them I did.”

“You want to take the credit for lighting this grill?”

His head bobs up and down.

“You know they won’t believe you.”

“They’ll believe you.” He counters with a seductive wink that causes my insides to flutter.  “I’ll make it worth your while.”

“Hmm…sounds very tempting.”  With that Hunter comes back with newspaper, hot dogs and hamburgers.  “Oh well…opportunity over.” I shrug and pretend to be disappointed…with pretend being the key word here.

“My loss.” Jack pins me with his gaze, causing my insides to ignite. Who needs lighter fluid with Jack Lair nearby?

They both watch in awe as I effectively light the grill.  “Did you boys pay attention?”

Hunter shakes his head. “I don’t do grill prep. I do beer prep.”

“Did you, Jack?”

“Nope. We’ll just have you over every time we grill.”

“Good plan.” I smirk. “Just give me a day’s notice so I can drop everything to accommodate you.”

“Sounds like the perfect plan.”

Oh god.

“Go away, I have work to do.” This man is killing me.

Somehow it becomes my barbeque as I take over the meal. During my grilling duties, I delegate Hunter to get all the drinks, Jack to get the plates and utensils, Scott to get the sides and trimmings, and Trey to drag over the large table in the corner.

All the burgers and hotdogs are cooked in no time. As I’m flipping my last burger onto the platter, Jack comes up behind me and touts, “Now you are just showing off.”

I shrug. “Maybe.” Adding the burgers and hot dogs to the table, it finally looks like a barbeque.

Trey, Scott, and Hunter all start applauding when they see everything laid out and ready to eat. As I take a bow, Jack takes one as well and I shove him away. “You’re riding my coattails.”

He bends and whispers, “You do have adorable coattails.” As he walks towards the food, he leaves me dazed and confused and squirming.

He’s just flirting. He isn’t coming on to me. It’s just the way he is. I need to stop flattering myself and stop taking every comment he makes so literal.

By the time I take some food, the only seat left available is on the couch next to Jack. I put as much distance between us as the couch allows. No one speaks, except for the moaning coming from their filled to the brim mouths.

“Scott, everything is so good.  This pesto pasta salad is to die for. Patti is a lucky girl.”

He blushes and looks thoroughly embarrassed. “Thanks.” He ignores the way the guys start snickering at him. “These idiots take me for granted.”

We fall into a comfortable conversation about how much we got done in the studio, and the approaching tour. I’m starting to feel more like one of the guys, and I’m glad I came.

At one point Jack excuses himself and leaves the roof. He returns quickly with a chilled bottle of white wine. 

“I hope it didn’t cost more than six bucks.” I point out. “Otherwise it will be awful.”

“Nope, five-ninety-five. It’s even a screw top.” He pours a cup full and brings it over to me on the couch.

“It’s delicious, especially in a red Solo cup. Good job.”  Jack sits next to me so our thighs are practically touching. I catch Hunter watching us but he quickly glances away when he notices and resumes eating his food.

Once we are done eating Jack orders, “Trey, clean up.” 

Trey gives him a fuck off look. Jack looks at me smiling wide, causing the clenching to commence, and the wine’s not helping in the least.

  We make our way back down to the apartment after we all clean up and it feels so good to be in the air conditioning. Trey, Scott and Hunter immediately plop themselves on the couch and start watching a ball game on TV. Jack pulls up two chairs for him and me.

So this is what a Devil’s Lair does on their free time. It’s comical actually. If all those screaming fans could see them now. The only thing that would make this scene funnier is if Trey was to stuff his hand into his waistband and Scott was to belch.

“What’s so funny?” Jack says watching me grinning.

“You guys are such party animals.” This draws their attention to me.

Uh oh.

Jack takes the first jab. “Are we too boring for you Miss Marino? What would you like to do, play strip poker?”

“Um, no. Baseball is fine.” I motion towards the TV. “Resume watching baseball.”

Suddenly Trey lets out a laugh. As we all look at him, Jack starts laughing too.

“Oh no. Keep your fucking trap shut.” Hunter threatens. Scott immediately starts to blush profusely.

Jack and Trey persist until I can’t stand it any longer. “What? Was it something I said?”

Jack shakes his head and looks at his roommate.

“Don’t.” Hunter warns.

“Oh, come on Hunt, it wasn’t that bad.”

Trey chokes on his beer.

Hunter stands up and walks into the kitchen, mumbling under his breath. Jack takes this as a sign to enlighten me on what has them cracking up. He tries to speak but cannot stop laughing.

“You are killing me…” I point out as I patiently wait for him to tell this story.

He wipes his eyes and continues, “Ok…ok. We were on tour with MACE. We were in Detroit?” He glances at Trey for confirmation. I’ve never seen Trey smile this much, nonetheless laugh.

“We were in Detroit and there was an after party in a hotel near the arena. We met some girls at the bar who were in town on business. After a few drinks, they invited us up to their room.” He sees my discomfort and shakes his head. “It wasn’t like that. They convinced us to play strip poker.”

From the kitchen, Hunter mumbles, “You two are such dicks.”

“Oh come on Hunter, did you honestly think this story wasn’t going to come up eventually?”

Jack looks at Trey nodding in agreement and continues. “So we are losing our asses to these girls, except for Trey. They hustled us. We lost every single piece of clothing we were wearing. Thankfully they had mercy on us, and let us keep our underwear.” Trey chokes out a laugh again.

“Oh my God.” I say getting a visual.

Jack nods. “They kicked us out. I had nothing on but my underwear. Trey lost one shoe. Scott had on…” He bursts into a laughing fit and can’t finish his statement. Meanwhile, Scott curses their antics and gets up to join Hunter in the kitchen.

Jack composes himself and blurts out, “Scott had on Sponge Bob boxers!” 

“They were the only clean pair I had.” He is still flushing beet red. “I love Sponge Bob.”

I almost pee my pants.

Jack takes a deep breath and wipes his eyes before continuing. “Wait…it gets better. Unfortunately Hunt decided to go commando that night.”

“Oh no…” I look at Hunter who is clearly reliving that experience in his mind. He looks mortified.  “Poor Hunter.”

“We had to walk through the hotel lobby, and there was a wedding going on.” Trey loses it, and his entire body begins to shake uncontrollably.

“To make matters worse, MACE was still in the bar hanging out at the after party. We never saw Hunter run so fast in our lives.”

Hunter curses them out again. Ignoring him, Jack continues, “Someone got a picture of Hunter running through the lobby, and made a ton of copies. The next day our tour bus was plastered with them. Let me tell you, his ass was very pale.”

Trey falls off the couch, I’m bent in half holding my stomach, Jack is on the floor shaking, and Scott even starts in until Hunter slugs him in the arm.

He looks at Jack like he is trying to be angry and fires back, “Sure, laugh at my expense. Trey was fully clothed and you looked like a friggin’ Calvin Klein underwear model.”

Wow, I just got another visual, and a hot flash.

“I never leave home without my Calvin’s.”

“I’m sorry Hunter. That must have been traumatizing for you.” I try very hard to gain my composure, yet fail miserably. Biting my lip barely helps.

He looks at me shaking his head. “You have no idea. It was freezing out and a long run to the bus.”

It doesn’t help matters when Jack offers to pay for a spray tan session for Hunter’s ass or when Trey starts singing, “Who lives in a pineapple under the sea.” Fifteen minutes pass before we finally calm down.

During the course of the night they proceed to tell more stories, but none are as funny as the strip poker story.

After the boys attack the rest of Scott’s pesto pasta salad, as well as every last brownie, we head up to the roof to watch some fireworks. I really am having a great time and am disappointed that it’s already past ten. Jack stands so close that I could feel the warmth of his skin. The familiar sensations take hold once again, and I responsibly decide it is time to go.

“I should get going.”

He nods somberly and admits, “I feel bad you have to drive all the way to Hoboken. I probably should have told you to pack a bag. Why don’t you stay and leave tomorrow?”

My heart skips a beat at the thought of staying here with him overnight. “I’ll be fine. Thanks guys, I really had fun today.” Trey and Scott both wave, and Hunter comes over to give me a hug.

“I’m sorry I laughed at you.” I confess.

He shakes his head. “I’m used to it. Drive safe. I’ll see you tomorrow. And I meant what I said earlier.”

“I know. Thanks.”

Jack says, “I’ll walk you out.”

He walks me to my car and opens the door for me.

“I really did have a great time. Thanks for including me.”

“Of course we would include you. You are one of us now.” His expression becomes serious. “Let me drive you home. I’ll take a cab back.”

“Jack, don’t be ridiculous.”

“It’s late.”



Here comes the possessive, dominant Jack who surfaced when I was sick. I would like nothing more than to have him drive me home and stay with me all night. My brain quickly takes control of the situation, reminding me that I don’t have hairy legs, mismatched pajamas or Nyquil numbness as a deterrent. I can’t allow him near my bedroom or me tonight. I’m all fired up and horny as hell from all the clenching, fluttering and heart stopping that occurred today.

“I’ll call you as soon as I get home. I promise.”

“Are you ok to drive? Are you sleepy?”

“Nope. I’m totally awake.”

“Fine. Don’t forget to call me or I’m driving to Hoboken.”

Smiling at his threat, I nod. “I will. I promise.” He bends and kisses me lightly on the cheek, leaving a tingling sensation from the touch of his lips.

I quickly get into the car, putting much needed distance between Jack’s lips and me. My emotions are swirling inside me like a whirlpool as I drive off.  I’m happy I finally feel like a true member of Devil’s Lair. I’m excited for the tour that’s a few weeks away. But mostly I’m scared that these past few weeks haven’t lessened my feelings for him at all.

Not. At. All.



I am dying to talk to Evan. It’s been a few days since they got home from the competition and a brief phone call and a few texts were all I got to let me know they did fantastic. I need details. I’m glad he has had this distraction from what’s happening with his personal life.

Our schedules have prevented us from hanging out and catching up. Today is Sunday, and he said he was coming by my place early. Then he wants to join dad and me at brunch. I’m very nervous about this. Not that I think Evan would pull anything, but I love these two men very much and it hurts me that they aren’t on good terms right now.

I’ve had a few conversations with dad since that fateful day. He told me that there were many times when he wanted to tell Evan the truth, especially after mom died. However, he thought if he revealed the truth and Barb still took him away, it would hurt Evan and my mom unnecessarily. It took many years for dad to build a friendship back with Barb. He resented her for what she did although he began to understand it over time.

The day Evan and I became friend’s dad felt it was God’s way of sending a message. When it was clear we were getting closer and closer, dad and Barb actually had a sit down. I’m not sure Evan is going to be happy with this information. I told dad that he might not want to share that with him.

My doorbell jolts me out of my thoughts.

Evan walks into my apartment looking happy and carefree. “Hey sis, I missed you.” He has taken to calling me sis, which tells me he is more comfortable with our situation.

“Hey. You look good. Are you ok?”

“Yep, I’m great.”

I grab his hand and drag him to the couch. “Tell me everything.” I plop down beside him.

“It was so awesome, Lei.” He proceeds to tell me every single detail of the competition, the crowd, and the great job Lori did in getting them seen and noticed by some of the local radio deejays. She had a bunch of CD’s made and handed them out to record producers. The best part was they came in third place out of ten bands. Third place at their first competition, I am so proud of them. “Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you. We missed you Leila. It would have been even more perfect if you were there.”

“I know. Things do happen for a reason Ev. If I didn’t get the job with DL it wouldn’t have caused the chain of events that got you to the competition.”

“DL?” He questions and I shrug. “You’re right. You’re always so smart.”

“I know.”

“Humble as shit, too.”

“I hate to bring this up but we have to go.” 

He nods.

“Did the competition help you forget what happened?”

“Yes, and no. I’ve done a lot of thinking. It is what it is, and I’ve gained more than I lost.”

“I’m so proud of you.”

“Don’t be so proud yet. I’m not ready to forgive her.”

“Evan, she needs you.”

“And I’ll be there for her. But it still hurts when I remember her lies.” He runs his hand through his hair. “Hell, my name shouldn’t even be Evan Miller. Evan Miller never existed.”

He’s right.

He has a lot mottling up the possibility of forgiving Barb right now. He needs to work through this his way.

We reluctantly set off for brunch with Dad.

As we sit and wait for my dad to arrive, Evan fidgets manically.  I don’t say much and leave him with his thoughts. He keeps fiddling with his silverware and glancing towards the door.

My dad finally arrives and looks like he’s aged since I last saw him. My heart goes out to him, as this must be so hard for him as well.

He kisses the top of my head and pats Evan on the back.

Evan doesn’t beat around the bush and comes right out with it. “I don’t forgive what she or you did, but I’m slowly beginning to understand your reasoning.” He pauses while my dad simply nods.

“I’ve already spoken to my mother. I told her I would be there for her during her treatments and her recovery process. I love her. I am grateful to you for also being there for her. As far as our relationship goes, I hope we can get back to the point we were at. I loved you like a father and I think that I still do, but I can’t just pick up where we left off. Not yet, at least.”

Dad’s eyes well up with tears and he nods again. He looks over to me, and I feel my heart breaking for him. Evan follows his glance as well. “The only part of this whole mess that I am completely at peace with is the fact I gained Lei as a sister.”

  The tears that have been threatening all morning finally spill from my eyes. I know Evan will get to a better place because it’s just the kind of person he is. I hope he can rebuild his trust and his love for dad. We all just have to give him his time.




Time has taken a speed pill, and flies by without showing me any mercy. Tonight is my last official performance with Cliffhangers and that chapter of my life is now closing. It’s extremely bitter sweet for me. I will miss the guys, the bar, and the girls all terribly. Things are changing not only for me, but for my former band mates as well. We are all growing up.

I spend a little extra time on my hair, make-up, and outfit. I want to relish in every moment of tonight. Even my drive over to The Zone has me reminiscing of all the times I’ve taken this route while battling with the nervous butterflies I always got before performing.  I’ll be taking these memories with me and pulling them out when I’m missing everyone so much.

The Zone parking lot is almost full, and there are only a few spots left. I know tonight we will have a huge crowd but it’s still fairly early. All our regulars know that it’s my farewell show and many have promised to be here for me to say goodbye. Why are they here so early?

I also wonder why Ace isn’t on his usual perch. I approach the doors and notice it’s unusually quiet inside the bar. Just as I pull open the door it occurs to me why.

Oh crap…but it’s too late to run.


The bar is jammed and every single person in it is facing the door, every pair of eyes looking at me.

Someone is going to pay for this. 

Mortified doesn’t begin to describe what I’m feeling, as I am passed from person to person. Some I know, others, I have no clue who they are, and a few hug me a little too intimately.  I now know how Jack felt at his party. I never had one thrown for me, and I remember thinking that night I wouldn’t ever want one. My friends mean well, and I’m going to have to grin and bear it. I wanted a nice quiet send off, maybe having a drink or two after the show with all my best buds, but they obviously have other plans for me.

Above the stage is a huge banner that reads:

LEILA MARINO once sang here.

Shaking my head and frowning, I walk over to my friends who are standing near the bar waiting for me. Jack, Trey, Hunter and Amanda, Scott and Patti are all congregated with my former band mates. Even the girls, Ace, Kelly, and Nina are here.  I’m stunned into silence.

Evan moves forward and pulls me in for a hug. “Lei, you mean a lot to us and we wanted to give you a proper farewell party.”

Lori appears with a tray of shots and starts handing them out. “Bottoms up Lei-Lei.”

I warily look at the small glass filled with amber liquid and ask, “Um, is this tequila?”

Lori nods and says, “No Ginger Ale for you tonight. This is the only way to properly get plastered.” She grabs a shot for herself. “To Leila, we are going to miss the fuck out of you, and we all love you.” She focuses on my new band members and says, “You guys better take care of her or I will have your dicks for lunch with a side of your balls.”

She smiles sweetly and then downs her shot in one fluid movement. There is some laughing, but my new band mates look uneasy and smile weakly.  I would be nervous if I were them. Lori means every word.

I guess Lori’s comments turned Trey on, because he moves over to suck her face. I look away totally embarrassed and mumble, “Ugh…get a room.”

Lori stops enough to say, “You’re just jealous.” Ironically, she is spot on. My eyes find Jack, and I tentatively down my shot. As I make my tequila face, Jack openly laughs at me then drinks his own shot.

“Crap. I hate this stuff. Damn it Lor, couldn’t you make our shots something sweeter?”

She shakes her head, and passes me another.

“I need to perform tonight, are you trying to kill me?”

“Drink it!” she barks and I obey. I’m here five minutes and I’m buzzed. This is going to be a long, night.

My dad shows up looking somber and like he just lost his best friend. He’s hovering in the corner as if by avoiding us, he’s eluding what we are actually celebrating.

I need to snap him out of his funk.  “Dad, smile.”

“What for? My daughter is leaving me for a year.”

“It’s not a year.”

“It might as well be. My son barely speaks to me and the Yankees are three games behind the Sox. Life sucks.”

There isn’t much I can say to that. “Maybe you need to pick a different team?”

He gives me a look. “Are you drunk?”

“No, not yet. Almost though.” I giggle. “Come meet my new band.”

He gives me another look.

“Stop sulking, and try to be nice.”

He allows me to drag him over, while his facial expression sets the tone for the introductions. The guys look like they want to bolt.  Instead I wander towards the bar, putting distance between my dad, my new boss, and me.

Jack takes control and engages my dad in a conversation. Within minutes, dad is smiling and chatting and no longer sulking. Jack Lair and his endless charm knows no bounds. I hope that dad likes him, and isn’t just acting. I don’t know why, but it’s suddenly important to me that they get along. I also hope that he isn’t giving him the third degree right now, or threatening his life in any way. Even if they are both smiling, that could be a total front.

As I’m about to walk back over to them just to be sure, Matt comes to stand next to me and pushes into my shoulder.  “Hey.”

I push back. “Hey.”

“I’m real proud of you. I may not show it or say it, but I am. I just wanted you to hear it.”

I turn to face him totally stunned. “Really? Are you drunk?”

“Yes, really and no, I’m not drunk...yet. I’ll wish you luck, but Leila you don’t need it. You are going to be great out there. Just don’t write harsh things about me when you publish your first autobiography.”

“I can keep it to myself for a price.” He pulls me in for a hug and kisses my cheek. While in his embrace, my eyes land on Jack, who is watching us intently.

Pulling away from Matt, I ask, “What just happened?”

He strokes my cheek slowly. “I realized what I lost.”

With that, Matt walks away and moves over to the bar to say something to Lori. She flips him off jokingly and he laughs. Seriously, a planet must have careened of its axis tonight or the apocalypse is coming.

As I am trying to figure out Matt’s atypical behavior, Jack strolls over and says, “Hi.”

“Hi. Was my dad nice to you? He’s a bit depressed.”

“Yes, very. He’s not happy that I’m a Met fan though.”  He chuckles.  “How are you feelin’?”

“Buzzed.” At that moment, Lori chooses to come over with another shot.

“Oh, no.” I warn while backing up. “Stay away from me.”

“One more, for luck.” She smiles sweetly and holds the shot out for me to take.

Jack starts laughing, but then turns it into a cough when he sees my face. I shove him and sulk, “You’re no help.” 

With a heavy sigh, I drink more of the awful medicine she continues to inflict on me, and immediately make my ugly face.

“You’re such a drama queen.” Lori huffs. “Its just tequila, not battery acid.”

“Go away.”

They do get easier to handle, though, probably because they numb your taste buds. I won’t admit that to her. The third shot immediately reacts with my brain cells. How am I going to do our show? I hope I don’t fall on my ass up there. That would be quite an exit.

I giggle at the visual and Jack asks, “Want to share?”

I forget that he was standing right next to me. “I’m gonna fall on my ass up there.”

Jack moves closer and whispers, “I’ll save you if you do.” His lips brushed up against my ear, causing me to break out with goose bumps all over my body. I slowly turn my head and we come face to face. I stare at his lips while licking my own.  He smiles slowly, setting off all my triggers. Self-consciously I take a step back because his aura is numbing my brain.

“You can’t do that to me.” I pant. The tequila fuels my honesty.

“Do what? Save you?” He smirks knowingly and my eyes once again fixate on his lips.

“You know what. You’re like a vampire. You glamour me.”

“Good to know…for future reference.”

“I…I gotta go…um… I gotta…I gotta go sing.” I stupidly respond, fumbling over my words.

His stare is intense and serious and fucking hot. “That’s a shame.” He brushes his lips against my ear again and adds, “I’ll be here when you’re done.”

Holy fuck.

I’m not sure how I managed to walk to the back room without breaking my neck. Alcohol gets me into trouble with Jack. What game is he playing? That bastard absolutely knows the affect he has on me. Does he enjoy watching me act like a complete idiot?

The first time he kissed me he was drunk. The second time he kissed me we were both drunk. Well he’s completely sober right now…so what the hell is he pulling? I’m coherent enough to know Jack wasn’t just flirting with me out there. That was an invite.

As I’m storing my bag in my locker, trying frantically to calm my breathing, Sal enters the back room.

“Hey princess, how’s my girl doing?’ He gives me a hug. “You ok sweetheart?” I wonder if it’s my beet red cheeks, erratic breathing, or pounding heart that tips him off.

“Yes, I’m fine. Lori is getting me drunk.”

“That girl is too much.” After a pause he says, “So, um…I haven’t had a chance to congratulate you Leila. I am so proud of you, and I want you to know you always have a place here if you need it. I say that fully knowing you’ll never be back.”

“Unless I fail miserably and come begging for my old job back.”

“Not gonna happen. This joint is in your past. You are on your way, pretty girl. I’m honored to have been here during your start.” I start to well up with tears from his words.

“Aaww, don’t cry. I’m not trying to upset you. I just wanted to let you know how I feel. And don’t you worry about your old man, I’ll keep him busy. He won’t have time to miss you.” He embraces me again. We both know that would never happen, but it is nice to hear dad will have so many people looking out for him. Between my boys, Sal, and Barb, I know he’ll be just fine.

“Sal, I’m going to miss you. You’re like my favorite uncle.”

“Get out there and do your thing.” He wipes away my tears, then turns and walks out the door. I’m sure this is his way of saying goodbye and I doubt I’ll be getting another one from him before I leave. Sal is a man of very few words.

As I’m about to finally get on stage, Lori strolls into the room holding a margarita.

“Why are you crying?”

“Sal said goodbye.”

“Oh. Here.” She holds the margarita in front of my face.

“Nah ah.

“Oh relax. It’s still tequila, so you aren’t mixing. Besides, you love my margaritas. One for the road?”

“Lor, I’m gonna make a fool out of myself up there.”

“So? After tonight you’ll never see those people again. Besides, you’ve made a fool out of yourself in front of us plenty of times.”

“You. Are. Exhausting.” I take a tiny sip, but then proceed to gulp the entire drink down.

Lori laughs obnoxiously. “See that wasn’t so bad?” She takes my glass, kisses my cheek and turns to get back to the bar in five seconds flat. She’s like the stealth enabler.

I’m plastered by the time I get my ass on stage.

Our show is awesome…I’m lying. It’s our worst show ever. We screw up and we make mistakes and we laugh but it is still awesome. During our show I somehow consume two more of Lori’s lethal margaritas and I have no clue how they even found their way to my lips. The boys sang Jersey Girl to me for our last song and the entire bar joined in. The alcohol I’ve consumed coming in handy at that moment, because a sober Leila would have been mortified. Instead I cried, laughed and sang along with them all. It was the perfect ending.

The walk from the stage to the bar takes forever.  Almost every patron stops me every few steps to say goodbye and or wish me luck. Some asked for my autograph. Some of the guys wishing me luck try to get frisky. Jack appears out of nowhere and escorts me to the bar himself while murmuring, “Fucking idiots.” Possessive Jack is a complete turn on.

By the time I get to the bar, I need a drink. “Lor, margarita me!”

“Babe…I think you’ve had enough.”


Oh God. Jack calling me Babe is a complete turn on.

Stretching on my tippy toes, I bring my lips to his ear. “It’s so hot when you call me babe and I think I need one more.”  My seductive move might have been very effective, had I not stumbled and fallen right into his arms.

“My hero.” I gaze into his eyes, sending obvious “kiss me” signals. 

Jack mumbles under his breath.  “You’re killing me.” Before I can formulate the words to ask the question why, he lifts me onto an empty bar stool.


“You’re so bossy, Jackson.” I giggle from using his real name and decide to test it on my tongue “Jackson. Jacksonnnnnn.”

“Only my mom calls me that.”

“And me.”

“And you.”

“What’s your…” Wow he smells so good. His body is pressed up against my back, and, wait, is that a bulge I feel on my ass?

After a few seconds, he asks, “Yes?”


“You were about to ask me something.”

“Oh…um…I forgot.”  I take a long sip of my margarita. “Lori, this one is the yummiest yet!”

My friend gives me a thumbs up from across the bar. “Stop yelling!”

“Was I yelling?  Wait, I remember. What’s your middle name?”

Chuckling he answers, “Henry.”

“Jackson Henry. Jackson Henry. Jackson Henry Lair.”

He places his lips directly on my ear and says, “Ok, zip it.”

Shit I could do him right here, right now, right on the bar.

I tilt my head back at the thought and plant a big, wet kiss on his neck. “When you whisper in my ear, it makes me hot!”

I said that too loud, based on Jack, Evan, Lori, and my dad all gawking at me.

Screw it. I blatantly ignore them, choosing to enjoy Jack’s body some more. Moving back until I press against him, he groans so only I can hear. His groan jump-starts my groin. In my perfect world scenario, I would be facing the other way and I would be making out with Jack at this exact moment. Even drunk, I’m not that brazen. Instead I snake my hands behind me and grip the back of his thighs.

“Crap…you’re killing me.”  Jack laces his fingers with my hands, the ones that are molesting his thighs, and pulls them forward resting them on my lower back. I have to hand it to him. It’s a brilliant move. I’m now unable to reach my margarita. 

“Release me.”


I look up at him pout, “You hate me.”

“I most definitely don’t hate you.” He brings my earlobe in between his lips, tugging before releasing it. My whole body ignites and puts me on the verge of a sexual conniption.


“Hey, Miss Potty Mouth.”

By the time the bar empties, and our party comes to an end, I’m horny as hell. Not the tingly, pins and needles, hot flash, kind of horny that I’ve gotten used to. It’s more like the fuck I can’t stand it any longer and even the inside of my underwear is turning me on and I’m on fire, kind of horny. Granted, most of it is my own fault. Jack has released my hands, and I don’t know what to do with them. I can touch his hard body some more or relieve my own. I know he’s worked up too. I can still feel his excitement pressing into my backside. A quick trip to the ladies room and I could…

“I need to go home.” I mumble to no one in particular.

“You ok?”

“Huh?” I look up behind me at Jack, again forgetting what I said and wondering why he is laughing.




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