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Back-Up by A.m Madden (4)

Chapter 4- Jack


That girl is very attractive. It was very distracting, to say the least. I can still see Leila very clearly in my mind as I walk back to the conference room. She looked so damn sexy in her outfit. The way her legs looked in her short skirt and heels and how her tight blouse hugged her curves, not to mention how she would pull her bottom lip in between her teeth when she got nervous, or the random flush of her cheeks was all very distracting.

Overall, I do think that went well though. Jennifer was a bit intimidating, but Leila held her own. There were moments when she did look terrified. I just hope she doesn’t get home with that contract and run in the opposite direction. Seeing it all on paper can most definitely scare the hell out of her.

As I get to the conference room, I can overhear Jennifer voicing my concerns. For some reason it irks me hearing her saying it. “She is very inexperienced and not in a good way.”

“We were all inexperienced at one point, Jen.” I quip back while walking into the room and taking the chair I sat in earlier.

Catching my tone, she turns to look at me and narrows her eyes. “Yes, we were, but she hasn’t a clue about what she’s going to sign on to. I worry her inexperience and insecurities will be a hindrance to the tour.”

“Hindrance? Oh, just relax, Jen. You’re overreacting.”

The guys all sit quietly watching our exchange. I know Jennifer doesn’t like this whole idea so her comment is nothing new to me. But does my band feel the same way?

I ask them as much.

Hunter looks over at Jennifer and shakes his head. She has never intimidated him and he never had a problem standing up to her. Adding Leila was his idea, after all.

“Nope, I think she is perfect. I told you this. She is sweet and shy, but gorgeous and sexy as hell. The fans are going to love her. Plus her voice is the best we have heard. She’ll be great.” 

Wait a minute… Hunter thinks Leila is “sexy as hell”?

I turn to the other two members of my band. “Scott? Trey?”

Scott looks over at Jennifer and it’s clear that he is struggling with what he’s about to say because his skin suddenly turns pink. 

“I get Jennifer’s concerns. We wouldn’t want her to bolt two weeks into the tour because she can’t hack it. It wouldn’t hurt to make sure she understands the commitment before she signs.” Scott says playing devil’s advocate.

I look over at Trey and he shrugs. “Whatever man. She can sing and she has the goods. Cut the drama.”  His words come out in the typical -I don’t give fuck, just let me play my damn guitar - Trey fashion.

Hunter looks over at him and shakes his head, before he turns to Jennifer. “Jack will call her. He’ll make sure she doesn’t have any concerns or questions that she wasn’t comfortable voicing in this room. Cool?”

Me? Why am I calling her?

Jen nods. “Fine. Obviously you feel that she would open up more to Jack than to me, so Jack, make the call.”

Yes ma’am.

She grabs her copy of the contract and heads for the door. Flipping her hair behind her shoulders and giving us her full-on Jennifer charm, she smiles sweetly and touts, “Ten am, tomorrow morning. We have a lot to do.” She saunters out of the room knowing we are most definitely checking out her ass.

I stand to close the door so I can have an honest pow-wow with my band. “Does anyone have any concerns that I haven’t heard yet?” 

No one speaks. “Now or never. Excluding Hunter, do you two feel Leila is it, or do we keep looking?”  Still nothing. I point to the door and add, “Jennifer has her reservations, and I get that. But if the four of us aren’t on the same page, this is a huge waste of time.”

I focus my gaze on Scott until he finally speaks. “I agree with Hunter. I just think she looked terrified in here, and I worry she’s going to run out on us.”

“Scott, there are no guarantees. Hell, how do I know one of you won’t run?” I know damn well that would never happen, but I just want to make a point. 

Scott stands and retorts, “None of us are running. I get that there are no guarantees. I think we made the right choice and I’m not changing my mind. I just feel like the poor girl was scared to death in here.” He points to the door for emphasis. “That woman can be as scary as hell. Someone should make sure Leila isn’t sitting in a corner shaking from this experience. That’s all I’m sayin’.”

Ok, he has a point.  I decide not to bother with Trey again, as I’m sure I won’t get any more from him since he already gave such a poignant statement.

With a loud exhalation I concede.  “Fine, I’ll call her to make sure she is ok. Not sure she would even open up to me, but I’ll give it a shot.” I’m done with this conversation. “I need food and lots of beer. Let’s get out of here.”

We pile into Scott’s van, and he drives us towards his apartment in midtown. We may have to start bright and early tomorrow, but we can chill the rest of this gorgeous day. Scott lots the van and we walk over to the pub that has decent bar food a few blocks away from his place. We eat and drink and laugh for hours. Even though all the stuff happening to us is fantastic, it’s still been a stressful few weeks. It feels good to act normal. Even Trey is relishing in the normalness of our afternoon.

We are a little buzzed by the time we stumble out of the pub. We draw attention to ourselves because we are loud and obnoxious and noisily head over to one of our favorite rock bars called Granite. They have a rooftop bar, the music is awesome, the personnel know us well and I know one particular waitress intimately. I haven’t seen her in a while.

Scott finds a corner table facing the stage, and we sit like we own the place. Trini our favorite waitress makes her way over and straddles my lap. She is a pixie of a thing with spiky black hair, a few tattoo’s, piercings that are visible, others that aren’t (which I’ve seen firsthand), and an attractive face.

She once showed me her high school graduation picture, and I couldn’t believe it was the same person.  Her natural hair color is light and fair. Her parents weren’t thrilled with her transformation, but it didn’t stop her. This is who she is and you gotta love that. We’ve had a few romps in the sack and she never expects more. She is a free spirit who goes with the flow. My kind of girl.

“Hey guys, I haven’t seen you in like forever. Where have you been?”

“We’ve been a little busy getting ready for the tour Trin.” My hands are on her ass as she continues to straddle me, and the contact with her crotch is really turning me on. I lean in to whisper in her ear,  “I definitely have missed you. Are you free tonight?” Nibbling on her earlobe, she responds by rubbing herself against me in a very suggestive manner. It’s such a turn on.

Leaning in she whispers back, “Yes and if you continue doing that you are going to get me fired. I get off at ten. I did the day shift today.”

“I don’t know if I can wait that long.”

She slowly licks my top lip and gets up off my lap leaving me hard as a rock.

Hunter is watching me with amusement. “Does she ever say no to you?”

Smiling I say, “No, and I haven’t said no to her either. It’s mutual you know. We each scratch an itch that needs scratching.”

Shaking his head he simply says, “Sometimes I hate you.”

Sputtering out my beer from laughing out loud, Hunter picks up a coaster and flings it at my head.

Over the course of the night, several girls make their way to our table. Quite a few pass me their phone numbers. Once they walk away I pass their numbers over to Hunter.

After the fourth time he wads it up and throws it at me.  “Fuck off. I don’t need your leftovers.”

Attempting to stand, I wobble over to Hunter and pat him on the back. “Just tryin’ to help a friend in need, and you my friend need to get laid.”

“Fuck you.”

“No thanks. You’re not my type.” I lean over to give Hunter a nice wet kiss on the cheek and he turns to take a swing at me. Laughing my ass off, I stumble backwards to avoid his fist. I am thoroughly buzzed and goad him even further without remorse. “You sure are pissy.”

Trini appears just in time. “Trin get him out of here before I kill him.”

Trini grabs my hand and says, “Ok, let’s go Romeo.”

Hunter and Scott are staying. Trey disappeared an hour ago.

I turn toward the guys and slur, “See ya’ mañana.”

“Don’t be late Jack. I mean it.”

What the hell? Who died and left him boss?

With a wide smile I blow him a kiss and watch him flip me the bird. Trini pulls me out of the bar. On our way out, we get a few looks from some of the girls who passed me their numbers. It’s funny seeing their reaction to Trini. I love that she couldn’t give a shit.

She has a studio apartment across town. The minute we jump in a cab, we are all over each other. She immediately has me worked up into a frenzy. I barely remember throwing money at the cabbie or climbing the three flights of stairs to her apartment. By the time we reach her door, she’s already torn my shirt off and is working on my belt.

We walk and make out and walk our way to her bed. She pushes me hard so that I land on her bed on my back and I laugh out loud from the way my aroused body bounces. I’m definitely drunk, but hopefully not enough that it will hamper my performance tonight.

Trini immediately strips for me and my laughter quickly fades. She has a very hot little body. She’s not well endowed, but her proportions are perfect. If at all possible, my excitement grows seeing her in a sexy red bra and stringy thing.

“Were you expecting me tonight?” My eyes devour her from head to toe.

“A girl can dream. I definitely missed you and I’ve had a crappy week.” She straddles my hips and begins sucking on my lips. Make-outs aren’t my thing, yet making out with Trini is always hot and steamy. We are completely breathless by the time she pulls away. She pulls my pants off and trails her fingertip down my length, causing my cock to twitch beneath her touch.

“Commando?” she asks with a smirk.

“A guy can dream.”

Trini straddles my waist and slowly rubs against me causing me to lose all conscious thoughts.

“Oh god…”

Pulling her pierced nipple in between my lips elicits her own moans. The more I suck, the more she rubs. 

“Trin, you’re torturing me.”

Smiling deviously, she quickly kisses my lips and turns her body so she is now straddling my chest, but facing the other way. Trini loves having oral sex almost more than regular sex. It’s her thing.

This is gonna be fun.

Trini bends her body until her ass is in my face. Tracing her tattoo on her lower back with my tongue, she responds by wrapping her lips around my cock.

“Oh fuck…” I am wound so tight, and I am so ready, it’s going to take every conscious thought and effort not to explode too quickly.

Trying to focus on Trini, I move the red strap of her thingy over to slip a finger inside simultaneously pulling her between my lips. She moans so deeply that I can feel the vibrations through her mouth around my erection.  She enthusiastically does her part as I try to do mine.

Until a quick flash of Leila’s face halts my efforts.

Fuck…not again.

Because of the lack of oxygen to my brain and the visual in my head, it’s almost impossible for me to concentrate on pleasuring Trini. Her mouth, all the beer I consumed, the fact she worked me up to frenzy before we even hit her bed, Leila’s face in my thoughts, all of it culminates and I release with a very violent orgasm all too soon.

Throwing my head back, I grunt, “Oh, fuck.” 

She doesn’t stop until the last shudder leaves my body. I can feel her smile against me, as I lay lifeless and try to regain my senses.

Trini attempts to turn around, but I grip her hips immobilizing her so I can finish what I started. This prompts her to continue her oral skills on me in a leisurely manner, bringing the blood flow right back to my flaccid dick.

Wanting to return the favor, I keep my eyes open, not wanting to picture anyone but Trini at the moment. She deserves an orgasm. More importantly she deserves my focus.

I tug her other piercing between my lips as she gasps around my cock. Soon after my lips, mouth, tongue and fingers bring her to the brink, her legs start to shake from her own orgasm that rolls on and on.

Collapsing on me, Trini pants trying to catch her breath. Neither of us moves for the longest time. Guiltily, I welcome the interruption so I can process what the hell is going on inside my demented head. I suddenly feel exhausted.

Trini slowly turns and stretches leisurely on top of my body, pulling me from my thoughts. “MMMMmmm…that felt so good.”

Having a hard time keeping my eyes open, I think I nod, but I can’t be too sure. Trini kisses me erotically to capture my attention. “I’m not done with you yet.”

She moves to her nightstand to retrieve a condom and rolls it on while I’m still fighting sleep. Since my cock has a mind of his own, her hands on me stirs him up even though I’m still extremely dazed and confused.

“I hope I can do this.” I mumble and she giggles.

With her panties still on, she straddles me and says, “I have faith in you, Jack.”

She’s good. It’s a short while later when she has me wide-awake and on the brink again. I grab her hips and flip her onto her back. She arches and I thrust hard and fast and Trini keeps pace. It’s quick and effective. She climaxes first I follow soon after.

As we are lying on our backs and panting side-by-side, she purrs, “So good, Jack.”

I nod and focus on a spot on her ceiling. Suddenly I want to leave. It’s not Trini. It’s me. I’m coming off my buzz and I’m really, really tired and really confused.

“Do you want a beer?”

“Do you have a coke? I’d rather that.” I remove my condom and drop it gently to the floor.

“You got it.” She hops off the bed, picks up the condom and disappears into her kitchen.

“Trin, I would have thrown that out.”

“No worries.” She calls out.

My mind starts to wander to Leila again as I’m lying here waiting for my coke. I wonder what she is doing right now. Is she kinky? Is she strictly missionary? Why am I thinking of Leila again, anyway?

Trini returns and hands me my coke as I continue to stare into space. “Hey, where did you go off to?”

I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer. “Just a lot on mind, sorry.”  She turns on her side and examines my face.

“Spill it Lair. I’ve known you for a long time. The Jack I know would be taking me from behind right now and not lying here thinking.”

I turn on my side to face her.

How do I explain something, when I don’t even know what’s happening myself? How do I explain I keep thinking about a girl who I barely know, and I have no idea why I keep thinking about her? How do I explain to Trini that I’ve pictured Leila’s face now during sex with two different women, including with her?

I know I can tell Trini because this is just the kind of relationship we have. There have been many times after we screwed each other’s brains out, that she would unleash her latest guy problems on me. She has been pining over this asshole at the bar for months and the idiot isn’t biting. I told her he was probably gay.

But what the hell am I admitting to? Damn it…I have no idea what this is.


Maybe voicing my bewildered thoughts will help me understand them better?

Taking a deep breath, I lie on my back and stare up at the spot on the ceiling again. “We wanted to hire a new back-up singer. The girl we decided on is fantastic. She is so fucking talented. She is reviewing the contract as we speak, and we hope to God she accepts our offer. Her name is Leila and she is beautiful.” I turn on my side again and look into my friend’s eyes. There is no judgment there, just concern.

“Trin, I can’t stop thinking about her. I barely know her, but there is something about her. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me.”

She continues to look at me. “Does she know how you feel?”

I scoff, “Feel? We hardly know each other. There’s no feel? I just keep thinking about her.”

“You’re attracted to her…so?”

I push my hand through my hair. I’ve been attracted to women before, and have never spent even thirty seconds thinking about them. It’s not just an attraction with Leila. I really don’t know what it is.

“So? So we have to work together.”

“If she gets you all hot and bothered, come see me. I’ll help you.” She deadpans and I smile weakly.

“Nothing? Huh, now I’m worried.” Settling in the nook of my arm she adds, “Stop stressing. Once you get to know her you may hate her.”

Sighing I nod, not feeling all that confident in Trini’s words of wisdom to me. Truth is, the more I get to know her, the more I want her.




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