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Back-Up by A.m Madden (21)

Chapter 21-Leila


“I probably shouldn’t be drinking so much today. My body just recovered.” 

“The second best hangover remedy besides aspirin and coke, is to keep drinking.” He taps his beer can to my glass.

I giggle and respond, “Good advice.”

I feel so relaxed and comfortable sitting here with him. His arm is stretched along the back of the couch, and he is lazily playing with my ponytail.

After relentlessly grilling him to tell me how I acted last night at the bar, he finally gave me details of my over the top flirting. Crap, I told him he glamour’s me! I grabbed his thighs! I kissed his neck! From the look on his face, he was purposefully withholding some other details.

No more tequila for me.

I will most definitely have some damage control to deal with when I see Dad and Lori. I’ll worry about that tomorrow. Evan was plastered, so I doubt he remembers my behavior.

He playfully tugs on my ponytail and asks, “Where’s my cannoli?”

“Oh yeah, cannoli time.” I bounce up and run to the fridge to grab the box.

He laughs at my enthusiasm as I bring them over to where we are sitting. “Prepare yourself, these are life altering.”

“Can’t wait.” He reaches in and picks up two of them, one of which he hands to me.

We both bite down at the same time. “It is delicious.”

Savoring my bite, I close my eyes and moan. “MMMmmm. It’s so good.”

When I open my eyes, I’m surprised to see Jack staring at me with a heated look on his face. Reaching over, he slowly wipes his thumb across my bottom lip, sending a jolt right through me. He brings his thumb to his mouth and sucks off the cream he removed from my lip. The cannoli I am holding is the last thing on my mind as I drop it back into the box, and it lands with a thump.


We continue to stare at each other for what seems like an eternity, and with each passing second my heart beats louder and louder in my chest. He removes the box from my lap, drops his cannoli in and puts the box on the table. He holds my face and slowly pulls me in until we are inches apart. In slow motion, he pulls me in closer until our mouths touch.

Our kiss starts off soft and slow. When he slides his tongue along my top lip, I open my mouth giving him complete access. Accepting my invitation, his slips in further to taste me slowly. We make out like teenagers and it’s the best make out session I’ve ever had in my life.

I finally gasp for breath and pull away. “I need to catch my breath.”

He releases my head and takes my hands. “Leila, if you want me to stop, I’ll stop.”

“What happened to being friends?”

“It’s not enough.”

“I’m scared things will get complicated between us.”

“I won’t let it.”

He pulls me into his embrace and kisses the top my head. “Leila, I want you to know something before anything happens. I can’t stop thinking about you. Since my party, you have consumed my thoughts. You have taken over my life.”

I turn in his arms so I can see his face better. His confession has me reeling. “Jack, don’t say things like that to me.”


“Because I won’t recover.”

“Baby, I mean every word.”

Tilting his head down, he kisses me softly on my lips. Weeks and weeks of holding back, of hiding my feeling, of denying my feelings for him all come flooding to the surface. I kiss him back harder, clutching his shirt between my fingers to force him to move his lips against mine and respond to my kiss.

Jack does respond by drawing me into his hard body and making love to my lips with his own. He lays me back on the couch and slips his hand under my tank. Slowly, he moves it up my body until it reaches my breast, skimming his thumb on the underside of my bra. He pulls away and watches for my reaction.

“I want you Leila. I can’t fight this any longer.” He stops and waits for my consent.  “Please, I want to be with you.”

“I want that too, but it’s complicated. Our working relationship, the tour, it’s all too complicated.”

“Stop over thinking it.”

When I remain silent, he starts kissing me slowly at first but then it quickly builds, escalating to the point we are writhing against each other on the couch.

Breaking our kiss, I rasp, “I know what you’re doing.”

He stands and pulls me off the couch, wrapping his arms around me. His hands find my lower back.

“What are you afraid of, Leila?”

“What will be left of me when it ends.”

“Why does it have to end?”

He’s right. Who goes into a relationship already worrying about how it will end. I can’t continue down the friend path anyway… while living with him, or being with him. That is no longer an option. In my mind, I’ve crossed over that line weeks ago. I had no idea he had as well.

Bottom line, I want him. I need him.

“Leila, I want to be with you. Do you feel the same?”

As he continues to wait for my response, my decision is already made. What I’m about to do will change everything. I’m done hiding how I feel. I’m done playing games. Pulling him down to lightly kiss him, I whisper, “Yes.”

Taking his hand, I lead him to my bedroom.

Once inside, he embraces me, desperately gripping me to his chest as if afraid to let go. When he does let go, he lightly strokes my cheek before pulling me in for a kiss. Slowly, he pulls off my tank and then grazes his right thumb over my bra and across my erect nipple. How can such a simple touch wreak absolute havoc on my insides? I can’t stand it any longer. If I don’t have him soon I’m going to die.

I pull his shirt up and off his body, unfasten his jeans, and slip my hand in to feel him. His size is impressive, and I stroke him from base to tip, smooth skin over steel. He pulls my hand away and takes a few steps back.

“I want to go slow.”

My heart is pounding in my chest and I feel desire spread through my entire body. His eyes never leave mine as he slowly peels away his clothes, leaving him bare. He takes my breath away, and he is absolutely stunning. The muscles of his chest, his arms, and his stomach are all so well defined. He’s perfect from the pronounced v on his hips to the thin trail of dark brown hair that leads from his belly button to his obvious arousal.

Jack moves closer and quietly undresses me. It is so erotic as he devours me with his eyes. Once I’m naked, he steps away to admire my body.

“You’re so beautiful.”

I subconsciously move towards his body to touch his skin. The pull I feel in undeniable, like a tether holding my heart to his. He steps closer at the same time. It was only a few steps, but it may as well have been miles.

Laying my hand on his chest, I can feel his heart pounding. Succumbing to the incessant urge to touch him, I run my hands over his chest, abdomen, and hips. Tracing his erection with my fingertips, he closes his eyes and moans, completely lost in my touch.  I take his hand and lead him toward my bed.

“I’ve dreamt of you…of kissing you…of tasting you.” He says as he travels down my body, placing kisses in between his admissions. Stopping at my breast, he pulls a nipple between his lips and tugs gently while his fingers begin stroking me below. His lips and touch, cause my back to arch and my hips to follow his rhythm. The ache below becomes agonizing.

Pulling his hand away, he leaves me bereft.


“Ssh, baby.” He grabs each of my ankles and pushes them up so my legs are bent at the knee and spread wide open.  He runs his thumb up my sex very slowly, causing me to shudder.

His head disappears between my legs, his lips teasing, touching everywhere but where I need them to be. Once they touch my most sensitive part, I become unhinged.  As I bury my hands in his silky hair, he relentlessly tortures me, running his tongue through my folds and slipping his finger inside my entrance.

“Please… don’t stop.”

Jack complies expertly, causing sensations I’ve never felt before. He covers me with his mouth. I buck into him to quicken his pace. He sucks forcibly while stroking relentlessly with his fingers inside of me. My legs begin to tremble as he brings me to an intense orgasm causing my whole body to jerk. Weeks of pent-up desire come to fruition through my release.

It’s been so long since I felt these sensations. Fighting to catch my breath, my head is spinning from the pulses that continue to manipulate my body. 

Once I lay motionless, he states, “You taste better than I imagined.”

He kisses his way back to my breast, pulling my nipple with his lips. I feel a throbbing ache in between my legs as if I didn’t just have a mind blowing orgasm seconds ago. Remembering my initial hungers, I grab his head and pull him up until he is looking at me.

“I need you.”

He bends to kiss me. I can taste myself on him as I greedily suck on his tongue, causing him to groan loudly.

Suddenly he breaks our kiss. “Don’t move.” Climbing off the bed, he pulls his wallet out of his jeans and retrieves a condom.   Watching him roll it on to his erection is the sexiest thing I have ever seen.

The minute he gets back on my bed he stretches over me, his length is positioned and teasing. I am one pulsing nerve ending. My entire body is aching for him.

Linking our hands together, he slowly pushes himself into me, without breaking eye contact. I can feel every inch of him fill me and I never want this to end.

“Leila, you feel so good.” His words are raspy with raw emotion and give voice to my own thoughts.

We move together and it’s pure bliss. I clench around him, as he moves excruciatingly slow.

“Jack…faster.” I tighten my legs around his waist.

He flips us around so I am now straddling him. His hands are at my hips and he pulls me down so he can plunge in deeper. The sensation he is causing inside my body is mind blowing. He sits up and the shift causes me to gasp, as he presses against the perfect spot inside.

Burying his hands in my hair, he pulls me down to kiss my mouth. I inhale him, taking him every way I can, taking control and moving myself over him even faster. My second orgasm quickly builds. He is right there with me as we climax together, our bodies trembling concurrently.

I’ve dreamt of this.” He admits as I clutch him to my body.

All I can do is nod to his admission. Words aren’t presenting themselves to me at the moment.

We stare into each other’s eyes as we sit panting, nose to nose, still connected. 

“My God.” He says kissing my face all over while I cling to him.

Still unable to speak, I simply nod again. I want him inside of me forever. Now that I’ve been with Jack, I’ll never get enough.



As we lie in bed holding each other, Jack plays with my hair. “You smell so good.”



I can’t bring myself to say what I want to. I chew on my lip and he turns my head to look into my eyes.


“Um…have you ever had sex without a condom?”

He smiles and understands why I’m so nervous. “No, I never did.  Have you?”

“Um, no, never. I’m on the pill.” I offer. He smiles the CCDS, making my heart skip a beat.

“Leila, I trust you. Thanks for telling me because I hate condoms.” He kisses me, and I settle back on his chest.

As he draws circle patterns on my back, I call his name again. “Jack?”

Chuckling he says, “Yes?”

“Aren’t the guys going to wonder where you are?” 

“For a second I thought you were going to ask me to go again.” He replies with disappointment. “Hunter knows I’m with you.”

“What?” I sit up unable to hide my shock.

“What? Hunter won’t tell anyone. We can trust him.”

We can trust him with what?” I start to panic.

He sits up and shrugs. “I told you, I’ve been thinking about you a lot. I also wasn’t acting as myself. Hunter noticed and called me out on it. I confided in him. He thinks I should stay away from you, and he’s right…I should. But I can’t. He won’t tell the other guys how I …” He’s stops mid-sentence, then adds,  “He won’t say anything.”

“Jack, you don’t need me as a distraction right now.”

“Leila, not being with you will be the distraction.” He says kissing me. “Do you remember what you said to me last night?”

“No, what?”

He hesitates for a moment, and then runs his nose along the length of mine. “Forget I mentioned it.”

“Jack, what did I say?”


“That’s mean.”

“Still not telling.” He says kissing my shoulder and making his way towards my breast. “Now ask me to go again”

He effectively helps me forget what I was just freaking out over.

Jack and I have sex again and again before we both fall into an exhausted sleep. He is so tentative and I’ve never had better sex in my life. I woke a few times to feel his arms around me and his body pressing up against my back. It feels like a dream having him here, with me.

Of course I want to continue this. Of course I also feel this is a huge mistake.

Waking first, I can’t help but stare at his beautiful face. He looks so peaceful and content. I can watch him for hours. I slip out of bed and slip his shirt over my head to go and make coffee.

He wants to keep seeing each other. How will this work? If Jennifer or Dylan gets wind of this or if this doesn’t work out between us, this could be a disaster.

While I’m lost in thought, Jack comes into the kitchen completely naked. I blush and point to the windows. “Jack, I have neighbors.”

“So? Oh good…coffee.” He grabs a mug and helps himself. “You’ll need to know I’m a coffee-aholic."

He laughs when he sees me gawking at him and brings me closer. “You like?”

I shake my head. “You are so conceited.”

Pushing one hand up under his t-shirt to touch my breast and putting the other on my bare ass, he whispers in my ear. “No I’m not. I just like that you like looking at me.”

We start to kiss and once again it quickly builds. We can’t even kiss without wanting to screw each other’s brains out. How are we going to keep this discrete? I pull away to tell him my concerns.

“I’m not going to lie, it’s going to be very hard” He kisses my shoulder.

But think of how good it will feel when we can be together.” He kisses my neck.

“In a bunk.” He kisses my chin.

“Or backstage.” He kisses my cheek.

“Or especially in a hotel room.” His lips find mine for a long, passionate kiss.

That does sound nice.

He pulls back and smiles wide. Running my fingertip through his dimple, I admit, “God, I love your smile.”

“That reminds me. When we were leaving the bar, you said you loved my CCS something. What did you mean?”

Oh crap. I really have to stay away from tequila.

“Um…I don’t know?”

I try to pull my hand away, but he grabs it quickly. “What did you call my smile?”

“Damn it…I wasn’t supposed to say that out loud.” I admit very flustered.  “CCDS is the acronym I use for your smile. Crotch Clenching Dimple Showing smile.” Shrugging, I add, “Dimples are one of my turn-ons.”

“Fuck, that’s hot. Crotch clenching? Is that happening right now?”

Still looking thoroughly embarrassed, I confess, “Yes, there is always clenching when I see your dimples.”

“God, I wish I knew that sooner. I would have used it to my advantage.”

“I may have been fired as your back-up singer if you knew.”

“You would not have been fired. I would have definitely caved in to your charms sooner than I did, though.”

I need to change the subject or I’ll end up having him for breakfast.  “Um, do you want me to drive you home? You’ve been wearing the same clothes for two days.”

“Are you trying to say I smell?” His arms are wrapped around me and he bends to nuzzle my neck. “Besides now you’re wearing my shirt, and it looks great on you.”

He is driving me nuts. “No, you smell delicious and so does your shirt. I just thought you wanted to go home to change. I have brunch every Sunday with my dad, but I can cancel.”

He shakes his head and points out, “I don’t want you canceling on your dad.”

“What will you do while I’m out?” 

“I’ll wait for you here and hang out until you get back. Do you mind?”

“I may be a few hours. If you are ok hanging here, then I’ll drive you home later.”

“Sounds good. I’ll shower and sit here naked. I don’t want to dirty up my only set of clothes.” He starts to laugh at the look on my face. “Kidding.”

Kidding, my ass. He is in my kitchen naked as we speak, and the fact that he is naked and aroused is extremely distracting. I rub up against him and we end up on my kitchen floor helping him out with his predicament.



“He seems really nice. He called me sir.” My dad says in between bites, smiling. He’s been asking a ton of questions about Jack and I’m having a hard time deflecting them, and a hard time to keep from blushing.

“He is dad.”

“Anything going on between you two?”

Oh crap…

“Um, we just flirt a lot.”

“From where I was standing, it looked like that boy is in love with you. Wouldn’t let anyone near you all night.”

My dad’s admission has my heart stammering. I vaguely remember sitting at the bar, and Jack’s body shielding me. My dad probably just misinterpreted his possessiveness for something else. In either case, I’m not ready to talk about my relationship with Jack with my dad, or anyone.

“You’re nuts.  So, I can’t wait for you to see my new band in concert. They are really good.” I try to steer him in a different direction. It seems to work as he starts rambling on and on. He starts discussing the tour and my last show. He wants to see my first show with DL and I promised him I would get him tickets. He brings up Evan and how they had a nice chat at my party before he got plastered, and Barb and the fact she has a date for her surgery. It’s like the flood gates have opened and he’s trying to get it all out. He yaps and yaps while I smile and nod.

As we leave, I hug my dad very tightly. I only have a few more brunches before I leave. “Dad, what will you do on Sunday mornings while I’m gone?”

“I was hoping I could convince Evan to take your place.”

“Oh…Dad don’t push him. He’ll come around eventually when he’s ready.”

“I know. You keep telling me that.”

Kissing my dad goodbye, I drive back to my apartment lost in thought of replaying every intimate, fantastic detail of last night. By the time I park Bessie, I’m horny as fuck again.

I unlock my door to find Jack sitting on my couch in only his Calvin Klein briefs watching a Met game. It’s a site I can easily get used to. The visual I’ve tucked away of Jack wearing Calvin’s is nothing compared to him in the flesh wearing them. Hunter was right, he should be their model.

I smile at him and voice my thoughts from earlier. “Kidding huh?”

“What? I’m not naked.” He gets up and immediately comes over to pull me into his arms. “Missed you.” He bends kissing me deeply.  Jack is a very sexual person. He’s also very affectionate and I can get very used to this.

I break our kiss, panting, “You’re killing me.” He is so freaking sexy I can’t stand it.

“That’s my line.” he retorts.  “I’ve been waiting for you.” Pulling me towards my bathroom, he strips me naked, without saying a word he then turns on the shower. He strips off his briefs and steps in holding his hand out for me.

“You’re very presumptuous.” I tease.

“Get used to it.” He immediately starts kissing, stroking, petting, and touching me. A minute later he has me up against the wall with my leg hooked over his shoulder and his face buried between my legs, on the brink of a fantastic orgasm.

Once my body stops shaking, he stands, watching me seductively.

His hair is slicked back and his eyes appear even grayer.  Drops of water run down his sculpted cheekbones, perfect nose, and square chin.

I run my hands over and down his chest, trailing my fingers along his happy trail towards his erection, before taking hold of him. Jack intently looks into my eyes the entire time my hands roam his body.

I kiss his chest and slowly stroke his length. He buries his hands into my hair as I graze my way down until I am kneeling in front of him. I look up into his hooded eyes before bending to lick him from base to tip. His groan courses through me, heating my skin as if he were touching me with his own hands.  I tease, but never fully take him into my mouth. I then run my tongue up the slit in slow motion. When I finally pull him into my mouth to devour every inch of him, he shudders.

Hollowing my cheeks, I suck heartily while stroking his length with my hand.  Losing myself in the process, he responds to my efforts by rocking his hips in rhythm to my movements. Releasing my hair, he leans forward and holds himself up with his hands on the wall behind me. His forehead is resting on his left bicep. His eyes are closed and his breathing is shallow. It’s all so sexy.

Giving him oral sex is a complete turn on. My own body pulses and quickly responds to his pleasure. Not long after, his muscles tighten and he stills when I feel his warm release at the back of my throat. It practically causes my own orgasm.

Jack doesn’t move a muscle and instead remains in the same position, panting, and hands up against the wall. He slowly opens his eyes to look down at me. I love that he is completely undone. I stand and link my hands around his neck, pulling my body flush into his. He bends to kiss me, wrapping his arms around me, holding me tightly to his chest.

He suddenly grabs my legs and lifts me until I am straddling him, my back against the cold tile wall.

With one fast thrust, he buries himself inside me. It’s exactly what I need at the moment. I clutch his back and dig my heels into his butt while his hands grip my thighs, and he buries his face in my neck. His grunt puts me over the edge. Once I clench around him and call out his name, he thrusts one last time responding with a guttural moan.

It was intense and hard and so good…so fucking good.

I release my legs and lean on him for support, since they are unable to hold my weight.

With one hand still around my waist, he shuts the water and then grabs a towel. He wraps it around me before reaching for his own. Then he climbs out of the tub, and carries me out of the bathroom and into my bedroom.

As I am getting dressed for the second time today, I turn to see he is watching me. “You like?” I ask as I pull on my panties.

“Very much.” He confesses. His look causes my whole body to ignite, but I need to drive him home, otherwise I’ll hold him prisoner forever.

“We need to stop.”

“Says who?”

“You’re going to kill me.”

“Death by orgasm?” He smiles wide. “Sign me up.”




Once Jack sees no one is home, he grabs my hand and yanks me into his apartment. “Hunter must be out.” He pulls out his phone and texts his friend. “Want to see my room?” He wiggles his eyebrows, making me roll my eyes. “What?”

Pulling out of his grasp and putting my hands on my hips, I try to be the more responsible one.

“It’s been like an hour. You are insatiable.” I really am a hypocrite, because at the moment I want nothing more than to throw him on the ground and ride him for hours.

“Your point?”

“Jack, we are out of control. We need to be around each other without foaming at the mouth. This isn’t good.”

He is about to respond when his phone buzzes. Frowning, he pulls it out and says. “Looks like you’re off the hook. Hunter and Amanda are on the roof.” Grabbing my hand again, this time he pulls me towards the apartment door.

We are about to expose ourselves to Hunter. I am really not ready for this. My heart pounding as we climb the stairs towards the roof.

“Jack!” Tugging on his arm, he jerks to a stop on the top step and looks at me like I’ve lost my mind.


“I’m not comfortable with Hunter knowing yet.” 

“So then we won’t tell Hunter.” He says studying my face.

Feeling like I have to explain, I add, “I hate deceiving him, but I’m not ready, I’m sorry.”

“Ok, don’t stress.” He lifts my hand up to his lips and gives it a soft kiss. “Done.” Dropping my hand, he turns to open the door and walks out onto the roof as I follow.

Hunter and Amanda are cuddling on the couch.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” He asks looking surprised to see me.

Jack responds for me, “She drove me home.”

“You could have put his ass in a cab and not drive all the way to Brooklyn. You’re too nice to him Leila.”

Jack gives me a sexy smirk.  Ignoring him, I try to act as nonchalant as possible. “I don’t mind. He took good care of me after my night with Jose Cuervo. I owe him one.”

Matching Jack’s smirk, Hunter says, “I’m sure he did.”

Jack then clears his throat, the bastard.

Throwing Jack the evil eye, I turn away to grab a chair, but mostly so Hunter doesn’t see my face blushing profusely.

“Hi Amanda” I say changing the subject as I drag a chair closer to the couch, and away from Jack. “I hope we aren’t interrupting you guys.”

“Hi Leila. No, we were just relaxing. We had a late night last night. My roommate had a party.”

Hunter gives her a chaste kiss. They are so adorable together. “What did you guys do?” Hunter asks while looking at Jack suspiciously.

Jack quickly says, “Leila showed me around Hoboken to try and convince me it has merit. Then we just hung out and talked and talked.”

Hunter raises his eyebrows. “Talked and talked?” I notice Amanda subtly nudge him with her elbow.

“Yeah, you know how that works, we talked and talked.” It’s like they are speaking in code. Curiously, I watch as Jack gives Hunter a bug-eyed look, and Hunter gives Jack a fuck off look.

Ignoring the jackass twins, I turn back to Amanda. “Um, Amanda, where do you live?”

“I’m in SoHo. I’ve been there about five years now.”

Hunter pipes in. “Her apartment is only a few blocks from the studio.”

“That’s a great area. Where do you work?”

“Mid-town. So my commute is fairly easy. I’m in advertising. You two should come by my place one night. We have a fantastic Thai restaurant around the corner.”

“We’d love to.” / “Trey & Scott should come too.” 

Jack and I speak at the exact same time, and then quickly look at each other.  We couldn’t be more obvious if we tried.

Hunter notices our exchange and adds, “Sure. We’ll have them bring Lori and Patti and make it a date night.” He is so on to us. “Leila did you have fun at your farewell show?”

I chance a glance at Jack. “It was fun and I’m sure you saw how much of an embarrassment I was.”

“No you weren’t. You are an adorable drunk.” Jack admits with a smile. Unable to control myself, I instinctively smile back, until I notice Hunter watching us like a hawk.

“You’re very different when you’re drunk.” Hunter teases.

“Yeah, I’ve heard that.”

After spending some more time chatting with Hunter and Amanda, she reminds him that they need to take off. That means I will soon be here alone with Jack. I’m going to rip him open a new one and then ride him for hours.

Hunter comes closer to give me a hug. “See you tomorrow, Leila.” Amanda says a goodbye as well, and they both head towards the door. Hunter suddenly stops and adds, “Be good kids.”

Once they are gone, I look over at Jack to see he’s grinning like a fool. “Talk and talk? That’s what you come up with?” I ask raising my eyebrows. “What the hell?”

He laughs and says, “I was just throwing his own words back at him. The night he met Amanda they came up here and she spent the night. The next morning I asked him how it went and he said all they did was talk and talk.”

He shrugs and stands to pull me out of my chair. Wrapping his arms around me, he starts sucking on my neck.

“Jack, he could come back, and plus, I’m mad at you.” At the same time I turn my head to give him better access. I’m such a freakin’ hypocrite.

“What did I do?” He asks in between kisses.

“Um…Can you stop so I can think?” He’s driving me wild.

Jack chuckles and steps away. “Ok, what’s freaking you out so much?”

“Do you think he…”

“Yep.” He moves closer until I push him away. The what the hell look he gives me makes me lose it.

“Jack…I…he…I…damn it!” I take two steps, turn back towards him and try again.  “He can’t know!”

“Can you dial down the crazy please?”

Huffing loudly, I can’t respond because he’s absolutely right. I’m babbling like a complete lunatic.

He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the couch, sitting me on his lap. “Listen, Hunter could speculate all he wants. He’ll ask me and I’ll admit nothing, unless you want me to.” Shaking my head, he continues, “He’ll drive himself crazy with whether we did anything or not. So let him. We will be careful, and after a time, he’ll drop it.”

Digging his hands into my hair, he lowers my face towards his. “In the meantime, we will be good, unless he isn’t around. It is what you want, right?”


“Ok, then we will keep our relationship a secret, for now.  But if you change your mind, I’ll tell him in a heartbeat.”

He would have made a great lawyer, as I immediately forgot what I was worried about. I also forgot I was mad at him, and start making out with him like a teenager…a horny teenager who wants more. He’s made me ravenous.

“Now can I show you my room?” 

“Yes, please.” I would have done it right here on this couch, but I realize that it is daylight, and people could be watching.

Jack drags me by the hand in lightning speed, all the way down the stairs and straight to his room. He opens the door and presents it with a “Ta da…” Giggling as I walk in, I can’t see a thing. It’s very dark until he flips on a light.

“It looks like the middle of the night in here. Are your windows painted black?”

He walks over and pulls back the blinds. “Room darkening shades. I like it dark. Your room is entirely too sunny.”

“I’ll get you an eye mask. A pink satin one.”


It’s a typical guy room. His guitar is propped in the corner. His dresser is littered with change and journals and CD’s.  There are clothes on the floor in clumps and shoes in the spot where he must have kicked them off.  His bed is unmade. There are free weights and a bench in the corner.

“You’re a slob.”

“I wasn’t exactly expecting company when I left here Friday night.” He watches me as I walk around the room inspecting things.

“You don’t belong to a gym?”

Walking to the weight bench, I sit on the edge and picture a shirtless Jack, lifting weights. The visual instantly turning me on. Noticing my smirk he reads my mind.

“I hate gyms. This way I can work out naked.”

“You’re lying.”

Laughing, he adds, “Ok, not completely naked. I wouldn’t want to hurt myself.”

Shaking my head, I smirk at his comment. Neither would I.

I move to his dresser to pick up a framed picture of his parents and sister.

“You all should be super-models.” I say staring at the picture. It’s not fair that one family can be so gorgeous.

He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. “Looks aren’t everything. They are really good people. My mom and sister are saints. They both keep me grounded.” Once I replace the picture, he turns me around and gives me a look that says he is done with the small talk.

Jack and I spend hours rediscovering each other in his dark messy room. As he holds me in his arms, I giggle.

“What?” he asks looking down at me.

“Never saw this coming. I can’t believe we are here, when just two days ago you were my boss, who I had a tremendous crush on.” I admit.

“You did?” he asks smiling.

“Oh come on. I acted like a complete idiot the first time I met you and probably every time since. You had to have known.” I say incredulously.

He laughs and admits, “You didn’t act like an idiot. It was more like a deer caught in headlights.” He kisses my nose just as I wrinkle it.

“Such a great, flattering visual.” I say, moving to lie on his chest. I run my hand across the smattering of hair he has in the center of his chest and I start tracing his tattoo with the tip of my finger. I move his arm so I can see it better. “This really is cool.”

We shift so we are facing each other.  “Can I convince you to get a mini version?”

“Um, no…”

“Oh come on. How sexy would a mini version look right here?” He traces a spot over my left breast, then bends to kiss it. “Or here.” He traces a spot on my left hip, then bends to kiss that. “Or here.” His finger moves to a spot on my inner thigh very close to my sex. “My name here would look so hot.” He bends to kiss that spot, lingering there longer than the others. He positions himself between my legs. “Yep…this is my favorite spot.” He bends and sucks the skin of my inner thigh between his lips, until he leaves a mark and then moves to my center to torture me with his tongue.

“You are very convincing.” I gasp out while he continues his torments.

He brings me to an immediate orgasm.  Then starts again and doesn’t stop until I lay limp. He kisses his way up my body to my breast, stopping there for a few seconds then moving up to my lips. He immediately takes me, sinking into me slowly. I enthusiastically respond by arching my back to get him deeper. I can’t get enough of him, and the thought terrifies me.

Lying together, entwined in his bed, I ask a question I’ve been dying to know the answer to.  “Jack?”

“Yeah, babe?” I instantly forget what I’m about to say. He’s called me babe before but it still causes my breath to catch in my throat. I reach over and stroke his hair. It’s so soft to the touch. He smiles and leans into my hand. Blinking, I then remember what I was about to ask. This man makes me feel like I have A.D.D.

Have you slept with Trini?”

Jack turns his head to look into my eyes. His pause confirms my suspicions.

“I thought so.”

“Babe, Trin and I have a very convenient relationship. We are really just good friends.”

“Who screw.”

“I care about Trini, but I don’t love her. She knows that and she feels the same about me.”

My heavy sigh causes him to frown. “Are you upset?”

“No. Yes.”

He leans down and kisses me gently. “There is nothing for you to be upset about. I’ve told Trini how I feel about you.”

He did? His admission softens the blow, just a tad.

“Can I ask you another question?”


“Did you ever sleep with Jennifer?”

There isn’t even a second pause when he says, “Absolutely not.” I look back at him and am instantly relieved because that would upset me more than anything. He watches me intently. “Why?”

“I was just curious. She is very possessive of you and not in an agent-client kind of way. I needed to know if you two have a history, since she hates me.”

He reaches over to stroke my cheek. “She does not hate you. Jennifer is just ruthless when she wants to achieve her goal. She wants us to reach fame, and will make sure nothing stops us. Don’t take it personally.” He kisses me, and pulls away to add, “Besides, she’s really not my type.”

“You have a type?” I ask surprised.

“Yeah, I have a type. Why?”

Well I’ve witnessed Mr. Sex on Legs flirting with all types…brunettes, blonds, redheads, even Goth chicks. It’s hard to believe you have a type.”

“Mr. Sex on Legs? Is that my nickname?” He’s clearly amused.

“One of many.” I respond purposefully ignoring his gaze.  He lays me back onto the bed and starts a torturous interrogation with his lips. He starts to nibble on my neck. When he is doing this to me I would confess to a murder without question, and I think he knows it.

“What are the others?”

“So what’s your type?” I ignore his question, trying to steer the subject back to that. I need to know if he prefers blondes. Maybe I don’t want to know. That could cause a lot of agonizing for no reason.

I asked first. What are my other nicknames?”

“Let’s see…mmmm...Um… so there is Mr. Sex on Legs… mmmm…and Mr. Rock-Star-Sex-God Extraordinaire…um…Mr. Pretty…oh, and then Panty-Soaking-Rock-God.” This one makes him smile as he lifts his head to look at me.

He resumes his attack on my neck. “Any others?” He is driving me insane.

“Man whore.” I breathe out.

He stops and looks at me. “Man whore?”

Uh oh… 

“Yes, um, you earned that title the night I saw you on the roof with the fake-boob twins.” I answer, sounding a touch apologetic. I look into his eyes, and see he is hurt by that nickname. I guess it’s a sore subject, which doesn’t sit well with me.

He moves away and lies on his back, staring up at the ceiling, folding his arms behind his head.

“Hey, I was mad at you, and extremely jealous.” I grab his chin to turn his head towards mine. “How many have there been?” Do I really want to know this?

“I don’t have an exact count.”

“That bad, huh?” I laugh out yet Jack doesn’t look amused.  “It doesn’t matter. Jack, I don’t care about your past, ok?” I bend to plant a tender kiss on his lips. He responds hesitantly, and then I slowly feel him coming around by the way his lips start moving over mine.

“How many for you?”

“Three, counting you.”

Jack sits up in shock. “Three? Have you been living in a convent your entire adult life?”

“No. I don’t sleep with men unless I care about them. There have only been two others.”

Jack pushes his hand through his hair, sitting quietly, lost in thought. “Damn.”

“So, you have a type?” I ask again trying to get his frame of mind back to where it was before I ruined it with my big mouth.

“Yes, I do.” He repeats, turning on his side to look at me.

“Is Lori your type?”


“Yes. The first time you met, I was convinced you would be a couple.”

“What?”  Here goes my big mouth again.

“Weren’t you into Lori?”

“No and NO. I was being nice to Lori. That night, you captivated me. Your performance with Matt, watching you in your own environment surrounded by your friends, I couldn’t stop staring at you. Didn’t you feel it?”

“No. I was so nervous you were there, I zoned out a lot that night. I was convinced you were flirting with Lori and invited us to your party to hook up with her.”

Jack leans in and kisses me softly. “Leila, you couldn’t be more wrong.”

“Am I your type?” I ask nervously.

“Ugh, no, you I find repulsive.” He responds with a very serious face. Then he puts me on my back and dips to take my nipple in between his lips to emphasis his disgust.

“Jerk.” I say while pushing him onto his back. He laughs and takes me with him, positioning me over his body.  He then sits up so I can straddle his hips.

“You are most definitely my type.” He says seriously. “Baby, I adore you.”  He buries his hands into my hair and pulls me closer to kiss me sweetly on my lips.

Oh my god…he adores me!

Our kiss quickly turns into something else. We make love again, but this time it’s a bit more hurried and fervent.

Exactly five minutes later, we are both physically exhausted, panting, lying flat on our backs trying to catch our breath. I can’t get enough of him. I want nothing more than to stay in this bed and having more mind-blowing sex, for the rest of our lives. He turns on his side to look at me. His hand instantly finds my breast, as he stares at me. My body is a magnet for his hands, as is his for mine.

Still lying on my back, I am totally spent and fight desperately to keep my eyes open.

I collide with a warm body as I turn mine, causing me to sit up in a confusion, looking around the room.

“Hello there. You passed out on me.”

I did? How long was I out?”

“Thirty minutes maybe?” He laughs when he sees my face.

“What’s so funny?”

“I fucked you unconscious.” He is very proud of himself, and it makes me laugh too.

“Yes, it seems you did, rock star.” I lean over to kiss him for his accomplishment, and he tries to pull me closer.

“What time is it? What if Hunter comes home?” I ask, starting to freak-out.

I have no idea what time it is. During one of our love sessions, his phone buzzed a few times in the pocket of his jeans that were still lying in a lump where he removed them earlier. We both ignored it every time it buzzed.

Another round of buzzing causes me to ask, “Don’t you think you should answer that?”

“Nope.” He simply says while kissing my shoulder. He is behind me, my back flush to his chest. He has both arms are around me and our legs are intertwined.

“Jack, maybe the guys are worried. Or worst yet, maybe it’s Jennifer.”

“Whatever anyone wants, it can wait until tomorrow. It’s probably about the photo shoot Tuesday.”

“Photo shoot?”

“Oh, yeah. We have a photo shoot Tuesday for the album cover.”  He says shrugging.

“When were you going to tell me this?” I ask, my voice high and pitchy.



He looks up at me and notices the panic on my face. “What?” 

“Why do I have to be on the album cover? Can’t you just have the band’s name or something?” I ask.

“You’re gorgeous…why can’t you see that?”  Rolling my eyes at him, his tone gets snippy. “You are going to be the best fucking thing on that album cover!”

“Don’t yell at me.”

He turns me around so we are facing each other.  “I’m sorry I yelled at you. But I meant what I said.” Jack kisses his way from my lips to my ear to my exposed breast, pulling my nipple in between his lips, swirling his tongue around my peak. This always seems to be his method of choice to initiate more sex. 

“Um, what were we talking about?”

Smiling against my skin, he kisses a path down my body. Just as he makes it to my stomach, it growls very loudly.  He looks up revealing his beautiful CCDS smile. 

“It sounds like I need to feed you?”

I personally could care less about food, especially now…but my stomach betrays me by growling again. I look down at him and shrug.

He kisses it and says, “You are so freaking cute. We can go out. I can show you the merits of Brooklyn.”

“Ok…I’m starving.” I admit. Also, I really fear Hunter walking in on us at any moment.



It’s the middle of the night and I can smell him on my sheets. It’s such torture, causing me to toss and turn. I want him here with me and he isn’t. He’s in his own apartment in Brooklyn, and I miss him terribly.

After we finally made it out of his bed, and out of his apartment, he took me to a quiet little place nearby for dinner. We talked about how difficult it was going to be now that we’ve started this. Well I talked about how difficult it was going to be, and he kept assuring me we could handle it. I admitted to him I was not a good actress and just thinking about pretending had my stomach in knots. 

He broke it down for me. We can avoid that and tell them.  Otherwise, if we must keep it a secret, well Trey pays attention to anyone but himself so there is no need to worry about him.  Scott is too shy and embarrassed to bring anything up so there is no need to worry about him. Hunter thinks what he thinks so there is nothing we can do about him.

Makes sense…

Jennifer is extremely intuitive. She, I worry about. Dylan is also going to be a challenge. Jack reluctantly admitted that I needed to act the same way with him. I never told Jack that he and I have had a few dinners together or that I feel that Dylan is interested in me. I don’t know why I kept it from Jack. I guess I worry he would do something stupid like show him we are together, just to stake his claim.

Jack made me promise to call him when I got home. He kept me on the phone for a very long time. It helped to hear his voice, as he said all the things he wanted to do to me, but it was a poor substitute. We finally hung up around two am, after deciding to meet at the studio in the morning.

I should have been able to fall fast asleep. But when I see daylight filtering through my curtains, I throw the covers off and get out of bed frustrated. It’s still way too early, but I can’t keep lying here thinking, and sleep is definitely not presenting itself. It’s not surprising, given all the things I have swirling in my head. Remembering intimate moments with Jack kept me up half the time. The other half was consumed by thoughts of Evan, and whether I should confide in him.

Normally I would without question, but I haven’t been completely honest with him regarding my attraction and feelings for Jack. I also feel it would be very selfish of me to dump my problems with all the crap he is dealing with at the moment. I know he has plans to see Lizzy this week, and I really hope they hit it off. Lizzy would be just what Evan needs right now.

The only good thing about my insomnia is that I am able to catch up on the laundry and cleaning I neglected this past weekend. I’ve practically put in a full day’s work by most people’s standards, by the time I leave my apartment to drive to the studio.

Since we have gotten so much done the first couple of weeks, the band’s starting hour has been getting later and later. On most days they stroll in around eleven. If Jennifer isn’t around, they’ll show up past noon. Jack cuts them slack, sometimes. Usually, he curses them out for a few minutes. It annoyed me having to wait around until the three princes graced us with their presence so Jack started texting me with an estimated time of arrival. Today’s text said to come at nine.

It’s a little after nine, when I park my car in the lot. A new text message comes through on my phone as I walk to the studio.

where r u?

walking into the studio.


He must be here already. I plug in the lock combination code, and I notice lights on in the hall. As I lock the door behind me, warm lips attach to my neck and muscular arms wrap around my waist.

“You’re late.” He walks us forward towards the studio.

“No one else is here? Jennifer may show up any minute.” I say as he pulls me into the dark room. He flips the lights and closes the door behind him, then decides to lock the door and turn the lights back off. 

“She has to meet with the photographer today to review wardrobe.”

“Wait, I didn’t have to be here at nine?”

“No, I wanted you to be here at nine.”


We are going to have sex in the studio? This is going to give me a visual I am sure to clench from every time I think about it.

The only lights illuminating the room are the two EXIT signs above the doors. He pushes me into a corner, where nobody can see if they were to be at the door.

Jack starts sucking on my neck as he pushes his hands under my shirt. “I can’t get enough of how you taste.” He says moving lips until they slant over mine. I love kissing Jack, and can make out with him for hours. Usually his kisses set my crotch on fire, so I haven’t been able to test that theory and even now I’m already reaching for the button of his jeans.

“You missed me too, I see.” He unbuttons my shorts and slips his hand into my panties.

The second his fingers reach me, I forget what I was doing prior. My hand is still on the zipper of his jeans, but I’m not able to move it. He traces a line through my sex and circles around my most sensitive spot. Throwing my head back, I clutch at his shirt while I pant from the sensations he is causing in my body. He slowly slips inside of me, bending to kiss me simultaneously. He mimics the same patterns his fingers are making below with his tongue in my mouth. I can do nothing but pant open-mouthed, while still clutching his shirt in my grip. 

He brings me to an intense orgasm. Having to break our kiss because I am gasping for air, he slowly pulls his hand out of my panties to suck on his fingers. “Like I said, I can’t get enough of how you taste.” His admission makes my body instantly throb and I forget the severe orgasm I just had.

This man is going to kill me.

I continue with what I was doing before he distracted me, and lower the zipper on his jeans. Firmly I take hold of him as he lowers my shorts down my legs. He lifts me and sits me on to a stool in the corner. Standing before me, he pushes in one inch at a time.

“Jack…faster.” I say in between pants. He smiles and complies. It isn’t long until I feel another orgasm and I wrap my legs around his body to hold him inside of me. He buries his face in my neck and groans as I feel his release.

“Fuck…fuck!  You feel so good.” His voice is throaty and raw. “You are going to be the death of me.”

“Death by orgasm…sign you up.” I gasp.

He laughs and gives me a sweet kiss. “You’re right.”

By the time the boys stroll in, Jack and I are sitting at a table having coffee and chatting. After the guys finish with their normal morning arguments of whatever the topic is for the day, we start recording our last few songs for the album. It becomes an exhausting day since Jack is being relentless in the amount of work he wants to get done. We still have a lot of time before our tour begins, but the engineers need to mix and cut each song, which will take some time.

  Jack acts totally normal and teases me as usual. I caught Hunter watching us a few times, but other than that I didn’t notice anyone else letting on they know what we have been up to.

Our tryst is all I can think about the entire day. It fuels my performance and adds sensuality to our duets and my back-ups. Jack smiles knowingly when Jennifer says, “Well Leila, no need to re-record that one, you were spot on.”

“Thank you.”

At the end of our day Jennifer makes an announcement. “Make sure you are all at the photographers at nine sharp. I know this is the middle of the night for you guys but suck it up…especially you, Trey.”

He gives Jennifer a look that clearly says, “Bite me.”

Jack secretly told me the session doesn’t start until ten, but Jennifer made him promise to not let the boys know that small detail.

As I’m gathering my things to get ready to leave, Scott says to Jack, “Let’s go to Granite. Trini has been asking for you.” I sneak a quick peek at Jack and he stiffens slightly.

“Oh, I don’t know. I’m not in the mood.” He shoves sheet music into his bag.

Scott asks, “Do you have other plans with the brunette from…”

“You don’t know her.” Jack cuts Scott off before he can finish his sentence. He looks at me and adds, “I’ll see you guys at the shoot tomorrow. Don’t be late.” Then he strolls out of the studio.

Scott turns to Hunter. “He’s such a dog.”

Hunter nods and looks over at me. He catches me biting on my lip and I quickly turn my back to grab my bag.

A few minutes later I say my own good-bye. The guys respond, which I barely hear. I can’t get out of the studio fast enough.

Was Jack serious? I’m a little stunned at what I just heard and it stings more than I’d like to admit. He has a date tonight? What the fuck? I get that he has to act normal in front of the guys because it was my idea after all, but he could have warned me that we would be continuing with our private lives. He never claimed to be exclusive. Even so, there is no way I’ll be ok with him sleeping around while he’s sleeping with me.

I take a deep breath and walk to the lot where my car is parked. As I approach Bessie, I see Jack leaning against the driver’s side door and it catches me off guard.

“Hey.” I say, slowly walking towards him.

“Hey.” He grabs my bag from my hand.

“What are you doing here?”

“Um, I packed some things. I didn’t know if today would work as I planned, but since it has, I’d like to come home with you tonight.”

“You’re a good actor. You had me convinced you had plans.”

He pushes my hair off my shoulder and touches my ear lobe. “You should have known it was an act.” When he kisses me, I drop my car keys.

Laughing, he picks them up and says, “I’ll drive.”