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Beat of the Heart by Katie Ashley (4)

As soon as I slammed the door shut behind me, my thinly veiled composure evaporated and mortification replaced it. At the sound of muffled laughter from Mr. Patterson’s room, I hustled down the hallway, wanting to put as much distance as I could between myself and what had just happened. But as hard as I tried, AJ’s words, coupled with the image of me giving him a rubdown, kept playing over and over in my head. “Jesus,” I grumbled. Rubbing my eyes, I wished more than anything I could bleach those images out of my mind forever.

I skidded into the nurse’s station, mowing into Dee. “Oomph,” he muttered, as multi-colored paperwork scattered through the air like confetti. “Damn girl, where’s the fire?”

“In AJ’s pants,” I muttered.


I shook my head. “Nothing. I’m sorry. Lemme pick these up for you.”

“Why is your face so red?”

“I said, it’s nothing. Just drop it, okay?” I bent over and started sorting the papers.

Dee harrumphed before crossing his arms over his chest. “Don’t tell me Mr. Gordon in 409 asked you for another sponge bath? Cause you know I’ll go down there and tell him I’ll take care of whatever he needs. I’m sure that’ll shut his perverted, old ass up!”

I rose up off the floor. “That’s not it.”

With a skeptical look, Dee took the paperwork and tossed it onto the desk. “Well, something sure has you riled, Mimi.”

“Okay, fine. You want it, so here it is. I’m totally mortified because I knocked a drink onto one of Mr. Patterson’s visitors.”

Dee shrugged. “What’s so embarrassing about that?”

“Well, I panicked and started cleaning him up—”

“Once again, not a crime considering our profession is to help people.”

I rolled my eyes. “Would you let me finish?”

“Fine, fine.”

“Anyway, of all places, the drink fell in the guy’s lap and—”

Dee gave me a contemptuous snort. “Mia Martinelli, how many times have I told you not to molest the guests of hospital patients?”

“Wait, what?” I questioned, trying to process his response.

“You know your little drink spill routine is just a ploy to get to rub up on some hot dude.”

My eyes widened. “Dee, what the hell is wrong with you? I just told you I was mortified, and now you’re acting like I’m some crotch grabbing pervert?”

A throat cleared behind me, and I whirled around. “Oh shit,” I muttered, before I could stop myself. With an ‘I can melt your panties at twenty paces’ smirk, AJ stood at the door with his hands shoved in the pockets of his holey jeans. While the front was still damp, they were no longer tented like when I left him. From his expression, I could tell my little tirade hadn’t had a lasting effect on him at all.

Pointing at Dee, I said, “Just for the record, he is being a total ass right now.”

AJ chuckled. “Yeah, I know.” He took a tentative step forward. “I wondered if I could talk to you for a minute?”

Grabbing a chart, Dee batted his eyelashes at AJ. “I’ll just duck in the medicine room real quick, Mimi, and let you and sweet cheeks have some privacy.”

As he sashayed away from us, AJ’s brows furrowed, and he blinked a few times in disbelief. “Is it just me or does he remind you of—”

“Lafayette on True Blood?”

AJ’s dark eyes widened. “Holy shit, yes!”

“Yeah, he gets it all the time.” With a laugh, I added, “Most of the time, he uses it to scam free drinks or get closer to a guy he’s scoping out. People never seem to be disappointed that it’s not really the actor—I mean, that guy doesn’t act like LaFayette in real life anyway.” When I realized I was rambling, I pinched my lips shut. It had been a long time since any guy had gotten me rattled enough to run my mouth like an idiot.

“You a fan of the show?” AJ asked.

“Oh, yeah, I adored it—well, until the whole sixth season and Billith.”

AJ snickered. “I couldn’t agree more. I used to be pretty much obsessed with it, but yeah, I couldn’t get it up for the last two seasons. Now I’m more a Walking Dead and Sons of Anarchy fan myself.”

“Oh my God, those are awesome shows, too.” I stared at AJ in disbelief for a moment. Was I actually making small talk with the guy I’d just accidentally molested? I hadn’t talked to any guy—or I guess I should say straight guy—since Dev had left me shattered. Shaking my head, I snapped out of my daze. “So what is it exactly that you wanted to talk to me about?”

“Oh yeah, that. I wanted to see if you’d like to have dinner with me sometime?”

My brows shot into my hairline. “After I just verbally berated you like that? Not to mention the physical thing.” When AJ nodded, I snorted. “I must’ve made one hell of an impression cleaning you up.”

He grinned. “Your talents are quite impressive, but I’d like to experience the full range of your…napkin abilities.”

“I think you’re getting a little presumptuous, don’t you think? You only asked me to dinner.”

“That’s true.” AJ scratched the stubble on his chin. “But to prove my intentions are honorable, I’m still offering dinner—just dinner.” With a pointed look, he added, “And maybe some third base action if the mood strikes us.”

I laughed in spite of myself. “Tempting, very tempting. But, no thanks.”

“You drive a hard bargain, Ms. Martinelli, but I’m willing to take the third base action off the table for dinner and maybe a good night kiss—with or without tongue.”


Crossing his arms over his broad chest, he tilted his head to one side, surmising me quizzically. “Fine then. No dinner with its somewhat provocative undertones. How about just a drink after you get off?”

“Sorry, but I’m not interested in dating at the moment.”

AJ’s dark brows furrowed in confusion, and I could tell he wasn’t used to getting rejection from a female. Undaunted, he pursed his lips in a smirk. “I get it. You’re a little gun-shy about dating a musician, or you’re career minded, or some other shit is telling you to say no. But I can work with that.” He snapped his fingers. “Coffee it is!”

“AJ, really—”

He held up a hand. “Yeah, I get it. I now can see where coffee might be a little loaded for an outing. You know, with caffeine being an illicit, addictive substance, so maybe I should switch gears. Ice cream’s pretty innocent. How about that?” His gaze honed in on my mouth as he closed the distance between us. “After all, who can say no to some sugary sweetness? Maybe add some smooth whipped cream topped off with a ripe cherry?”

His voice had taken on a deeper edge, a more seductive tone, which caused my resolve to momentarily fade. Instead of being focused on giving him the brush-off, I suddenly envisioned him lying buck naked on a bed while I licked ice cream off what I imagined were his perfect abs. Beads of sweat broke out along the base of my neck. I fought the urge to fan myself. Get a grip, Mia. “Um, no.”

“How about I take you to the party in my pants?”

“Look, I…wait, did you seriously just use a line from Anchorman on me?”

AJ gave me a teasing wink. “I just wanted to make sure you were paying attention.”

I huffed out a frustrated breath, blowing away a few errant strands of hair from my face. At his earnest expression, I held up my hands. “Listen, I’m really flattered by all your offers, but I’m just not ready to date again.”

“Again?” AJ questioned.

Dammit. How could I have let that slip? Glancing away from him, I stared over at the desk. “It’s just this year hasn’t been the best for me in a lot of ways.”

“So, let me make it better by taking you out and showing you a really good time.”

Dee sidestepped us on his way out of the medicine closet. “Trust me, sweet cheeks, baby girl needs a good time in the worst way possible.” He paused to run his gaze from AJ’s head down to his feet. “And you look like just the hot ticket she needs to clear away the vajayjay cobwebs.”

AJ busted out laughing while I screeched, “Dee, you faccia di merda!” I smacked him on the arm. Hard.

Pursing his full lips, Dee ignored my rant and bodily harm. “You can curse at me all you want in Italian, but the truth is the truth.” He eased closer to AJ, lowering his voice. “You see, our girl has closed up shop ever since she caught her dickhead fiancé banging one of her friends.”

It was at that moment that if looks could kill, Dee would be toe up in the floor, writhing in agony with a slow death. I could not believe he had just told my most intimate details to a perfect stranger, especially someone like AJ.

While I debated making a run for it, AJ’s amused expression turned sympathetic. “Damn, I’m sorry, Mia. I had no idea. That fucking blows.”

I shrugged, trying desperately to play off my heartache. “What can you do? Shit happens.” My voice cracked betraying my emotions. Oh yes, I was going to kill Dee for dredging up my past in front of AJ. Yes, maybe slow torture would better serve him.

With his eyes boring into mine, AJ stepped forward. He swept a strand of hair out of my face. Tenderly, he ran his fingers over it before tucking it behind my ear. “Mia, he must have been fucking blind, not to mention stupid as hell, to have had you in his life, most of all in his bed, and then gone looking somewhere else.” He gave a quick shake of his head. “His loss, cariño.”

The intensity of his stare, along with his husky tone, caused my breath to come in rapid pants. Okay, he was having way too much of an effect on me in such a short amount of time. It was time to send him packing. “That’s a very sweet sentiment, but now can you see why I’m not able to take you up on your offer?”

“Actually, I think that’s all the more reason for you to go out with me.”

With a sigh, I shook my head. “I’m sorry. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to my patients.” Side-stepping him, I grabbed a chart and powerwalked away from him. The whole way down the hall until I disappeared into room 410, I could feel his heated gaze searing into my back. Part of me wanted to whirl around and tell him I’d love nothing more than to go out with him. But the more dominant side of me—the one who was still licking its bloodied and beaten wounds—wouldn’t let me.

After putting more distance between us and making a few rounds, I returned to the station to find Dee waiting for me. By his expression, I knew exactly what he was going to say, so I held my hand up. “Please, don’t go there.”

“Oh girl, I’m so going there.”

“Dee, he is the last thing I need right now.”

“Bullshit. He is exactly what you need and then some.” When I stared down at my shoes, he gently pulled my chin up so I would be forced to look at him. “Mimi, he was a hot piece of male flesh who was totally and completely jonesing for you. He just worked harder for a chance at your snatch than I’ve ever seen a guy—straight or gay.”

I smacked Dee’s hand off my chin. “Snatch? You know I hate that word. And I don’t think gay dudes are working hard for the….,” I gulped before whispering, “snatch.”

“You are such a difficult, stubborn ass!”

“Guys like him…they don’t date women like me.”

“Oh, and just whom do they date?”

“Stick figures with no souls—you know the type, size zeroes with fake tits who make great looking arm candy.”

“Please, lawd in Heaven, tell me you just didn’t turn that guy down because of your damn self-esteem issues? Must you make a stop in negative town, rather than booty town?”


He wagged his finger in my face. “Uh, uh. Don’t pull that one on me. I know AJ wanted you in all your thick, junk in the trunk glory.”

“Whatever,” I grumbled.

“Mimi, you need something—better yet, someone—to get you out of this funk.”

“You call the aftermath of having your entire world implode around you, leaving you symbolically bloody and barely breathing ‘a funk’?” I demanded.

Dee’s shoulders sagged a bit. “That was six months ago. Dev’s moved on, and it’s time for you to move on, too.”

“It all makes sense up here,” I said, tapping my head. “But it just doesn’t seem to get here.” I then covered my heart, which ached beneath my fingertips.

“Hell, I’m not saying you need to marry the dude and pop out ten children. I’m just saying he could be a good distraction—a way to help you see you’re a beautiful, amazing woman that any man would be thrilled to get to bang.”

Although I tried fighting it, the corners of my lips curved up at Dee’s final words. “Thanks for the compliment that was in there…somewhere.”

“You’re welcome.”

“We should probably get back to work now, don’t you think?”

“Oh, I think you’ve definitely got some work cut out for you.”

“What are you talking about?”

Dee stared past me with a curious expression. “He’s baaaack,” he said, mimicking the little girl from Poltergeist.

I whirled around to see AJ striding down the hall with a giant bouquet of colorful wild flowers and roses in his arms—a determined expression etched across his handsome features. When he ambled up to me, I shook my head in disbelief. “You seriously never get turned down, do you?”

“No, I don’t.” He grinned and shifted the flowers in his arms. “But there’s another reason why I came back.”


He bobbed his head. “Listen, I figured that we got off on the wrong foot with you drying my junk, and I thought maybe for you to truly consider going out with me, we needed a do-over.”

“Wow,” I murmured. Holy shit, was this guy for real? I fought the urge to glance around to see if there were some hidden cameras, and I was totally being Punked. He wanted me to go out with him enough that he’d not only come back, but he’d brought me flowers. I had a weakness for men bearing flowers.

A beaming smile lit up his face. “So, Mia Martinelli, I’m Alejandro Joaquin Resendiz aka AJ, and it’s a pleasure meeting you.” He then handed me the bouquet.

“Thank you.” I brought the flowers to my nose and inhaled the sweet fragrance. “These are beautiful.” My eye caught the card poking out, so I reached for it.

“Um, wait!” AJ cried, but I had already jerked it out.

“Get Well Soon,” I read aloud. When I glanced from the card with its smiley face beaming loud and proud over to AJ, I couldn’t help laughing. “Nice.”

For the first time ever, AJ’s swagger receded a bit. He ducked his head and rubbed the back of his neck furiously. Finally, he peered up at me with a sheepish expression, which made him even hotter than before. “Okay, I’m busted. I bought them downstairs in the gift shop.”

I opened my mouth to respond, but Dee beat me to the punch. “I don’t know what Mimi’s problem is if she doesn’t appreciate the fact you went all the way downstairs to get her some flowers.”

“I didn’t say I’m not appreciative,” I countered.

“Then maybe don’t bust my balls so hard by giving me shit about some gift shop flowers?” AJ suggested with a small smile.

“Okay, I won’t.”


“And I did mean it when I said they were beautiful. I haven’t had a man bring me flowers in a very long time.”

“It was a nice gesture, huh?”

I smiled. “A very nice one.”

Dee’s neck had been bobbing back and forth between AJ and me like he was watching a tennis match. “I think it’s time I leave you two to talk.” As he started off, he glanced at me over his shoulder. “Don’t worry about your patients. I’ll cover for you.”

“Yeah, make sure the boss lady doesn’t find out.”

Dee snickered and gave me a wink before heading down the hallway. I glanced at AJ, trying desperately not to let the anxiety bubbling within me show through. I knew he was the type of guy who could smell fear and use it to his advantage. I shifted uncomfortably on my feet in the awkward silence. “So, how old are you?”

His brows shot up in surprise. “Wow, that came out of nowhere.”

With a shrug, I replied, “I thought we should get to know each other a little. Age is pretty basic.”

“Fine then. I’m twenty-five. How old are you?”

My nose wrinkled a little. “I’m twenty-eight. I don’t usually date younger men.”

AJ rubbed his palms together. “Then let me take your cougar virginity.”

I laughed. “You’re not letting this go, are you?”

“Nope. I’m going to keep on and on until I wear you down, and you finally go out with me.”


“Mia, Mia, Mia, what am I going to do with you?”

“I’m sure you have several NC-17 rated scenarios running through your mind at this moment.”

Throwing his head back, AJ laughed heartily. “Yep, I do actually. But all joking aside, do I really need to continue pleading my case? I just brought you gift shop flowers for Christ sake!”

“That’s true.”

“Can I shoot straight with you?”

Tilting my head thoughtfully, I replied, “I think after I gave your junk a rubdown, we can be pretty honest with each other.”

AJ groaned. “Don’t remind me of that.” When I opened my mouth, he wagged a finger in my face. “And before you can demean it, I did enjoy it.”


“Anyway. Here’s how I see it. We’re both young, single people needing a ‘date’—be it a romantic interlude or hot, sweaty sex.”

I turned a strangled cry into a cough. “That’s certainly not beating around the bush.”

“The time for subtlety has gone, Mia.”

“I see.”

AJ closed the gap between us. I stepped away from him until my back banged against the wall. Looming over me, AJ’s dark eyes twinkled with intensity. “You were totally shit-on by a major dickhead and need to get back in the game. The easiest way to do that is no-holds bar, uncomplicated sex. Don’t you agree?”

That statement got my blood up and thrumming through my veins. “Yes,” I whispered.

“Finally we see eye to eye on something. It’s a win-win situation for both of us. You get to fuck that douchebag of an ex-fiancé out of your system, and I get laid in the process.”

“How generous of you.”

AJ laughed. “I’m a very giving person—of myself, my time…of orgasms.”

“I’m sure you are.”

“Then it’s a date?”

“It’s a maybe right now because I have a few conditions.”

“Such as?”

“Being a famous musician, I would wager you’ve gotten around a lot.”

AJ’s lips curved up into his signature smirk. “Regardless of your comment back in Frank’s room, you don’t have to worry about my stamina, cariño. I’ll give you a night you’ll never forget.”

I couldn’t help rolling my eyes. “Yeah, that’s not what I was talking about.”

“Then what?”

Leaning closer to him, I said, “If I were to take you up on your offer, I would want you to get tested before I slept with you.”

AJ’s jaw dropped to his chest. “Are you serious?”

“Dead serious. You wanted to know if I was free this weekend, and the major tests only take forty-eight hours to come back.” When he didn’t respond, I replied, “I’ll be happy to do the same.”

A curious expression replaced the scowl on AJ’s face. “Does that mean I’ll be riding bareback if my tests come back clean?”

My brows furrowed in confusion. “Huh?”

“You know, sex without a condom.”

“Um, no, I don’t think so.”

“And why the hell not?”

“Well, if you must know, I can’t take birth control because of the migraines I have. So we would need the protection.”

“Ah, I see. Bummer.”

“Take it or leave it, big boy.”

AJ grinned. “I’ll take it.”


“So we’re on for Friday night?”

My heartbeat accelerated in my chest while I fought to catch my breath. Was I actually going down this road? Sex with a stranger? Well, a man who was basically a stranger to me but well known to everyone else—lots of females included. I thought of Mama Sofia and how dead inside I’d been since her passing. That coupled with Dev’s infidelity had crippled me. I wanted—no I needed—to feel alive again.

“Yes,” I finally replied.

AJ clapped his hands together. “All right then. How about I pick you up for dinner around seven?”

My brows furrowed. “Oh, you actually want to go out?”

He snickered. “You really think I’m a ‘wham, bam, thank you ma’am’ kinda guy, huh?”

I lifted one of my shoulders. “I just figured since this date was about sex—”

“First of all, I’d never take you straight to bed—only assholes with no game do that. Second, for you, this is about experiencing life again.”

“And that includes dinner?”

“Yes, ma’am it does, along with something else thrown in just for kicks.”

I found myself smiling. “Okay, then. That sounds nice.”

“Gotta pen?”

“Sure.” I reached into my pocket and handed him one. He took the Get Well Soon card from my other hand. “What’s your number?” Once I gave it to him, he grinned. “I’ll text you for the directions to pick you up, okay?”

“Okay,” I replied as he handed me back the pen.

“Mia, I’m glad you finally decided to take me up on my offer.”

“Me too,” I replied honestly. Of course, I sounded a lot more sure of myself than I felt. Inside, I was on a Merry-Go-Round of emotions.

When AJ leaned closer to me, an intense fire burning in his eyes, I jerked back. He grinned at my reaction. “Easy girl. Just a chaste good-bye kiss,” he whispered, his breath fanning over my cheek.


His warm lips pressed a tender kiss on my cheek, rather than my lips. When he pulled away, he winked. “I’ll make sure to ply you with a little alcohol on Friday night to make sure you’re not so skittish.”

Shaking my head, I pushed him playfully. “Whatever.”

“I’ll be back to see Frank, so maybe I’ll see you before then.”

“Maybe so.”

Walking backwards down the hall to Frank’s room, he wiggled his fingers at me. “Bye Mia.”

Shifting the flowers, I waved back. “Bye AJ.” Once he disappeared back into Frank’s room, I exhaled the breath I’d been holding. As I walked into the station, Dee greeted me with a grin that stretched from cheek to cheek.

“Hellz to the yes! Mama Mia’s gettin’ back in the game!” he exclaimed, before doing a little happy dance.

“Yeah, nothing like extreme peer pressure from your bestie along with an overly persistent guy to make it happen.”

“This is going to be epic!” Dee gyrated his hips as he danced over to me. “You need to make an appointment for hair and nails ASAP.” His gaze dropped below my waist. “And I’m thinking a bikini wax as well. Don’t wanna be welcoming Mr. Latin Lover to the jungle.”

“You ass!” I cried before smacking his shoulder. My outrage only fueled him on, and two of our other shift partners broke into hysterics when he started twerking in front of me.

“Thanks. I think I need some bleach for my eyes now,” I groaned.

Slinging an arm around my shoulder, Dee gave my cheek a smacking kiss. “I’m proud of you, baby girl. I think this is exactly what you need…and more.”

“We’ll see about that.”

“You gotta have faith,” he mused.

I wagged a finger at him. “So help me God if you start doing a George Michael ass swish in front of me like in the Faith video, I’m going to request a transfer for you.”

He pursed his lips. “Don’t be hatin’ on my mad dancing skills.”

“Let’s get back to work, shall we?” I prompted before grabbing a chart.




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