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Beat of the Heart by Katie Ashley (6)

My eyes widened at Mia’s revelation. “You’re shitting me.”

“Sadly, I’m not.”

Glancing from her to the building, I shook my head. “Why do you look so upset? Mama Sofia’s is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s one helluva gold mine for your family I bet.”

“Yes, it is,” she replied modestly.

“Seriously, Mia, this place is awesome—I mean, not only is the food amazing, but everyone who works there is fabulous. You come from good people.”


Then it hit me. “Wait a minute. You’re Duke’s daughter?”

Mia paled a little further. “Yes.”

“Fuck me, this is intense.”

“I guess this means besides being a connoisseur of Italian food, you’re also a traitor to your culture by liking American football?”

I laughed. “Yeah, I guess you could say it like that. But come on, your dad’s a legend around these parts.”

With a shadow of a smile, Mia replied, “Not to mention his face is plastered all over the back wall of the restaurant.”

“And for good reason.” Enzo aka ‘Duke’ Martinelli had been one of the best wide receivers the Atlanta Falcons had back in the late 70’s and early 80’s. An injury had taken him out of the professional football arena, so after spending a few years teaching and coaching, he’d started a restaurant on the side with his parents. That had grown into what was now Mama Sofia’s. I’d gotten the lowdown one night when after casually asking to meet Duke, he came out and had dinner with me. “Your dad is amazing.”

“Wait, you know, know him?”

“Oh yeah.”

Bringing her hand to her forehead, Mia leaned back against the seat. “This is a nightmare.”

“It shouldn’t be. He really likes me.”

Mia closed her eyes. “Even worse,” she said in a whisper.

Benny interrupted us by knocking on the door. “Ready sir?”

After I nudged her, I gave Mia an encouraging smile. “Come on, I’m starving. You made me work up one helluva an appetite.”

I hopped out first before turning back to offer Mia my hand. As she slipped her hand in mine, her complexion had turned positively green. Her first steps out onto the pavement were wobbly, and I wondered if they were from our previous activities or from nerves? Bringing her hand to my lips, I kissed her fingers. “Look, cariño, if you’re going to be this uncomfortable being seen with me around your family, we can eat somewhere else.”

“Everywhere else will be slammed at this time.” She gave a slight shake of her head before swallowing hard. “We might as well go in.” She sounded like someone headed off for an execution, rather than dinner.

“Alrighty then.” I turned back to Benny. “I’ll have them send out a menu for you. Get whatever you like.”

His eyes widened. “Oh, that’s not necessary.”

I grinned. “With what I’ve put you through, I think you’ve more than earned yourself a dinner.”

He chuckled. “Thank you, sir.”

Placing my hand on the small of Mia’s back, I led her to the front of the restaurant. When I held the door open for her, she refused to step inside. Instead, it was like she preferred to hide behind me. With a sigh, I ducked inside and let her follow me. Looming over the hostess stand was my buddy, Angelo. At the sight of me, a grin spread on his cheeks. “Hey stranger, long time no see. I thought I saw your name on the books tonight.”

We gave each other an enthusiastic handshake. “Good to see you, man.”

“I gotta say that the new album is fucking kickass.” At his cursing, he quickly glanced around. When he saw no one had caught him, he added, “Seriously.”

“Thanks. I’d like to take credit, but that always goes to Jake and Brayden for their songwriting skills—well, and this time Abby.”

“Yeah, that duet is killer.” Peering over my shoulder, he asked, “Ah, you have a lucky lady with you tonight. I’m used to you flying solo with us.”

“Um, yeah,” I murmured, rubbing my neck furiously while trying to figure how to play this off. When Mia continued hiding behind me, I laughed. “She’s a little shy.”

Recognition flooded Angelo’s face. “Mia?”

“Yeah,” she squeaked.

Angelo’s almost unibrow furrowed. “You’re with AJ?”

“Sort of.”

It took a moment before a beaming smile lit up his face. “Holy shit, you two are dating?”

I started to open my mouth, but Mia surprised me by stepping in front of me. Plastering on a smile, she said, “Actually, I was hoping to fix him up with Dee, but he got called in to take someone’s shift.”

Angelo’s tan face paled considerably as he glanced back and forth between Mia and me. “AJ, I didn’t know you were…” He appeared to be struggling with the words. “Um…out.”

“Me either,” I hissed through clenched teeth. When I shot Mia a death glare, she cowered a little. “How about that table, huh?”

“Yeah, yeah, sorry.” Angelo fumbled with two menus before handing them over to the seating hostess. “Have a good dinner.”

“Thanks,” I grumbled. I could feel his heated gaze on me as we made our way through the packed restaurant. Boisterous conversations and clanging silverware assaulted my ears. The hostess escorted us over to a secluded corner booth. Candles burned in the red votive candles, giving off the highest romantic vibe. “Enjoy your meal,” she smiled at Mia before glancing over at me.

“Thank you, Gabriella.”

Once we were alone, I motioned for Mia to sit. After she slid across the leather booth seat, I also sat. “AJ, I—” She nibbled her bottom lip nervously.

“Look, for the record, I have nothing against gay people—hell, my brother, Antonio, has been out since he was fifteen. What I do have a problem with is you skewing my image for your benefit.”

“I know, I know. And I’m truly sorry. But you have to know what it’s like to a have a big family all up in your business, right?”

“Yeah, try having the world all up in your business.”

She nodded. “Since Dev and I broke up, everyone, from my father to my uncles to the freakin’ bus boys, have been on me to date. Think of it like Dee’s behavior but on Italian steroids.”

Even though I was still pissed, my lips turned up in amusement at her description. I didn’t expect her to reach across the table for my hand. “I just wanted to try to enjoy tonight without all the other bullshit hassle, okay?”

“Whatever. I still don’t like it,” I replied glumly, before glancing down at the menu.

When she tugged my hand, I met her mischievous gaze. “I could promise to make it up to you later,” she suggested coyly.

My brows rose in surprise. “Just what did you have in mind?”

Tilting her head, she tapped her finger on her chin. “Maybe some special attention…of the oral kind?”

I opened my mouth but a waiter, who couldn’t have been more than twenty, appeared at the table. “Hiya, Mia, sorry to interrupt.”

Pink tinged Mia’s cheeks. “Hi Pauley.”

Glancing between them, I said, “Lemme guess. He’s one of your cousins?”

Pauley bobbed his head as he sat down two glasses of water. “First cousins. My dad and Duke are brothers.” He eyed me suspiciously for a moment. “Hey, I know you—you’re the guy in the band. Uncle Duke calls you Drummer Boy, always tells us to give you the best cut of meat.”

I laughed. “Yep, that’s me.”

With a grin, Pauley held out his hand. “Pauley Martinelli.”

“AJ Resendiz.” I paused before adding, “Mia’s gay friend.”

Mia had just taken a sip of water, and my comment sent her hacking and sputtering. “Sorry,” she replied in a strangled voice as she mopped up the water.

Rubbing her back, Pauley asked, “You okay, cuz?”


“Good. Thanks.”

When he was sure Mia was okay, he took out his envelope. “Since you both are regulars, I’m guessing I don’t need to go through all the house specials and stuff, huh?”

“No, that won’t be necessary,” I replied.

“So the usual for you Mia—the Sicilian Special along with a glass of Prosecco?” Pauley questioned.

Shifting uncomfortably in her seat, Mia replied, “Erm, no, I’ll have the Prosecco, but give me the Chicken Caesar Salad instead.”

As Pauley’s brows rose in surprise, I cleared my throat. “Give her what she usually has.” Mia opened her mouth to protest, but I held up a hand to silence her. “Please do not be one of those chicks who thinks she can’t eat around a guy. I like a girl with a hearty appetite.”

Mia glanced from me to Pauley and gave a quick bob of her head. He grinned. “All right then. And you, AJ?”

“Sirloin, medium rare with pasta.”

“Got it. I’ll bring out your wine and bread in just a sec.”

“Thank you.”

Once Pauley was out of earshot, Mia narrowed her eyes at me. “It wouldn’t have killed me to have a salad, you know.”

I shook my head. “I don’t want you to ever change who you are or what you like for me.” At her skeptical expression, I added, “I like you just the way you are—physically and personality wise.”


“Hell yeah. But you wanna know what I like the most about you?”

“The fact I’ll let you bang me on a limo floor?”

I snickered. “That’s a good one but no. What I like the most about you is how real you are—inside and out. The business I’m in—it’s nothing but fake people twenty-four-seven, who will say and do anything to impress you or get you to do what they want.”

Mia tilted her head, taking in my words. “I see now why you like this place so much. If my family is one thing, it’s completely and totally real.”


As we fell into silence, Mia stood up. “I think after our limo exertions, I better go freshen up.”

I gave her a wicked grin. “I should do the same.”

I followed her to the restrooms. I finished before she did and returned to the table. She was just coming back when Pauley returned with our drinks and a basket of garlic knots. With my stomach grumbling, I quickly snatched one up and scarfed it down. “So,” I began after I finished chewing.


“Tell me about yourself.”

Swirling the wine around in her glass, Mia shrugged. “Not much to tell.”

I cocked my brows suspiciously at her. “Yeah, right. Don’t make me start in with some lame-ass get to know you questions.”

She grinned. “And what would those be?”

Even though I knew it would probably irk a woman like Mia—one who was refined and cared about class and style, I leaned in on the table with my elbows. “What do you like to do when you’re not mending hearts?” I asked, my tone serious like a newscaster.

“Hmm,” she murmured, closing her eyes to think. After a few seconds, she popped them open and replied, “I like piña coladas and walks in the rain.”

It was my turn to tsk at her. “Not getting off that easy, Miss Martinelli.”

“Fine then. What I enjoy doing is probably a huge bore to you, but you asked for it.”

“Yep, hit me with it.”

“I like the usual stuff like books, movies, and TV. I like traveling. And…” A little flush filled her cheeks.

“And what?”

After a hearty gulp of wine, she replied, “I like to knit.”

I couldn’t help laughing. “You’re shitting me.”

She narrowed her black eyes. “No, I’m not. My late grandmother taught me how to knit and crotchet.”

At her still seething anger and embarrassment, I held up my hands. “I’m sorry I found it so shocking that a smoking hot woman like yourself did something so old-school and nerdy as knit.”

She shrugged. “You asked, so I was honest.”

“You’re right, I did.” Grabbing another garlic knot out of the basket, I grinned at her. “You think you would ever make me something?”

“Hmm, like a dick cozy for those cold nights when no woman wants to put up with your relentless cockiness?” she asked, with fake sweetness.

Choking, I fumbled for my wine before taking a long swig. When I recovered, I couldn’t help laughing at her fiery response. “I would be honored if you would make me a dick cozy. I would wear it with pride and think fondly of you.”

“Oh you would, would you?” she asked, her lips curving upward.

“Yes, I would.” With a wink, I added, “But make it extra-large because I want it to fit.”

Mia snickered. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Pauley returned to the table with our dinner. “Here ya go. Watch the plates, cause they’re hot. Lemme know if you need anything else.”

“Thanks, cuz,” Mia replied, with a smile.

“No problemo.”

Once Pauley left us, I eyed Mia before I started cutting my steak and pasta. “At least we know we have something in common. We both like to read.”


I slurped a strand of pasta into my mouth. “Yeah, I read all the time when we’re on the road.”

“I’m not sure the articles in Playboy count.”

I snorted. “I have more varied tastes than that, thank you very much.”

Mia chewed thoughtfully on her lasagna. Once she swallowed, she asked, “So tell me what’s your favorite kind of book?”

“I’m going to sound like a total freak, but I love fantasy—Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, you know, shit like that.”


“What? You’re not going to give me shit for that?”

She shook her head. “I think it’s wonderful you read, period, so I’m not going to knock you for liking high fantasy books.”

“But for you, it’s all about romance novels.”

“Yes and no. I like to read non-fiction stuff too.” She finished off a bite of chicken parmesan from her Italian sampler. “I’m kind of a royalty nerd. Love the Tudors.”

“I liked the show.”

Mia rolled her eyes. “Of course you did. The historical inaccuracies were off the charts, and it was basically a thinly veiled excuse for porn.”

I grinned. “Sounds good to me.”

“I would figure as much from you,” she replied with a smile.

“Speaking of romance novels, I have a question for you.”

Eyeing me warily, she took a sip of wine. “Okay.”

“Why is it that during the sex scenes the guy always says, ‘Come for me, baby’, and the chick comes?” I snapped my fingers. “Just like that. I mean, on command like she’s a dog or something. What the hell is up with that?”

Mia laughed. “I don’t know why they do that. It’s certainly never happened to me in real life before.”

“Like, I could just look at you right now and say ‘Come for me’, and you’d come.”

Pursing her lips in thought, Mia replied, “Maybe it’s all about the timing of the command—like it has to be in the heat of the moment. You’d have to be pretty amazing to pull it off across the booth from me in a restaurant.”

“So it’s all in the delivery, huh?”

“I would think so.”

“Something like this?” I leaned forward, taking her hands in mine. Using my thumbs, I rubbed circles over the tops of her hand. I licked my lips and stared intently into her eyes. “Mmm, what you do to me, Mia,” I whispered. “How hard you make me. What I’d like to do to your body…buried deep inside you, pounding away while your tight-as-hell walls clench around me.” I brought her hand to my lips and licked along her fingers. Transfixed, she stared back at me. “Come for me, baby.”

A little tremor ran through her body. “Definitely the delivery,” she murmured.

Grinning, I pulled away. “I still call bullshit but whatever. I needed to ask.”

“I think the better question is how do you even know that goes on in romance novels?”



I bobbed my head. “When you hear a bunch of chicks raving about this book or that one because the sex is hot or what the dude says is sexy, you take notice.”

“So you can always be in tune with what women want?”

“Hell yes.” I winked. “I’ve picked up a few things along the way. Being a stud like me takes practice and cultivation.”

Mia stared at me for a moment before throwing her head back and laughing heartily. After she wiped her eyes, an amused look twinkled in them. “Oh my God, AJ. You crack me up. Will I be benefiting from any more of your learned expertise tonight?”

I gave her my signature smirk. “You never know.”




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