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Beat of the Heart by Katie Ashley (8)

As I led Mia across the foyer of my building, I cut my eyes over to her, watching as she took it all in. It was a pretty impressive place, if I said so myself. All of us guys had apartments in the city, so we could have a place to crash close to the airport and the recording studio. But Bray and Melody lived about thirty minutes south of Jake’s farm, preferring the country to the city.

“Like it?” I asked Mia, as we headed for the elevator.

“It’s amazing. You know, some of the doctors from St. Joe’s live here.”

When we got into the elevator, we weren’t alone. After I slid in my key card for the penthouse, Mia ended up getting shuffled with her back against the wall of the car while I was pressed against her. Glancing over at her, a wicked thought entered my mind. Leaning over, I whispered in her ear. “You know, you deserve a little payback for that stunt you pulled in the limo. Maybe have you helpless without being bound?”

Her eyes widened as she glanced around the crowded elevator. “Don’t even think about it,” she warned.

Ignoring her, I angled my body so what I was about to do was hidden from view. Dipping my hand between her legs, I began to stroke her over her dress. She gasped before quickly biting down on her lip. Pressed against the back wall, she had nowhere to go and could do nothing but be at the mercy of my hand.

The elevator dinged on the Fourth floor, and a guy in a pinstriped suit, along with an older couple, got off. Even though there was more room, I didn’t move. Instead, I pressed the heel of my hand against Mia’s pussy while my fingers pressed harder against her clit. Her jaw clenched with the strain of keeping her moans and cries from escaping her lips. Her chest heaved, and her breath huffed out of her nose. A mixture of both pleasure and fury burned in her eyes.

I didn’t turn around because people would see my khakis were tented. Watching Mia, including what I was doing to her, was so fucking hot. Her head fell back against the wall, and I knew she was getting closer to coming, and there was nothing I wanted more than to bring her to the brink.

But when the last person got off on the Twentieth floor, Mia glared up at me, her dark eyes flashing with rage. As soon as the doors closed, she shoved me away from her. “You fucking prick!”

“Don’t pretend you didn’t like it,” I countered.

“We were in public.”

“And that fact alone made you even wetter. Hell, I could feel it through your dress. You were so close to coming.”

Smacking her palms against my chest, she shoved me again, sending me crashing back into the opposite wall of the elevator. Her nostrils flared before she stalked over to me. She eyed me contemptuously. “This elevator has cameras too, doesn’t it?”

I gave her my smirk. “I would think so.”

In a flash, both hands reached out, and I braced myself for her to hit or choke me. I wasn’t even going to defend myself because I deserved it. Instead, she fisted my shirt before ripping it open, sending buttons scattering onto the floor. Her arms snaked around my neck, tugging the hair at the base of my neck. “Then let’s give them a real show.” Her lips came down harsh against mine, and I welcomed the warmth of her tongue in my mouth.

Grasping her by the ass, I hoisted her up to wrap her legs around my waist. I spun us around, pinning her against the wall. With one hand, Mia’s fingers jerked through my hair, tugging almost painfully at the strands while the other slipped between us to stroke my dick over my pants. I groaned into her mouth, causing her to rub even harder. I pumped my hips against her hand, working the friction to my advantage. I realized if I kept it up, I was going to blow my load right there in my pants, which wouldn’t do either of us any good. Grabbing Mia’s hand off my dick, I guided it between her legs. Jerking her lips from mine, Mia’s wide eyes flared with desire when I used her own fingers to stroke her over her soaked panties. “Mmm,” she whimpered, rocking her hips.

Watching her get herself off was hot as hell, but when the bell on the penthouse dinged our arrival, I was brought out of my sex haze. When I took my hand away, Mia cried out in protest. “Sorry, but we gotta get off, amorcito mio.”

“Yeah, but that’s what I was about to do,” she replied with a lazy grin.

I threw back my head and laughed. “Because of you, I’m probably going to get instant wood each time I get on this fucking elevator.”

Holding Mia with one hand, I grabbed my card with the other, and then staggered across the marble tile of the foyer’s threshold. Once we were inside the penthouse and the elevator doors had shut, Mia’s hungry lips came back to mine. I blindly made my way along to the living room. When I bumped into the couch, I eased Mia over the armrest. While her torso lay across the cushion, her lower half was elevated exactly where I needed it. As her legs dangled over the edge, I slid the hemline of her dress up. I jerked off her panties and tossed them over my shoulder. I then relieved myself of my shirt. “Hurry AJ!” she demanded, wrapping her legs around my hips and pulling me closer.

“Patience, amorcito mio,” I murmured, before digging into my back pocket for my wallet. After I pulled out the condom, I needed a free hand, so I placed it between my teeth for safe keeping. I hurriedly unbuttoned and unzipped my pants and shoved them down my hips. Tearing open the condom, I slid it on.

With one harsh thrust, I buried myself balls deep inside her. “Oh AJ,” she moaned beneath me. Neither of us knew how to take it slow, so instead, I pounded into her. Grabbing her thighs, I wrapped my arms under her knees and used them for leverage to bring myself harder and deeper within her.

Once Mia came, I concentrated on my own pleasure, slamming harder and harder into her. She didn’t seem to mind how rough I was. Instead, she kept right on panting and moaning with pleasure. When she came for the second time, her walls clenching against my cock caused me to come. “Mia!” I cried, before collapsing over on her.

When I could once again focus on the world around me, I found Mia was stroking wide circles across my back. I pulled away to smile at her.

She returned my smile. “Are we ever going to have sex in a bed?”

I laughed. “I say we take a quick shower and then the next time will commence in my bed.”

A little crease came between her brows. “You mean, you’re not ready for me to go?”

“Jesus, no. What the hell gave you that idea?”

She shrugged. “I just figured since we were done—”

Cupping her face in my hands, I said, “Mia, babe, I don’t plan for us to be done until the morning…maybe tomorrow afternoon.”

Her dark eyes widened. “You want me to stay the night?”

“Of course.”

“I just didn’t expect that.”

“I’m not one of those douchebags who throws a chick out once he’s done banging her. Besides morning sex happens to be one of my favorite things,” I answered honestly. Even though it kinda stung, I could see why Mia would think I was a wham-bam kinda guy since I was a famous musician. It was true that I didn’t bring a lot of women here. I did most of my hook-ups on the road in the bus or in hotel rooms. Off the road, I was a lot more choosey. In the past, my house had been reserved for women I was in a relationship with—who I trusted. While Mia didn’t technically fit into that category, I was happy to make an opening for her. Because of her career, her family, and most of all her fiery personality, she had proven to be in a class all of her own.

Leaning forward, I kissed her intently. “So you’ll stay?”

“Um, okay.”

“Good. Now let’s go take that shower.” Taking her by the hand, I pulled her up off the couch. I pushed her hair back away from her face and gave her a long, lingering kiss—one I hoped would show her how much I wanted her with me.

When I pulled away, I took her by the hand and started down the hall. “I really want to see your place,” she protested.

“After the shower.”

“Like you’ll be in the mood for a grand tour then. You’re already naked,” she mumbled.

I laughed and smacked her ass playfully. “You know me too well.”

Once we were inside the bathroom, I closed the door behind us. After I stepped over to Mia, my hands immediately went to the zipper on her dress. When it pooled in a whisper at her feet, she was left only in her bustier since I’d happily shed her of her panties back in the living room. “I’ll get the water on while you get out of that thing,” I said, motioning to her chest. I knew my way around a bra, but that looked way tricky.

“Okay,” she whispered.

I turned on the water, letting the shower fill with steam. I stepped inside, but I left the door open. Glancing over my shoulder, I noticed Mia still stood frozen by the counter.

“Aren’t you coming?”

She gave a slight nod before slipping out of the bustier. Once she was fully naked, she stepped into the shower. With her arms crooked at the elbows, her hands rested under her chin, covering her breasts. “Don’t tell me you’re being shy now?”

“No,” she murmured.

“Then what’s the problem?”

“It’s just…” She closed her eyes like she was in pain. “It’s the first time you’ve seen me fully naked.”

“And it’s a fucking amazing sight.” When she didn’t look at me, I cupped her chin in my fingers. “Hey, what’s going on in that thick head of yours?”

She sighed. “Look, I’m sorry. I know this is probably my own shit I’m projecting off on you. But I kinda have a feeling about the type of girls you usually date—willowy, blonde models who are size zeroes, with perfect fake tits and don’t have any cellulite.”

I laughed. “Man, you really don’t know me at all, do you?” Brushing her hair out her face, I stroked her cheek. “I told you back at Mama Sofia’s that I like people to be real—I want the same things in the women I date too. Real figures—not some plastic stick-figure.”

She stared up at me in surprise. “You’re really serious, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I am.” In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to hunt down her dickhead ex-fiance and beat the ever loving shit out of him. I mean, Mia was confident at her job, she didn’t think twice about giving me her sassy mouth, but she was completely incapable of believing how sexy and beautiful she was. There was no way she had always felt that way. No, that asshole had done this to her—he’d not only banged some other woman and broken Mia’s heart, but he’d taken even more of her when he stripped her of her confidence.

Shaking her head slowly at me, she replied, “Just when I think all men are alike….You really are too good to be true, you know that?”

I nodded. “It’s a curse really,” I replied, trying to lighten the mood.

A grin curved on her lips. “Sorry for being so neurotic. This whole getting back in the game thing has my head spinning.”

“How about I let you make it up to me by washing my back…and my dick?”

She laughed. “It’s a deal.”

Morning sunlight streaked in through my curtains. Groaning, I brought my hand to my eyes to shield them. I usually remembered to close them before I went to bed. Then I remembered what had caused me to forget. A delicious reel of images from the previous night flickered through my mind. Even though I’d been satisfied multiple times, Mia was an addicting drug, and I wanted more. Rolling over, I found the other side of the bed empty. Flipping back over, I noticed the bathroom door was wide open, so she wasn’t in there. Just as I was about to get utterly pissed at Mia for bailing on me, wonderful aromas assaulted my nose.

Holy shit, she was cooking me breakfast? I sniffed the air a few times. My chest constricted when I realized that the heavenly smell was more specifically Huevos Rancheros. Mia was making me a Mexican breakfast. Now that was some real shit right there. I couldn’t help shaking my head in disbelief. Not only was Mia a sex goddess who knew her way around a dick, but damn, if she didn’t know how to cook, too. I mean, she could take care of two of the strongest appetites I had—sex and food.

Flinging back the covers, I hustled out of bed. I threw on some boxer shorts before heading down the hallway. Peeking in the kitchen, I found Mia at the stove. My deflating wood thrummed back to life at the sight of her outfitted in one of my T-shirts with only her black, lacy panties from last night.

“Morning,” I said.

She jumped before whirling around. She swept the spatula to her chest. “Shit, you scared me.”

“Sorry. It’s just, I woke up and missed you in bed.”

Mia eyed the bulge in my shorts. “Hmm, I think I know now why you were missing me.”

I laughed before motioning toward the stove. “Is that really Huevos Rancheros I smell?”

“Yes, is it.” She gave me a playful grin. “My, my, you look surprised that a Sicilian gal can cook something Mexican.”

I laughed. “I’m shocked to see you cooking, period, least of all this.”

“One of my girlfriends and first apartment mates was Mexican. I learned from her.” Grabbing the orange juice out of the fridge, Mia poured two large glasses. “You know, I was kinda shocked to even find food in the house.”

Sheepishly, I ran a hand through my bed hair. “Yeah, my mom takes credit for that one. She makes sure when I’m coming into town to stock the fridge and pantry.”

“She likes to spoil her little boy, huh?” Mia teased. She reached out and playfully pinched my cheek.

I swatted her hand away. “She just likes to take care of me since I’m gone a lot. She doesn’t get as much time with me as her other kids. I mean, Antonio’s still living at home and commuting to Tech, and my sister, Cris, just lives two streets over from her.”

Mia smiled. “I think it’s sweet she looks after you like she does. It makes me think of something Mama Sofia would do for me.”

As Mia’s expression grew sad, I decided we needed a subject change. “You know, I’m really digging your attire.”

With an exasperated snort, she brushed a strand of hair out of her face. “Yeah, it’s a little less than I usually wear when I cook, but none of your boxers fit right.” She cast a glance over her shoulder before scowling. “My ass is too big.”

Sinking to my knees, I gripped her hips and turned her around. “Never, ever diss your fantabulous ass in my presence again.” Along the exposed skin, I smacked one of the perfect globes before grazing it with my teeth. “Tastes as good as it looks.”


“Seriously, Mia, this ass is perfection—one to be proud of.”

She giggled. “I didn’t know I needed to start listing it as an asset.”

“You should.” My hands left her hips to knead both of her cheeks. “I could spend hours with it and never get tired.”

“I didn’t realize you were such an ass man.”

“Oh, I’m equal opportunity on thighs and tits too.”

Mia groaned. Wiggling around in my arms, she stared down at me. “Come on, everything is ready, and you need to eat.”

“I know what I want to eat,” I mused, nudging my nose at the juncture of her thighs. I flicked my tongue against the lacy, black fabric.

A little gasp escaped her lips. Then her fingers came to wrap around the strands of my hair, jerking my head up to look at her. Although her lids were hooded with desire, she demanded, “Breakfast first.”

My stomach rumbled, so I pulled myself off the floor. “You drive a hard bargain.”

As I made my way over to the table, she trailed behind me with our plates in hand. Just as she was about to sit down, she popped back up. “Shit, I forgot the fruit.”

“It’s fine without it.”

“No, you need a good, balanced breakfast.”

My heart tugged a little at her concern for my welfare. Even though I should have waited for her, the food looked way too tempting. After taking a large, steamy bite, I moaned in bliss. “Damn, Mia, this is divine.”

She laughed and closed the fridge. “Thank you.”

I scarfed down another two bites before she returned. When Mia leaned over me to set the fruit bowl down, her dark hair swept in front of my face, sending the sweet smell of jasmine into my nose. As she pulled away, my hand accidentally grazed her breast. I knew then that I didn’t want another bite of breakfast until I’d had her.

She turned to go, but I grabbed her hand, jerking her back to me. “AJ, what are you doing?”

Palming her breast through the T-shirt, I replied, “Planning to fuck you like I wanted when I first woke up this morning.”

She smacked my hand away. “Jeez, Neanderthal, can’t you wait until you’ve eaten?”

I gave her a wicked smile. “No, because I plan on having something else to eat first.” I shoved my plate to the side. Grabbing her by the hips, I hoisted Mia up on the table in front of me.

“Oomph,” she muttered, giving me a death glare. After I slid her panties off, I then propped her feet on each of the chair arms. “You are such an infuriating sex-fiend!” she huffed. When I grinned up at her, she rolled her eyes. “I went to all that trouble to make you breakfast.”

“It can be reheated.” I grabbed the hemline of her shirt. Glancing around, Mia bit her bottom lip. This time without saying a word, I knew she was afraid of me seeing her in the light. “You are fucking beautiful—every single inch. You hear that loud and clear?” I growled, before jerking her shirt off. At the sight of her full, lush body in front of me, I groaned. “God, what just the sight of you does to me.”

“Thank you,” she murmured. It was as if she still couldn’t believe it was true. How could she not believe how fucking beautiful and sexy she was? In that moment, I knew I wanted to somehow get it through her thick skull that she was a knock-out beauty in so many ways than just physically.

Glancing at the bowl of fruit, a wicked thought entered my mind. I dug out a chunk of pineapple. Cupping Mia’s cheek with my hand, I brought the piece to her lips. “Eat,” I commanded. Licking her lips, she eyed me before leaning in. When she bit into the pineapple, juice dribbled down her chin and trickled onto her chest. While she chewed, I swiped my tongue across her chin, sucking up the moisture. I then licked a sticky trail down her neck to suck up the remaining juice. Being that close to her breasts was too tempting, so I sucked a nipple inside my mouth.

“Mmm, AJ,” she murmured, her fingers twisting through my hair.

Alternating between licking and sucking, I teased the nipple into a hardened point. I then started to Mia’s other breast, but she pulled back, reaching for the fruit bowl. She brought a strawberry to my lips, and I took a bite. After I finished chewing, I sucked the other half in my mouth. I slid the uneaten part down her chest and over her stomach. Her breathing hitched when I reached the juncture of her thighs. Widening her legs, I brought my head between them. “AJ, what are you doing?” she asked in a panicked voice.

“Shh,” I muttered, pushing her upper body down on the table. She angled her head to the side and gazed down at me, her brow creased.

Turning to her left thigh, I slid the strawberry against her skin. Her legs shook when I repeated my motions on her right thigh. Then I brought my mouth to her center, rubbing the strawberry against her sensitive nub. She gasped with pleasure. Going for the gold, I brought a finger up and slipped it inside her. “AJ,” she moaned, raising her hips as I worked a second finger inside her. All the while, I kept rubbing her clit with the strawberry. “Oh fuck! Oh yes, I’m going to come!” she cried. Her hands flew out to grip the edge of the table momentarily before she brought them to cup her breasts. Her hips bucked up, and she started murmuring my name over and over.

When her walls finished clenching around my fingers, I withdrew from her. “You okay, amorcito mio?”

Licking her lips, she shook her head. “Take me to bed, AJ,” she pleaded.

“I thought you’d never ask.” I stood up, kicking the chair out from behind me. Grabbing Mia’s hips, I dragged her to the edge of the table. She wrapped her legs around me, and I hoisted her up. I brought my mouth back to hers, kissing her feverishly. When I got to the hallway, it seemed like the bedroom was miles away. I fought the urge to shove Mia up against the wall and take her right there. But she deserved better than that.

When I got into the bedroom, I gently eased her down on the mattress. Reaching around my back, she pulled me on top of her. My dick rubbed against her wet heat, causing us both to moan. “Wait, I gotta get a condom.” I snatched one out of the nightstand lightning fast and was back in her arms. Mia opened her thighs to me, and I positioned myself between them before easing inside her. She felt like heaven, and I groaned in pleasure.

Instead of the pounding sex we’d had previously, this was slow, tender, and…heartfelt. It caused a whole range of emotions to ripple through me. As I kept my eyes on hers, Mia’s hips rose to meet my thrusts. Her whimpers and moans made me hot as hell, but I reigned myself in. It felt too good to end it fast.

When Mia came, her arms clutched me tighter against her. Her cries echoed through the bedroom, but I loved she called my name the most. It didn’t take too long before I was tensing up and coming inside her. After I was done, I didn’t immediately roll off her. Instead, I let her continue swirling lazy circles with her fingers on my back while I buried my face in her neck. I inhaled her soft skin and smelled some tiny remnants of her perfume mixed with the more manly body wash I’d used on her last night in the shower. The silky strands of her hair tickled my nose, and I rose up to kiss a trail over her neck and chin and slowly back to her mouth. I thrust my tongue inside, seeking out her warmth. After a frenzied lip-lock, my phone ringing brought me out of my post-sex haze.

“Shit,” I grumbled before pulling out of her. I fumbled along the nightstand for my phone before realizing it must be in my pant pockets. I strode down the hall to find them by the couch. I had a missed call from Jake, so I called him back.

“Hey man, where are you?” Jake asked.

“Home. Why?”

“We got rehearsal at Eastman’s in fifteen minutes, remember?”

Fuck, I had forgotten all about that. To celebrate our success, we were doing a show at Eastman’s, the bar where we’d first come together as a band. “Yeah, I kinda forgot about that. I’ll be there as soon as I can, okay?”

“You better get your ass here ASAP, douchebag.”

“Bite me, ass-munch.”

Jake chuckled before hanging up the phone. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Mia’s panties on the kitchen floor. I grabbed them and then headed down the hall. When I entered the bedroom, my bed was empty. I found Mia dressed in the bathroom and washing her face. “I figured that call meant you have to go.”

I nodded. “We have rehearsal in fifteen minutes.”

Eyeing my naked form, Mia grinned. “You better hurry.”

“I can throw something on real quick.” I closed the distance between us. “I wouldn’t want to shower anyway. I wanna smell like you the rest of the day.”

Turning around, she wrapped her arms around my neck. “I’d say since I used your manly smelling bath wash last night, you’re just going to smell like yourself.”

“And sex,” I added with a smile.

She laughed. “Yes and that.”

I brought my lips to hers, giving her a long, lingering kiss. When I pulled away, I cocked my head at her. “So, can I call you?”

Mia hesitated before replying, “Sure.”

After another kiss, I replied, “You know if I say I’ll call, I mean it, right? I’m not one of those douchebags who says that and bails.”

Sadness briefly flickered in Mia’s eyes. “We’ll see.”

“Ooh, you’re challenging me, huh?” I smacked her ass playfully. “You know I love a good challenge.”

Mia smiled. “Call it whatever you want.”

“Just call you, right?”

She nodded. “But…only if you want.” She leaned in and kissed me again, before starting for the door.

“Wait,” I called. She turned around. I swung her panties around on my finger. “You forgot these.”

She eyed them for a moment before glancing back at me. “Keep them to remember me by.” And with a wink, she walked out of the room.

With a grin, I shook my head. Somehow I’d managed to meet my match in every way possible. One day with her would never be enough. Hell, I doubted even a week would be enough. I knew there was no way I could let Mia get away when she could be my one and only.




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