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BLADE: The villains also love (English verson) (Duology of criminals Book 1) by Mari Sillva (20)


By: Blade Maldonado


At that moment I could feel every muscle in my body shaking with such anger. That woman was the only person in the world who could get me out of earnest. Everything about her irritated me, deeply, from the charming smile to the sweet voice of the tells, there was something about Jesse that attracted me so much and it was all hers. At the same time, she could not stand his presence, she was clumsy and sleepy. But when she was away, I missed her, every day more. What the fuck did you think I was up against? I knew I would never let her take part in something so dangerous, and yet she was acting behind my back. I would get her out of the Casino immediately and if there was even a God in heaven, that He would have mercy on her because I would not have.

-I'll get her out of there now, - I said, starting toward the exit.

He would not leave that place without a shot in the middle of the forehead of any accused person who dared to look at Jesse. I was angry, fucking, angry, possessed and with a mortal hatred of that woman!!!

-You're not going anywhere, understood, Blade? - Julius said with a serious expression, daring to hold my arm tightly.

-And who's going to stop me? - I asked irritably looking at his hand on me. I would be able to rip his arm off if I insisted on wanting to hold myself.

-If you enter that Casino now as it is, Jesse will be dead. If you want this to happen, I will not hold you back. But I think I should give the girl a chance, even if I hurt you for being a jerk with her, she did not think twice about helping when Sara twisted yesterday and I called her at the last minute for help, -he finished, releasing me had promised. Julius was always the wisest of the group.

So she was not answering just my calls. My anger at her only increased more every second.

I pounded Julius's face hard, which went straight to the ground because of the intensity of the blow, which I was not expecting. I wanted to kill him with the punch, to have the pleasure of seeing him bleeding to death.

-That's for putting Jesse in the middle of this fucking thing. - And if someone touches a hair of her will come much more where it came from, I will not stop until your face is unrecognizable.

- I can´t believe I lived to this day to see Blade Maldonado worried about someone, or rather, jealousy! I hope you enjoyed the red dress she's wearing, I chose to honor you, mate. - The abused Mexican got up from the floor massaging the place where he had hit the punch, the corner of his mouth dirty with blood.

- Damn you! - I pounded his face again several times, but the bastard continued laughing mockingly as if he were immune to pain.

-Could you two leave it to resolve this later? We have a bigger problem now. Jesse has just arrived in the casino room and I think her presence has immediately caught the attention of Josué Torres, Matteo's henchman was falling for her, -Li said, his eyes intent on the monitor.

I pushed Julius anyway, and went close to the Chinese, purple of anger, to see with my own eyes what he had said. And in fact, it was true not only did they as all the men around the game table stopped what they were doing to look at her.

-I'm going to kill each of them coldly tonight, - I growled. I was out of my mind.

-She really looks wonderful! - And look, I do not even overdo the makeup I did, Jesse is naturally beautiful and her shy way just makes her more charming, -Sara's nosy  commented, her mouth full of something she was eating while she saw everything from where she sat into bed. He knew he had her finger in the researcher's entire production.

-Can you hear me, Jesse? - Stir in your hair if the answer is yes, I want to know if the microphone I put in your ear is working properly. Li contacted her, pretending not to notice my presence, totally focused on what she was doing. She put her hand in her hair sensuously, too much for my taste.

-Great, my dear, it's going very well! - She smiled a little at Julius's compliment. – She became happy with so little. -Our target is that tall man in a black bow-tie suit, hair pulled back and a gray beard. Do not forget that he likes sexy women, but not offered. Jesse listened intently as if he knew how to seduce someone.

-Stop trying to fool her by saying you can seduce someone, Julius. Because everyone present here knows not! Send that idiot out of there before he messes up like he always does, let's find someone more suited to put in Sara's shoes. -I was cruel and I did not feel a bit guilty about it.

Jesse had to understand that she had not been born for that sort of thing an angel like her should be illegal in the midst of such lust. To face me the damn turned to the camera arching her eyebrow and a dangerous smile on her face, very sexy. And he went out swinging toward the table where Josue Torres was. If I could, I would have crossed the monitor and twisted her neck.

-Aiiii, - she groaned in pain, taking two steps and tripping on her own foot, falling to her knees, supporting both hands on the ground and drawing the attention of everyone present, especially the target.

It was obvious that it would happen, but no one wanted to hear me. She could even be the fucking hot woman dressed in that piece of cloth she called a dress. But what really calls the attention of men like Matteo Castelli's henchman are the most experienced. It was cowardice for Julius to play a virgin in the hand of a pervert.

-Do not worry, Blade, it's all under control. Jesse is just being herself, the sweetest, sweetest girl in the world, these qualities can conquer even the coldest heart in the world, do not you think? -He rolled his eyes at me, crazy to take another punch. -Now, shut up and see what she's capable of, - she added confidently, folding her arms, as much as I and Li and Sara were concerned, but he was not at all.

-He's approaching her, now anything can happen. -Li put his hands behind his head, nervous, and Sara turned her face away, not looking to see what the henchman's reaction was.

- Are you alright? -To his surprise, he reached out to help her up. It was obvious that the bastard was interested in her.

-Thank you, you are a very kind man! - Jesse smiled at him, but not any smile, the kind that lit up the whole world. It affected me I did not enjoy seeing her smiling at another man. It was like dying a thousand deaths in life, an endless pain.

-I'm only kind to women who have a handsome smile just like yours, are you new here? - I would certainly remember an exotic jewel like you, your hair is very attractive and your shyness the most erotic thing in the world. I am Josué Torres, the administrator, and partner of the Casino. "The bastard was cheating on her, signing her death certificate.

-I'm Naomi Suan and the pleasure is all my, Joshua! - Thanks for the compliments, I'm glad to hear that there are still men in the world who know how to treat a woman. He laid a kiss on the face of the man he had just met, delighted. It did not look like she was acting, and if she was, she had no need to kiss him.

-I hope you're aware that I hear every word you're saying, investigator. - If I were you, I would not play with fire, because the fire could be great afterward. I tried to say as calmly as I could, did not want to make her nervous in front of the enemy.

-If you do not know how to play, do not go down to the playground, - the damn said, covertly, so the henchman would not hear her.

Julius tried to stifle his laughter by covering his mouth with his hand amused by what had happened.

-Why do not you come to the table with me? - Something tells me that a beautiful woman like you is going to give me luck I want you by my side tonight. He blinked at Jesse, full of ulterior motives.

Nothing would make me happier!

Was I going crazy or was she even flirting with the enemy? Suddenly the timid woman was gone, giving scene to a lady of the night. If her plan was to hurt me, she was doing very well, too.

After the idiot made a fortune asking Jesse to choose the number to bet on, she did not miss one, they left, and went to the bar to celebrate. He wanted to impress her with money as if she cared. Every minute the man was more enchanted by the researcher's sympathy and spontaneity, not missing an opportunity to touch her. And amid much laughter and flirtation between the two, at last, the henchman called her to go to a more "intimate" place.

-I've never met any woman like you, so sweet and at the same time fatal. A power of seduction out of the ordinary and look I understand well when it comes to women. I never believed in passion at first sight, but once I met you, I'm rethinking that question. - He was not joking when he said he wanted her to spend the night with him, it was really serious. His mouth came close to her ear, and he bowed his head in shame. -At breakfast too, we can spend all day in bed doing wild sex. - Jesse blushed a lot.

- Son of the bitch! The guy is good even I want to go to bed with him now, -Li joked, making Julius and Sara laugh as my hatred only increased. I felt like a caged lion.

-The mission is over, Jesse, get out of here now. You're not going anywhere with this guy. If I do not go out I'll go inside and get you. -I was not joking I did not give a damn! - He just wanted to get her away from this man and anyone else who tried to get close to her.

-And what is waiting for me to take me to this most intimate place? I can´t wait to be in your arms, the day tomorrow promises, - she said as a party bitch, a cheap prostitute. I was so angry, crazy to shoot anyone.

-Do not fuck with me, I told you to leave now! - The bastard girl did not even give me a shit, she pretended to touch her hair and pulled the microphone from her ear, tossing it discreetly into her purse.

- I'm going to kill them both! And who gets in my way too. - I broke the monitor screen with a punch over the image of the two leaving the hall hand in hand exchanging glances of complicity and heading towards the corridor, sure to get the first elevator to the roof where the cabins were for VIP customers take their lovers. No one dared try to hold me this time, not even Julius. I walked through the front door of the Casino with a pistol in each hand, I stepped into the elevator snorting with rage, it seemed like it was fading away in slow motion. At one point, a couple of very well-dressed old men entered certainly old lovers of games. You wore an Italian suit and black hat, sporting a pure gold walking stick. His wife wore a genuine leather jacket, filled with expensive jewels, with gray hair in a shoulder-length cut.

-Does your mother know you're having these kinds of things, son? Weapons are dangerous, they destroy both the victim and the wearer, -he said as the elevator began to move, not at all intimidated to be trapped inside a steel box with an armed man.

-It was actually her gift on my ten-year birthday, - I replied, looking straight ahead. He did not have much patience at the moment. The piano playing music was not helping much, so I shot the sound box in the elevator.

-If you did not, I would have, I hate those kitschy songs. Did you see that your hand is bleeding, dear? Let me fix it holds it for a moment love.

The lady took the gun from my hand and handed it to her husband, nor did I realize that I had hurt when I hit the monitor screen. She took a handkerchief from around her neck and wrapped it around my hand, lovingly.

-Are not you go to say the magic word? - Asked the lady, I thought I was joking, but I was not. He was looking at me with his ugly face, for a moment I thought he would pull my ear.

-Thanks! -I replied only against my will. The elevator door opened, and they walked away with smiling arms, that all joy was not normal.

It was in front of the main suite door, ready to burst and burst into the room, when the door opened and Jesse walked past me, calmly, pretending he was not seeing me. I took her arm and threw her into a suite next door. She was going to have to explain to me exactly what had happened between the two in that damn room.

- What do you want? I'm in a hurry. - She spat, glaring at me like I was the wrong one in the story, cynical.

-What happened between the two of you in that suite? - Did he let you touch him, delivered his virginity to him? If she was a virgin herself, because the way I saw you behaving a cheap prostitute today, I do not know anything else. -I was so angry, I just wanted to hurt you the way you were hurt.

- Shut up never talk to me like that again! -He slapped me in the face with pleasure.

-Do you want to die, girl? - No woman ever dared to beat a Maldonado's face, she should punish you for it. My eyes sparkled with anger, and she did not back away from me for a minute with a steady nose.

- Glad to be the first. -She faced me like a wild ounce.

-Where do you think you're going with that? Were you trying to get my attention, make a scene? - I screamed so loudly, and she shrunk so much that for a moment I thought she would be on the floor to escape me. She trembled with fear.

-No, you asshole!- I did it because I'm an idiot, as always thinking of others before me. I got a lot of information from Matteo's henchman he dropped everything on the boss after I christened his drink. It's all recorded on the tape recorder inside my bag, the best of it all is that he'll just wake up tomorrow and not remember anything. At that moment I was forced to release her, I had to stay away to keep her safe from me, the way I was nervous I could do something against her physical security.

-Do not abuse my self-control, investigator I must warn you that I have never been very good at controlling my anger. So do not play with my patients again or the worst happens to you. -I tried to keep quiet on the outside, but inside my blood caught fire.

-I swear I do not understand you, why are you so nervous? - I got what you wanted, did not I? So stop making drama and let me go celebrate the success of the mission with the staff. She spun her body quickly, making the skirt of the dress spin. God! Up close, it seemed shorter still, it was practically naked.

- It was lucky, damn it! - I yelled, and if she opened her mouth again she would be able to really twist her neck.

-Because I'm not as pretty and attractive as Sara, am I? - I do not have big boobs or a big ass. I'm just a normal girl. Sorry to warn you that times have changed Blade, beauty attracts, but it is the content that conquers. Jesse lowered her head, avoiding my eyes that were surely shining with hatred in the darkness.

-You're dumber than I thought! - Childish and spoiled.

I did not think of her for the plan, not because you were not capable or pretty enough, but because I did not want any man touching or looking at what is mine.

- Thank Goodness you're not the only man in the world, there are many others out there who find this fool here very interesting. She was eager to die, the only explanation!

-I know you're talking about the bartender, is he the one you want? - My voice came out sharply, I do not know if I was ready to hear her answer.

Jesse fumbled the ring on his finger from side to side, a simple but very exciting movement.

-Answer me, damn it, - I ordered, punching the wall. She paced like a caged beast.

-Miche is a good boy, - she said simply. I hate her intimate way of calling him by his nickname.

- And what else? -Since she had begun to speak, she could say it all at once.

-And nothing else, Blade, my personal life is none of your business, - she said, bratty, her hands cupping her waist.

If he had not been so annoyed with her, he would have kissed her then. She was even more attractive when she was nervous, a temptation.

-It did not seem like much when I saw you walking hand in hand with the photo exhibit in the park like two passionate lovebirds. It did not look like anything to me when he tried to kiss you and closed the eyes to receive the kiss and, of course, his name is Michelangelo and not "Miche".

-I swear I tried, Blade, but you do nothing but oppress me and lower me whenever you can. You cruelly rude to me, I've been so humiliated in my life by so many people, but that's over. No regrets, let's shake hands like two civilized people and each one goes his way. -Her coldness startled me a lot.

- How came each one go each way? You've forgotten everything that happened between us in Tijuana, because I did not forget.

I was panicking. What if she meant it? I was sure that I hated that woman with all my strength, especially the effect of her presence on me, even her voice irritated me. At the same time, I wanted her crazily! She had the power to make my pain disappear and brought light to my darkest days. She made me silly just to look at her, bewitched, that was the right word.

-Of course, I did not, Blade. But what happened in Tijuana is in Tijuana. I'm just an acquaintance here who´re helping you, in this case, is not it, big Tiger? -She threw the words in my face, certainly that Jesse in front of me was not the same a few days ago.  She was different, very reliant.

-If you want it that way, investigator. - I will never be the charming prince and you deserve to be with someone who I will send letters and fill you with flowers. I never wanted to feel the kind of pain I was feeling, it was like dying. She had completely destroyed me.

-I do not aim to be venerated, just loved. It does not have to be perfect, just really. - He stared at me.

How had I not noticed before that her mouth was so attractive with a shy sensual smile that promised a mixture of pleasure?

-You look like an angel fallen from the sky who came to cursed me, to destroy me. I wish I could not say what I felt for her. I should avoid her at all costs. - But I just could  not, it was stronger me.

-Angels are usually described as blond and light-eyed, I've never heard of any black angel, - she corrected.

-I stand before one now.

I narrowed the distance between us, another inch and the hard muscles of my chest would be against the softness of her breasts, which were already stiff. She was excited, just like me. At that moment I forgot everything, it was just me and her. When I figure that out, I had it pressed against the wall, lifting it off the floor. One cupped hand on her buttocks and the other pressed her to the base of the spine, next to me. She could feel the erection of my cock brushing her crazy with raw, violent sex for extreme pleasure. Her legs hooked around my waist, wanted to send everything to hell and make her mine right there. Then I slid my tongue into her mouth, exploring all space. Jesse's arms wrapped around my neck thrusting her hands between my hair increasingly sensitive breasts pressing on me practically begging to be touched at every moment the kiss became more demanding, needy.

I was not sure how long we'd kissed, maybe hours, maybe, the time had stopped.

- Jesse! -Her name left my lips like a whisper, a soft moan.

-I hear you, my dear! -Her lips were red and swollen, probably mine too.

-I know that I'll never be the man you deserve. I was born to be a villain. I like what I do and do not intend to quit, but I can try to improve myself for you if you want, what do you think of the idea of being my angel forever? - She hugged me tightly and started to cry as if saying goodbye.

-I'll miss you so much I hope one day you can stop hating me. - She smoothed my wet face.

-I do not understand, little one, no matter how angry I might ever be able to hate you. Where have you been all those days? I was so worried, I missed you so much. A few more days and I would die. Promise not to frighten me like this anymore. - I pressed my forehead against hers.

-It took me some time to get courage to tell you a secret, there's something yours that's with me. - She was crying more and more, I was starting to get really scared.

"Please, do not cry, angel," I begged, I could not bear to see her suffering like that.

-I'm not an angel Blade I'm actually more of the devil's daughter. She slid from my arms to the ground, her shoulders bowed as if she were carrying the weight of the world on her.

-Speak right now, sheet! - I burst out, she was making me nervous.

-You never wondered why I never told you my full name. - She slipped her hand into her purse and took out a package just like what I saw with her father. -I am the daughter of the man who stole this from your family. Blade, my father caught it in the day he participated the ambush. My name is Jesse Carter I carry the surname of a corrupt and murderous cop. I can´t continue lying to the man I love, even if it makes him hate me for the rest of his life, -she added, handing me Colt, an ancient weapon, a relic of the Maldonado family passed from father to son.

The same woman who had made me discover that under such wickedness, inside my chest beat a heart, destroyed it in a way that it would never heal.




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