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BLADE: The villains also love (English verson) (Duology of criminals Book 1) by Mari Sillva (25)


There was a deadly, painful silence. Blade looked indecipherable, his thoughtful eyes running every inch of Jesse's face. He was a mysterious man, cunning and dangerous. However, after he had met the investigator, much has changed, but not to the point of being ordered by a woman. He was about to be born who would have him, to force him to do something he did not want.

-I do not like cold places, good trip!

He threw the plate into Jesse's lap brutally making the food he had so carefully fixed a mess, as well as his feelings at that moment.

- Thank you, I'm not hungry! - She took the plate from her lap and placed it disappointed on the counter.

-If you do not want to eat, do not eat. - Now get dressed, I'll take you to your house. -Far away from me, - Jesse said mentally Blade turned away, too nervous to look at her.

-I thought we'd spend the whole day here. - she took a deep breath, looking at the hard, definite ass of the thug in front of him. -Together in our hiding place, - she said, her cheeks flushed. It came across her mind the hottest moments of the night before, of orgasm thinking of when to repeat the dose, for her at that very moment.

-I've been thinking about a lot of things too, but I just learned that nothing is the way we think, especially people. - It was rough, cold, and calculating in his words, already coming out of the kitchen. For him, the day was over.

Jesse came down from the balcony, feeling guilty for having finished their moment. It was never the "daring kind" and when it was gone, it ruined everything. He made his way to the bedroom hoping he was there, but he was not. He put on his clothes and went out looking for Blade holding the heels in one hand and the purse on his chest, like a shield.

-Come on, - Blade said earnestly as she stepped into the room.

On the way back there was no conversation, so little exchange of looks. It was as if she were invisible to him, like two strangers. The thug was too good at ignoring people.

- Here's the tape recorder. -For what Matteo Castelli's henchman said when he was drugged, his boss's mansion is somewhere in Puerto Rico. He did not say the exact location but spoke some information about the dirty business and places where he frequents and the accomplices. It was the only thing Jesse said as soon as the Impala parked outside her apartment.

Blade was not even able to release the steering wheel to get the recorder. Then she put it on top of the glove compartment and opened the door from the car.

-Will you come and see me before the trip? -I wanted to see you sooner. -She lowered her head sadly, wanting to cry hearing only the snore of the Impala's engine, accelerating at a hundred miles per hour. Blade had left without saying goodbye to her.

Maldonado returned to the house with a bad mood of a dog. He was not kidding, crazy to discount his anger at someone. The reason for his hatred was that he could not get Jesse out of his mind, but he was too stubborn to go after her and say he would not join her on the trip because she was not prepared to meet her family, her mother-in-law, and so on. He knew he was not the favorite son-in-law that no mother wanted to have, she probably would hate him right away. He had seen her once in the hospital when Jesse took the shot in Bobbi's place, but that day he still had not taken the virginity out of his daughter. He was already a man of thirty-seven, eleven years older than Jesse's age.

-Where's Jesse, Blade? - It was the first thing Julius asked with a frown, suspicious. He and Li were sitting on the couch, biting their nails waiting for them, eager to know what they found.

-It does not matter, - said Blade angrily, turning on the tape recorder and placing two small size sofas on the small glass table.

-Matteo's henchman was an idiot! -he responded to everything the investigator asked, trying to catch her at all times. This irritated Maldonado, even more, he did not know how to deal with jealousy. At that moment, his will was to kill everyone in front of him, especially those who dared to look at Jesse, his girl. Finally, he did not want to hear anything else, just continued in the room even if he left it would be obvious why.

-You're so beautiful I want to make you mine all night. Come here, my ebony goddess, -said the henchman in the recording, in a mellow tone that made Blade's stomach turn. The voice was drawn surely the tranquilizers Jesse had given him should be starting to take effect.

-Not yet, my dear! I want you to answer some questions, let's play all night. -Jesse's voice came out sensual and provocative.

He had experienced her tone the night before, and he knew how dangerous it could be, even if he had no remedy, he would have given her the night he'd made her a woman. Jesse was smart and brave in her performance at the Casino that was beyond denial, no matter how angry she was.

-And what does my bunny want to know? If you lift your dress and let me see those legs I'll say whatever you want, all the crimes I've ever committed and look like they're not few. -He gave a luscious, totally doped-up laugh.

-As you wish, my love. - If Jesse called him "my love" it would not be good for her later, not really.

-You have beautiful legs, bunny and if I answer raises the dress a little more? - He asked hopefully and cheekily.

-How do I find the owner of the Casino? If you say I'll let you touch them and wherever you want. -It was straightforward. If Blade had seen the cheeky face she'd done at that moment she would have given up a bit of anger.

-The boy Matteo? The Castelli family mansion is in Puerto Rico, his mother is Argentina. -She voted for her country after the death of her husband, raising her children in her culture, "he replied, totally at ease.

-Children? - Jesse asked, not in shock.

-Yes, two boys. Matteo is the son of the first marriage with Carlo Castelli, the youngest is Enrico, coming from a lightning relationship. -The three bandits looked at each other with their eyes half closed this was something they did not expect.

-And which street is this house on? He goes there a lot tell me more about his younger brother. -It was as if she had read Blade's thought that's what even he was wondering. He did not know why, but this story of Matteo's brother left him with a flea behind his ear.

-Why so much interest in my boss's family? - At this point Blade tensed, thinking that if she had not been smart the worst might have happened.

-How about we put on a song? I'm going to do a striptease for you every piece of clothing I take your answers a question, my love. -Jesse managed to change the subject, quickly. Blade had never reached the level of rage so great, his eyes darkened as night. When I put my hands on her she will be lost, for sure. By the time the sexy music lasted and how many questions he answered and the henchman's whistles, she should have been naked and that would have to be well explained later.

-By the lamb's blood, as Stephen would say. –That Jesse? The quiet ones are the worst, hide the fire under the skirt, -said Li, abused.

The result, a bleeding nose, a purple left eye, and almost the loss of two front teeth Blade just did not finish the service because he was stopped by Julius who immobilized him in a bear hug, otherwise the Chinese would have walked through the valley of the shadows this Sunday.

-Come on people, talking about Estevão where he is now? - Julius's face was worried, with a bad feeling.

-My brother is fine, people I tried to call him last night. -he did not answer but sent me a message that he had to hurry home because it seems my grandmother is not well.

Bobbi appeared in the office holding a thick book about laws, hitting the round armor-grade glasses eating a bag of cereal, chocolate flavored rum. he wore her usual green linen sweater, Blade's gift. The only grandparents and uncles the young man had personally met were Stephen's parents he spent a month with them when he finished high school.

-Thank goodness, I hope his mother gets well soon. - Julius motioned for the young man to sit next to him on the couch, next to Li with his black eye.

-What happened to you, brother? - Bobbi asked worriedly, seeing the Chinese's face all bruised. He pulled a white handkerchief from the pocket of his sweater and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, carefully.

-Slick, - Blade said, folding his arms like a saint.

-That's all, son, your brother is fine, do not worry. -Li stroked Bobbi's hair, looking into the corner of his eyes at Blade who still looked innocent.

And so the week passed slowly. Estevão without giving news and this began to worry everyone really. As snobbish as the Englishman was, he would call every now and then to say he was okay, this time not even that. They even thought about calling his family, but they preferred to wait a little longer before bothering the Salvatores to worry them. Jesse was also very worried, not with the disappearance of Stephen, but, yes, with that of Blade, who showed no sign of life, not even on the day of the trip. She was feeling lonely and abandoned.

The lover's longing only increased, it was as if he were leaving a piece of her behind. But she did not care about him, either, tired of being snubbed and running behind. To make matters worse, he had to put up with the odd looks of fellow workers in the FBI criminal department. Everyone was suspicious of the stranger's strange resignation. Other than that, it was amazing to work without her father's oppression twenty-four hours on top of her. He did not know where he had gone he just hoped it was far away from all of them. To see her mother's sadness was to cut the heart, they were mother and daughter suffering because they were abandoned by two selfish men who did not deserve them. On top of that, he had the tense conversation with Michelangelo it was just after Blade left her at home with a broken heart. When the bell rang, Jesse rushed out, knocking over everything he found on the way, thinking it was the lover who had regretted and came to make up, but he was sad as soon as he opened the door and saw the bartender smiling at her holding a bouquet of flowers bigger than him.

-Good morning, Princess, - he said with a sweet smile on his face.

Miche was naturally kind and pleasant. It would have been so much easier if he had fallen in love with him, perhaps his heart was broken now, the day after he had his first time with a heartless man who abandoned her the next day. This thought made her feel emotional, resulting in a fit of crying.

-What's the matter, beautiful please do not cry, I'm here now? -Michelangelo took her in his arms and let him put the whole pain out.

-Thank you, Miche, come in. - She thanked him for ceasing her crying, wiping her eyes with the back of her hands.

- Is it better? What have they done to you, Jesse? - He asked taking her hand and leading her to the sofa, hugging her again after they sat down.

-They broke my heart. - Her voice was heart-wrenching, very hurt.

- Got it. -The bartender was sad, only then did Jesse realize what he had said.

- Oh! Miche, forgive me! If I could choose, I would have fallen in love with you, I'm sure I would never be able to hurt myself. But we do not pick these things, unfortunately. -She caressed the face of the boy who was looking at her with clear eyes shining like rubies.

-You're right about that, - he said with a sad smile.

- On what? That it would never hurt me? - Jesse asked confused.

-No. - He looked into her eyes deeply. -That we do not choose who you fall in love with. - After a moment or two, he smiled, showing his beautiful teeth.

They changed the subject from there and spent the rest of the afternoon talking, just as friends. Despite the tension, having this conversation with Michelangelo was a relief to Jesse. Even destroyed and with every reason to give up such a trip, she did not give up. It might even be good to be distracted a little, to breathe other airs. Arrived in Canada on Thursday evening as always, Mainara caught everyone's attention, was handsome, well-dressed and intelligent. Aunt Ana was the younger sister of Maria Joaquim. She married a Canadian boy and lived in a small town in a giant, cold mansion. Translating, they were rotten rich. Bound and snobbish, they looked better than the others. He did not know how Aunt Ana, who was such a sweet and kind woman, could live among them since they did not mix together. Their daughter, Jeniffer, the birthday girl, was the typical little patty, who spent twenty-four hours shopping or yelling at the servants. The researcher's fortune was that her middle brother came to the party too it was the fun part of the family living in New York. In particular, his eldest son, Tony a love of a person, have always done very well. He was tall, strong, and handsome. They were the same age and had been in touch with social networks ever since.

-She does not even seem to be in the same family as us, does she? - Tony commented as he approached Jesse, who was sitting pensive and alone in a far corner of the room, all shrunken with cold, even inside a brown wool coat and the heater on.

She stared at the assembled cousins talking in expensive clothes and bad of the lives of others. They were boring and mocking.

- Not even. - Jesse sighed deeply.

-How about we go out to rink? - It's better than standing here in the middle of these busy people when they start packing for the event of the year, it tends to get worse, let's run away and just come back at the party time? Tony made the request, but Jesse did not even look at his face.

-I'm not excited, thanks for the invitation, cousin. -Jesse's gaze was toward the window overlooking the garden, all capped with snowflakes.

-If I change my mind, I'll be cleaning up I'll be out of here in thirty minutes. - He gave her a charming wink. Jesse smiled yellow and looked out again. Tired of being sad, she decided to take the first step and called Blade.

-I just called to say that I'm missing you and wanted you to be here with me. - Jesse's voice was tearful she was having a bad day.

- Ah! Is it? Your problem, I'm fine! - Blade was rude to her, more than usual. He was not in his best days, either.

-What is high music is that? - Jesse asked suspiciously because the electronic rhythm would have to be some nightclub or something. There were voices of women in the background, a real mess.

-You did not go to your party? -So I got one to go too, -he said wryly, vengeful.

She did not answer anything and was her turn to hang up his face. Blade returned the call immediately, once, twice, endlessly. Jesse pretended not to see the calls, decided to take the rest of the day off for her. Ski with Cousin Tony, then come back and get dressed beautiful and wonderful for the birthday party which was well worth it, since the tour was better than expected. They had been away all day they had so much fun that Jesse did not even remember a certain coldhearted, hardhearted thug.

-Mother, you will not believe me. Tony taught me to ski, I only fell twelve times. - Jesse came into the room jumping all excitedly hand in hand with her cousin. It was less than an hour before the guests started to arrive, everyone was well-dressed for the party.

-Where were you, kids? - You've been gone all day, my love, we can´t get in touch with either of you we've tried a lot. You are late.

Maria Joaquim tried to straighten her daughter's hair by placing a curl behind her ear, which was a real mess as usual. She adjusted her clothes by pulling the collar of her coat and dabbing the little snowflakes over her like she did when she was a child. Jesse did not understand why everyone was staring at her strangely, including the cousins tucked into their glamorous dresses and overly stocked faces. Sister Mainara was after her mother trying to make some kind of signal to her as if she wanted to alert her to something important.

-I'll get ready for it Mom, I've even cheered up for the party. - Tony invited me to be your partner at our cousin's debutante ball, and he's going to dance the main waltz with me, is not his charming? - She smiled, euphoric at the news.

-You already have a pair! - A thick, powerful voice came from the back of the room. And a deadly silence made itself present. Jesse breathed faster and faster as if she was running out of the air.

Blade was beautifully leaning against the wall inside a Black Duos tuxedo, the most expensive of the last collection. The beard made the hair with gel, very well combed back. The shoes were also black, social with the usual elegant posture, superior to the others. A perfume Jesse felt by far, very good by the way. He kept his hands hidden in his pocket, his eyes dark and dangerous. First, his gaze dropped to Tony's hand holding Jesse's, then stood up looking at the investigator's face in a way that said, -You're screwed!




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