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BLADE: The villains also love (English verson) (Duology of criminals Book 1) by Mari Sillva (24)


-Hi, - Blade said, tilting her head slightly to look at her, the sun was beginning to rise with lightning coming through the glass window, reflecting over the two naked bodies amid a mess of sheets.

- Hi! - Jesse replied in a weak voice and a slight smile on his face, still recovering from her recent orgasm.

-Are you okay, little one? - Blade asked worriedly, pulling the bundle of curls over Jesse's face, which gave him a charming smile in response.

- Never been better!

No matter how uncomfortable he was feeling in the middle of her legs with that being to stay in fire with a man she loved looking at her worried after making love, took her attention away from any pain that might exist. She smoothed Blade's face with his open palm, touching her lips in a chaste kiss.

- Was good for you? - Blade went straight, bluntly.

- It exceeded my expectations, and for you? - She blushed at the cheekbones averting her embarrassed gaze Blade swelled his chest proudly and vainly.

- Different! -He answered dryly, with an enigmatic expression. he had trouble talking about his feelings.

- I understand. It must have been strange to you because you are used to experienced women of your age. Mature and sure of themselves, they know how to satisfy a man's desire in bed. - Jesse rolled her body out from under him, covering herself with the sheet, feeling like a complete idiot.

-I said differently because I've never slept with a woman involving feeling in the middle, I do not think I'll ever want to do it any other way.

He wrapped one arm around her waist and dragged her to the same place he was, where he should never have left. Tilting her face close to hers, almost touching each other's lips.

-With another beside you, - he concluded in a whisper.

Jesse's heart throbbed he was declaring himself to her. His way, but he was.

- Ah! Blade! - The words were missing for Jesse, who saw no way out but stealing a passionate, warm kiss. Taken by overwhelming desire, he closed his legs a little, trapping his body in the midst of them, lifting his hips in an attempt to achieve his second orgasm that night.

- Easy, little devil. We'll have plenty of time for that later. - Blade interrupted the kiss, almost breathless. She was learning fast!

-I thought I could do it more than once in a night, - she said in frustration, with a pout that Blade found childish but beautiful.

-We can do as many times as you want, for me, we would turn the night. - He nibbled on her shoulder then looked into her eyes again. -But we will not abuse you on your first time, here below you must be a little sensitive. - He lifted his hand between her legs, touching her with intimacy.

-Thank you for being so kind! - Jesse thanked him, blinking her eyes. Never in a thousand years did she think that she would lose her virginity in such a perfect and unique way.

-Come on, I'll give you a shower.

She stood at the side of the bed and held out his hand to Jesse, who pulled the sheet up to his neck in shame, pretending she was not seeing it. He wanted to have told her that she deserved all this and more and that this had been the best night of her life. Only he did not have the courage, he thought it best to keep himself.

- You go then I go. I might as well do it alone, I'm a woman now, -she said proudly as if she'd become the most responsible person in the world overnight.

A woman what was acting like a child with shame to stay naked in front of me where I had already seen.

-I know you can do this on your own, little one. - he began, speaking calmly, so she could understand. -But I can do that too, will you let me take care of you? - Jesse nodded, loving that patient and careful Blade.

In order not to sound evasive, Blade wrapped the sheet around her body and carried her into the bathroom. She might as well walk, but if that was his way of taking care of her, she would make the most of this rare stage of lethargy. He placed Carter sitting on the dark granite countertop of the bathroom sink, placing a quick kiss on her lips. He stepped away for a moment to put the tub to fill, put some bath salts inside and returned to get the angel who looked everything from a distance.

- Could you turn your back, please? - He wanted to yell at her, but he did not. He met his request, muttering, crossing his arms over his muscular chest.

Jesse sighed at that beautiful image the look on his back was as good as the front without a layer of fat and the only part of his body without tattoos, a curiosity that would ask him later if he was still in a good mood. It had around hard ass, with well-developed muscles at the gluts region. How beautiful his legs were! Strong! Outlined! He had not seen many men naked on television Blade was the only one in truth. But surely there should not be many like him out there, not really! And even with all that fuss trying to be gentle, she looked incredibly hot. And it was all hers, at least that day.

- You can turn now. - When Blade turned, any irritation that might have been at that moment was gone, far away.

He wanted to keep that image for the rest of her life, the day he saw an angel in the flesh in front of him. Jesse was sitting in the tub at the end, her legs stretched out, her arms resting on either side of the edges with a cloak of foam covering her breasts. She had tied her hair in a badly knotted knot at the top of her head, with some curls lost on her face. Her cheeks lightly flushed, her cinnamon eyes glittering as she stared at him. Blade found her skin color beautiful, a perfect tone of chocolate with milk.

-Just a moment, I must catch my breath. - He took a deep breath for at least three times before joining her in the tub, where, after admiring her a little more, he sat behind her so that she could touch his back against his chest. So they took the opportunity to talk about some things that still needed clarification.

-Seriously, you faced your father because of me? - Blade asked, smoothing her thigh under the tips of his fingers.

Jesse told how everything had happened, down to the last detail. It had not been an easy conversation with the major, he knew a side of him worse than he'd imagined.

- Assassin! - Exclaimed Jesse as he entered his father's study. The mother was not home for some reason and her sister had to stay late at work.

- What did you say? Besides being worthless she was crazy too, for what I know is not welcome in this house anymore. - He lifted his head to look at her with complete disdain. He was sitting at his desk reading some work reports. -Never was, your mother should have followed my will and interrupted the pregnancy once we discovered it would be a girl. It was cruel, more than usual…

-It would have destroyed my heart at other times, but after all, I've found out about you does not tickle. It was ironic, coming in unceremoniously as I always did before.

-So the dotty learned to be ironic now? What do you think your mother will say when she finds out she's in bad company? She will have punish her little girl - He sneered, leaning back against the black leather chair, giggling like a hyena in heat.

 -And what do you think your wife is going to say when she finds out I'm dating the man who parents you killed cowardly after they gave up? I will give you to your superior I have proofs and photos of the day that you participated in the firing of the Maldonado couple under Carlo Castelli, the former head of the European Mafia.  She sent it all at once, to show that she was not kidding and wanted justice for what her father did.

-Are you telling me you've been with last Maldonado? - It was the first time Jesse had actually seen his father shocked, even more so because of her.

-I assure you it was a lot more than once. I'm coming from his house now. He, like me, knows how it all happened. The murder of his parents is no longer just a rumor in the world of crime. They did not react after detainees they were cruelly killed by the police. -She was willing to do anything, no matter what.

-Tell me where that bad blood is, that I'm going to send him to his parents in the fifth of the hells, where it's the place of people like him.

He started looking for something in the drawer, it was the gun. He looked like a madman, panting like a crack addict for over a month without making use of it.

-People just like you, are not, Major Carter? - He stopped at once what he was doing to look at his daughter. She had the 38th revolver she had won from Blade on the day of their first encounter in Tijuana, pointed at him.

-So the young lady fell in love with the villain? - He let out a macabre laugh, one of turning his head back. -Stop being an idiot, girl, bad guys do not love anyone but themselves. And put that gun down, we both know you do not know how to use it. So give me this thing before anybody gets hurt.

Jesse looked at his father with a raised eyebrow, firing a straight shot at the cap that was nicely aligned on the major's head.

- One more step and this time the shot will be accurate, I learned from the best. -The Major understood the message, for he stood still, his eyes wide.

-You can hand me over to my superior if you like, I do not regret anything. You have no idea what's going on in the police world, girl, there are more dangerous people than in the world of the crime itself. You should be proud of your father, the Maldonados are just two of the hundreds of thugs we captured and then sent to hell and covered with fake reports. Is not that what the good guys do? They do away with the villains. Do not confuse things, daughter, this thug is using you to get to me, -he said cynically, he was worse than Jesse imagined.

-Apparently, the only difference from bad guys to good guys is media coverage, which they want people to believe. I always wanted you to be proud of me, you were my hero. -When she was a little girl, she thought the most when she left in the morning to work on her uniform, she thought it was her armor. I dropped my dream of being a photographer to follow in your footsteps at the police. Today, I am ashamed to say that I have the same blood as you.

-I've been always ashamed of you to have my blood, if your mother were not so honest I could swear you were not my daughter. - Born the same as my mother-in-law's snake, she never liked me and made that very clear. The major's voice was disgusted every time he looked at Jesse he saw the image of his mother-in-law.

-My grandmother was always right, she was the kindest person in the world, and I'm proud to look like her. - And if I were still alive, I would support my attitude of delivering you to justice. -To say that was painful for Jesse, but the truth is always right.

-Just so you know, it will not do anything because my superior, his useless, like me, is involved in this and his superior too and soon.

Jesse pointed the gun at his father's chest, about to face him for the first time. Worst of all was the mocking smile that he did not take off his face if he found the smart guy.

-You're going to ask for my mother's divorce today, hand me the Colt you stole from Mr. Maldonado and disappear from the map for the rest of our lives, retire and live in a lake house preferably in China, are we combined? - It was straightforward, direct.

- Never! When I was a kid, my grandfather, who was a cop like my father, told me about the Colt legend, I fell in love with it at the same time and knew it would be mine someday. I spent my youth studying this incredible object. The happiest day of my life was when I found it hidden in the trunk of the Maldonado couple's car, after being shot. It is my precious, I gave up my reward at the time to stay with the Colt, -he shouted, out of his mind.

- I don´t think so! Just for you know, Blade got the list of cops who participated in the death of his parents and guess who leads it? I suggest adding the map before he finds you, and, believe me, he's a lot scarier in person than they say.

-Fill, you are in the office? - Maria Joaquim came in search of the future ex-husband.

-I'm in the office, woman, - he said sternly, not taking his eyes off his daughter.

-If you touch her hair, it's me who's going to end you. You have until tomorrow to give me the Colt and disappear from our lives forever.

Jesse turned the gun on his finger and held it around his waist like a pro. He saw in a movie after he learned to shoot and he was training at home, every day. He passed the kitchen to kiss his mother and left.

-I can´t believe you shot your father to defend me! - Blade clutched Jesse so tightly inside that his arms seemed to want to break it in half, he was proud of her.

-I can do anything for you, Blade. -She turned her face, so she could look at him deep in the eyes. -I love you, no matter what I swear I'll be the only man in my life.

-You do not know what you're saying, Jesse, this is not right here. Your father is right in part, young girls do not fall in love with villains. And thugs love no one but them. There will be an hour that you will have to choose which side to stay on. I do not want to deceive myself into thinking it will be mine, I have killed more people than you have known in my life, and I will probably kill a lot more. - Looked away.

Jesse thought for a moment before spoke.

-All I see in front of me is a real man, without pretending . Defect everyone has, I'm their queen myself. I do not have what it takes for  the good girl they are usually pretty and well-dressed and walk with their hair always tidy. - She snuggled into his arms, leaning her head against his chest, his heart pounding. It was incredible how more Blade tried to pull her away, the closer she got.

-Stopping to think, you do not look like the girls in the movies, actually - he joked, more relaxed.

-My choice will always be you, Blade! But I can´t deal with the fact that a thug will never be able to love anyone but himself, that's too much for me. Maybe it's better to stop here, each one goes his way. - Jesse's voice shuddered, making Blade's heart clench.

-Be my exception. -Jesse smiled like a teenager in love.

- Your exception calls Bobbi Xing Perez Salvatore Maldonado, have to see how you looks at your brother. Can you imagine your life without him? - This is called love Blade there are several ways to love a person.

-I can´t imagine my life without you, either, - Blade said, making her melt inside.

-The only thing that can get me out of your life is you, Blade, because I do not intend to go anywhere, now that I've experienced what it's like to be in the arms of a Maldonado, I do not want to leave again, they say there are not many outs there. -She leaned her thigh against him.

-If I were you, I'd take it, Miss Carter. I am limited edition, the only and original edition at your disposal. -He gabbed, without any modesty.

-That's what I'm going to do now.

She kissed him, but it was not any kiss. It was the one who said, -Let's make it work! - And so they spent some more time dating in the tub. Blade was thoughtful enough to stand beside her on the bed until she fell asleep in his arms.

He could not sleep, his head was too full. Staying with Jesse was crazy, insane and delicious madness. Blade wanted her, but he knew the immensity of the problems that would bring her mainly. He rose carefully so as not to wake her, adjusting the sheet over the girl's naked body, but not before giving another good check. Who would have thought she hid all this under those loose clothes, and it's all mine.

He went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast Jesse would certainly wake up hungry after losing so much energy during the night. Almost everything was ready, the scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and guava-stuffed cake she knew to be her favorite. I wanted to please her anyway. He was making the natural orange juice when he felt her presence before he even saw her.

- Good Morning! -He greeted Jesse, totally timid against the wall.

She wore a black Blade robe, twisting her bare feet on the cold floor, her hair flying unbuttoned, holding the cell phone on her chest. With no courage to look at him, who was totally naked, wearing only an apron with his friend downstairs well excited for that time of the morning: big, thick and vigorous.

The smell was great, it was handsome, he knew how to use a gun, he was rich, and he knew how to cook, and even then he thought it was not a good match. The kitchen was large the modern stainless steel furniture glued to the wall a glass table with six chairs in the center, and a basket of fresh fruit in the middle of it. It was extremely organized like the rest of the house.

- Are you hungry? - Blade asked, turning to look at her, following the direction where her eyes were fixed in the region of his erect member.

-A lot, - she answered quickly, and he was not talking about food. And he knew that for sure.

-Come on then, I'll feed you.

The damn thick voice almost made her cum. Her will was to fly over him and drag him to bed again. She never imagined that she would ever be in the kitchen of a handsome man preparing her breakfast almost naked, making use only of a white apron with red flowers surely it was his mother's.

-Are not you go to get dressed first? - She asked, tugging at her hair, trying to disguise the embarrassment.

Without patience, he searched for her and set her down on the kitchen counter. Jesse left the cell phone next to his. Blade patiently tidied everything up a little on a white porcelain plate, opened Jesse's knees squeezing between her legs to feed her. The fact that he did not use fork and knife only made everything more sensual and erotic.

-It's a little hot in here, is not it? - He set the dish on the counter and took off his apron, all naked, untied the strips of Jesse's robe, looking her in the eyes and biting his lower lip in front of the view of the front of her naked body, it was as if had opened the gates of paradise or hell.

-It's not that hot. - She threatened to close her robe with incredible agility.

-Do not even think about it. - He prevented it before he finished the act.

-But Blade, I'm not used to ... - She stopped talking, too embarrassed to look at him.

-You have to stop all this shyness, Jesse. After seeing, you naked, I will not accept that you use anything other than your lovely smile when we are alone. You said you love me, did not you? When I was a little boy, I heard my mother tell my father that the one she loves trusts, I do not know much about love, but I thought it was true. -She released the strips from his robe, leaving it open the way he had left it.

-I think you'd be doing a great job of seller too, Blade, - she teased, grinning down at the ring on her finger from side to side. It was an involuntary act she did when she was nervous.

-You do not know the danger that runs every time you do that.

Jesse looked up and saw two dark pools staring at her, unblinking. Then Blade kissed her savagely as if the kiss had just been invented holding her waist with one hand and the other tightening her breast with desire. The two of them rang at the same time, both answered without looking.

-Where are you, daughter? - Blade's eyes widened in alarm at the sound of Jesse's mother's voice.

-Where the fuck you? - Jesse was almost deaf because of Julius's cry, visibly irritated.

-It's for you, - they said together, changing the gadgets.

-Be quick, Julius, I'm too busy. - Blade wanted to get it over with.

-What did you do to Jesse? Whatever it is, I'll do double with you later, you understand, Blade? - Exclaimed the nervous Mexican.

-I'm sorry Julius, but you're not my type. - Blade sneered playfully.

Looking mischievously at Jesse standing in front of her kitchen counter with his robe open giving him a glimpse of the image of her bare breasts with her bristling nipples.

-I'm not joking, Maldonado, when I went to look for you in her apartment, I ran into the face of her mother's madwoman who hit me with her purse thinking I was a thug. It's true that I am one, but I was not stealing anything at the time, I just wanted to help her daughter out of her clutches. - Blade almost laughed imagining the scene, but he did not want to make his partner even more irritated.

-Catching a woman, big one? You've been better at fighting. And about Jesse, do not worry, because I'm taking good care of her. -She flicked a wink at the young woman's deadly sexy side.

-I did not know Jesse's mother was so young and pretty, but she was crazy. -Blade raised an eyebrow, feeling a certain interest in his words.

-Then be clever, mate, I heard that Mrs. Carter is getting a divorce.

He hung up on Julius's face without even saying "bye" at least. Jesse frowned at him while she talked to his mother in disapproval of his attitude. Blade was silent, listening to the conversation between mother and daughter.

-But Aunt Ana's daughter is already turning fifteen, Mama? - And there's going to be a debutante dance, nice! I know that you are very sad about the divorce and disappearance of Dad and want to go out to distract a little, but it is already Friday and they live in Canada, almost on the other side of the world. It's very cold and my cousins are all stuck and none of them like me. Can´t we just go out you and Mainara for a girls program? - Jesse sighed deeply after a long time listening to his mother in silence.

Meanwhile, Blade laid kisses on the curve of her neck, who listened to each word, not liking the direction the conversation was taking.

-Okay, Mom, I'll go. No need to cry, but I will not wear a ridiculous dress, let alone high heels... And the handsome muscular man you saw in my apartment and only the plumber in the building, so I had the key, you're no thief. Then I apologize for you have beaten him with the purse, I love you, too. Goodbye. - She hung up her cell phone, ready to go on with Blade where they had stopped.

-You're not going to Canada on Friday. Make up some excuse for your mother.

Jesse crossed her arms looking at him, not believing he was ordering her.

- And why not? - She pulled him by the army cord, leaving her face close to Blade's, crossing her legs behind his back, leaving him trapped in her hands.

-Because I'm telling you, that's more than enough. - He brought his hands to her buttocks, squeezing hard, pulling closer to him, so that he pressed his cock into Jesse.

-You do not command me, my love! - But as I'm good I'll give you two alternatives and do not try to play the smart guy with me. She kissed those on him, to show that she was in charge. -You can go with me as my date at the debutante ball for my Aunt Ana's daughter's birthday, which would be awesome since no boy ever called me to a dance before. Or stay here like a good boy watching my travel to the other side of the world to a party full of guys, singles and wearing expensive suits. And I do not want any kind of complaint because there must be trust between us. Much less that comes with this talk that I can´t go because it is very dangerous with Matteo Castelli loose and that will not be able to protect me from afar and blah, blah, blah ... I'll go one way or another, with or without you. So, what will it be, tiger? -She set him against the wall, something no one had ever been able to do before.