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BLADE: The villains also love (English verson) (Duology of criminals Book 1) by Mari Sillva (23)


- Need help? - Blade asked, seeing the poor girl almost pulling the clasp of her dress trying to open it. Since that was her final decision, it would be worth it.

- Yes, thank you! - She replied, her head down, dead with shame.

-Just relax, I promise to be kind. - Blade brought her mouth to the investigator's ear, her warm breath tickling her neck.

He pulled the zipper off his dress, placing light kisses on Jesse's neck. The piece went to the floor in a fraction of a second, undressing the fragile body. She wore an intimate white lace set with three-piece combinations. The one that most caught his attention was the garter belt in which the hem found the top of the pantyhose well in the middle of the slightly turned thighs. Blade was forced to take a step back to admire her better and more calmly. He lost his breath. Angel was little to name it at that time.

-You always startle me, Miss Carter. - Blade insisted on calling her by the middle name, for any insecurity about her father's guilt.

She ran her eyes deliberately up and down her body so that she would know how much she wanted her.

-Did not you like it? - I suspected I would not like this color; if I had known I would be with you, I would have chosen something better. She blushed, covering her body with her hands.

-It's perfect, white is the color of angels. -He stroked Jesse's curls, then his face, narrowing the distance between them again, to feel the natural scent of fresh flowers coming from her.

-Your heart beats for those who say they do not have one, I can hear from here. - She ran her small hands sensuously through his strong chest.

-It only manifests itself when I'm with you, - he said, his voice burning with desire.

She smiled shyly, not believing that it was really happening. It had been worth waiting for so long, twenty-six long years. In fact, she had not kissed anyone, not for want of a suitor, or that they did not exist, but she had never really gotten interested in anyone else to get to that point.

-I do not know what to do, Blade. I gave you my first kiss one of these days. I love you so much, you're a lot older than me, and you certainly have a great deal of sex. Being with me will be very bland for you. - She looked away, embarrassed. She could not keep her eyes on anyone for long she'd always been extremely shy.

-I do not know what to do either I've never been with a virgin before. - I will not lie to you I like raw sex, wild and overwhelming. He squeezed her waist, pulling her closer to him, defying the law of physics by making two bodies into one.

-I'm afraid of getting out of control and hurting you, the women I usually quite like brutality. But you're too pure for something so dirty. In fact, what we're doing is not right, little one. - He turned his back to her. For the first time in his life, he was trying to do the right thing.

-Why not? - Jesse asked, hugging his back and laying his head on it carefully. I did not know what his reaction would be.

-In this story, I'm the Bad Wolf, Jesse. Wolves are hunters, do not send letters, do not gift with flowers much less swear love. You should share this special moment with someone worthy and truly deserving of you, the bartender perhaps. - She felt his muscles tighten, his fists clenched tightly. Clearly, it was not easy for him to say those things, but it was necessary.

- This is what you want? May I give myself to another man? I thought you wanted me! - Jesse let go of him immediately, unsure.

-Of course not! I want you, like I never wanted anything in life. But it turns out he's the good guy in this story I'm just the villain, the cruelest of them all. - Blade turned to face her, his eyes bored like clouds on the day of the flood.

-Then stop throwing me into another's arms, my heart aches when you say that kind of thing. If you do not want me, just talk, you do not have to make excuses to get out. -He lowered his eyes to his own feet, tossing the blessed ring back and forth on his finger in a circular motion. I was holding the cry.

-If I walk away, it's not because of lack of feeling, it's because of him. -Blade lifted her face affectionately and laid a kiss on the black face, slightly flushed, timid.

-Well, changing the subject. - If you are the Bad Wolf in this story, who am I?

If her intention was to take the heavy weather in the air, she had achieved with praise. The serious expression on Blade's face was gone, leaving a lighter one in place. Jesse had made the same joke with him as the bandit did when they first met. On the day he almost died of embarrassment.

-Little Red Riding Hood, - he replied, his dark eyes flashing with desire and lust.

-And what does Bad Wolf do to the Little Red Riding Hood? - Jesse's voice came out provocatively. An angel playing a demon, he thought, enjoying the idea.

- It eats her!!! - He whispered softly in her ear, seductive. -Slowly, - she concluded, moaning.

-Do not think about tomorrow. - Blade, let's live just now. She took his hand and placed it on her heart, so she knew it belonged to him and no one else.

-I really think I should work with sales, it's great at convincing people, - Blade joked, smiling. - Yes! - He was smiling at the half-naked woman in front of him, the only one capable of making him perform such a feat.

-I love your smile, just like everything in you.

Jesse took the initiative to kiss him with passion, wrapping his arms around his neck, having to stand on tiptoe so he could touch her lips. Blade interrupted the kiss the young woman almost went mad for the lack of physical contact.

-No matter how long I live or wherever I go, I will remember that night with every second of my life.

Blade turned her around so that she would have her back to him, wrapping her arms around her waist, sticking her body to hers. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, tingling her with light bites in her ear, she unzipped her bra tightly. After releasing her breasts, she touched her nipples with her thumbs in a circular motion. Giving several kisses on her shoulder, she came down the back leaving a trail of small hickeys. Jesse's breathing grew heavier and heavier.

- Can I? - He asked permission to finish undressing her.

Jesse did not understand the request because he had already taken the top. But it turned out that now she was going to play in a woman's most sensitive spot, she did not think it was right to do it without asking if she really could. She nodded and Blade slowly took off her pantyhose, loosening the loops and slowly wrapping them around her legs, stopping to lay kisses on the parts that were getting naked.

-You have beautiful legs, Miss Carter.

Jesse did not even notice when Blade stood behind her again, biting the curve of her neck, holding her tightly around her waist and rubbing her hard cock into his pants. He moved his hands into her panties, getting rid of her like a magic trick. She heard footsteps toward the bookshelf and seconds later, the guitar chords of Bon Jovi's "Always" music took over the room.

-You're wonderful, a work of art, - he whispered softly, stroking her belly with his fingertips, keeping behind her.

Jesse was starting to get nervous that he could not see him, wanted to see his expression as he touched her.

-Please, Blade, I want to look at you when you touch me, - she begged. -I also wanted to be able to touch you, to feel the heat of your body ... - Her voice almost failed, becoming embarrassed after she spoke.

-Not yet, angel, calm down and let me admire you for a few more moments. Lie down in bed, I'm already going to keep you company. - Jesse cringed at the word bed then he pulled her closer to kiss her shoulders until they relaxed and felt safe.

-Why did you choose this song? I was curious about that. - Even though he did not like questions, he risked doing that.

-Because she kept me company all the days she was gone, it's not fair that now that she's in my arms, she's letting her out of this moment, our moment. - Hearing that, Jesse lost all focus, did not even know how he had legs to walk to the bed on his belly.

The bandit had to concentrate the image of the naked girl in his bed was inviting him to fly over her and to possess her in every possible way. However, she needed to control herself to do everything right and give her the first time every woman deserves to have it. He began to undress without taking his eyes off her, who stared at him timidly.

Always (Bon Jovi)



This Romeo is bleeding.

But you can´t see your blood.

It's nothing but feelings

That this dog kicked up


It's been raining since you left me.

Now I'm drowning in the flood

You know, I've always been a fighter.

But without you I give up.


I'll be there until the stars do not shine,

Until the heavens burns and the words don not rhyme

I know when I die you'll be on my mind.

And I love you, always.


What I would not give to run my fingers through your hair

To touch your lips, to hold you near

When you say your prayers, try to understand

I made mistakes, I'm just a man


I will love you, baby, always

And I'll be here, forever and one day ... Always.


If you told me to cry for you, I could

If you told me to die for you, I'd  were.

Look at my face, there's no price I won´t pay

To say these words to you

I'll to love you, baby, always

And I'll be there, forever and one day, always

At last Jesse was not even paying any attention to the music anymore the image of Blade walking bare toward her took away any kind of sanity. Sleeping was great, more awake was a monster, Jesse wondered if it was normal to be that big. And especially if that all fit inside her, it seemed impossible. He was too beautiful, a stunning beauty.

Blade climbed onto the bed, crawling like a tiger about to attack the prey, her chest rising and falling quickly, nervous. The bandit went up to kiss the girl's feet, then just below the knee, walking a path between her legs. It came to the inside of the thigh Jesse was tense holding the sheet tightly to what he supposed to be coming. But, to her surprise, Blade jumped the intimate part of the young woman kissing the hip bone.

He wanted to prove her anyway, yes, but he did not want to embarrass her the first time. He ran his tongue across the lower part of her left breast, sucking it lightly. Jesse could not contain himself in the face of so many new sensations, grabbed his hair pulled it to her completely uncontrolled as she was sucked shamelessly.

- Easy, little one. - He grinned at Jesse seductively.

-Sorry, - she said, blushing.

This only excited him even more, at the extreme level. Blade began to gently kiss her neck and clavicle region, while massaging her hard nipples, begging to be touched by him. He wanted her to feel safe and wanted.

-Kiss me, - she said, need to make sure it was really happening.

-That will be your last kiss as a virgin before you become a woman in my arms, - he whispered, kissing her shoulder.

He leaned over, placing himself on Jesse, one leg between his and the other on the side of her body, dividing the weight of the bunch of muscles between his elbows resting on the bed without taking his eyes off her for a second, seducing her in silence.

-I'm glad it's you, I can´t imagine being with anyone else. - Jesse lifted his head a little to rub the tip of her nose into his, affectionately.

-I need you to talk to me, tell me if you like it, or any discomfort. I'm a little bit and you're too small and fragile, a dangerous combination even more so for a time like this. I do not want to hurt you would never forgive me if that happened. But I need you to help me to help you, even if you're gentle I think I should still feel some pain at first, -he explained, being mature.

-I'm a little ashamed to talk about this sort of thing, no problem if it hurts a little, I can handle it. - She looked away, very embarrassed.

- No way! -I am not a fucking teen anymore, this is not a good time to act like one, "he said, his voice a little shaken but not angry.

-Sorry, - she said, wanting to cry frightened.

He felt tightness in his chest a sight of the anguish in her eyes, for a moment he had forgotten how sensitive she was.

-I want you so much, little girl, can you understand that? - He asked in a low voice, practically a whisper, caressing the rebellious curls spread randomly and wildly across the pillow. She smiled, happy, at such words. -But to be good to me has to be good for you first. I want to give you all the pleasure in the world, -he finished, looking deep into her eyes, proving that he was serious.

-I promise to tell you if some time makes me uncomfortable because it will only be good for me if it's for you, too. - Jesse stroked his cheek, smiling.

Blade's face lit up like the sunset on a summer day, the sky represented by the incredibly blue eyes at that moment.

-Thanks, investigator, you're very nice, - he teased, relieved.

He lifted his mouth to her breasts, holding one with his hand and sucking at the other willingly. He'd wanted to do that since he'd seen them under his wet white shirt, which was on Jesse, borrowed the first time he'd been in hiding. Her breasts were perfect the way she'd imagined it several times. She was torturing her with slow licks, biting her stiffening nipples.

-Blade ... - she groaned, tossing her head back as a daring Blade hand touched her intimacy, exploring the new territory. He silenced her with a wet, thirsty kiss, the latter as a virgin, so he made a point of doing it. Still kissing her, she lifted her arm to take a condom from the drawer of the nightstand beside the bed and set it as fast as she could in record time.

- Are you ready? - he nodded, the thug grabbing her firmly by the hips and pressing his body into the young woman's.

He inserted the member into her entrance, which seemed to have molded it to receive it, a perfect fit. He almost lost control when he realized how wet she was waiting to be filled and sated.

-I'll always be ready for you! - Jesse smiled at him, who smiled back at her.

-Trust me, my love! Was Jesse hallucinating or did he really called her love? - she did not have much time to think while he penetrated her without warning. But just a little.

She closed her eyes tightly, feeling a stinging between her legs, it was painfully hot. Blade was holding on to keep from tearing it all apart; if it had been with another woman it would have been soft in his hands for a long time. But she knew that any sudden movement could hurt her, so she remained motionless until she got a little accustomed to his size, paying special attention to her breasts, licking and sucking them, in order to distract her a little from the pain. She was aware that her cock had a big size and that being too tight was not helping her much, it would be painful for her one way or the other.

-This part will not be very comfortable, try not to be nervous. - As Jesse only nodded without opening his eyes, he brought his mouth close to her ear.

-Please open your eyes, my love!

She opened it at the same time, for he had called her love the second time that day. Blade stared at her blankly. With two blue sapphires fixed on it, shining like a lighthouse on the high seas.

-I'm not the best man in the world, but I promise to give you the best of me, - she said earnestly, intending to put as much confidence as possible and reassure her.

He gave the first stroke breaking the hymen, feeling the vaginal walls of Jesse contracting in protest to that strange body requesting passage. For Blade, it was the best feeling in the world. Her eyes widened in an expression of pain, which excited the bandit even more. Involuntarily the researcher let out a slight groan it was at that moment that he realized that despite the pain was being pleasurable for her too.

Jesse smiled as he felt the man he loved completely inside her, suddenly a wave of heat radiated throughout his body as he began to walk in and out in a maddening slowness, a delicious torture. The young woman was in love with a care the bandit was taking at all times struggling to take it easy so as not to hurt her, but I wanted more of him, more. Being responsible for making you lose your head and love it madly, collapse on your body totally without strength. Thinking like that, he decided to show that he was not that fragile, he dared at times. In one swift, unexpected move to Blade, Jesse was sitting on him, one leg on either side of his body.

- What are you doing? - Asked a confused thug, his brow furrowed. He hated losing control of the situation, not being in charge.

-Putting my one-percent demon into action. - she smiled, surprised and mischievous.

-You do not stop surprising me, investigator!

Blade did not resist and brought his hands to her breasts that were rocking, calling for him. Not satisfied at just touching he took into his mouth first one, then the other. They were medium and round and fit perfectly in his hands, like a teenager's at puberty. She, moreover, seemed to be: beautiful, pure and innocent, like a real angel. She lay back on the bed to admire her beluga, only now she realized how beautiful she was. The rebellious curls falling on his face, the black skin lightly flushed in a dark velvet red. Her lips, which were already naturally thick, were bulging due to the swelling caused by their passionate kisses. They were two lovers discovering love. At that moment, Jesse could ask whatever she wanted. She had him in her hands, body, and soul. In a very sexy way, she pulled the army cord around his neck and stared at him, staring deep into his eyes.

-I'm new at this, you know. So I need you to talk to me, tell me if you like it or if I'm doing something wrong. If you feel uncomfortable you can talk, we have to work together to make it work, this is not a good time to be shy. - Blade nodded, laughing hotly.

-Yes, ma'am, - Blade said, raising his hand to his head, saluting.

He looked like a good war veteran giving his superiors a salute. His mistress leaned over to touch her lips, and he hugged her tightly for a reason he did not even know which. He did not use to talk during sex, but I was finding all that physical contact, looks, and, above all, discuss all the time very interesting.

- Great! -Exclaimed Jesse, bossy pushing him back with his open hand on his chest, having the dazzle of the image of a wall of muscles drawn with beautiful well-defined ghosts. It looked like the body of an Olympian at the height of his career.

Jesse lifted her hips, making Blade catch his breath as she half-awkwardly held his cock into her intimacy, and sat on it in one fell swoop.

-For a thousand devils, - Maldonado said in ecstasy.

She was taking him to a degree of madness unknown to science a fascinating way. It was such a strong feeling that she had to close her eyes to survive the impact she had had on him. He seemed to have been caught by a giant wave.

- Look at me! -Jesse said, leaning over Blade's face.

She stared at him as he obeyed, his eyes on two gray clouds with blue spots dancing the tango inside them.

-I want it to be the first and the last, - Jesse declared in one of his rare safety moments.

-There will not be any other for me, not for this life or for anything else that might exist, - said Blade without losing eye contact.

They were two apprentices in the art of loving and being loved. She'd never made love to him, just sex. It was as if one completed the other, the other half of the orange. Blade tried to kiss her, but Jesse did not. He started to roll over him, making him totally crazy. Noticing the girl's lack of experience and a bit of shyness on her part as she made the movements, he held her firmly at her waist, propelling her up and down. He could hear her moans echoing all over the house so excited.

Blade merely admired her, tossing her head back, squeezing her own breasts, trailing her fleshy lower lip between her teeth. He sat with her in his lap, stealing a kiss in love and increasing the pace of the thrusts inside her, which had his arms around his neck holding tight, with desire. At some point he pulled his face away to look at her, he wanted to keep that slow-motion image in his mind for the rest of his life, locking it in his heart. It was so beautiful that words were missing. Jesse was a perfect blend of innocence and sin. The chords of the guitar stole the scene, the chorus of the music that could not say how many times it repeated, it said everything.

I'll be there until the stars do not shine,

Until the heavens burns and the words don´t rhyme

I know when I die you'll be on my mind.

And I love you, always

- Blade, I'll...

Realizing that Jesse's breathing was increasingly gasping as he crushed inside her and was about to come to an end, in a turn he lay her back on the bed, capturing her body with his. He balanced on his elbow, stroking her face stocking faster and faster, stronger. If they had neighbors, they would certainly hear the girl's groans, they were tall and erotic, which made him even more excited if that were possible.

-Come with me, little one, come with me! - His voice was serious, exuding excitement.

Jesse spun her back, resting his hands on his buttocks, lifting her own hips, ready to draw him closer to her. As he increased his thrusts, she pulled him closer, showing her pleasure.

-I love you, Blade, - Jesse said, climaxing in a mind-boggling way, feeling a pleasure he had never imagined he'd experienced before, better than anything he'd ever tasted.

- You bewitched me! - Blade's voice was as intense as the expression on his face, surrendered to her charms, truly bewitched.

So the two enjoyed in full satisfaction. In an explosion of emotions, they were a strange combination, the encounter of hell with the sky. Was this how the angel Jesse Carter indulged in sin at the hands of the Demon Blade Maldonado or was he surrendering in her arms? A question no one had the answer, neither.




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