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BLADE: The villains also love (English verson) (Duology of criminals Book 1) by Mari Sillva (8)


The Dancing to Fantasy


Jesse was sitting on her bed hugging her own legs, her face buried in her thighs to hide the crying. Rocking her body compulsively back and forth as if in a rocking chair, she did not want to hear the screams coming from the room echoing everywhere, probably even in the neighbors. To vary his pajamas was much bigger than his size.

From time to time she was forced out of her trance to bring her hand to her shoulder to retrieve the tip of the blouse that flowed over the velvety black skin like a rattlesnake. She hummed the lullaby her mother sang to her before she slept when she was small until today it helped calm down, but in her tearful voice, it might not have the same effect as her mother's. She did not like it when her parents quarreled, especially if it was her motive.

Shine, Shine, Shine, I want to see you shine

Up there, in the sky, in a line drawing

Shine, Shine, Little star, dance, a beautiful ballerina

Shine, Shine, Shine I want to see you shine

Up there, in the sky, in a line drawing

Shine, Shine, Little star, dance, beautiful dance...

-If you touch my daughter again, Fill, I'll report you to the police for assault! - Jesse stopped singing at the same moment and widened his eyes, startled by her mother's threat to the major, knew that her mother would never let him know what he had done to her. -And let me be aware that I'm taking my daughters and leaving this house tomorrow, God willing! - When you get home from work you will find this house empty, but do not worry, you will have your arrogance to keep you company.

Carter had never seen her mother as nervous as she had tonight, she was the most loving woman in the world, but no one touched her daughters, not even her father.

- No!

Maria Joaquim was frightened to see her almost airless daughter leaning against the railing of the stairs trying to catch her breath, the supporter was clad in wood that came to shine so clean, just like everything in that house. Jesse had jumped up and run to the living room, past the aisle. Her father stared at her with a heavy expression, but with no trace of guilt to see the marks on her daughter's arm, all in evidence because of the long sleeves of his pajamas tucked above her elbow.

-Go back to your room, daughter, and pack your things because we're leaving tomorrow.

Jesse was frightened by her mother's cry, but she did not obey her for the first time in her life, which made her look admired at his attitude. She walked down the steps, staring at her bare feet, pausing promptly before them.

-Not us, Mother, I will!

The Major stared at the first-born amazement, collapsing on the dark brown couch visibly shocked by what he had heard. Maria Jose de Negra turned pale, white, like paper.

-Do not say silly things, girl, you're not going anywhere without me and your sister.

She tried to get close to her to wrap her in his arms as he always did to protect his little princess from the world, but Jesse was never a princess, she could not handle it, nor did she want to. She had stopped being a dreamy little girl for a long time, perhaps even earlier than she should have. However, Carter did not accept the hug, took a step back avoiding physical contact. It would be easier that way, she thought.

-And where will you live? - On the street for sure. In addition to the excess of irony present in the Major's voice, there was one more thing, concern.

-Do not worry, Father, I'm going to be alone. Her eyes flooded like a black sea overflowing.-I've been doing this my whole life the only thing that's going to change is my address. - He gave her a cold look, but inside his words affected him more than he showed.

-That's not fair to me, my daughter, your sister and I have always been with you at all times.

 Jesse turned her face to the side, could not bear to see his mother crying, all the more because of her.

-you were by my side, yes, but they never really saw me.

Jesse looked at her own reflection through one of her little brother's trophies on a shelf hung on the wall next to the hall leading to the kitchen, thinking about what she had just let go of her lips. she saw a sad face, full of marks of life, very heavy for her age, marks that even time could not erase. Anger goes fast, but disappointment can take an entire eternity.

Nearly everyone she'd met had hurt her in some way, either way. The researcher's evil was to gauge people's attitudes through her, she was too naive. she knew he would hurt his mother by saying that, but it was necessary.

-I'm not as helpless as I look, I can take care of myself. - You and my sister are the people I love the most in the world! But it's time to really look at me and let me go. She walked over to her and hugged her as tightly as she could.

-Do not do this to me, daughter, do not make me stay away from you. - The voice of a tearful mother took over the room, she was desperate. She never stayed away from her daughters for more than a day it was as if she were missing a piece of her.

-Do you really believe me, Mother? - Am I capable of becoming alone, taking care of my own life? She wiped his mother's face, looking at her affectionately.

-You're incredible, my love, you have your own sparkle! Life will never get you down because you can´t destroy who never gives up. -He stroked the young woman's rebellious hair, knew her well knew she could do nothing but support her once more. -I've always believed in you, my love, in your potential. You're just a little lost at the moment, but when you do meet, no one will hold you back.

This was Maria Joaquim's way of saying that she trusted her daughter's decision and that even with her bleeding heart, she would let her go.

-In that a little lost twenty-six years have passed, woman, your daughter is a walking disaster, -growled the major. - He was most angry with a rabid pit bull. -he knew that the fall that the investigator took from the hands of the doctor who gave birth to her, had left the girl in the aftermath, she just did not imagine they would be so many. This girl is a case of psychological treatment, or a time in some nursing home might solve the case.- Jesse might think he said it in a moment of anger, but he was quieter than usual.

-Thank you for understanding me, Mom, I love you! - she laid a kiss on her forehead, pretending not to hear his father's crude remarks. Listening to the sobbing of her mother's cries grow more and more filled with pain. -I'll pack up my things, - she said at once, not feeling the length of that moment.

-On top of that, it was dramatic, always acting like a victim. - Even in the hall he could hear his father, but he did not care at all, he was close to getting away from it all.

-You have no idea what a wonderful daughter you have, is not it, Fill? - Maybe when you get to see it's too late, you never gave her a chance. Maria Joaquim pointed a finger at her husband's face, her other hand at the waist. She was very nervous, but he was not even shaken by his wife's words, he was a hard-hearted man.

-You meant" had, -if she walks out that door she will not be able to come back. Mr. Carter uttered the words cruelly, utterly cold.

Jesse did not respond to his father as he deserved, just lowered his head and continued to pace slowly into the room to sort out the few things he had. He took a small suitcase under the bed he bought to travel, his dream was to know a different country, but that day never arrived because of lack of financial condition. He thanked the gods for having saved a small sum in the bank for some emergency, never out of spending money on trifles. She managed to put all her clothes, some personal belongings, and there was still a little space left. She changed her pajamas into a set of old sweaters that her mother thought had been thrown in the trash a long time ago, could not get rid of something when she liked her so much.

-At least wait for the day to dawn, daughter, where are you going to get shelter these hours?

 Maria tried anyway to stop her from doing that madness, and the father who was sitting on the couch watching the news on an old TV, the same time as the one they married, kept busy watching the weather with his legs crossed.

-Relax, Mother, I will. - She kissed the back of her hand, it was always the way he said goodbye to her before leaving in the morning.

She walked humiliatingly to the door, looked at her mother for the last time before leaving, and left. The young woman had barely reached the portal and was already in despair, dying for the dark. Her face was wet it was a silent cry, painful. She was alone in the world, thrown to her own devices. But after she took the first step outside, the feeling was another, of freedom. Every inch of the way away from Fifth Street in the Cleveland Ward, where he grew up playing on the same sidewalk and now holding his bag over his chest like a shield, he felt the breeze filled with expectations touching his face, a new phase of his life was beginning. Without the exaggerated care of the mother and the repression of the father, now there was a hopeful smile.

- I am free! - she released her suitcase, opening his arms like the Rose of the Titanic movie, only missing the Leonardo of Caprio as Jack for the scene to be perfect. It left singing and jumping in the middle of the street like repertoire chose the music of the drawing of Frozen.

I'm free, I'm free...

They can no longer hold...

I'm free, I left not to return.

I do not care what they're going to say, storm is coming...

The cold will not even bother me...

From far away everything changes, seems to be much smaller.

The fears that controlled me

I no longer see around me,

It's time to try

My limits will test.

Freedom came at last to me...

I'm free, I'm free

With the sky and the wind walking

I am free, I am free.

They will not see me cry anymore,

Here I am and I will stay...

-Shut the fuck up, you crazy man, - an impatient man shouted, nudging her incessantly, trying to get her out of the middle of the street, past a puddle of muddy water.

Grace to the Guardian Angels of the homeless, even humiliated and all muddy got a place in a safe place to spend the first night away from home alone, being independent was not being as difficult as expected.

-I can´t believe I'm spending my first night away from home! - She exclaimed euphorically, already settled as if he had traveled to the other side of the world and not in an inn three blocks from his house.

-I'm feeling so rebellious, almost outlaw. - She smiled proudly, finally growing.

It might even sound silly, but to her, it meant a lot. She yawned, tired, rubbing her eyes, turned to the side in the small single bed with a piece of the broken dais. It was a simple place, but clean, comfortable and safe. The only thing her money could afford. she had to save money for the apartment she would rent the next day. She called her mother and told her not to worry and stop sending messages every five minutes because she was fine. In fact, she was not, but she had faith that would stay ahead. 

Until then came the day of the great ball, which Nayla did remind her during the week, more than a thousand times.

-I do not believe until now that you've stopped going to the prom with that beautiful fairy-fairy costume I drew especially for you, just to go with that dark thing. -Nayla pointed the delicate index finger at Jesse's fancy, sporting a small ring at the end with a crystalline diamond pebble- like water coming straight from the source, clean and shiny.

The costume was a gift given by the director of the jewelry company that would sponsor the parade, Bredon Fox, son of the Dono, who after meeting the girl at a meeting about the event, did not stop insisting until he agreed to go out with him. They had been dating together ever since, but only as friends, at least that was what the girl thought. It had been two weeks since Carter had left home, spent a few days at the boarding house until he could rent a tiny apartment. The problem was that the building was in a dangerous neighborhood, near the bar where it was almost violated. She was the only one that her money could pay, could not spend the little money that had kept with luxuries, it was a fact that almost had no right water and lacked energy sometimes, but it was her song. No one could bother her anymore, it was her hiding place. In the early days, it was kind of difficult, especially since it had no furniture it was sleeping on a hard mattress on the floor. The worst was the dark, she was terrified of being alone at night, so she spent nights crying until she was forced to get used to it. At work the father would not even look at her, pretend she did not exist and give the worst cases for her to investigate and as far as possible so that she did not have to face her. The sister, whenever she could visit her was very busy, but when she went it was a real party. Already the mother appeared every day carrying almost the whole house inside the bag to take to her, until money brought, but Jesse never accepted. She was not joking when she said she would go it alone.

-You know I do not like the pink color, Nay, strong colors make me dizzy. - Jesse looked up and stuck us in his friend, with a playful air inside them.

She was sitting in front of her friend in front of the little oval mirror hanging over an improvised dressing table in what she called a room, which was split in half to improvise a kitchen. There was an almost new comb on the dressing table, which was not widely used. No makeup, not even an embellishment lipstick. Just a few thumbnails of the characters in the movie Star Wars was a fan of the series. A lot of books, Cd´s and in the leftmost corner, the masculine scent he liked to wear, though he'd been avoiding using it in those days because it reminded him of someone who used it too. Still on the furniture was the badge played anyway in a corner. For an instant, his eyes rested on a special object that stood out in the middle.

-The more I can hide from the world is better, going around like a walking rainbow will not help much.

She still had her attention turned to the music box, but the thoughts were in her former owner. Jesse had stuck piece by piece, spent two days for it, but it was worth it. It did not look as if it had broken it was as beautiful and glamorous as it had been before. When you are a low income person, you need to learn the power that a needle and the good glue were capable of doing.

-Colors are a sign of joy, Jesse, of life. You should have some more colorful pieces in your wardrobe, at least a scarf or a pink jumper. The researcher lowered her gaze, did not know the meaning of the word "joy," she never knew.

-There's no way I can show you what you do not feel, maybe that's why I've never enjoyed bright colors or unnecessary attention to my clothing.- He rubbed the tip of his nose lightly (the brush tickled), but very carefully not to ruin the painting. -I can´t complain when people call me a clown if I look like one. - Besides, when you want to call attention, I put a watermelon on my head, it's quicker and more practical. - She took a quick look in the mirror, but Nayla turned her face before she could see anything. She would only see the result after she was ready the problem was that the researcher had many problems with anxiety.

-So you're calling me a clown, Jesse? - You know full well that I love mixing vibrant colors, to me, the flashy better. Nay loved creating colorful and cheerful pieces. He had a pure heart and a beautiful soul.

-I think it's nice of you Nayla because anything you wear looks incredible. - She looked at her radiantly beautiful friend in an angel costume, thinking that it certainly would not have the same impact.

It was a four-fingered white dress above the knee, short sleeved and all worked in lace with shiny pebbles, vines and a nice neckline showing a small part of the beautiful bust. It was very tight to the waist but quite loose in the skirt that was quite wrinkled, giving it a cloth doll appearance. The hair was in a hairstyle stuck half purposely messed up, with some loose curls festooned with tiny white flowers, just as she wore in her teens. On her back she carried two small wings made of artificial feathers, she was an animal defender and would not use legitimate feathers, but she was as perfect as a real angel. To top it all off, in the high-heeled crystal shoes, which certainly not even the Cinderella's was so handsome.

-Where did you get such a delicate little music box? - The designer noticed how intensely her friend had looked at the object in front of her.

Jesse was like that when she does not hand over his thoughts unintentionally with words, her eyes reveal everything. It was very transparent, even more than it should.

-I found it in the trash, - she lied. It would be too complicated to explain to her about that strange night if it were not for the music box she could swear it had been a dream. Blade was too handsome to be for real.

- Who would throw something so sophisticated in the trash? - Nay asked suspiciously as she dusted the paintbrush over the area around her neck, she was just finishing the painting that completed the fantasy.

Jesse preferred not to wear a mask so as not to make her vision even more difficult in the event since even if she took her glasses she would not see much, they would have a lot of lights in place. It would also help to hide better the marks of the father's belt that even after two weeks were made present in the neck. The leg marks that were lighter had already disappeared, those of the arm the gloves above the elbows would cover. Since she did not know if makeup asked from help for her friend, she had to tell them where the bruises had come from. The two of them cried together, and the only one who knew was the mother. Whenever she could sleep there to keep her company, she even thought of offering help to pay the rent, but Jesse would not accept it.

-You look incredible I confess I did not like this fantasy. But looking at you like that when you're ready, I do not see you going with someone else. Nayla assessed her friend from top to bottom, turning her face to the mirror so she could see the result. Carter never looked pretty, but at the moment she thought she was at least reasonable.

- Honey! - Said a thin, irritating voice that Jesse knew very well. It echoed throughout the small three-room apartment, including the tiny moldy bathroom, like the rest of the house.-I'm here, - the thirteen-year-old boy materialized at the bedroom door, neatly dressed in a strong yellow suit with wide shoulders and a dark blue tie. Opening his arms broadly, displaying a scandalous smile on his face showing the gleam of iron-clad teeth, he wore an apparatus. Apart from the bottle-bottomed spectacles, the face full of pimples and blackheads, it was the beginning of puberty coming up with everything.

- Less Kevin ... Leave Jesse alone for at least tonight. Nay was angry with her younger brother, the preteen had a crush on Carter, in fact the boy thought they were already married.

-Do not disturb our relationship, Nayla, envy kills, did you know, my dear? - Our love is written in the stars! - He winked at Jesse's side, accompanied by a kiss that launched into the air toward her. - Wow! How sweet my little candy is today! Just thinking that all this belongs to me, I'm even moved! He pointed his little finger up and down the girl's body, making a sexy pussy at least he thought it was.

- This party promises! - Jesse took a deep breath, not wanting to go.

- Oh! If you promise me, sweetheart, I'm already imagining the two of us in the dark! - Kevin held her arm as if he were a passionate lover, wore even a ring on his finger to show that he was a committed man.

-Sorry about that, Jesse, my parents will be a little late in the parade because of their work. So they asked to take this bag without a handle with us, but as soon as they arrived at the event I got their book. - Nayla rolled her eyes in frustration, taking a small silver mask from her purse and placing it gently, looking more beautiful than it already was.

-You're crazy if you think I'm going to leave my wife loose at this party with a bunch of hawks on the loose, my daughter! - Where my Brown Candy is, I am going with you! He leaped at Carter's waist like a chewing gum on the sole of his shoe.

-You can leave Nay your brother makes me laugh.-She caressed his head, loved children. -At least one man at this party thinks I'm beautiful, that's enough for me. - Now let's go or we'll be late, the sooner we go, the faster I am back.

Jesse thought that perhaps, luckily, the parade would end quickly, so she would have time to at least see the movie she had rented or caught up on the new book she had bought.

- Even with everything organized you should arrive before the guests, you should stay in the door to receive them.

She picked up the key of the apartment and walked towards the door, the designer watched her walk, the fantasy she had chosen was really sweet delicate would be the right word. Disguisedly, he glanced over Carter's new house, felt like crying in sympathy with the chaotic form he was living, but he did not. For the first time, I was seeing her real happy friend, free to be herself. The three of them left laughing in the direction of Mozart, the city's most celebrated ballroom, where only large events were held.

-Will not you carry a purse? - Nayla asked when she saw her friend taking the keys to the apartment and the cell phone in her hand, nothing more.

-No, I will not- she said simply.

-For God's sake, Jesse! - A woman should at least carry a bag with a simple make-up remover and two different lipstick colors.

- For starters, I do not even have a purse. Nay rolled her eyes, took the cell phone and the key and tucked it into her purse. - The way Jesse was, he would lose the objects before arriving at the Mozart he was inattentive. -When you leave, remember to pick me up, otherwise, you'll be stuck outside. - she chuckled, imagining the scene.

-Do not worry, passion, my bed is at your disposal. - Kevin raised a frown full of ulterior motives. -Let's get drunk on chocolate milk without fear of being happy the night will be short for both of us.- She wiggled her hairy eyebrows together like a wide, as if that was an irrefutable proposal, making them both laugh.

While some were going up to the party, others were all designed to end it.

-Are you sure we're all set to invade the place? The parade is almost over, -asked an Englishman anxiously, looking like a little boy waiting for dessert after eating all the vegetables, sitting waiting for his mother's answer. They were inside a van disguised as buffet deliverers, standing strategically in front of the Mozart.

-If you ask that again, I do not know what I'm capable of doing, Stephen! - My patience with you is past the limit, go see if the Julius or Blade need help with something and let me do my work in peace. - Li was nervous, he hated when someone intruded on his things mainly putting your intelligence to the test.

Li was really flawless in what he did and had no modesty in making that clear. He turned the chair with his back to Stephen and facing the wall of the vehicle stamped with HD footage from the cameras in each corner of the ballroom. They were all ready to enter as soon as the last model paraded when the jewels were returning to the chest. And he began furiously typing on his latest-generation modern-model laptop, which would only be released in ten years or more.

-Let's go through the plan again before we go in, a mistake and everybody's screwed up, - Julius exclaimed, spectacularly inside the Don Juan costume, his posture all crooked.

The van was too small for a man of his size. Like the others, he was neatly camouflaged under a black cap that covered the costume, which concealed a white, long-sleeved, medieval-style shirt showing the beautiful, rich, muscular chest on display dark trousers of soft tissue, very loose. In the face a black mask highlighting the beautiful honey-colored eyes.

- Let us wait for the parade to finish and enter through the back door, Estevão goes to the main vault to steal the most expensive piece of the event, a necklace of a black diamond worth an estimated ten million. Blade and I are left with the other safe to steal the rest of the jewels, then we will get rid of the black coats and mingle wearing costumes among the guests, leaving as soon as possible through the front door to avoid suspicion before the robbery is discovered, everyone understood? - She asked authoritatively, like a mother who had just explained something very important to her son.

- Yes! But it is good to remember that this robbery is different from the others we are accustomed to, there will be a lot of civilians in the place, our secret identity is at stake because of an unsuccessful steal of Stephen. I'll be your eyes out here, I'm going to monitor everything from the cameras, so see if you can´t get the fucking off the ear. The Chinese almost screamed, he was worried the risk they were running was too great. But it was all drama he would be able to give his life to save any of the partners, especially Bobbi. They were loyal to each other, an unusual, close-knit family.

-Is the chili already over? - And see if you stop talking about low-key words, I do not want Bobbi to have a dirty vocabulary like yours. -Stephen, - he exclaimed, adjusting his mask with all its elegance, -did not need much to create the prince of darkness costume he was wearing.

His usual appearance was rather somber. The only difference between his cloak and those of the others was the lining on the inside in the blood-red color, fully enclosed, covering what lay beneath. Like a vampire hiding from the sun, in the matter of beauty and mystery, he lost nothing to Count Dracula gorgeous and full of revenge for something that did not quite happen the way he thought. The smooth black hair split in half, just below the back, was his trademark. He was a man of remarkable presence.

-There's no newcomer here, Li, let's go in and get what we want. If we need to, we'll kill everyone, and that's all for me, -said Blade, with the superior air he always had.

It was extraordinary, inside a Dolce Gabbana suit all black, very elegant. Perfectly aligned with his muscles, the thin fabric should have cost a fortune. But it was worth investing because it was divine as if it had been made especially for him. A shirt with a French cuff and a pure silk tie completed her dress. He wore pointy and shiny social shoes his now somewhat complacent hair was neatly tidy with gel all pulled back. What most attracted attention was the white mask covering only one beautiful side of the face charmingly leaving the beauty of the other exposed in fact, her thin lips were reddish, slightly moistened, and her eyes were even more grayish with some blue spots.  Certainly was the best version of the Phantom of the Opera, more beautiful and mysterious than any other.

-When I want something, it's mine, regardless of the consequences, - he added wickedly, it was hard to want something, but when he wanted to, nothing prevented him from having it.

- You fucked up! - Xing mocked at Blade, making Julius cry with laughter, not caring about the ugly face he was doing elegantly sitting on a bench on the left side of the van wall, close to Salvatore. His posture was erect, his legs crossed like a count of blue blood.

- What is "Fuck”? I've never heard that word before, -Stephen said confusedly, - people's slang words did not exist in a cult vocabulary like his, did not even know that this type of dialect existed.

Li took a deep breath not to lose the remaining patience he had with his partner, who found it odd at times.

-I only have crazy friends, all friends. - Julius was still laughing.

-I'm nobody's friend. - Blade's voice killed the Mexican's laugh he knew he was thick when he wanted to.

-If it was not, I would not be here. - The mountain of muscles also knew how to be sure in words, the impact on Blade was deep. But he did not let it show, he was not the type to show his emotions.

-Why do not you kill her soon, Estevão? - I would have done it in his place a long time ago, but not before pulling out all the members of it. -He changed the subject, it was always the way he did when he felt trapped.

- I also think! - Get a shot in the face of this heartless bitch and you'll be happy, man, if she keeps you from moving on, you should cut the evil down the road. -That was the kindest way Li could find to tell his friend that the past should stay in his place, dead and buried. There is no point in wanting to fly if your wings are attached to things that do not add to anything.

Esteban stared sadly at the floor, his fine hands with his nails painted very well in the black.

-But we're not going to make you do anything, if you want to sort things out like that, it's your problem! - Blade's voice seemed calm, but without patience as usual.

It had been two bloody weeks since Blade could not sleep, the scent of the cop was everywhere in her hiding place, especially in the bedroom. On that day, when he arrived tired at home totally frustrated by the conversation with Bobbi, he took off his shirt and boots collapsing on the bed. He lay on his belly and stared up at the ceiling, thinking of a certainly lost angel who had passed through his path full of sins. A thousand things populated his mind against his will, but they were there. He could not stand her that was a fact she was innocent and too fragile but at the same time courageous and fearless, pure heart and kind soul. She looked at him as if she were not a monster, nor was she afraid of him. It irritated him greatly. He thought she was strange, clumsy and dumb she simply wanted the young woman far from him. Blade did not have the patience for mediocrity. She was detestable, but why, when she closed her eyes, did she see the image of her smiling timidly? That did not make sense.

Maldonado liked beautiful women, full of attitude, well dressed, who wore heels, unscrupulous in bed. He liked wild, raw sex women who lavished charm wherever they passed, with bodies full of curves and overwhelming beauty. Jesse was totally the opposite of that. Visibly insecure, poorly dressed. She wore her hair as if she had just woken up, to complete her clothes they looked like pajamas so wide, ugly and poor. And that innocent way was what annoyed Blade the most, he wanted to scream at her every time he opened his mouth in that sweet voice of hell. His fleshy lips moved gently, like the vision of sin for him, which he would gladly make. She turned to the side pulling white silk sheet to cover the giant body, the bed was huge. It was a shame to waste so much space with only one person, but the lawless man had already grown accustomed to loneliness, he was just waiting for death to free himself from that promiscuous life of sins and orgies watered with blood, whiskey, and sex. He had already settled for hell since his birth. There was no place in heaven for the Maldonado. So he would never have children, that bad race would die with him. When he was almost asleep, he opened his eyes to see the small tray of breakfast that he had raised early to prepare for her, as he did not know what he liked to taste. Observer as it was, he noticed that the bunch of grapes was intact, so what did she get wrapped up in the old newspaper? He wondered, but not imagining what it might be. A small piece of folded paper leaning against the milk jug caught his attention, stretched out his arm full of tattoos and picked it up. He set some pillows on his back to sit down, carefully reading every word written by the angel.

Thank you so much for the breakfast, everything was delicious. We do not meet anyone in this life by chance each person is a test, a lesson, or a gift. You may even try to hide, but I see you far beyond what you let out. Remember me, if possible; forget, if necessary.


He knew he had to forget her, but he knew it was impossible.

Esteban shuddered to imagine the fact of seeing Nayla dying, wanted to see her suffering in life that would be only the beginning of its revenge.

-Not everyone solves things by killing others, Blade. - he tossed his hair back, the length of it was starting to bother him s, he did not usually wear it that big. -Some people are more sensible, you should take everything they have first, to kill them later, - he concluded naturally.

-So we're going to break into this damn thing soon, today's my day to spend the night with Bobbi. - He stood up in his black suit, a simple but sexy way. -I do not want to leave the Mascot waiting I agreed to play chess until it's time for him to sleep.

He took two pistols in a silver case and placed them on his waist, one on each side. As the parade ended, a complete success, the catwalk was dismantled and the chairs removed leaving the hall free for the ball, the lights went out and only the flashes of colored lights took over the dance floor where the guests were dancing excitedly. They used the loud sound to sneak in the back. Li stayed in the van directing them where to go so they would not be discovered. As soon as they reached the main hallway, Stephen headed for the place where the most valuable necklace was protected by a steel coffer, already anxious for it. To Blade and Julius, it was easy to do their part; in less than thirty minutes they had taken what they wanted, the place was weak in safety. Soon they were getting rid of the covers and mingling with the people in the hall, amusing themselves to the sound of the live music that was playing. The parade had even been a success. Julius beckoned to Maldonado as soon as he saw some bouncers whispering, they had probably discovered the robbery.

- Get out of there, now! -The robbery was discovered by the stylist, they are closing the doors of the place. I have not been able to talk to Estevão since entering the main safe, I think he's already left - Li practically yelled through the microphone, causing Maldonado to look at his partner and signal the exit.

Only the Mexican passed by the exit Blade had frozen in place. He could not move a muscle as if a force were holding him by the legs. I knew I had to go, but I just could not. Immediately, a pair of intense gray-eyed eyes darted across the room, immediately taking on a new hue, a blue hyacinth was present, identical to the color of one of the diamonds he had stolen, which he liked the most.

Her skin seemed to catch fire, something very strong and totally new. He was taken by surprise, did not expect it thought he would never find the lost angel again. Even more fantasized in that dark way. He did not understand how she could do something that was supposed to look dark and frightening to see so much innocence. An angel hiding behind a black swan costume and sneakers, lost in a hell like that, full of sins, I thought.

Inside the safe, the glitter of the pearl necklace reflected in Salvatore's piercing blue eyes, which was standing on a tripod holding an open glass box. Totally hypnotized looking at the luxury object in his hands that he had just taken from the safe, it was beautiful and beautiful. He was feeling vengeful, but just a little, there was still much to say that he was really satisfied. But for the hour it was enough, it would take a lot of time to destroy it completely. He took the glass lid and replaced it he would have less than five minutes to get out of there before they discovered the robbery.

-Stephen, is that you?

The Englishman was literally breathless at the sound of that sweet voice again, continuing just as he had remembered: kind and gentle. With no strength to move, he continued standing like a stake, totally without action. He would not have the courage to turn and face her, so little answer his question. She did not know how she'd recognized him since she was wearing a hood and her face was covered with a mask. What he did not know was that love is able to remember every detail, gesture or word. She had not forgotten him at any moment, had taken him with her wherever she went, never had room for anyone else, she knew that sooner or later she would find him again, but she never imagined she could be in that situation. He cringed more and more, he thought she might have given up talking to him and ran away for help. After all, at some point her "token" would have to fall, she was alone in a safe with an armed and dangerous thug. That was his hope.

-Please, Stephen, talk to me, I've waited my whole life for this moment.

By now the young woman had watery eyes her tearful voice was proof of that. He was walking down the corridor by chance when he saw the door of the safe, half-open he went in to see what was happening. - Do not hide! I hate it when you do this, look at me when I'm talking to you. She tried to pull his arm but was stopped before he did he turned his eyes glittering with anger.

- Do not touch me! - Stephen burst out in a scary cry that rushed out of his mouth.

When at last he had the courage to turn and look at her, he regretted it. What she saw made her heart stop, her eyes bright and wet, fixed on the necklace that was in her hands.

-I've waited so long for this moment... Surely to laugh at me as your friends did, I have to admit that you were a great actress. - It must have been very difficult for the most popular girl in school, the famous Nayla Borges, to pretend to like the "Edward Scissor hands". Of all of them, you proved to be the worst. He spat the words full of rancor, the muscles of his face tense and teeth clenched with anger. He seemed to want to fly around her neck at any moment, while what she most wanted was to fly into his arms.

Her countenance saddened at the time, she became depressed and had to undergo psychotherapy. Then he gave up, not because he had no more strength to fight, but because he could not bear to suffer anymore from his silence. He wiped the drops that slid down his face like a rainy day, his hands shaking non-stop.

-When I met Bryan by accident at a fashion show, -he ended by saying that as soon as I left, you arranged a beautiful girlfriend and kept talking badly about me to everyone, including her. Now her voice had another feeling: jealousy.

- No more lies! I do not believe in a word that comes out of your mouth, you're worthless! Assume as soon as you joined with your classmates to abuse me as everyone has ever done. I thought you liked me just the way I was and still am. - He turned his back on her, ashamed. -I thought you were different, an angel God had sent to bring light into my dark world. She stared down at the wide back, which before had an erect posture, withered like a flower.

-I always thought you were beautiful, unique to me. -Her voice was sweet, but at the same time fiery.

A mixture of tenderness and passion, Nayla was a confident woman, but Stephen made him feel like a child lost in the dark. she you used to think he was good looking as a teenager, now as a man, you thought you were seeing perfection in person. He was tall, strong and manly, the most beautiful thing in the world in her eyes.

- It caught my attention from the first moment I saw you, there I knew it would be mine! Sooner or later! - He shivered at the words, felt the intensity of them touch his body. -You may even hide from the world, but not from me, - she concluded, has always been very good at words.

-Get away from me, Satan, - he practically screamed, his blue eyes burning, his arm outstretched with his open hand to keep her from approaching him. -You will not tempt me with your lies anymore and go to hell, where you belong. - Nayla was shocked, this was not her Stephen, the first and only love she ever had.

-Would you steal it? - She pointed innocently at the glittering necklace, but it did not even come close to the glint of Esteban's eyes mesmerized by the sight of her so beautiful in front of him.

-Would no, I stoled! - He said coldly, thrusting the necklace into his pocket, accompanied by the girl's beautiful honey-colored eyes.

Estevao thought of how that sweet look had tormented him for years, for a moment regretted the plan, there are things that the more we move the worse they are, the better to make them asleep. Now all hatred was gone, he was vulnerable before the enemy. It was always like this, the human side that was in him only manifested before her.

-Look at me, look, it's me, your Nay, remember? -she called hi, by the nickname she invented at the time of high school. She threatened to try to touch him again.

-Do not you dare!

With a master's skill, he took out both Kid and Jack pistols, the name he gave them when he bought them and pointed them both to her face. Her scary, countenance was not joking. With the scare Nay tripped breaking the heel of one of the crystal shoes, to balance better took the two and threw in any corner of the safe. The Englishman, still guns pointed at her, watched her lower her sensuously to get them out. Inevitably she blushed at the sight of her rounded ass, showing the beautiful thighs. Time had been generous with her.

-Is there a problem there, Miss Borges? - We heard altered voices. Cried two security guards who were walking down the corridor, worried about the stylist.

-It's okay, you can continue your work - said without looking into Salvatore's eyes, would never betray him, a pity he did not know that.

- Why she did it? That was his chance to get away.

He lowered his arms, staring at her in an inexplicable way. Now realizing the fantasy he realized how short it was, too much in his opinion. He fumbled with the volume beginning to form in the middle of his legs he was getting aroused just looking at her. God how beautiful she was, pure and angelic.

- For you! - She answered only by biting her lips, she was nervous with his intense eyes on her.

-Remorse at this point in the championship, Miss Borges? - Nothing you do will erase what you helped to do to me, you lied to me. He uttered the words full of ironies and resentment.

-So that's what you became? - There was a certain melancholy in his voice, deception perhaps.  -A cold, heartless thug who happened to come and steal at the party of my parade? - I was so happy after years, but you ruined everything. She looked away from him the pain was too great, almost unbearable.

-Who said it was by accident? - He exclaimed sarcastically, pacing back and forth glancing impatiently at the gold watch.

Nay noticed that the ancient relic was fastening one of the buttons, the chain has drawn into a small pocket. Yes, he wore a pocket watch he was a true Lord in the smallest detail. She also noticed that the cover flew with each step of Salvatore, in an elegant and at the same time sexy. The stylist did not know this side of Estevão, but nevertheless, she was happy to see it waited a long time for this.

-Why Stephen? - I just want to know why I resent it, plot against someone who always loves you ... -She could not finish the sentence, the sobbing took over.

He leaned against the steel wall and hid his face with both hands, looking like a frightened child. He almost took a step toward her, but he did not. When the designer finally managed to stop crying and open her eyes, her "prince of darkness" was no longer there, but she should never have left. The only thing he was missing was a foot of his crystal shoes, he scoured everywhere, but he could not find him anywhere. At this point, the object was already far, going to the south side of the city.