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Breaking Secrets: Book 4 in the Breaking Boundaries Series by M.A Lee (3)



“You want me to do what?” I asked.

It was the next morning and I swear I could still feel Smalls inside of me. Even after a shower and brushing my teeth, his touch and scent was still all over me.

I was sitting in the living room of Isaac’s house, trying to enjoy a cup of coffee as Isaac tried to talk to me about growing up and getting a job and other boring stuff I didn’t want to think about.

“You heard me,” Isaac snapped as he took a bite of a pop-tart. “You are going to work the front desk of the shop. I have hired a few new artists too. This will be good for all of us,” he finished.

“Fine, but I am still going to work on my art,” I added.

“I am not stopping you. In fact, you could design some of the client’s tattoos if you wanted. I just hired my friend Smalls too, I believe you met him last night,” Isaac said.

I had just taken a sip of my coffee and I was now spitting it out all over the couch. As I coughed and tried to pretend like I wasn’t affected by his words, Isaac eyed me carefully.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing, I just got choked,” I added.

As I attempted to calm my nerves, Isaac ignored my outburst and continued talking about my roles and responsibilities. However, all I could think about was seeing Smalls again.


Lucy for me, I didn’t have to wait too long for that to happen. Somehow while I had been rummaging around his bedroom the other night, Smalls had taken it upon himself to install his cell phone number into my phone and then add my number to his contact list. He had been texting me every day since and as much as I wanted to fight the urge to be with him, I just couldn’t.

Sneaking around with Smalls could be fun, as long as we didn’t get caught.




Smalls: Hey, what’s up?

ME: Not much, stalker!

Smalls: Stalker? I’m offended!

Me: Bullshit. You fucking stole my cell phone number.

Smalls: I just added us as friends. See, not being a stalker

Me: Whatever.

Smalls: Want to come over and watch a movie?

I read over the last text carefully. I knew exactly what was hidden behind those simple words. He didn’t just want to sit back and watch Netflix and chill. No, he wanted to watch me moan his name until I came. Part of me knew I shouldn’t reply, but I just couldn’t help myself.

ME: Isaac is about to leave for work. I will be there in twenty minutes


I quickly shut off my cell phone so I couldn’t write back and tell him this was a bad idea. I ventured down the hall to the kitchen where Isaac was grabbing his car keys off the kitchen counter.

“Hey, what do you have planned today?” Isaac asked as he jingled his keys in his hands.

“Not much really. I might go hang out with a friend,” I said.

See, I wasn’t technically lying. Smalls was a friend, his and mine.

“Cool. That Grace chick?” Isaac asked.

“Yep,” I replied. “What are you interested in Grace?” I teased.

Shaking his head no, Isaac gave me a dirty glare. “You know I am into Lauren. I don’t cheat. I am not Jagger,” he laughed.

“Oh right, I forgot,” I smiled.

“Anyway, let’s have dinner tonight. I want to talk and catch up,” Isaac said as he passed by me and began walking toward the front door.

“Sure, sounds good,” I said as I waved goodbye to him.

After I made sure Isaac was gone, I rushed back to my bedroom and changed into a sexy little black lace dress that was see-through. I poured some of my favorite perfume on and pulled my short hair back into a slicked spikey look.

Leaving the house, I drove my small Mitsubishi Eclipse the short distance to Smalls apartment. The whole way over, I tried to talk myself out of doing this. It wasn’t right. I could destroy the relationship with Isaac and Smalls if this ended badly, which it would. Relationships don’t end well for me. I am not the beautiful princess. Rather, I am more like the evil villain that everyone wants to see exiled.

As I pulled my car into the parking lot, I took one deep breath before getting out of my car. Why does everything that so bad for me have to feel so damn good? Well, I guess I should go find out…again.


I only had to knock once before Smalls appeared at the door. He wore a goofy grin as he took in my outfit.

“Fuck, Kat. You are going to kill me looking like that,” he growled.

I slipped past him and walked into his apartment. It looked different in the daylight.

The walls were bare and there was only a leather sofa and a large screen television hanging on the wall. It was definitely the apartment of a single guy.

“So, what movie did you want to watch?” I asked as I nodded toward the television.

“I don’t think I am in the mood for a movie anymore,” Smalls said as he walked over and wrapped his hands around my waist.

“Oh yeah, then what you are in the mood for?” I asked seductively. I moved my hips under his touch and waited for him to react.

“Maybe a little of this,” he stated as he pulled me against his hard body and began trailing kisses down my neck.

I could feel him growing hard against my thigh and as I bent my head back to allow him more access to the sensitive skin on my neck, he began to move one hand up the fabric of my lace dress. His fingers began to massage my opening as he moved aside my panties. As he entered me, I felt my stomach tighten and my own need grow. My nails began to dig deep into the skin on his shoulders and while most men would have been screaming out in agony from the pain of my sharp nails slicing through their skin. But not Smalls.

Instead, this seemed to intensify his need to thrust his fingers in and out of me. The heat around us was growing hotter by the second and I almost couldn’t hold back any longer. I needed him, a much bigger part of him, inside of me now.

Sensing this need, Smalls turned me around by my shoulders and pushed me onto the leather sofa in the room. Landing on my stomach, I arched my back so that I gave him access to enter me from behind. It only took him a second to push his pants down and thrust his throbbing dick inside of me.

Clutching onto the sofa for support, I rode with Smalls as he roughly pushed in and out of me. I loved how forceful he was being. Now please, don’t get me wrong. I don’t fantasize about rape or men treating women badly or beating them. But, there is something very erotic about a man who will willingly take control of a female during sex. I might like it rough with a man slapping my ass and pulling my hair but I’m not some sick freak who enjoys being smacked in the face or beaten with a belt on my bare ass. I’m not pro-abuse. Just pro wild sex.

Anyway, as each time Smalls entered me became more needy and hard, I began screaming out from the extreme pleasure.

“Shit, you are going to alert every neighbor that I am fucking your brains out,” Smalls growled as his hands held my ass firmly in place where he wanted it.

The movements were so tantalizing that my body felt like it was going to explode. “Let them hear us. At least they will know you are an amazing fuck,” I screamed out as a loud as I could.

Almost laughing, Smalls took his palm and smacked my ass as he continued to build to his own climax. With each touch and feel of him inside of me, my body began to convulse as I reached my first climax. I screamed out his name again, begging for more as I never wanted the moment to end.

Giving me one more extreme climax, Smalls clutched my hips as he released himself all over my back and black dress. I probably should have stopped him since that was the only thing I had to wear, but in the moment it was so wild and exciting I couldn’t stop him.

After he finished, Smalls fell onto the couch beside me. Knowing I should remove the fabric from me, I pulled the dress over my head and sat on the couch in only my bra. My panties had been discarded at some point, but I wasn’t sure when.

“Little late to be getting naked. We just had sex,” Smalls teased as his eyes drank me in.

He may have just blown his load all over me, but something told me he only needed a moment before we could go again.

“Ha-ha,” I joked. “You messed up my dress,” I stated as I showed him the mess he had made.

I wasn’t angry at all, just now worried about what I would wear home.

“Oh shit, I was so caught up I didn’t even realize what I was doing,” he responded with apology in his eyes.

“It’s fine,” I waved him off.

I didn’t want him to feel bad. I hadn’t stopped him either.

“I have a washer and dryer here. You can wash your dress,” Smalls offered.

“Thanks, that would help,” I smiled.

Smalls took the dress from me and escaped down the hall. A few minutes later I heard the washing machine start and then Smalls began walking loudly back toward where I sat on the couch where we had just had sex. When he entered the room, he was carrying a t-shirt and a pair of shorts.

Handing me the clothing, Smalls smiled. “This is all I have that might fit you. It will still be huge on you, but you can wear this until your clothes are ready. Or, you can just stay naked. I prefer you to be naked but it’s totally your choice,” he winked.

Grabbing the clothes from his hands, I began to put them on. “Thanks, but I think it would be a good idea for me to wear clothes right now,” I smiled.

“Fine, your choice,” he laughed as he sat down next to me on the couch.

This time though, he turned on the television and we began sorting through Netflix to find a movie to watch. After much discussion, we decided on re-runs of the Sopranos. We watched a few episodes until my clothes were clean and dry.

I left Smalls apartment much later than I had imagined when I had first arrived. Now, I needed to get home and wash up before Isaac returned and suspected I hadn’t in fact been hanging out with Grace.