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Breaking Secrets: Book 4 in the Breaking Boundaries Series by M.A Lee (7)



Since my disastrous weekend with Smalls, I had somehow found a way to cling to my new friend Grace. She had been hanging out with some mystery guy that she wasn’t sharing just yet, but I didn’t mind. I know I sound hypocritical right now. Allowing Grace to keep a secret but not Smalls. But trust me, this is completely different.

Grace had texted me and begged me to hang out with her after I got off work at the shop. I had been avoiding Smalls and thankfully, he had been avoiding me too.

Grace: You ready?

Me: Five more minutes

I texted back as I closed down my computer and checked the appointments for the following week. Smalls was finishing up on a client so I had the perfect chance to escape without being seen.

I left the shop and met Grace at a local diner where we ate and caught up on school and gossip.

“Are you ok?” she asked, noticing my far away stare as I played with a French fry on my plate.

Shaking my head no, I shrugged. “I’m just in a weird place,” I admitted.

“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked.

“Not yet,” I half smiled.

Grace only shook her head. That was one thing I loved about Grace and what made her my only real friend. She respected my privacy and didn’t push me too hard, like Smalls had. When I am ready to talk, she knows I will share with her. Same goes with her too.

“You know what, maybe what you need is a change,” she said with a wild smile.

“Yeah, I’m listening,” I smirked back.

“You like weird stuff, maybe you need new clothes or a new hairstyle,” she added.

Anyone else saying I liked weird stuff would have ended up on the floor with a bloody nose, but not Grace.

“I like the idea of new hair,” I said.

My hair was still pink, but I could go for a new color and cut.

Clapping her hands, Grace squealed. “I know just the place,” she sang.




I ran my hands through my new hair-cut, a short pixie cut with fire red tips. I loved how awesome the red looked on my black as night hair. With my hair gone, I somehow felt like I had cut out the negative energy in my life. If only I didn’t have to see Smalls everyday… I sighed with relief and stood and thanked the girl for a job well done.

Leaving the salon, I drove with Grace back to Isaac’s house where she dropped me off.

When I walked inside the house, Isaac and Lauren were laying on the couch watching a movie.

With his eyes growing wild, he took in my new appearance. “Do you like it?” I asked before he could say anything else.

Isaac only shook his head. “New color?” he asked.

“Shut up, Isaac. You know my hair was pink,” I yelled.

“It changes so much. If you like it, then that is all that matters,” he said as he turned back to the movie.

Huffing, I wanted to throw something at him.

Standing, Lauren smiled brightly. “I love it! You look like a bad ass Tinker Bell,” she beamed.

Laughing, I looked at myself in the hall mirror. She did have a point, I did look pretty bad ass. “I’m glad you like it. I felt like I needed a change,” I said.

“Well, you can rock that look,” she said with a smile.

It was easy to see what Isaac saw in Lauren. She was not only beautiful and smart, but she was accepting too. Not once had she ever treated me different for the way I looked. This may just be the one that steals his heart for good.

“Who are you trying to impress?” Lauren asked as she eyed me carefully.

“What do you mean?” I asked as I narrowed my eyes at her. Maybe I was wrong, Lauren might be a bitch.

“Well, most people get a new hair cut after a break up or when they are trying to get someone’s attention. Who is it?” she urged.

Ok, Lauren is safe. Just clueless to what is really going on with me.

“I’m not trying to impress anyone,” I spit back.

“Good, you need to focus on figuring out your life before you can think about a guy,” Isaac said as his eyes never left the television.

Slapping his arm, Lauren chastised him for me. “Stop that Isaac. Your sister is hot as hell and guys love her. She is a fantastic artist and does have her life together.”

Isaac didn’t argue back. He never argued with Lauren.

Smiling, I felt happy that I had a new hair-cut and my brother just got put in his place by his girlfriend. Maybe this was a start to a fresh new me.