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Craving Trix: The Aces' Sons by Nicole Jacquelyn (3)

Chapter 2


“Wake up, Sweetbea,” Cam called softly, making me groan. “I’ll take ya to your parents.”

“You go,” I mumbled, pushing my face into my pillow. “I’ll drive in later.”

God, it was early. Why the hell was he awake already? It had been almost a week since Cam moved in, and living together had been surprisingly painless until he decided to wake me up at the butt crack of dawn.

He wasn’t messy. When I was studying or reading, he pulled out his laptop and plugged in his earbuds, checking the news and watching TV shows without bothering me. He even showered at night, so I had the bathroom to myself in the morning.

If it wasn’t for the fact that he insisted on touching me constantly, little brushes of his hands and body, he’d be the perfect roommate.

“Come on,” he said softly as I felt him sit down next to my hip, his hand brushing down my bare arm. “Want you on the back of my bike.”

“Sleep time, no bike.”

“You got twenty minutes to get ready, or I’m takin’ ya the way you are.”

“Can’t. No pants.” I pulled my arm away from him and flung it over my face.

He inhaled sharply, and before I could stop him, he ripped my comforter down to my knees.

“Cold!” I gasped, pulling my knees to my chest. “Give the blankets back, ass!”

“Jesus,” he mumbled, his gravelly voice jolting me completely awake.

I turned my head to look at him just as he pulled his t-shirt over his head.

“What are you doing?” I asked in alarm as he dropped his jeans to the floor. “Get the fuck out of here.”

“Warmin’ you up,” he replied, crawling in behind me as he pulled the comforter up around us.

He wrapped a muscular arm around my waist and jerked me into the curve of his body as his lips met my neck. “Nice and cozy.”

“You’re out of your damn mind,” I said, completely motionless. “What the hell?”

“Been waitin’ on you to come to me—that ain’t happenin.’ Looks like I gotta go to you.”

His hand that had been wrapped securely around my waist pulled up slowly, running up my belly and then back down over my bare thigh until he’d reached my knee, jerking it up so he could press one of his legs forward into the gap.

“This is a bad idea,” I warned, my body softening.

“Best idea I’ve ever had.”

“No, really. My pop will kill you.”

“Already talked to your dad, Sweetbea. He won’t say shit.”

“What? You what?”

“You wax your legs? So fuckin’ soft, damn.”

“Cameron!” I hissed, slamming my elbow into his gut. “You talked to my pop?”

“Jesus, watch the elbows. Yeah, I talked to him. Laid it all out. It’s all good,” he replied against my shoulder, before opening his mouth wide and running it up my neck.

Shit, that felt good.

“Laid what out?” I asked stubbornly, ignoring the way my heart raced.


“There is no us.”

“Oh, really?” He gripped my hip and rocked against me softly. “You sure?”

“Just because you crawled into my bed uninvited doesn’t mean there’s—” My words cut off as his hand slid forward, pressing beneath my belly button as he rocked harder against me.

“Tell me no,” he whispered into my ear as he slid the arm he’d been braced on under my head. His hand moved slowly, tracing my collarbone before sliding down to cup one of my breasts. “You want me to stop?”

I made some weird noise in the back of my throat, but words seemed to be beyond me. How many years had I fantasized about Cam’s hands on me? I couldn’t even remember. I’d wanted him for so long that it seemed to be soldered into my personality. Sarcastic, smart, a little weird, outgoing, fun, wants Cameron.

My mind went blank and I closed my eyes. I didn’t think about what the aftermath would entail, or that I hadn’t even brushed my teeth. Shit, I didn’t even think about the fact that I didn’t keep condoms in my room.

All I could think about was Cam’s large body behind mine and his massive hands on my torso.

“No,” I gasped as his hand slid off my breast.


“Keep going.” I grabbed his hand and pressed it back against my breast as he chuckled against my neck.

“I can do that,” he whispered into my ear. “I’ll make it even better.”

I was nodding my head before he’d even finished speaking. Damn, I knew I was going to regret it, but I was far more worried that I’d never have the chance again than any regrets I’d have afterward.

We were adults. I’d deal.

“You wet?” he asked, sliding his fingers into the front of my underwear as I shook my head. “I better do somethin’ about that.”

My entire body jolted as his fingertips met my pussy, barely skimming over the skin as I tried to widen my legs.

“Stay still,” he warned, tightening the hand on my breast. “I’ll do the work this time, yeah? You just—goddamn, you’re sexy—you just lay right here.”

“This is stupid,” I argued hoarsely, reaching behind me so I could grip his hip. “I won’t come like—”

“You won’t come at all unless you stop movin’,” he warned, pinching my nipple before moving his hand to my other breast. “I know what I’m doin’,” he whispered into my ear as his fingers between my legs pressed harder against me.

“I love this,” he said, running his fingers over the short hair. “Trimmed short, so when I go down on you, it’ll be out of my way.”

“You’re welcome,” I panted, trying really hard not to work my hips against him.

He laughed. “I can’t wait to see what you look like. Bet you’re dark—” His fingers spread my outer lips apart, then slid down between them. “Yeah, you’re dark here, to go along with all that gorgeous tan skin.”

My back arched, and his fingers clamped down against my nipple.

“Look how wet you are now,” he teased, kissing my neck. “Soakin.’ I bet if I pressed—”

“Shit!” My entire body jolted as the heel of his hand pressed down on my clit and two fingers slid inside me.

His palm ran in small circles as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out, and I was so close to the edge, I could have cried.

I took care of business myself on a pretty regular basis, but this impending orgasm was way bigger than anything I could have accomplished on my own. Holy shit.

I turned my face toward his, my dazed eyes meeting his warm ones as he smiled. “I bet your little clit turns bright red when I suck on it,” he said seriously.

That was it.

My orgasm hit hard, and my entire body locked as Cam murmured praise to me, his hand still moving against me as I rode it out.

By the time my body had calmed again, I was turned and pulled halfway on top of Cam’s wide chest.

“Let’s go back to sleep,” I said, sighing.

“Glad you’re all worn out,” he replied dryly, kissing the top of my head. “But we need to hit the road.”

“You want a blow job?”

“Are you offering me head so you don’t have to get out of bed?”

“You’re a poet, and… yes.”

“Yeah, I’m sure that would be fun. Much as I’d like your lips wrapped around me, you’d probably fall asleep on my dick.”

“Would not, and if I did, that’d probably say more about you than me, anyway.”

“Come on, babe,” he said with a laugh, slapping my ass. “Up.”

He pulled me from the bed and slapped my ass again to get me moving.

“You owe me!” he called as I stumbled into the bathroom.

“Yeah, a hand job—maybe,” I called back, swinging the door shut behind me.

I focused on showering and brushing my teeth, refusing to think about the can of worms I’d allowed to be opened. I’d think about it later.

*     *     *

“You woke me up early to go to my parents’?” I asked incredulously, climbing off the back of Cam’s bike.

“Gotta work, I’ll pick ya up when I’m done,” he replied, making no move to follow me.

“Are you kidding? I’ll be stranded here all day without my car.”

“You’ll be fine. No use drivin’ when I can drop you off.”

“Maybe I had shit to do today!”

“Ya said Tuesday was your day with your ma, right?”

“Not all day!” I argued, getting annoyed. A part of me had hoped that we were just going for a ride, that he’d been planning to spend the day with me. I was irritatingly disappointed that he was just dropping me off.

“I’ll come get you for lunch, then,” he said calmly.

“I don’t want to have lunch with you,” I snapped back as I finally ripped my helmet off my head.

“Yeah, ya do.”

“I really don’t.”


“Ugh! Go away.” I spun to walk away when his words stopped me.

“Come kiss me goodbye.”

“Not happening,” I said flatly, moving toward the front of my parents’ little house.

He was off his bike and stalking toward me before I’d reached the front porch.

“Quit,” I ordered, pointing at his face. “I’m not kissing you.”

“Come here,” he replied calmly, moving closer.

“No! Knock it off.” I threw my hands out in front of me as I backed toward the house, starting to laugh nervously. “Go to work.”

His mouth curved up into a small grin as he watched me scrambling away, then his hand shot out and grabbed one of my wrists, jerking me toward him.

“Kiss me goodbye,” he demanded again, his smile never wavering as he wrapped the other arm tight around my back.

“I’m not kissing you!” I stated stubbornly. At that point, I actually did want to kiss the asshole… but it was the principle of the thing. I wasn’t backing down, dammit.

“I need to warm you up first?” he asked, his hand sliding down to grip my ass.

Oh, shit.

“Stop it!” I hissed, glancing over my shoulder toward my house. “My pop’s still home.”


“Quit it,” I ground out between my teeth.

“Kiss me goodbye,” he repeated with a squeeze of my ass.

“Fine!” I went up on my toes, but I wasn’t anywhere near his lips until he bent down to meet me halfway. “You’re so annoying,” I mumbled against his lips.

“You love me.”

I jerked back at his words, the sentiment hitting too close to the past I’d put behind me, but he didn’t allow me to go far before his mouth was covering my lips and forcing me to open.

He pulled my arm over his shoulder as he sucked at my bottom lip, then gripped my ass hard as he jerked me up his chest so I could wrap my legs around him.

It was the first time we’d kissed in years, and it was more than I’d remembered. Kissing Cam was like falling into cool water on a hot day. Shocking at first, then it felt so good I didn’t want to come up for air.

One of my arms was wrapped around his neck and the other was cupping the side of his head when I heard my mom laughing behind me.

“Shit,” I gasped, yanking my face away from Cam’s.

“Come back,” he murmured, smiling.

“Unless you wanna leave without your balls, you’ll put my daughter down,” my pop said quietly, making me jump.

“Put me down. Put me down,” I ordered frantically, pushing at Cam’s arms.

God, I’d set out to not kiss him and I’d ended up eating his face in front of my parents. How the hell did that happen?

“Relax, Sweetbea. Your dad’s not gonna cut off my balls.” He chuckled, letting me slide down until I was on my feet.

“Don’t bet on it, Hulk,” my pop warned, making me take a giant step backward.

“Seriously, man?” Cam asked in irritation, glancing at my parents, who were standing on the porch. “We gonna do this every time you see us together?”

“We’re not together,” I cut in eagerly.

Both men ignored me.

“You can call me, ‘sir’.”

“Fuck off.”

My pop started laughing, the chuckles coming out deep and raspy, and I couldn’t help but smile along with him. My dad was a good-looking guy, but he didn’t smile very often—so when he did, it was staggering.

“I’ll follow you over,” Pop said with a nod once he’d caught his breath.

“I’ll be here to pick you up at one for lunch, Bea.”

“I’m having lunch with my mom—”

“No, you’re not,” my mom argued.

“See ya in a few hours, little liar.”

I stood with my hands clenched as Cam strapped his helmet on his head and fired up his bike.

“Seriously?” I griped at my pop as I brushed past him. “What the hell was that?”

“Watch your mouth,” he warned, following me into the kitchen.

“You pretty much just gave me to Cam, but I still can’t swear in front of you? You do realize, he doesn’t want to play charades at night, right?”

“Watch it, Little Warrior,” Pop said softly, reaching past me to get a cup of coffee before kissing the side of my head. “Knowin’ you’re an adult is one thing. You rubbin’ that shit in my face is really fuckin’ different.”

“Sorry,” I replied glumly.

“What the heck, Trix?” my mom asked in surprise as she finally followed us into the kitchen. “You’ve been after that kid for years, and now that you have him, you don’t want him?”

“I had a crush on him when I was young—that’s it.”

“Not five years ago you broke a girl’s cheek for sitting on his lap,” my pop reminded me with a smile.

“She was a bitch.”

“Of course she was.”

I rolled my eyes at him and pushed him roughly out of the way so I could get my own coffee.

“You’re acting weird,” I accused, staring at my dad as he relaxed back against a kitchen chair.

“I’m taking a shower,” my mom announced, walking over to give me a kiss. “You guys need a couple minutes.”

“Nothin’ weird about it,” Pop said, watching me closely after my mom was gone.

“So, you’re okay with Cam living with me? Since when?”

He sighed and scratched the side of his head.

“Don’t like it, no.”

“Then what was all that?” I bitched, flinging my arm toward the front porch.

“Ya gonna give me time to speak before you fly off the handle?”

My mouth snapped shut, and I crossed my arms over my chest.

“You realize your ma is the only woman I’ve ever let speak to me like that—right?”

I nodded.

“Still stands.”

Point taken.

“You and Cameron—” he sighed again. Good grief, get to the point already. “I’ve never liked it.”

I tilted my head to the side, waiting for him to finish. I wasn’t going to get yelled at for interrupting.

“Fuckin’ weird the way he let you follow him around. I hated that shit. But hell, after the shit you and your mama went through—I couldn’t force you away from him. He wasn’t doin’ nothin’ wrong, and neither were you. He helped ya with your shyness, made ya more outgoing. And as he got older, he made sure there was enough distance between ya that no one ever got the wrong idea.”

I remembered that. Around the time Cam started high school, he stopped hanging out with me as much. It had hurt my feelings, until my mom sat me down and explained that Cam was working at the club more, so I had to stop whining about it. I hadn’t realized that he’d stayed away for a different reason altogether. Made sense, though.

“Sit,” my pop ordered as I shifted from one foot to the other.

As soon as I was seated, he leaned forward in his chair and braced his forearms on the table. “Do I like ya with him? Fuck, no. I don’t want ya with anyone, but that ain’t reasonable or normal. You’re a full grown woman.”

He reached out and pulled at my messy hair.

“If somethin’ happened to me—”

“Don’t say that,” I blurted. I never wanted to have that conversation. Ever.

He glared at me, shutting me up. “Somethin’ happened to me—that boy would protect you until the day he died. Doesn’t matter if you were with him or married to someone else. His loyalty to you is unquestionable—”

“He fucks anything that moves!” I argued, scowling.

“That ain’t the same and you know it. He could fuck half the country and it’d still be you he came home to.”

“You don’t care that he’d cheat on me?”

“Course I’d care—don’t want you hurt—but that ain’t my business.”

I scoffed in disbelief and leaned away. What a shitty thing to say.

“Stop poutin’ and fuckin’ listen for a minute. Jesus Christ, between you and your ma…”


“Look at me, Little Warrior.” He waited until I met his eyes, then continued speaking. “Hulk is loyal to you. As much as I hate the thought of you with anyone, he would die for you. I might hate it that you’ve got a man, but I’ve gotta be thankful for that shit, too.”

“Oh good, you’re thankful,” I said derisively, ignoring the scowl that grew darker and darker on my pop’s face. “It’s fine with you that he’ll fuck around, just as long as he keeps me safe from some invisible boogeyman. Makes perfect fucking sense.”

“Goddammit, Bellatrix!” he yelled, slamming his hand down on the table. “You need to listen to what I’m sayin’.”

“Enough,” my mom ordered, coming into the kitchen with her hair still wrapped in a towel. “You need to get to the garage.”

“Talk to your daughter,” Pop snapped back, standing up. “She doesn’t listen to a fuckin’ word I say.”

“Oh, I heard plenty,” I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

“Are you fuckin’—”

“Out!” Mom ordered again, pushing at my pop until he moved toward the front door. “I’ll see you later. Love you.”

“Love you, too, baby,” my pop said, his eyes growing soft as he shrugged his cut on over a plain t-shirt.

They walked out to the porch and after a few minutes, my mom came back in alone. It was almost funny how little I looked like her. She was petite, pale and freckled with wild red hair that she kept long because my pop loved it. I was tan year-round, with thick black hair that had lost its curl as I got older and enough junk in my trunk for us to share.

“What was all that about?” she asked softly when she got a good look at my unhappy face.



“Pop was acting weird this morning.”

“Yeah, well, lots of stuff happening at the club, I think,” she said, grabbing her mug from the counter so she could sit in Pop’s vacated chair.

“What’s going on? No one tells me shit—but Cameron’s living in my apartment all of a sudden. It’s annoying.”

“They don’t tell me much, either,” my mom said ruefully, pulling the towel out of her hair. “But your pop’s not sleeping, and things are tense.”

“Maybe I should just move back in here.”

“You want to move back in?”

“Not really.”

“Do you want to stay with Cam?”

“Hell, I don’t know.” I dropped my forehead and proceeded to bang it against the tabletop as my mom laughed.

“Shit, don’t do that. You’re going to leave a bruise,” she worried.

“Not everyone bruises like you, Princess Peach,” I replied, turning my head to the side so I could look at her.

“You’ll figure it out—we all do.”

“He’s a manwhore.”

“He’s a guy.”

“Did Pop ever cheat on you?” I asked, making her jolt in surprise.

“No way. I’m your dad’s be-all-end-all. I don’t think he’s ever even been tempted.”

“It’s not like that with Cam.”

“I’m pretty sure it’s exactly like that,” she commented dryly.

“He’s a whore. He’s slept with freaking everyone. I can’t even walk into the club without tripping over a chick he’s had sex with.”

“Yeah, I dealt with that, too.”

“You did?”

“When we got here, your pop was with someone.”

“I don’t remember that.”

“Yeah, well, she wasn’t around for long. She glared at you one day and I knocked her ass out.”

“Go, Mom!” I sighed in surprise. My mom was not the type to get into it with another woman. I couldn’t even imagine it.

“Not my finest moment.”

“Sounds pretty great to me.”

“For what it’s worth, I don’t think Cam would cheat on you, and neither does your pop.”

“Yeah, he already said it wasn’t his business.”

“Trix, babe, you’ve always been able to read between the lines with your father. So why the hell are you missing the point today?”

“I got his point,” I argued.

“Your dad is in an awkward position, alright? He loves you more than anyone on this earth—maybe even me. But he has to work with Cam, he has to trust him, and one day, he’s gonna get the gavel and he’ll have to lead him. If he thought Cam would hurt you—emotionally or physically—he would’ve never let him near you. But he can’t step in later if Cam’s being an asshole—not if you’re Cam’s old lady. Okay?”

“Yeah, I get it,” I mumbled back, letting her words roll around in my brain. “You don’t think he’d cheat?”

“Let’s put it this way—are you a virgin?”


“Have you ever slept with Cam?”


“So, you’ve slept with other men?”


“You love Cam?”

“Yeah, but we weren’t—ahh, I see what you did there.”

She stared at me silently.

“Fine,” I grumbled, standing to stretch. “I should probably go smooth things over with Pop.”

“That would probably be a good idea, baby. He’s wound pretty tight already, doesn’t need to be fighting with you, too.”

“You wanna walk over with me?”

“Nah, I’m going to mop the floors.”

“Have fun.”

I left the house and walked slowly toward the clubhouse in the distance, swishing my feet through the long grass. Apparently, when I was little, my mom had dropped me out her window and I’d had to run across this same field to get my pop when her psycho estranged husband showed up. I didn’t remember any of it—which was probably a good thing—but I’d heard the story a dozen times. I think whatever happened that day had been the reason my parents never moved off the club’s property. Her first husband was dead, but my pop was still crazy protective of us, which made what I’d insinuated that morning even shittier.

Cameron made me crazy. He always had. After our little make-out session when I was seventeen, I’d lost my ability to be rational about him. While my mom had made a valid point about my sexual history and the hypocrisy of judging Cam because he’d fucked other women, I still couldn’t get over the number of women he’d been with. I’d slept with two other guys—both boyfriends. Cam, however, was indiscriminate in his bed partners.

I couldn’t decide which of us was worse—me, who’d been in actual relationships with other men, or Cam, who’d never cared about any of the women he slept with.