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Daddy Issues by Wyatt, Dani (29)

Chapter Ten



I swallow hard and lick my teeth as I wait for the elevator to reach the fifty-first floor, to reach my apartment, delivering the world’s most precious cargo to me.

I woke an hour ago to a ringing phone.  Not my personal cell.  That one is reserved for very few.  

No, it was my work cell.  The one that is used only for business and only when there’s an emergency so urgent it can’t be left to anyone else. My life has been my work.  The closest I’ve come to anything resembling a personal life would be my time at the club, and even that is at best an arm’s length venture.  

I count very few of my many acquaintances as friends.  

Not a single one as family.

I lost my parents when I was a teenager.  They moved here from Hungary when they were newly married, and I was their only child.  They were good parents.  Hard working.  Kept to themselves.  Loved one another in their own obligatory way.

My father died in a construction accident on the job.  Two months later, my mother was diagnosed with stage four liver cancer which had already metastasized.  When they died within a few months of each other I was left to make my own way.  And I did.  I did it well.  But family was never in the equation after that.  My life has been work.  Until Willow.

The pain I felt when I left Willow is something I said I could never endure again.  

Love is the greatest risk of all.  I never dreamed of anyone but her and now that she’s finally back in my life, finally making me whole again, the wound is being torn asunder.  One phone call, unanswered, and I can barely breathe.  I would give anything—not just my life, but everything I’ve ever owned or accomplished in my life—to be sure she doesn’t get hurt.  

I do my best to put the call that woke me out of my mind.  To promise myself I will find a solution other than the one that will destroy me to save her.  

I’m fighting off the anger I’ve managed to soften in the last twenty minutes.  First it was the business call.

Then in the next minute, I realized Willow wasn’t in the apartment.

After I finished the unpleasantness on the call, I dialed her and she didn’t answer.

It took me only a more few minutes to log on to the tracking app I’d installed on her cell phone earlier in our evening.  She was in the shower, singing Sweet Home Alabama, and I didn’t even try to fight it, the need to be sure, from this moment forward, I would know where she was.  If she was safe.  How to find her.

I didn’t expect to have to use the service so quickly, but it only instilled in me even further the validity of my actions.  I will keep her safe, no matter what.  Stalking isn’t a bad word when it comes to what I need to do for Willow.

The elevator door slides open and I see her, hair dripping with rainwater, the death stare she perfected between the ages of twelve and thirteen.  It takes a huge force of will not to chuckle at the sight.

“You have a tracker on my phone, don’t you?”  She cocks one eyebrow and blows upward, attempting to detach a wet string of hair from the front of her left eye.

She holds her iPhone out in front of her like a shield and blinks as water drops catch on her eyelashes.

Her T-shirt clings to her body, showing the taut peak of each nipple through the thin cotton bra.  I see the indent of her belly button as her skirt hangs a few inches lower than usual with the weight of water, stretched out from the soaking rain that is still hammering against the windows of the apartment.

The wind is whistling, sneaking in through any tiny crack it can find as she steps onto the cream color carpet.

“Yes.  I told you I’m not losing you again.”  I reach out to clench her elbow, bringing her into my chest in a hug so tight I feel the pulse of her heart beat against my body.

“I had to go to deliver the whatevers for godammed Lucielle.”  Her muffled voice is hot yet playful and that little girl comes out as she stomps forward. She’s clearly frustrated and I find it amusing.

“I have to fly back to LA in a few hours.  Something’s come up.”

What?”  Her head tips back and her greenish-grey eyes darken.  That little girl clings to me as Willow’s arms clutch around my back.  “Is something wrong? I don’t want you to go.”

“Nothing I can’t handle, princess.  Don’t worry.  Daddy will be back in a couple days.”

“Days?”  She pouts.  It seems like it’s been an age since I first saw her again at the club, but it’s only been a couple days.  

Time doesn’t exist in a linear fashion when it comes to us.  So long we were apart, yet we’ve packed so much into the short time we’ve had that being away from her for even a few hours stings like it will be an eternity.

“I’ll call you every chance I get.  You keep that phone with you, every second, and you stay here.  I have the staff coming to cook for you and make sure you have everything you need.”

“What do you mean?  The staff?”

“You’re staying here, Princess.  Daddy can’t stand to think of you sleeping anywhere else but in my bed from now on.  Your meals will be prepared as well.  Whatever you request, as long as it is a healthy meal, will be yours. It’s not about weight, don’t mis-understand, it’s about keeping you healthy.  I’ve already told them pizza and soda are allowed only once until I get back. And chocolate chip cookies...two a day.”

I raise my eyebrows as I look down into the face that has graced my every dream for as long as I can remember.

Her eyelids droop.

“Come. You need more sleep.”

“What about you?  You’re all dressed.”

“I was on my way out to find you.  But I’ll let you take all my clothes off again, angel.  I plan on spending some quality time inside that sweet cunt of yours before I fly off.  Daddy won’t leave you needy, I promise.”

I peel her wet clothes off right there and guide her to the living room.  The apartment is warm tones of beige and brown.  The lights of the city twinkling in the wall of windows behind the sofa.

I center her on the thick soft rug in front of the windows.

“Take my cock out.”  I demand.  I’ve dreamed of her mouth on me for so long, it’s time.

She doesn’t hesitate.  Her hands move with haste as her eyes stare up and into mine, wide and wanting.  

The eagerness she shows has my ready to nut before she gets my solid erection out of my pants.  

She doesn’t ask for instruction.  Doesn’t show a flicker of doubt as her tongue comes out the lick around the head, lapping at the pre-cum already dripping out.

“Mmmmm.”  She moans as my flavor spreads over her tongue.  “I like it Daddy.”  She whimpers then opens wide and takes me wet and deep in one long slow suck.  Her tongue moving and dancing on the underside of my cock in time with the sucking motion of her mouth.

“Oh Jesus.”  I throw my head back and bring my hands to the top of her head.  I don’t need to thrust, she’s taking more of me than I could have dreamt.  I feel her tonsils at the sides of the head of my dick and her throat opens taking even more.

One of her tiny hands grabs the base of my penis and starts to squeeze and pump.  Her eyes look upward as I find the strength to look down.  Seeing the joy in her face with my dick in her mouth is more than I can take.

I lose it there like a twelve year old opening his first Hustler.

“Fuck, yes.”  I groan as my cum fills her mouth and she swallows like my perfect, greedy little princess.  “Swallow it all for Daddy, baby.  Such a good fucking girl.”

I cum for so long the room starts to spin and my breathing is ragged.  

My cock doesn’t lose one bit of hardness as I pull her up and take her in a deep kiss.

After a long kiss, I push her back slightly, her nipples hard and I need inside her now.

In a flash of hands we both know what we need.  In a few seconds we’ve managed to strip me as well and I settled sitting on the sofa pulling her down to sit on top of me.  My cock already fighting his way to get inside that sweet tight cunt.

“Slide down on Daddy’s cock, angel.  Show Daddy how badly you want me.  Make me cum again with your tight, wet little pussy.”

She does more than that, my minx leans forward and presses her glorious tits to either side of my face as her body sucks me inside its wet warmth.  My girth still feels like it’s tearing at her, but she’s so wet I slide inside in one movement nearly making my heart stop.

It’s not long until we are both moaning and cumming.  My seed inside her once again with her rocking and bowing herself into me.  It’s so beautiful I freeze the moment in my mind.  Savoring her and wishing I could make this moment last forever.  

My baby.  My princess.  My Caramia taking me joyfully, willingly inside her with an orgasm blushing her cheeks and my cum dripping from her cunt.  Life can’t get any better than this.

WATCHING HER SLEEP, the juxtaposition of her huge heart and the world of win-at-all-costs that swirls around her tear at me.  How her mother raised such a pure soul, I’ll never know.  

My phone buzzes and I know who it is before I look.

Margaret:  When does your flight to LA land?

My anger bubbles up.   These people live in a world most would cut off body parts to experience, and yet they always want more.  More money.  More power.  More of whatever it is that gives them their next thrill.

But above all, they want to win.  

No matter who loses.

Pike:  Doesn’t matter to you.  I’ll take care of the business, you will get what you need.  You just keep our agreement.

My stomach sinks.  When you deal with the devil there are no winners.  

I listen to the slow, even breathing of the one person that makes this life worth living.  Knowing that if I don’t walk this minefield just right, everything we’ve started here will be gone.


Ripped from me like it’s my own beating heart.

Margaret:  Meet with my client.  Convince your last few hold-out board members to agree to the terms of the merger as discussed.  Willow stays safe.  But you will break it off with her, Pike.  That is non-negotiable.  For God’s sake, if word ever got out about you being involved with my daughter, it will blow this deal for me.  Blow any chance for Managing Partner. And for you, too.  And that is not going to happen.  Don’t force my hand, Pike.  If I go down, you go down farther.  I’ll not lose one minute of sleep over you two.  Leave her alone, Pike, or the world will get a whole different view of who Pike Richards is.  A man with a taste for the young woman he called his daughter.  A man who took liberties with a young woman before the age of consent.  The puritans of America don’t care about the truth, your reputation and your company will go down in flames.  Don’t push me.

It’s a lie, of course. I never touched Willow until we met at the club.

Margaret knows it as well, but none of that matters.  It’s all about perception and Margaret is a master at twisting and packaging information to her liking.  Her firm represents two of the largest media conglomerates in the world.  If she wants something spun and plastered all over every tawdry news channel and internet media rag in existence, she can do it. And I will not put Willow through that.  The thought that her own mother would throw her to the wolves to get what she wants turns my stomach, but I have no doubt that she would. She wouldn’t even hesitate.

I turn my phone face down and slide it across the dresser.  I adjust the knot of my tie until it grabs around my neck.

Walking over, I set a kiss on her sex-messy hair.

“See you soon, Princess.”  I whisper, stroking the wild tendrils that lay on the pillow.

I’ll die before I allow her to be dragged through the mud in public.  As long as Willow is kept out of it, I’ll sacrifice myself a million times over.  If I have to convince the last hold outs with less than accurate data, I’ll do what I need to do.  Accept the consequences as they fall.

I settle my fingertips on my temples and squeeze hard, trying to settle my head as the elevator door closes.  As I travel down from the penthouse it goes over again in my mind.  I have to find a way out.  But if I don’t, I’ll have to set her free.


No matter how much of my soul it costs me.

My throat tightens and a weight sits on my chest.  How can I keep her safe and keep her in my life?  A sob threatens me as the elevator lowers me to the lobby.  My car is waiting out front and my mind quiets.  

I think of her, sleeping in my bed, as my driver opens the car door and I slide inside.  How she looked there.  Like she belonged.  

And she does.  She belongs with me.