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Daddy Issues by Wyatt, Dani (46)

Chapter Six


“KEEP THAT PHONE ON you and keep it turned on, you got me?”  I twist a lock of her hair between my fingers, bothered already that we will be apart even for a few hours.  She’s sitting in the passenger seat of my truck as we drive into town.

“Got you,” she answers with that little girl voice, and I melt, but I know she needs my rules as well.

You?  Got you?”  I drop the tendril of hair and reach down to pick up her hand which I placed over the zipper of my jeans with instructions to keep it there until I say otherwise.  She happily complied, and of her own accord, she rubbed my hard-on through the fabric all the way to town, nearly making me destroy my pants in the process.  “Try again with that answer, princess.”

When I glance over, I see her cheeks flare pink.  “Got you, Daddy.” 

“Good girl.”  I bring the back of her hand to my lips and rest a kiss there.  I release her hand, putting it back on my dick but feeling the emptiness flood over me at the loss of her touch.  Reaching over, I slide my hand into the back of her neck, my thumb pressing just under her jaw where I can feel her pulse.

Her heart rate speeds as I apply pressure there and grip her neck, so she knows who’s in charge still.  Under my touch, I sense her soften and melt.  I hold my hand there, tight, for a long moment, the tenderness of the kiss on her hand in contrast to what I’m doing now.  We both know I am in control, but she holds all the cards.

“Okay.”  I steady myself and break the contact.  The thought of her being away from me is already sending my obsession into overdrive.  “You like Daddy’s cum dripping out of you, reminding you who you are?”

She nods on a blush and squeezes her legs together.  She’s so fucking sweet and dirty at the same time.  She’s my dream come true, and there are moments I still have to pause and remind myself this is real now. 

She’s actually mine.

If I allowed myself, I’d have her naked and shackled back at home until the end of time. I know it’s my job to do what is best for my little girl and allowing her a life outside of me is part of that.  “I will see you back home at six. Do not be late, you hear me?  Or I’ll track your sweet ass and bring you back if need be.  If you guys go anywhere besides the park and back to her new place, I want to know.”

She nods, and it satisfies my need.  I want her to keep me informed of her every move because she chooses to and respects me, but even if she doesn’t, I will always know where she is thanks to the tracker I’ve had in her phone for years.  I’d stalk and follow her as necessary all the days of our lives, but for today I am allowing her time with Michaela as I meet Valerie Carson, my accountant, and tutor as such.  The timing of what happened between us last night, and the exact reasons for my appointment today, feel like divine guidance right now.  I pray things go the way I hope and I can be the man my lamb deserves. 

Give her the future a real man should provide, not rely on some inheritance for the rest of our lives. 

I bring the truck to a stop outside Nemoy’s Coffee Shop where I’ll meet Valerie and see Michaela’s Blue Toyota parked a few spots down. She’s leaning on the passenger side, hip into the car, checking her nails.  She looks up, and both the girls give each other a quick wave as I shift into park.

“Okay see yo—” 

I grab Brinna’s hand before it reaches the door handle, pull it away and place it back on my cock.

“Did I tell you you could move that hand?”  I watch her eyes snap to mine, then back out the windshield, then back to me. 

“No, Daddy,” she mumbles, and her teeth sink into her lower lip.

“Kiss me, then you can take your hand off and get out of the car,” I order as her eyes flit back and forth again.

She’s unsure, so I help her along, reaching over to take her by the hair and bringing her face towards mine.

She lets out a little peep and cocks her head to the side, giving me a peck on the side of my face and then doing her best to pull away and retreat out the car door.  I’m not having any of that.

“Kiss me like you love me.”  I pull her face back.

“But, she’ll see—”

“I don’t give a shit who sees.  Are you mine?”  I ask, arching my eyebrows.  “Are you?”

“Yes but—”

“No buts.  You are fucking mine.  I fucking love you.  And I fucking don’t care who knows.”  I know as life goes on people will stare. They’ll question.  Her soft youth will always sit in drastic contrast to my rough edge, ugly mug, freakish size and yes, the age difference.  But all those things are surface fodder.  I don’t care anymore about what anyone thinks. Brinna will come to that same place with me in time.

I steal away her next breath, covering her mouth with mine and sealing that thought with a minute-long tongue battle that I know will remove any doubt in her sweet little head, any lingering notion that I care one hot damn who sees us or knows about us from now on.

As we pull back, her lips glisten with our kiss, and her hand in my lap is back to stroking my erection.

“Like this, Daddy?” her breathy words send cum seeping out the tip of my dick.

I choke back a full moan before giving her the go ahead.  “Just like that, Babygirl. Now go on and have fun with your friend. I’ll see you at home later.”

“Okay,” she snickers and reaches to open the door, but I can’t let her go just yet.  I flatten my hand on top of hers as it begins to lift from my erection, snapping her head around to look at me.

“I’m going to be ready for you to take care of me like a good girl when you get home.  So make sure your pussy is good and wet, make sure you think about all the things I’m going to do to you tonight, Lamb. I’m going to show you new things. Take new parts of you. Because they all belong to me now, right?”

“Yes, Daddy.”  Her fingers tense around the length of me and my balls tighten at the sensation.

“Good girl.  Now, go on and have fun.”