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Daddy Issues by Wyatt, Dani (8)

Chapter Eight


I cover her with my mouth, with my body, grappling with her tiny limbs, pulling her into my chest as one hand reaches down to lay the seat back a few inches.  I want her to stay here for eternity.

She lets out a little whistling, whispering moan when my lips touch hers.  They are even softer than I ever imagined in all my fantasies.  Her flavor is like springtime and honey, with a dash of dynamite.

Hesitation doesn’t even have any meaning for me any more.  That first kiss wasn’t soft, it was greedy and selfish. Too many days have gone by with just dreams of her, and I’m not a patient man.

My tongue slices between her full lips.  My movements are harsh, delving deep on the first stroke so she has no doubt I’m here to claim what’s mine and I intend to be here again and again.  I don’t want her to doubt what I’m feeling; I need her to know how deep down she’s touched me, how many of my dreams she’s starred in.  All of them, in fact.  I imagine her sharing every moment with me, and in my mind’s eye I see how good it could be.

I wish I could have saved all the moments in my life before this one, all the moments from hers as well, so we could share them together for the rest of our lives.

My massive hands easily circle her tiny neck, arching her head back as my eyes engulf her, tugging her so close I feel the softness of her tits against the rock hard wall of my pectoral muscles.  The poke of her hard nipples only searing her into me more than the moment before.

Our kiss is a fury.  I expected this tiny girl to shrink from me.  I’m a massive, hairy beast next to her silky softness. She doesn’t just pull at my shirt, but fists the fabric as though our kiss is her lifeline, and my heart feels like it’s going to burst in my chest.

My own desire is multiplied a thousand fold because she wants me back.  Because that is really all I need to know.

We both take a shaking breath, our lips still softly connected.  My forehead touching hers for a long moment, stringing together all the memories I’ve made with her in my dreams, realizing they’d felt nothing close to the real thing. 

Jesus, Angel.” The words catch as I release them and I have to clear my throat to continue.  “You feel better than every dream I’ve had about you.  Please, kiss me again, right now before I die.”  My cock aches as she leans forward.

Now it’s teeth and tongues and wet lips sliding back and forth as my cock cries out in pain, bending in half inside my layers of compression shorts.  I want her mouth, her hand, her tits and her cunt.  I want them all on me and around me in all the filthy, depraved ways I’ve ever dreamed.

The car is not the best place for this, but she’s giving me no indication that she wants anything different.  She is as rapt as I am in this moment.

My fingers move with purpose; a fleeting thought about being gentle crashes around in my mind, but that is not possible.  I glide up her thigh until I feel the fabric between her legs, pressing my knuckles into the little valley of her panties, seeking out the heat that is rising from her, needing to feel the soaking wetness that will soon be on my tongue.

I break the kiss, both of us panting as her eyes waver for a moment, trying to find focus.  Her head tilts back to rest against the window.  Her eyes catch mine with a flash of sparkling green lust, and I want to memorize everything about his moment...  I need her to look at me like this every time, in awe as I give her what she needs and craves.

“Open your legs.”  It comes out as a growling order, not a request.  “Wider,”  I grunt, and I watch her mouth fall open as she draws in a deep breath and her thighs spread under my touch.  “There are so many things I want to do to you, Angel, do you know that? Can you feel that?”

I push my hand harder between her legs, demanding she open for me, my fist banging forward watching her beautiful, jade-green eyes widen as she nods her head ever so slightly.

“This is so strange, isn’t it?”  she manages to stutter as I shift my knuckles into the wet dent of her panties. I feel her juices soaking through and it sends a shock wave up my arm, raising the beast already fighting to get out.

“I don’t think it’s strange, Angel.  Does this feel strange?”  My fingers slip between the elastic and the edge of her upper thigh, into that sensitive spot, and her precious lips open further to steal halting breaths, each of which I bend closer to capture with my mouth.

I tease, running my fingers now up and down the circle of elastic, tempting myself to delve, to feel what will soon be mine, the flavor of her perfection.  I can tell from the bit I’m managed to feel, she’s smooth and hairless.  I close the remaining space between her face and mind, my tongue jutting out to trace around the outline of her open lips.  Then spinning inside her mouth as her hands come up to rest on my cheeks with a devilish grip.

Each second of this first time I’m committing to memory so I can play it over and over in my head until the last moments of my life.  Nothing has ever been so poignant, so destined.  I’m a virgin in so many ways just like her, because nothing and no one has ever come close to making me feel these kinds of soul-reaching sensations.

She tenses as my fingers jerk her panties to the side.  I tug and pull until the cotton fabric hangs loose, the elastic giving up and showing me what I crave.  The scent of her arousal hits me like a cannon ball to my nuts and I have to pull back from our kiss and bite my lip to keep from emptying them right there.

“Baby, you’re so wet.”  It’s like Christmas and New Years and every fucking win I could ever imagine.  “So fucking wet.  That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever felt, Angel.  You’re wet for me.” My voice throttles up a notch at the thought that I did this to her, and my dick threatens to erupt, my balls throb, wanting to spread my seed all over her.  Mouth, tits, pussy and ass.  I’ve imagined them all.  And I’m about to embark on what will be the first of an endless number of moments like this.

“You have that effect on me.”  She tugs at my neck and giggles as my fingers brush her naked outer lips, sending my mind into a spin.  “I’ve started bringing an extra pair of panties to work because of you.”

“Christ.”  My voice trails off as I bring my forehead to rest on top of her head. It’s all too beautiful.  Her words, her scent, the first moment my fingers slipped inside to feel the delicate flesh, sopping and silky on my calloused fingertips.  “You have no idea how long I’ve dreamed about this.  About us.  It hurts to breathe around you I need you so bad.”

I drop one hand to grip the front of my pants, showing her the effect she has on me.

“I guess we were slow starters.”  Her breathless words come out in a little burst as I quit the teasing and discover her clit and stroke it between two fingers.  “Oh my god.”

I’ve pleasured myself while imagining this moment so many times, it takes a Herculean effort not to spill right now.  My balls are practically inside my body, drawn up so tight and ready to heave, but I want the one thing I’ve needed the most.  Two things.  I need her to know who I am, and I need her to cum.

“Magnus.”  The thrust of my fingers low into her soaking heat elicits my name with a gasp.  Her eyes pop open and she leans back to look into my face.

“You’ll always be safe with me, Angel.  You know that already, don’t you?”

She nods, her breaths coming faster as I slip one finger just inside her opening, the pad of my thumb strumming over her clit in time with her breathing.  She shifts her soft rump as she settles back farther on the passenger seat, my body in the center of the space, thanking Christ I hadn’t ever switched out the front bench for bucket seats.  She lowers another inch on the slick vinyl, giving me better access.  Her eyes flutter open and closed as I play and gently glide a thick finger where her body gushes then hold it still.

“I’m going to be someone to you.  Only to you.  And you are someone only to me.  I want you to agree to trust me, let me show you who we can be together.  How this is not just our first moment. Our first moment began the day I stepped into that store and saw you.  You know that’s right, don’t you?  We’re not strangers; we’ve been together since then.  You feel it too.”

I push my finger deeper, but I feel the resistance, the tightness.  My chest constricts at the thought that she’s so pure, so innocent, and my skin turns to fire.

“Yes.  That’s what I meant about it being so strange.  God, that feels so good.”  A soft giggle swells my heart.  Her hands reach out to discover the hard tension covering my chest and opening herself more for me and I swallow hard at the perfection of it all. 

Waves of her silky hair curl around her neck, a light green ribbon decorates her tossled hair, her eyes are barely focused and yet completely connected to mine.  Her sweet scent and the wet folds of her cunt spin a potion more intoxicating than the strongest liquor.  “Magnus—”  She shudders, her face lax as one hand drops to my forearm and the other flails, uncertain of what to do.

I grab it and hold, entwining our fingers so I can feel her tighten, telling me everything I want to know.

“I want you to call me something other than Magnus, baby.”  My breath comes faster, not knowing if she will understand.  But nothing can stop me from my own frantic need to be this to her.

“What?”  The single word sounds desperate, unsteady, and I let the pad of my thumb begin to circle the hard nub of her clit as it grows with its own greed.  My middle finger gently pushes through her tight opening as fear rushes through me at the thought of my girth entering her here.

“Inside my head, I’ve been calling you ‘Angel’ ever since I met you.  How did it feel when I said it out loud?”

“It felt...”  Her voice drifts.

Her fingers tighten on mine as she adjusts her hips upward into my hand, her skirt gathering higher on her thighs, giving me a view of the pink, soaking heaven where my digits draw out her essence. “It felt right,” she says.  “I mean, it seemed odd, but it still felt right.  Like that was my name.”  Her words are slow, sounding drunk and the blush on her cheeks makes the pain of my need rise another notch.

“That is your name.  And you want to know my name?”  I drive my finger upward slightly into her center not enough to breech her, but enough to feel the tightness gather around. She stills with an inward gasp, her body freezes, then shakes around me, her eyes dropping to slits, her brow tightening.  Then her eyes pop open again to catch mine as I stare at her, rapt in what is about to be the pinnacle moment of my life.

“Your name?”  She repeats.  She’s lost as I move my fingers inside her, working her sugar sweet clit and tracing a circle at her opening as her legs begin to quiver, telling me what I want to know.

“My name, the name you will call me from now on, whenever we are alone.”  I enter her more, not enough to tear, but enough to finger fuck the cunt that’s pulling me inside.  Faster and faster I work.  She drenches my hand, her fingers tightening like a vise onto mine.  “When you cum, you will say this name.  Do you understand?”  My core tightens like a cable that’s ready to snap.

“Yes, oh God, oh my God.”  Her pelvis rises to meet my finger – the insides of her thighs squeeze together, trapping me between them like the naughty girl I need her to be.

“Daddy.”  I seeth the word between my teeth. “I want you to thank Daddy for this, right now.”  I pound my finger inside her, farther than I first intended, searching and pressing at the front wall.

I release her hand from my other, breaking away.  I’m unable to stop myself; I fall down down, my shoulders hitting her open thighs and diving between her legs with my mouth wide, grinding my tongue into her raised clit. Kissing and losing myself in the spill of her juice flowing over my lips.

Her hands flail around my head, fingertips digging in, trying to find her center.  She is shaking like an earthquake.  I suck her cherry clit between my lips and the first of her flavor soaks my mouth, my throat, all the way down into my soul as she cums with my name on her lips.

My real name.


She drenches me as I push my face nearly inside her with sounds that shake the car. I swallow every drop, my fingers feeling the undulations of her climax.  My lips feel her heat rise as I lower my face to suck more of her release.  It fills my mouth, slidding down my greedy throat with my nose on her swollen nub.

I want every bit of her to touch my face, drenching my beard.  She brands me with her orgasm, and she is completely mine.

My own deep growl is muffled by the way her cunt vibrates across the scratch of my facial hair.  I imagine carrying her around with me like this, her scent and juices on me for the rest of the day, and my already painful erection begs for relief.

Her whimpers turn to a painful yelp when I work back up and set my teeth, gentle but firm, over her now elongated clit.  Knowing I’m the one that did this to her is like nothing I’ve ever felt.  The way her body soaked me, the sounds she made, the name I’ve longed to hear dripping from her lips, all of it meshed into a moment unlike any other in my lifetime.  She takes my breath away in the common moments, but right now I don’t think I will ever breathe again.

Her panties hang in stretched and torn shreds against her thigh, her lower lips glistening, and I imagine the slick white of my cum dripping from that opening.  It enrages me and turns my cock to metal at the same time.

I want my seed inside her, filling her, so no part of her cunt is untouched by me.  And I want it to stay inside of her.  If I had my way, I’d fuck her standing on her head so no part of me would ever find an exit.  I’m as baffled by these feelings as I am by how quickly she’s taken to who I am, to who I’ve demanded to be to her now because I can see from the way she’s looking at me, she needs me in the same way I need her.

I grunt as I make my way up her body, splaying her legs with my hips, scooping an arm around her waist and shifting our position.  I’m in the passenger seat here, with her on my lap, facing me as I work her hips toward the front of the car, her back resting against the dashboard.  The softness of her ass half dangling between my spread knees.

The red on her cheeks continues to ride; heated blood ripens her face from her climax, as I reach a hand to the back of her neck and pull her face to mine.  I need her to taste herself on me; I need to share that with her and hear her breath as my tongue slides into her mouth with her flavor still fresh.

My beard is soaking with her as our lips come together in a mutual moan, tongues gathering to each other in a binding kiss before I guide her to sit back up, the taut fabric of her sweater doing nothing to hide the peaks of her ample tits that I now need between my teeth.

“Open your sweater.”  I lean back and watch.  I want her to do it for me, I need her to give herself to me. 



Because I need it all from her.

And in return, I will give her more.

“I’m going to live in that sweet cunt of yours, Angel.”  I meet her eyes.  “You need to know that is mine now.  And I will do as I wish with what’s mine.”

Her fingers quiver slightly as she opens the buttons without question, her eyes fluttering from my face down to watch the unsteady movements of her hands.  The slight tremble in her fingers and the bend of her mouth tells me she’s a bit unsure.  Maybe even embarrassed and I love it.  Her innocence only makes me crave her more.

“Get those tits in my mouth.  They’re mine now too, and I need to mark what’s mine, babygirl.  I want you to remember this moment. I want you to look down tomorrow and remember I was here.”

I wrap my hands around her waist, tightening because I need to control her in this and so many other ways.  I need her to give me that control, to be at my will, at my whim, while I use her and care for her like my most prized and valuable possession.


It is what she must be to me now.

Possessed by me.

“Yes, Daddy.”  I lose my fucking mind when she gives me that gift.

Dragging open the front of the soft pink, fuzzy fabric and snapping open the front clasp of her bra, she spills out the softest, most brilliant tits God ever put on this earth.

“Feed me,”  I growl and I see her swallow.  She’s still a bit insecure, but it only winds her farther into my heart.  I need her a little unsteady, needy for my words and my help. 

She leans forward, tentative, scooping one hand under the weight of her magnificent left tit.  She’s full, lush, and it’s the most beautiful thing to see her nipple harden as she brings it to my lips, her own mouth parted, waiting for whatever comes next.

My mouth fills with her, my tongue tracing and memorizing all those little bumps, the raised center, the warm rim.  She arches when I hollow my cheeks and draw her over my tongue and near to the back of my throat, increasing the suction until it is impossible to draw more of her into my mouth.

These are my own thoughts, but they’re shocking.  I need so much from her, so quickly, but I’ve been told that is the way in our family.  A helpless tradition, a dominant trait that comes straight out of family legend, stretching as far back as the Viking ancestors.  Men that don’t just choose a woman, but a mate.  A one and only that seems to call to them from some time before time was measured.  I didn’t believe it until now, didn’t expect it, but now it’s happening to me.  These new feelings slamming around inside me like a wrecking ball.  Smashing the old me and creating a new one in its wake of devastation.

I need to cum like my heart needs to beat. I want to lift those soft hips up, release my cock, and set her on top while I play and suck at her tits, but I won’t take her like that, not here.

Not in a car.

I’m still doubtful her body can take what I have.

I am not a virgin, but with more than a decade between me and any other female contact, I’m feeling like one.  When I release her softness from my mouth with a sucking pop, a shuddering breath raises her chest.  I drop one of my hands into my right front pocket, digging around for my knife while she looks at me with a question in her eyes.

“What are you doing?”  She half smiles and giggles as I grope in my pocket with a grunt.

“You’ll see.  Unbuckle my belt, Angel.  You need to get your hands on my cock and give me some relief.  Otherwise when we get back to my place, you may need to speed dial 911.”

My fingers finds the slick pearl handle deep in my pocket. As I pull the folded knife free, I see hesitation in her eyes. 

“That wasn’t a suggestion when I said to get your hands on my cock babe.”  I raise my eyebrows and give her a stern look. “Get your hands down here and get my pants open,”  I grunt and she moves with purpose, but I also see a flash of fear come across her sweet face.  “You’re okay, babygirl.  You’re just going to hand-fuck me while I make you cum again.  Then we’re heading back to my place.  It’s your turn to make Daddy cum, babe.”

Those last few words send a blush to her cheeks, but her tongue comes out to dance on her lower lip.  I grip an iron fist around the knife as she does as she’s told, managing to unbuckle my belt, which is no small task.  The hard-on from Hades is making enough upward pressure to hold it tight.

No one has ever made me want to talk like this, so overt and vulgar.  But with her, it almost feels beautiful, like it’s part of how I love her.

Love her.

That’s the Viking thing again because no one in their right mind would think someone like me could fall in love at first sight.  But I did, that first moment, I knew it and now I’m sorry I fought it for this long.  The primal need clutches around my throat, but as sweet as she looks, as accepting as she is, I still need her to understand it all.

“Angel.” I nearly stutter as her hands graze across the tip of my cock under the layers of fabric, sending a jolt of energy over my skin. 

“What?”  Her eyes dart from my face down to her hands.  Even under the layers of compression shorts, she can feel what’s there and I love the anticipation in her eyes.

“Just... I want you to understand why you’re going to call me Daddy.  I need you to be clear.”  I see her swallow, and the tension seems to release in her shoulders as her hands slip the leather out of the buckle.

“Okay.”  A dance of her tongue again, coupled with a devilish little smile, has my balls tingling.  Her hands are so close; I may not get a chance for her to get her hands on me before I explode.

“I’ve never felt like this.  Not with anyone.  When I saw you the first time in the store, I don’t know, something switched inside of me.  I’m not fucking kidding, it felt like a click or a twinge in my heart.  And this whole new world I wanted to live with you became so clear.”  I keep the knife in one hand and bring the other to graze down her hair, stroking it behind her ear, then resting my hand on her bare leg.

“I remember that day, too.  When you walked in and I saw you.  I mean, you do draw a girl’s eye, you know.  But it felt different.  I figured it was just bad tacos or something.”

I squeeze her leg and can’t help the laugh that comes out.

She laughs too, and her grin is adorable.  “I don’t think that was it though.  I didn’t have tacos that day.”  She shifts a little on my knees and I move my hand to push her skirt higher.  I want a view of her pussy; I need it in my line of sight.  Her panties are in shreds and she shimmies her body a few inches instinctively giving me a better view, and I fall for her more every second.  Her pussy owns my ass, and it’s the best feeling in the world.

“I’m not going to be your boyfriend.”  My eyes search her face for a moment and my voice falls to a low timbre.  “That’s not enough.  I’m not going to date you like a boy. I need you in a way I didn’t understand before.  I need you to come to me. I need to take care of every fucking thing in your life. I want you to come to me first with everything beautiful and good that happens in your life.  And I require you to come to me with everything that is bad or sad or challenging for you as well.  I want it all; every time your head hurts, I want to know.  Every time you feel insecure or need someone to tell you how gorgeous you are, that’s me.  I’m also not going to hesitate to turn that sweet ass over my knee when you need it.  When you act up, I’m going to be there with what you need.  I’m also going to fuck you like I own you, and you’re going to thank me every time.”

My little monologue has her eyes wide, and thank fuck she’s holding back a crooked smile and not trying to find a way out of the car as fast as possible.

“Can I take you out now?  Daddy?”

Holy fuck.

“Yes, baby, get those pants open.  What’s taking you so long?”

Heat is coming from between her open legs, sending me wild.  I lean forward and sink my teeth into the side of her tit, harder than I intend, but it only makes her hands move faster, with a greater purpose.  I’m falling into some new place.  A new purpose wells in my heart and it’s like coming home.

She jerks down my zipper, only to see the clear outline of my monster cock pushing painfully outward against the slick fabric underneath.  I see the confusion and a hint of disappointment, which only drives me into more fury.  Her wanting me is the pinnacle of everything.  It’s clear there is no easy way for her to free the beast from the layers of nylon that hold me tight.  Her bottom lip pokes out and I ease her troubled mind with a flash of the knife and a few words.

“I got this.” 

I open my hand and release the blade from the pocket knife.  I have to let go of her leg to pull the fabric up, giving it some space between where I’m about to slice through it and my throbbing erection.  In one movement, I slip the blade under the elastic band and the sound of tearing nylon fills the space between us.

Her lips open into a disbelieving oval when I put the blade away, and I throw the sheathed knife on the floor of the car.  Then I take both my hands and jerk the fabric open further, tearing it enough that my cock leaps up and out like it’s on a spring.

“Oh my god.”  Her face turns near white, then a smile ignites across her lips.  “It’s, like—Oh my god.”

“I know babe.  It’s big. Now get your hands on it,”  I order.

I swoop my fingers down between her legs and she lets out a yelp as I work the wet folds, drawing out her slick juice, then bringing it up to her lips, painting it on her.

“This is you on my fingers, Angel.  I’m going to put it on me, where you belong, and then you’re going to hand fuck me until you and I cum together.”

I press my slick fingers to her lips and she opens.  The sensation of her accepting warmth, her tongue wrapping around my fingers, sends drops of pre-cum out of the slit of my dick.  It’s already covered in the slick, clear liquid and it’s about as primed as a powder keg.

“Good girl.”  I drop my fingers from her mouth and take her hand in mine, rubbing the slick liquid into her palm.  Then I spread it up and down over the helmet of my iron-hard dick.

“Now, you’re going to make Daddy cum, Angel.  I’m going to hold on as long as I can, because I need you to always cum first.  But then it’s your job to do what I tell you, do you understand?” The rumble of my voice is in contrast to the soft words, and I see the effect it has on her as her face brightens and the twinkle in her eyes tells me we are a match made in a heaven.  It’s just neither of us knew until we found each other.

I guide her hands to circle my fat shaft. Even both of them working together don’t cover the real estate, but her eyes are flickering with lust and it catapults my own until my ears buzz and my toes curl.

“Like this.”  My single hand covers both of hers, and my mind races around with all the ways I want to fuck her, my heart ricocheting around in my chest, making it hard as fuck to breathe. 

I take my free hand and find her clit with the pad of my thumb then my forefinger on the other side, feeling her shudder as I give it a slight pinch, then roam up and through her wetness, moving in time with her as I show her how I want her to fist my meat.

“Faster, a little faster.  Tighter.  Right there, when you go over the head, squeeze like this.”

There is no sense of self consciousness, no embarrassment; she is shaking as I flick and finger her, teasing her while I teach her how to please me.  And please me she does.

“Like this?”  Her breathy words nearly draw up my balls and end it right there, but I want more, I want it longer, and I want my cum sprayed on her skin while she soaks my palm with hers.

She’s got my cock mastered already, so I drop my guiding hand from hers.  My other hand still involved in discovering every petal and soft texture of her amazing pussy. 

When she grips down tight on my iron hard on, I lean my head back with a deep groan. I can’t keep my eyes open, it feels so fucking good.  My fingers feel her heat, her wetness, and I draw my hand out for a moment.  I bring her glorious flavor to my lips, my tongue swirling around cleaning all her essence from my digits.

I let her hands work, mine reaching up to press against the ceiling of the car, bracing myself because it feels like she’s pumping my soul from my body.

I open my mouth and lick her sweet liquid candy from my fingers for a long moment, sighing like a growling beast as her hands work my thick, bone-hard dick.

“So good.”

With that I’m back with her. I’m not going to last much longer.  She’s too sweet, too good, too beautiful.

And too mine. 

I shift my hips and bang her thighs open with my hand, I want her wide. 

“Put your feet up here.”  I grab at her ankles, pushing her legs apart and setting her feet on the car seat, spreading them on either side of my legs.  “Scoot down, I want to see that pretty cunt when it cums.  I want my cum on you there.”

She strokes me, even and smooth, then fast and tight, varying her movements until my neck muscles tense with the effort of holding on.  I finger her sensitive clit, a fingertip on each side, swirling and flicking.  I drop my hand from the roof, swooping it down and I don’t hesitate, shoving my middle finger into her tight hole, making her jerk and gasp.

I lock down every muscle.  This is too good; I have to concentrate to keep my climax from erupting.  But I want us to cum together so I have to hold on.

“Angel, babygirl, cum for Daddy.”  My need is banked in my throat, making the words lurch out in halted grunts, but her eyes catch fire at the sound.

“Oh my god.”  She’s close, I hear the tension building in her voice.

Cum for Daddy.”  Once more with fingers and voice, and she gushes in my hand.  I throb at the feeling of it, sticky and warm, and cum tips the head of my cock; I’m right there with her, but she needs to fall first.  Always her first.

She’s tight as hell as I work my single crooked finger inside her cunt.  Then her hands clamp down on my cock as her pussy spasms against my fingers.

God.  Fuck—”  I lose my vision for a moment, but fight like a dog to get it back because I need to see her face when she goes off.  “Cum, baby, for the love of Christ.”  I whimper like a damn kid and grind my fingers around her clit.  “Kiss Daddy, right fucking now.” 

My voice is harsh, but I need her to hear me.  I lean forward, our lips connecting with force as I consume her scream, as I roar my own release right back into our desperate tongue war.  Wet heat covers my hand, and my dick explodes in an orgasm harder and longer than I thought could be possible, dimming my vision as the car swirls around me.  My balls jerk and draw up so tight, I wonder if I may never see them again.

I don’t ever want to leave this moment, it’s everything I’d wished for and so much more.  But even with that thought, I’m awestruck at the idea of how my cock will feel as I slip inside her for the first time.  I may just never come back from that.  If her little hand job has me this gone, God only knows what will happen when I push inside her and give her my cum for the first time.

I break our kiss. My hands staying steady on her and in her, her body still shivering, and her little aftershock sounds are sweet magic to my ears.  When she finally steadies, I look down to see my cum in glistening white rivers over her fingers, drops and streaks on her thighs, a few streams even decorating the glistening, unfolded outer lips of her cunt.

“I’ve never cum that much in my life.”  The look on her face tells me she wasn’t expecting what just happened either.  My mom used to tell me I had a hollow leg, except she thought I filled it with food, now I know better. 

It’s stunning to see me on her there.  I’ve imagined it, fantasized about it in the dark of my bedroom, in the morning, in the shower, on my deck, everywhere.  In such a short time she’s colored my dreams in so many ways and so many times.  And the reality is infinitely better than the fantasy.

This is more brilliant than any masterpiece.  Her open wet cunt with my fingers inside her, and my cum dripping over her clit.  Her hands are still clutched around my cock like she can’t imagine letting go.

“You will be mine forever, you know that, Angel?  You’re never getting away.”  I lean forward, kissing the tips of both her quivering nipples as her eyes try to focus.  “You love to cum for me, don’t you?”

“Yes.”  She breathes it out as if it’s a huge relief to agree with a matching nod of her head.

“Good.  Because you will only cum for me.  You will do what I say.  No one else will ever have you like this.  You are Daddy’s girl — my sweet Angel.  Daddy’s best girl.”




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