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Decadent: The Reunion (The Decadent Series Book 5) by Elaine White (21)

Chapter 2


Darren was just paying for a third set of balloons, this time silver and gold, when his phone rang in his pocket. He fumbled for his phone as he left the shop, after having paid and pocketed his change.

Once outside, he glanced at the screen. Rhett.

“Hey, how did you get on?” he asked, since Rhett had offered to take care of some of the advertising tasks, because Darren didn't have the first clue where to start.

“Great. I have three local newspapers signed up to run an advert and I've called Eddy and asked him to design some posters that we can display in the stores in town,” he replied, sounding calm and collected. “I'll meet up with him tonight to go over ideas and work on a few options. I figured we could work the company logo in somehow, as well as getting Myra's name in there. It will give the whole event a little more credibility, for anyone who isn't sure.”

Darren nodded to himself and smiled. “Sounds like you've got it all under control. Use the company account to get some dinner for yourselves. Knowing you two, you'll probably work all day and forget to eat. I need you both fit and fighting to help me figure this shit out,” he confessed, thinking about how much – or rather, little – time they had to get this done.

He'd already promised that he and Giovanni would make it to the cabin in time. If planning this fundraiser took too long to organise, they would never make it. Thankfully, Myra's planned date for the event was in mere days, so he should have just enough time. Though he didn't know how the hell they'd get the word out and convince people to arrive on such short notice. But, it was the charity's anniversary and it seemed important to get that date. He'd do everything in his power to make it happen.

Giving his head a shake, Darren tried to keep his mind focused on his tasks for the fundraiser. “Okay. Thanks for getting that done. I've got about another hour or so of shopping to do, then I'll get a taxi home. You take the rest of the day for whatever you need to get done,” he decided, saying a quick goodbye before they hung up.

The more he looked at his receipts, the more he realised Myra was planning to overspend for the event. The second side of his 'to do' list had an estimated cost, based on previous years expenditure, and every year it went into the thousands. He didn't see why, when the whole point was to raise money, she was willing to spend so much. But he supposed she was used to spending whatever it took to get the job done.

From the information Darren had been given, as well as a quick phone call to Myra about the number of guests they were expecting, he figured he could organise it for little more than a few hundred pound. So he was going to. It would be a surprise for Myra if he could have money left over from the budget.

He started by finding a bench nearby, inside the shopping centre, and perching for a quick breath. He'd been non-stop all day, for nearly four hours now, and only had two hours left before he had to get back to Giovanni, in time for their night in with take out and a few more chapters of the new Doctor Jorge. They were making editing notes as they went, so Giovanni would read the story to him while Darren wrote, and he wasn't going to miss it. He loved that little Italian lilt that slipped in when he read some of Doctor Jorge's lines, as the character just happened to be Italian too.

It was such wonderful luck. And, though he'd never admit to his boyfriend, one of the real reasons he loved the story so much. If it ever went into audio production, he wanted the whole audiobook with his boyfriend providing the voice. It would be delicious.

Darren shook off his less than innocent thoughts and used his phone to Google the name of the hotel, for a phone number. Then he rang and waited for someone to answer.

“The Harcourt Hotel. How can I help you?” a female voice answered.

“Hi, I'd like to speak to the manager, please.” Darren tapped his fingers on his knee, waiting patiently to be put through, as he gave his fingers a break from all the bags and lay them between his feet on the floor.

“How can I help you, sir?” the receptionist repeated, with a bite.

He frowned and thought about the potential for being fired if anyone heard her talking to a client that way. “You can help me by putting me through to the manager. Immediately. It is a personal matter, but I would also like to complain about rude service,” he said, in warning. He had no intention of actually reporting her, because he didn't want to see anyone out of a job, but maybe it would teach her a lesson about manners. What happened to 'the customer is always right'?

A beep and a click told him he'd been patched through.

“Good afternoon, this is the manager of the Harcourt Hotel. How may I assist you?” a male voice asked, just a split second later.

This guy sounded much more professional, so Darren sat up straighter and put on his professional voice. “Hello. This is D&G Publishing,” he explained, surprised that there was a gasp and the manager began to talk to him as though he was someone important.

“We are most delighted to hear from you. Is this in regards to the upcoming fundraiser?” he asked, apparently knowing the routine by now.

“Yes,” Darren replied, though Myra had only listed it as a preferred venue and not one that she'd already arranged to book. “As you know, we are due to have our annual fundraiser shortly and I was hoping that you would have a suitable room available for that purpose. We will need to accommodate at least two hundred people,” he clarified.

For a moment, he was surprised by the silence on the other end, then the manager cleared his throat. “Well, this is a most appreciated offer. Unfortunately, we are currently going through some extensive renovations and I understand that the fundraisers are widely reported in the media,” he hinted.

“Ah.” Darren understood the reticence now. “I understand. My name is Darren. What may I call you?” he asked, hoping that would distract him for a moment, while he thought up a suitable solution to that problem.

“Victor. Victor Harcourt.”

His eyes just about bulged out of his head, as he realised he was talking to the owner's son. The hotel was a family run business, very wealthy and well acknowledged in the news for their philanthropic deeds. Darren hadn't expected to speak to someone this high up, so he moderated his tone a little, to show more respect and presented a solution. “Mr Harcourt, I'll be honest with you,” he began, hoping he wasn't about to make a huge mistake. “D&G Publishing would like to create a lasting connection to your hotel. We're both about family and giving back to the community. If you would allow me to visit the hotel, to draw up a strict schedule of where the media may film and take photographs, I could assure you a chance to vet all images before publication,” he offered, in the only compromise he could imagine.

“I hope you don't consider me improper,” Darren apologised in advance, “but I'd also like to request that we hire the venue free of charge. I understand this will not seem like a benefit to you and your fine hotel, but it is actually more beneficial to you than this company. D&G Publishing will be picking up the mantel of this fundraiser for the future, but our choice of venue will inspire other companies to approach you for their own events. In particular, I'm thinking of the Bayley family, who I believe are frequent patrons of yours?” Darren explained the extent of his afternoon of research, or really all the scouring he'd done on the internet, investigating the hotel, the publishing company and related articles in the news.

Victor confirmed the fact with what sounded like a surprisingly pleased hum.

“The Bayley's son is currently working on his second novel for us,” Darren admitted, though he neglected to tell Mr Harcourt that he'd tried to disguise himself as Mister Whorst. “I'm sure, if I had a little word with them, they would be more than happy to use your facilities for their upcoming ball. It's another annual event, but their current venue has been taken over by new owners who don't approve of the extensive contract. I'm sure you would have no such problem.”

Darren asked it in such a way that would inspire Victor to think about how much money he would make by starting such a long term contract with the Bayley family. It wasn't just the ball that would interest him, although renting out the room was expensive enough. But most guests who stayed for an all-night ball, like the Bayley's, tended to want a room for the night or the weekend to cut down their travelling costs.

After a few tense moments when Darren wondered if he'd put his foot in it, Victor cleared his throat. “If you would make that introduction, I would be more than happy to accommodate your request,” he replied. “In fact, if you can assure this introduction and the fulfilling of the offer before the fundraiser, we will also provide free catering for the buffet. For all two hundred guests.”

He clamped a hand over his mouth, before the Whoopee could escape. Only once he'd locked it away did Darren reply with, “How does tomorrow night sound?” There was no point beating around the bush. His schedule was hectic and he needed to get this sorted in plenty of time. It would be a rush, but with some help from Myra, Rhett and Eddy, they should manage to get it done on time.

“Excellent. Shall we say afternoon tea at six, in the ballroom?” Victor suggested.

Darren's stomach growled at the very suggestion of food, but he ignored it and accepted Victor's offer with glee. And, with that settled, he said a fond farewell, promising to call him in a day or two once he had more specific details about his arrival to set up the event on the night. Victor gave Darren his private office number, by which to contact him, as well as the most convenient times for him to stop by the hotel to take photographs of the work being done, and find the best solution for keeping it out of the media's view or at least making it a more pleasant view for all.

It wouldn't be difficult for Darren to figure out something, even if it was just draping some large pieces of muslin over the scaffolding or whatever else he found there to keep it hidden. It was a hotel; if he had to make a piece of art out of it then so be it, but he refused to spend the money required for hiring and catering for such a venue, when they were trying to make as much money as they could for such a worthy cause.

Now he just had to break the news to Giovanni, Myra and the Bayley's.

Whether they intended to help or not, Darren was going to make Giovanni's beloved fundraiser a bang up affair, so far under budget that it would make their heads spin. And they were going to love it.