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Decadent: The Reunion (The Decadent Series Book 5) by Elaine White (44)



Over lunch, everyone was busy talking about something or other. Everyone but Lachlan, who was staring at his phone like he'd seen a ghost.

Though Cormag had disapproved – and Konnor hadn't been at all surprised – he'd decided to check his e-mails for anything 'urgent' that would need his attention before the end of the reunion visit. Being that he was with the two guys who ran his publishing company, Cormag argued that there couldn't be much to see, but Lachlan insisted. Said a whole load of stuff about beta readers, review requests and book deals for the upcoming bank holiday weekend.

Code for 'I'm dying without contact with the virtual world'.

Konnor would have said something to Cormag about it being easier to indulge his need than to fight it, but it seemed he knew his husband well enough to know. He'd laughed it off and gone back to his discussion with Casen about the exhibit he wanted to present to their boss.

Still, something was off. The usual tip tapping of replying to e-mails and the concentrated frown Lachlan wore when reading anything of importance wasn't there. Just stillness and silence.

Leaning in close, he whispered to his best friend, “Everything okay?”

Lachlan flinched and tucked his phone under the table. “Sure,” he replied, flashing a fake smile. Then he rose from the table and cleared his throat. “Um, I just need to borrow Cormag for a minute,” he said, tapping his husband's arm and gesturing for him to follow. Without another word, he left the main room and disappeared in a hurry into their bedroom.

With a look of concern, Cormag followed.

It took a total of two seconds for the table to burst into excited, though quiet, chatter.

“I have not authorised any important e-mails,” Darren said, with certainty and a little bit of confusion as he turned to Giovanni. “I haven't written any, scheduled any or told Rhett to send any out, have you?”

“Nope.” His boyfriend shrugged it off, took a sip of his beer and appeared about as unconcerned as anyone could be.

Konnor frowned and wondered if he was the only one with any sense. They were all curious, all whispering and twittering about it, but maybe it wasn't anything important? Maybe Lachlan was thinking about something else, something private, and had to discuss it with his husband?

Casen rubbed his chin and released a sigh. “It can't be anything to do with work, because Cormag told everyone that he wasn't to be bothered while they were away. In fact, he said that the first person to phone, text or e-mail him or Lachlan was getting unpaid overtime, so it can't be anything to do with the museum,” he decided, cocking his head in that thoughtful way he had.

Beside him, Tam cut up the last piece of bacon on his plate and tucked it on one side of a slice of bread, before folding it in half. “Maybe he's just got one of those e-mail things with book alerts and desperately needs it, but can't afford it,” he theorised.

Mack and Levi laughed, but Konnor had to agree it was possible. Knowing that Lachlan and Cormag had a budget put aside for books, paperback or e-book, it was plausible that he'd gone over that budget or reached his limit, but desperately wanted to convince Cormag to let him get some new release or some must-have bestseller that had just gone on sale. Hell, if Cormag said no, Konnor would buy it for Lachlan himself. He could never see his best friend go without a new book to read. He devoured them with more gusto than Tam was tackling his bacon sandwich.

Just a second before he planned to open his mouth and offer a wild, ridiculous suggestion of his own for fun, a scream erupted from the bedroom.

Konnor shot to his feet, as did Giovanni and Casen. The latter ran for the bedroom, while Giovanni moved to stand guard behind Darren, protective but not smothering him. The way he managed it, without a breath of contact between them that somehow Darren sensed, instantly relaxing after his instinctive flinch, made Konnor's heart melt a little more for the couple.

They were quite simply beautiful together.

Casen returned looking confused, but could only shrug as he moved back to his seat. Two paces behind him, a beaming Lachlan emerged with Cormag by his side. At first, all he did was look up at his husband with such raw love and adoration that Konnor felt it prudent to look away. Then he stepped forward and cleared his throat.

“Sorry if I scared you,” Lachlan apologised, nodding to Darren, who smiled back. “There was an e-mail that I couldn't open. I was too scared. Cormag read it to me and...I just couldn't contain it,” he confessed, looking completely entranced as he pressed both hands to his stomach. When he swallowed, Konnor almost asked if he was going to be sick.

Cormag just grinned and placed a hand on Lachlan's back, gently rubbing as he faced the room. “ don't really know how to say it,” he admitted, turning to Lachlan, who just shook his head.

After a minute, Konnor watched his best friend take a deep breath and say words he never thought he'd hear; “We've just been approved for adoption. We're going to be parents!”