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Decadent: The Reunion (The Decadent Series Book 5) by Elaine White (42)



When Tam returned to the cabin alone, Darren's heart plummeted and he wondered if he'd done the worst thing – actually sent Levi running to leave the cabin. Then he offered the waiting room a smile and walked over to tap Mack's arm.

The poor twin had been chewing his nails and bouncing his knee all morning, since it was revealed that Levi had left a goodbye note, was returning home, and Tam had left in the hope of catching up with him. Or perhaps even just to release his anger elsewhere.

“He's outside. He needs to talk to you in private,” he explained quietly.

Mack swallowed visibly, licked his lips and barely spared a glance in Casen's direction before getting up and leaving the cabin.

In the wake of his departure, there was nothing but silent expectation. Darren took to biting his nails as they all waited for Tam to explain what had happened. They didn't have to wait long.

Perching on the arm of the sofa, beside Casen, Tam cleared his throat. “I spoke to Levi and he decided not to leave on his own. But he does want to apologise to you, Darren, and I'd like to let him do that in his own way,” he said, clearly giving Levi the opportunity to explain himself, which was right.

“Of course.” He nodded, but didn't say anything of the fact that he now thought Levi had nothing to apologise for. He'd save that for the man himself.

He stayed in Giovanni's arms for the entire twenty minutes it took for the front door of the cabin to open again. He'd grown so comfortable on the sofa, with strong arms around him that it was a bit of an effort to get up. But he did it. He did it so that when Levi stepped into the main room just one pace behind Mack and turned his way, Darren could meet him halfway.

“I'm sorry.” They spoke at the same time, both smiling just a little, while the room fell silent and Mack stared at them in shock.

Darren took a half step forward and confessed, “I was wrong to think you meant any harm. I've been on edge since I knew we were coming and I unfairly took it out on you. You haven't done anything wrong. It's perfectly normal for you to ask if Giovanni and I are getting married or not, especially after Konnor and Grayson announced their engagement.”

Levi shook his head and cut in, before Darren could continue. “No, I was being a bastard. What you've said is nice, but I really was being a total dick. I wanted to point out that Mack and I weren't the only ones not doing the whole ball-and-chain gig, since it seemed like everyone else was,” he said, with a shrug. “I...haven't been feeling quite myself lately and I did it on purpose, just to be vindictive. I'm sorry.”

It was nice to hear him being so honest.

Darren couldn't fault his logic or blame him for doing it, when he'd been thinking the same thing at the time; that everyone else was getting married. The only difference was that he'd taken it personally in a way that became defensive, needing everyone to know that it wasn't in the cards for him and Giovanni. Levi had taken it personally too, just in a whole different way.

“Can I give you a hug?” he asked, though he wasn't normally one for touchy feely displays. He felt this warranted one, though.

Though he looked unsure, Levi shrugged and nodded, stepping forward. It was probably the most awkward hug he'd given someone in quite a long time, but it was also quite sweet. Hugging clearly wasn't natural for either of them.

“Um—” Levi pulled back and cleared his throat, looking around the room. He gave Darren a nod of what he assumed was thanks, when he stepped back and returned to his seat beside Giovanni. “I'm kind of cranky and bitchy for a reason. I wasn't going to tell anyone, but Tam says you won't really understand that I can't control it that well until you know. So...I was diagnosed with depression just a few weeks ago. I'm on the meds, but they're high and Tam thinks they might be messing with me,” he explained at length. “It's no excuse,” he continued, looking sheepish even as Mack stepped over to his side in a silent show of support. “But I'm pretty fucking mad about it. I mean, I don't have any reason to be depressed. It's like Mack said earlier; he and I got off damned lucky in the fuck-up lottery. You guys are the ones who had to fight for what you've got. We had it easy. But, for whatever reason, I've got it. And it sucks.”

Mack snorted in a wet laugh and hugged his boyfriend. The way he turned his head away suggested he might be crying.

Darren could understand that. He looked up at Giovanni, who was frowning in a much less brutal way; it looked like he'd changed his mind about Levi's actions too. That was good. Everyone had understood when Giovanni acted out because of his schizophrenia and they all knew how much medication could affect a person's personality. It was only fair that they offer Levi the same understanding for his new situation. Besides, all he'd done was say something that they'd both been thinking.

“Who wants to play charades?” Darren asked.

The whole room turned to stare at him, a few laughing at his unusual and very untimely question, while a few more seemed to be shocked that he'd even spoken. Darren didn't back down from either look.

Casen raised his hand with a shy grin and bit his bottom lip as he nudged Tam.

His husband sighed and rolled his eyes, clearly objecting to being included in such a game, but said; “Sure. Why not?”

“I guess.” Konnor shrugged and looked to Grayson, who sat beside him.

Slowly, they both began to smile, hopefully in realisation that Darren didn't want anyone to be angry or sad anymore. He just wanted them to get back to the fun reunion they'd been enjoying until he exploded with unwanted emotions and Levi had felt it necessary to confess his own secret.

“Great.” Giovanni clasped his hands and rose from his seat. “I'll go make some drinks. Darren, grab some snacks, will you? Lachlan, how about you and Casen shift the furniture for a better space?” he suggested, all while heading for the kitchen.

Darren could only grin in approval. “Aye, aye, captain!” he replied cheekily, causing a few titters of laughter when Giovanni froze in his tracks and looked back at him. He added a salute, since he was looking, and caught a very lovely look of approval from his boyfriend. He had a feeling they might be playing Captain and Cabin Boy again tonight. He was halfway to the kitchen when a hand caught his arm, then released him quickly. He looked up to see Levi hovering uncomfortably.

“I'm sorry about what I know, about Gio beating on Tam. It's none of my business. I was just...feeling nasty,” he explained, in apology.

Darren nodded and leaned in to whisper, “I've said horrible things to Gio, back when we first started, just because I wanted to hurt him. And he's done the same to me. Neither of us could control it.” It was still something he regretted, but he'd been at his lowest and Giovanni had been in the midst of an episode. Neither were to blame. “I'm not going to hold it against you. We've all done things we're not proud of. Some of us without a reasonable hormonal imbalance to explain it,” he hinted, thinking of the serious damage Konnor and Grayson could have done if Casen had been delicate.

But that was in the past now. Like so much else. He'd seen it for himself; Casen sitting with Konnor just yesterday afternoon, talking about how that event had brought Mack and Levi to each other, so he didn't regret it. He was a strong man in so many ways, and, it seemed, so was Levi.

Looking nervous, Levi offered a tentative smile and walked away, apparently unable to think of anything else that needed said. Which was fine. Darren figured they'd said it all. It was time to distract themselves from the serious fallout he'd caused and play a game. Something where they could laugh at each other, relax and fall into old habits.

He wondered if it would be cruel to put Konnor and Lachlan on opposing teams? They knew each other so well that putting them on the same team was almost unfair. Maybe it would be fun to split up all the couples? Give everyone a chance of beating their significant other in a friendly game?

The more he thought about it, the more Darren loved the idea. Giovanni wouldn't know what hit him.