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Don't Walk Away: A Second Chance Fake Fiance Romance by Eva Luxe, Juliana Conners (14)



On Tuesday, Kyle and I were in his living room watching television when he got a call from Kina. They were out at a restaurant and their friends had canceled at the last minute. They wanted us to join them.

“I don’t know,” Kyle said, glancing at me. But I wanted to get out of the house, to see Kina. I nodded excitedly until Kyle said yes.

“We’ll be there in half an hour,” he said to Kina before he ended the call.

“Let’s get ready,” he said. He didn’t sound as enthusiastic about the night as I was, but I was excited to see Kina again. We disappeared into our respective rooms and changed into evening wear.

I put on leggings and a blouse that was long enough to cover my ass. With heels, long earrings and my hair down, I was ready in no time. I added just enough makeup to look like I had tried, and stepped out of my room. Kyle appeared from his room at the same time and his eyes slid down my body and back up again.

“That was quick,” he said. “What a woman.”

I giggled and blushed. “I’ve never taken long to get ready, you know that,” I said.

Kyle nodded. “I know, but it’s still spectacular to see. You look great, too.”

“Thank you,” I said, still smiling. “You don’t look half bad yourself.”

Kyle had dressed in Levi’s, a polo shirt and boots with square toes that have him a smart and casual flair. He had styled his hair with gel so it looked messy but attractive, and his blue eyes were bright. I turned away because if I stared at them too long I would get lost in them.

We followed the directions Kina had texted Kyle and arrived at the restaurant exactly on time.

“This way,” the seating hostess said when we gave her Liam’s name. We were led through reserved tables before we reached Kina and Liam.

Kina jumped up when she saw me and pulled me into a hug.

“I’m so glad you could make it!” she cried. “It’s been far too long.”

We sat down with Kina and I facing each other and our men next to us. The tension between Kyle and Liam was tangible, joining us at the table like a fifth guest. I watched Kina, but she carried on as if it didn’t exist. It must have been going on for some time if she was soldiering forth like this.

I tried to do the same, as I tried to figure out what was going on, and why they were so strained. But aside from the tension, the conversation took its course the way any conversation would. Kina asked about my cheerleading and I told them how I had joined the Dolphins Squad. I learned that Kina was a PR Manager, which I remembered vaguely was her field of study back in the day, and Liam was still going strong on the team for the Miami Dolphins. Of course, the latter I knew. He was in the news for his good plays all the time.

Whenever we talked about football, Kyle seemed to get even tenser. He was clearly irritated about something. I didn’t ask, and everyone else pushed on as if nothing was wrong. It was almost bizarre the way everyone was pretending nothing was wrong, but I guess sometimes pretending was the way to go. I had done something along the same lines, after all.

It was great seeing Liam again, too. When Kyle and I had been dating, Kina had been like a sister, but Liam had been a brother of sorts, too. We had been one big happy family, a family I had hoped to realize for real one day. I had dreamed of Kyle and I being together, of Kina really being my sister. Liam would be right up there, too, the fourth wheel to our wagon. Of course, none of that had worked out.

I was so happy for Kina and Liam and their marriage.

“I ran into Dave the other day,” Liam said. “Do you remember him? From college? He was in the last room of our dorm.”

Kyle shook his head but I laughed. “That big guy, the one who used the claw?”

Dave had studied with us. He was much older than we were, but he kept failing because he didn’t take it seriously enough. He would use his hand as a claw and say that it had a life of its own and he was hilarious.

Liam laughed, nodding. “He used that ‘claw’ to terrorize every woman that came calling,” he said. “Leanne slapped him for using it to touch her ass.”

I laughed. “I remember that. He was such an asshole.” I looked at Kyle who was nodding and smiling but it looked forced, unnatural. He wasn’t enjoying our little trip down memory late at all.

“What does he do, these days?” I asked, trying to steer the conversation away from college. “I imagine him to be a comedian or something.”

“You won’t believe it, he’s a tax collector. As serious as can be. I wondered if I was talking to the right Dave.”

“I can’t believe it,” I said. “Of all things. I guess people change.”

“They really do,” Kyle said, speaking up and he sounded so bitter. We all looked at him. The conversation died down and for the first time in the evening it wasn’t only tense, it was awkward, too. I cleared my throat. I had to talk to Kyle about what was going on. He didn’t look like he wanted to talk about anything, but we couldn’t keep going like this. I felt like I was in the dark and it was hard on me. I would ask him about it when the time was right. I wasn’t sure when that would be, but I wanted to talk about it, soon.

“I have to go to the ladies’ room,” Kina said, breaking the silence. “Come with me.”

I nodded, relieved. We excused ourselves and walked to the restroom together.

When we stood in front of the mirror, touching up our makeup, I looked at Kina.

“It’s a little tense out there,” I said.

She sighed, “Yeah, and today is better than other days. But let’s not talk about that, tonight. I haven’t seen you in the longest time. Tonight is about catching up and being together again.”

She smiled at me and I nodded at her in the mirror. I wouldn’t bring it up. I wanted hear what was going on from Kyle, anyway.

“So, you and Kyle, huh?” Kina asked, turning to me. “It’s nice to see you two together again.”

I nodded carefully.

“Well, sort of,” I said. “We’re not really together. Not like that.”

Kina frowned and glanced down at the ring on my finger. I lifted it and studied the way the light bounced from the angles of the cut stone.

“This is a long story,” I said.

Kina folded her arms and leaned against the counter with her hip. “I have time,” she said.

I laughed. “I have a stalker. He’s been making my life hell for two years.”

“What?” Kina asked. “Two years is a long time for an obsession.”

I shrugged. “I guess that’s why they call it an obsession. Anyway, I thought I would be clever and tell him I’m engaged so that he would leave me alone. It made everything worse.”

When I told her about the break-in at our condo and the way Tyler was harassing me, Kina gasped in shock.

“What a nightmare,” she said. “I deal with these things daily, but it’s with famous clients. I guess it can happen to any of us.”

“Yeah, but I can’t get rid of him because the police don’t seem to care about it,” I said. “So, Kyle jumped in and offered a place for me to stay for a while so I’m safe and so Sara’s condo won’t get trashed again. It’s not safe.”

Kina nodded, understanding what I was trying to say.

“When I moved in with Kyle, I asked him if he would play the part, be my fake fiancé until I get this guy off my case.”

“I get it,” Kina said with a smirk. “That ring got my attention the moment you sat down.”

I smiled, looking at it again. How I wished it was real, but that wasn’t what mattered right now.

“How is it working so far?” Kina asked.

“I think it’s working,” I said. “Tyler hasn’t phoned me or texted me since the incident at the condo. It’s only been a few days though, so we’ll see how it goes, but I’m hoping.”

“You should update your social media accounts, set your status as engaged wherever you can. It will make it seem more legit,” Kina suggested. She was the PR manager, after all.

“But it’s a lie,” I said.

Kina shrugged. “All or nothing, honey.”

She was right. I had to sell it if I wanted Tyler to believe it. And if I was going all the way with it without Kyle, in the end, getting rid of Tyler was what I’d wanted all along.

“I think I might just do that,” I said. “What will your parents say, though?”

Kina shook her head. “Don’t you worry, I’ll handle that. I’ll let them know what’s going on. You handle yours.”

I was relieved to have someone on my side the way Kina was. I had always liked her but spending time with her again tonight had only reminded me again of how amazing she was. I guess it ran in the family.

When dinner was over, Kyle and I drove home.

“How was it?” I asked. I glanced at him, his face lit up at intervals as we passed street lights.

“It was alright,” he said. “I wasn’t in the mood to go out but it wasn’t so bad. I guess I’m just tired.”

I nodded. It wasn’t the right time to ask about it so I wouldn’t push it, but I was sure it was more than fatigue, more than not being in the mood to socialize.

“I spoke to Kina about Tyler,” I said. “She knows what we’re doing.”

Kyle nodded. “Yeah, I guess she should know.”

“She suggested I update my social media to make it seem real. How would you feel about that?”

Kyle thought about it for a moment before he nodded. “That makes sense,” he said. “Let’s go all the way with this. If we can get this guy off your case it will be for the best. The sooner the better.”

I smiled and turned my head toward the passenger window. I was a lucky woman, able to do this with someone who cared about me as much as Kyle did. Not only was it a good feeling to be taken care of, but I had enjoyed seeing old friends again, spending time with the people I had made so many memories with.

“I enjoyed tonight,” I said. “Thank you.”

Kyle reached across the stick shift and took my hand. “I’m glad,” he said.

We drove the rest of the way in silence. This would sort itself out. As soon as we got home I would update my Facebook status and post something on Twitter. I would sell it, making sure it was on all the channels Tyler was no doubt watching. And maybe, hopefully, he would leave me alone.

I was sick and tired of being watched by this guy. Two years had been more than enough. I wanted it over and done with, now.

I wanted to spend time with Kyle while I still had it, I wanted to see Kina while I could and I wanted to enjoy my freedom.

So far, so good.