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Dr. Stud by Jess Bentley (55)

Chapter 11


I don’t know why, but I didn’t expect everything to happen so quickly with the build. When I woke up, before Gracie even had a chance to shout for her overnight diaper change, the first thing I heard was the rumbling of trucks coming down the gravel road. I walked outside in my bathroom to see contractors and builders and the trucks coming to clear the land barreling on to the ranch. Now, with Gracie at school, I can focus on trying to organize the chaos that is currently descending on our home, even though it’s the last thing I feel like doing.

“Parrish! Get over here and meet Russell!” Sam yells at me from the porch of the office. I stack up my copies of the blueprints and walk outside, where Sam is talking to a man about his age, but far more weathered and muscular. He’s wearing a cowboy hat, and has boots with spurs. I have to remind myself not to chuckle. I’m sure this is one of Sam’s old buddies from back in the day, and that’s probably why he’s here.

“Parrish, this is Russell Edwards. He’s going to be overseeing the building process, so he’ll be coming to you with any changes or expenses. Russell, are you okay with that?” Sam asks.

Russell looks me up and down in a way that makes me vaguely uncomfortable. “More than fine,” he drawls. My nose inadvertently crinkles, and I pull my sweater around my chest tighter.

“Nice to meet you, Russell. Sam, it’s going to be impossible for me to get any work done with all of this noise. Do you mind if I forward calls to my cell and work in the ranch house today?”

Russell is still watching me out of the corner of his eye, and I take a few instinctive steps back. Sam doesn’t seem aware of anything. He’s watching the contractor as he walks toward the back side of the ranch with Hawk. “Sure, whatever you need to do, honey.”

I hurry back in the office and shut the door behind me. I’m not sure what it is about Russell that puts me so on edge, but I have no intention of finding out. I will just keep as much distance between us possible, and when I can’t, make sure someone else is with us.

I pack up everything I need and put it in my bag, then rush out the back door so I don’t have face to Russell again. I’m halfway to the house, weighed down with all of my crap, when my cell starts ringing from inside of my pocket. I groan as I shuffle everything around and start digging for it. When I finally find it, I don’t recognize the number.

“Hello?” I mumble as I try to grab my messenger bag before it slides off my shoulder.

“Is this Parrish McCormick?” a woman’s voice asks. She is British. I don’t recognize her.

“It is. May I ask who this is?”

“My name is Simone Leoni, and I’m a writer for Modern Architecture. I’ve been put in touch with you about doing a piece on the farm restoration, and I was hoping I could set up a visit.”

I open the front door and drop all of my stuff on the floor with a sigh. “It’s a ranch, not a farm. And I imagine you should be talking to Hawk about this, not me?”

“I was specifically given your information by Hawk. He said to coordinate with you.”

I roll my eyes so hard, it hurts my head. “Fine. What do you need from me?”

“Just tell me when I can come out. Hawk told my editor that I could stay for the duration of the renovation to photograph it, and interview everyone as it progresses.”

“He said what?” There is no way in hell I want a reporter living on the ranch while all of this is going on, let alone getting up in everyone’s business, interviewing them, and taking pictures of us. “Miss Leoni…”

“Simone, please.”

I roll my eyes again. “Simone. There is a lot going on here right now and I’m not sure it’s in anyone’s best interest or safety, especially yours, to have you here for such a... protracted length of time. If you’d like to come for a week, perhaps we can put you up in the carriage house, and my daughter and I can move into the main house. But a whole month seems…”

She cuts me off. “I promise to stay out of your way, lovey. You won’t even know I’m there. Besides, my ticket is already booked and Hawk said it was okay.”

I feel my cheeks start to burn and my insides start bubble with rage. “Well, Simone. If Hawk already set everything up and told you it was fine, I’m not sure why anyone cared what I thought. This seems more like a call to inform me what is happening, regardless of my opinion, than a call to ask my permission.”

“I didn’t realize you’d been left out of the loop, and I’m sorry for that, Parrish. I hope we can be friends when I get there!” Her tone is perky and grating on me given the morning I’ve had, so rather than argue, I just relent.

“Fine. Fine fine. When are you coming?”

“I’ll be out there tomorrow afternoon. I’m leaving Los Angeles in the morning, and then I’ll take a car from Helena.”

I snort laugh. “You’re ‘taking a car?’ You realize how far Dylan is from Helena, right?”

“Not to worry! The magazine will pay for it. I look forward to meeting you, Parrish!” And then, she hangs up, before I can say anything else. I drop the phone back in my pocket and grit my teeth.

“Anna!” I scream at the top of my lungs. It’s early, and I suspect she’s still asleep, but I refuse to rage alone. “Anna! Where are you?” I yell up the stairs. A moment later, she comes shuffling down the hallway in her pajamas, a quilt wrapped around her shoulders, and her hair in a shaggy pony tail off the side of her head. She rubs her eyes and yawns.

“What the hell are you screaming about, girl? Do you know what time it is?”

I cross my arms over my chest and scowl. “Do you know anything about this reporter?”

Anna yawns again as she walks down the stairs. “What reporter? I need coffee before we start raging about anything, please. I slept on the pull-out and it’s like sleeping on a bed of nails.”

I raise an eyebrow at her. “The pull-out in Hawk’s room? Why?”

“He was having a thing last night. It’s not worth discussing.”

“Speaking of,” I say as I follow her into the kitchen, “where is your dear brother? I’d like to have some words with him.”

She turns on the coffee maker and jumps up on the counter as it starts to brew. “I have no idea, actually. He was gone when I woke up, which is when you started screaming at me. What the hell is going on?”

I grab the fresh-squeezed orange juice out of the fridge and pour myself a glass with a sigh. “You’re not going to believe this. Hawk told a reporter she could stay here for a month, for the entire length of the renovation. How the good goddamn am I going to get anything done with a reporter under my feet?”

Anna shrugs as she pours herself a cup of coffee. “The same way you do everything, Parrish. You manage. And if she’s in the way, you tell her she’s in the way. And you tell Hawk to stop making decisions like this without consulting you first. It doesn’t seem like much to ask.”

I nod. “I know you’re right. I just wish he’d stop acting like he runs this place.”

“That’s Hawk. He’s always been a bossy jerk. Keep reminding him it’s not his place. He needs a swift boot in the ass. And not just your hand on it.”

My jaw drops. “Anna! What are you? What? I don’t know… What?”

“Don’t bother. I know what’s going on.”

My shoulders drop and my stomach swirls. “He told you?”

“I left my coat in the stable last night.”

I cover my face with my hands in shame and groan. “Oh, my god. Anna, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”

She waves a dismissive hand at me. “Forget about it. But if you’re going to keep doing that, you need to make sure he still knows you’re in charge around here. Which you are. No making decisions without your input. No bringing reporters to live here without permission. We’re not going to survive without killing each other if you don’t assert yourself a little bit.”

“I know. I promise. I’ll be better. So. How do we deal with this reporter?”

Anna sips her coffee and shakes her head. “Just ignore her. Let her do whatever she going to do, because she’s going to do it regardless of what we want. The story will help dad sell some horses, and may make some more money on that merger. But we just… ignore her.”

“Ignore who?” Hawk says as he walks into the kitchen. He’s wearing a jacket over top of a tank top, like he rolled out of bed and just ran out of the house. His boots aren’t tied, and the button of his jeans is undone. He looks rumpled and sexy and I have to look at his feet so I can maintain some of my anger.

“The reporter you told to come here without consulting any of us first,” I say, looking at my juice.

“What? I told you she was coming,” he answers defensively.

“You didn’t say for a month, Hawk. And you didn’t tell anyone she would be staying here,” Anna snaps at him.

“Where else would she stay? How is she going to cover the reno if she’s not on the property?”

I cross over to stand next to Anna so I can soak up a little of her sassiness. “Hawk, there are already going to be builders, landscapers, and contractors everywhere. It’s going to be loud and chaotic. And you want to add someone to the mix who is going to be all up in our business, twenty-four seven, for a month? Do you have any idea how intrusive it is going to be for them, for us, to have a reporter taking photos and asking questions the entire time? And is she just covering the build? Did we set any boundaries? She’s not going to be asking us personal questions, is she?”

Hawk throws up his hands. “Jesus. How much time did you two have to coordinate this attack?”

Anna throws a dish towel at him. “This isn’t about attacking you, Hawk. It’s about doing what is best for the family while this insanity is going on. And Parrish is right. Some boundaries need to be set with this reporter straight away. She doesn’t get to ask about the family. She doesn’t get to ask about Matt. And I’m sure Parrish will agree with me when I say, no photos of Gracie.”

“Oh, god. No. No photos of my daughter,” I agree. I hadn’t even considered that and now I’m panicked just thinking about it.

“Fine!” Hawk shouts. “I’ll email her with some ground rules. Jeez. You two got bossy while I was away.”

“A lot happens in ten years,” Anna snipes as she jumps from the counter with her coffee. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I have a few meetings scheduled with some horses. I’m going to go get dressed, and get to my very important job mucking out the stables.”

Anna walks out of the kitchen, leaving Hawk and me alone, staring at each other awkwardly. I don’t feel like dealing with it, so I try to double-time toward the dining room where I can work in peace. But Hawk takes hold of my arm and stops me.

“Parrish, hold on a second. Can we talk?”

I shake him off. “No, thank you. I have a lot of paperwork to get done and I need to go over these estimates from the concrete guys. Then I have to go over to my home, and clear everything I need for Gracie and me out so this reporter can move in there for a month, displacing us. I really don’t have time to talk.”

Hawk looks at me in shock, like he doesn’t know what to say, so I just keep walking into the dining room, uninterested in hearing anything he has to say. I’m exhausted already, and the day hasn’t even really started.

How am I going to survive the month?