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Filthy Love (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 4) by V. Theia (27)


“If these are the sins of a monster, I’ll sin for a lifetime.” - Gia


Shhh ... I’m whispering … because I am.” The phone in one hand, and the comforter clutched over her chest, Gia stole a quick glance at the man sleeping silently in her bed.

Her belly flopped over triple time remembering just what they’d done twice more in the middle of the night.

Her aching inner thighs were a stark reminder.

Grace Kelly cackled on the other end. “Oh, you bad girl! Is he still there? You had an overnight guest I take it and I can guess which brooding crush it is. Tell me everything.”

“I’m not gonna do that.” Gia felt her cheeks heat. Not that she wouldn’t tell her best friend everything, or most of it anyway, at another time, just not when Hawk was sleeping inches away from her. “You called to confess your dirty soul, Gia. I know you. So, go ahead, I grabbed a morning coffee, you can tell Gracie all the nice details of how your biker rocked your brains out by hitting your cervix like he was trying to reset you back to factory setting.”

Giggling to herself, Gia covered her mouth. Stole another glance at him.

“He was good to you?”

“God, yes.” She sighed. How good he’d been to her. So incredibly good nearly to the detriment of his own pleasure which he held off for longer than she imagined any other man would.

Attentive was not even the word.

It was then a hand came through the sheets and palmed her belly making her jump. That same hand moved up and cupped her bare boob and encouraged her nipple into hardening.

Oh, god.

Her eyes sought out Hawk’s to find those drowsy almost too pale eyes half-mast trained on her.

“I have to go, but I’ll call you tonight. Love you.” Phone placed on the bedside table she cleared her voice, turned five different shades pinker as she smiled at him.

“G-good morning, Colton.”

He moved then, tugging the sheet away from her chest he kissed first her upper arm and then down between the valley of her boobs. Entirely captivated in his reverent, purposeful exploration of the top half of her body.

“Since you’re still in bed and not at the door with my boots in hand ready to kick me out, I figure you want me here, little bit.” He spoke around her boob, sucking and licking and besides it feeling completely amazing, she was swept off her feet by the declaration that she stole her fingers into his soft, tangled mane and made him groan when they scratched over his scalp.

She’d discovered during the night hours of lovemaking Hawk enjoyed being scratched everywhere.

He thought she’d kick him out?

Silly man would never learn her feelings for him were genuine and deep as the ocean.

“Who were you declaring love to?”

“My best friend Grace Kelly.”

He popped her nipple out of his mouth, looked up, brow cocked. “You talking to the dead now?”

She laughed and began to explain her friendship.

“Tell me later.” His voice like grit interrupted, he flattened her to the messy bed causing a riot of butterflies to stampede through her nerves.

His morning voice was scratchy and rustic, sexy as hell.

Gia died a little inside for all the days and years already lost to them.  

Arousal truly altered Hawk.

He was calmer somehow. Less unapproachable. Nicer. Sexier. Hornier. And hers.

Sighing dreamy, Gia melted underneath his weight.

Crawling above her, kneeing her legs wider was the man of her dreams.

Muscles flexed in his forearms. His abs like slabs of concrete and she had no words for his cock. Proud and thick and so long her mouth watered.

Desire made her purr. The weight of him was delicious as he found his place and settled down between her legs. He looked like a fierce, unruly fighter about to go to war and Gia was hoping her body was his battle ground.

He’d owned and conquered her in the night. And she’d been pretty-easy conquering. If eager had a sound, then it was Gia begging for Hawk to fuck her.

She wondered just what he saw when he looked at her that certain way.

There was a power she’d never seen in him before, from the way he dropped a kiss on her already waiting mouth, to the sleek movement of his hands pressing her thighs up towards her chest, holding her legs split open for him, and they both watched the slow entry of his thick cock inside her.

Oh, god yes. Every nerve ending came alive frantically. “I love how you smell.” She purred, with her nose buried in his neck.

His mouth angled to tease hers, grabbing lips issuing her to open for him. But he didn’t settle in for a long kiss even when Gia let him inside, even when she licked his tongue and over his teeth, not even when she hooked him around the back of his neck and nipped. Instead he caressed his lips and beard across her entire face, feathering kisses on her forehead, down her nose, across her cheeks, and eyes, making them flutter closed on a wistful sigh. Utterly seduced in his soft tenderness.

“Hawk…” she attempted to lift her pelvis from the bed, but he pushed her down.

And with each kiss, his cock moved with deeper purpose, wedging himself into her too-small, tender from overuse entrance, he teased until her body gave, finally seated as deep as he could go, and a cry of pleasure issued from her craned throat. “Shhh,” he whispered hoarsely, kissing her as she moaned again.

It felt so good. She could barely stand it. She needed him to move.

All night long he’d worked her over rough and hard, soft and reverently. It was strange she still wanted him just as hungrily like he hadn’t fucked a house worth of orgasms into her already.  

“I’m going to give you everything you need.” He told her.

They shared kisses and touches. Hawk used his big hands to cup her behind, lifting her effortlessly into his grunted thrusts, working her down his dick. And Gia watched his face, how he took pleasure from her inner walls fluttering so she did it over and over just to get those sex-soaked sounds. “I need to take my time, little bit. To savor every wet clench of you. If you never give me this again. I need to remember all of it.”

“Hawk, please, it hurts when you go slow…” she wasn’t above manipulation if it spurred him to move harder, faster.

He moaned against her cheek. “You completely undo me, you know that? Until I can’t see straight. I shouldn’t be touching you at all, Gia—”

“You should! Please, don’t stop.”

“—but I want you too much.” He shoved and buried harder. The bed complained under the strain. “I need you so much more, Gia. Jesus, you feel so fucking good. Am I hurting you?”

“No.” Her neck arched, fingernails dug into his forearms leaving half-moon crescents behind.  The sloppy sounds of their bodies moving together should have embarrassed her, only it didn’t. She was turned up to the max, skin heated, blood on the boil and loving every second of seeing him take pleasure from her. “I love it. Keep going. I want everything you have.”

It was like her entire body became one erogenous zone only Hawk knew the combination to unlocking.

He stroked deft fingers behind her kneecap, holding her leg for his deeper, animal thrusts. His touch had her trembling underneath him.

 “Do you feel me in your lungs yet?”

“Harder.” She ordered on a torn cry. She needed. Needed his brand of sin. Who knew she’d become hooked so quick to sex when going without before never bothered her.

All it had taken was Hawk.

“Fuck. Gia.” He gave her harder. “I wanna feel this pussy gush for me, soak me to my fucking feet.” Who knew she’d loved dirty talk. He sent her arousal into the ceiling.

The power of her touch on him was overwhelming. It was like taming a wild animal and having it lick at your hand. There was no urgency in his movements though they were deep and sure, and hit bottom every time.

He stilled before pulling out almost to the tip. Gia’s insides spasmed.  

 “I’ve wanted you until I’m mad with it,” she loved that their sex freed his tongue.

In. In. In. He slammed one after another. And she felt herself gather.

The feeling they made together was indescribable.

There was no stopping. Wild under him. Sweat made their bodies slick. He hooked a hand under the dip in her spine, lifting her into him, making her take it.

“I’m gonna come, Hawk. I’m … oh, god—I love you so much! Please, baby.”

A grunt roared out of him and the moment she realized what she’d said her eyes pinged open. His eyes bore into hers. Everything in her vision was aggressive ice blue surrounded in a thick forest of lightly colored lashes.

Her stomach did its hundredth flip of the night.

“Something so beautiful can’t love a deranged monster,” he thrust deep. Harder, wilder. His body unleashed on hers and it was like witnessing a storm up close.

“I can. I do. I love Colton Hawk. If he’s a monster, then I love a monster.” Legs and arms around him, if he dared stop…

“You’re killing me.” His head anchored down, lips found her nipples, sucking first one then the other. And it was when he laid his full palms under her boobs, the same dangerous, do-damage hands spanned his fingers and fastened her to the bed as he slammed as deep as he could, she splintered apart.

The orgasm came at her from all corners.

Gia shuddered and cried into Hawk’s shoulder while he worked her through it murmuring dirty, dark words of how good she felt drenching his undeserving cock. “Gimme one more,” he gruffed and he slid out of her, only to turn her on her side, he got in behind her, his thick cock poking her spine. Hawk pulled her leg over his thigh and found what he wanted.

Tingles intensified when her wetness meant he slid in so deep.

She felt him in her stomach.

“Fuck. Gia. Little bit. Do you know what you’ve given to a worthless bastard? Squeeze me tight like you hate my fucking cock.”

She made him work to push back in.

“I want to be fucking covered in you,” he whispered in her ear, sucking on the neck she angled for him. Filthy, hot words blinded her. She permitted the torrent of feeling to close over her head. Hawk sunk her in awareness one pump of his hips at a time.

Never did she think it would be this overwhelming.

“Oh, god.” She sobbed, half out of her mind.

He rasped right after. “Too late for praying, you already let the animal into all this good.”

Fingers tightened on her hip bone. He licked a path down her neck and she reached back, clasped his hand, bringing it around her front, leading him to her pussy where their joining increased in speed. His sexy groans were an indicator he was going to come very soon.

“Feel how wet you made me,” she smiled, undulating. She helped him stroke her clit. “Baby. Oh, please.”

She loved that he looked frightening when he was ready to explode. It made every second of him railing inside her all the edgier, like she was breathing on top of a mountain and feeling every bit of living.

 “I’m about to fuck you hard, little girl.”

It sounded like thunder when Hawk came. One push after another, Gia was flooded in her own pleasure, but savored every starved, hoarse word he pressed against the back of her neck as he emptied inside her.

“You freed the monster,” his breath harsh and choppy. Gia was in a similar state, overstimulated she felt sensitive wherever his hands stroked. “What the fuck do I do now, little bit?”

“You let me love the monster. Keep the monster. Play with the monster. Make the monster come and come and—” the palm over her mouth stopped her.

“Don’t say another word. For fucks sake, not a word, Gia, or you’ll have me solid in a second and you’re too sore for another round.”

She laughed and licked his hand. He hissed like she’d burned him.

“You’re a fucking menace,” he said without heat, he rolled onto his back, arm slung over his eyes.

Gia took pride in his insult. She’d undone him, and it was the best feeling of all.

After a minute. When breaths returned to normal. “Did I make you feel good?”

His ashen eyes took a slow, lazy pleasure induced blink and the fire burned hotter with satisfaction in her belly to know she put that gratified look on his face.

At last it was her.

“You couldn't tell by the way I rutted you like a fiend on steroids?” He asked in a level tone and every inch on Gia's exposed skim turned a satisfied ruddy color.

She was still in bed when he finished in the shower. She watched him dress, but it was as he was about to yank the shirt over his head her entire body jack-knifed.

What the … her heart almost tripped over itself in her haste to get across the room.

She was out of the bed, forgetful she was naked even as his eyes flared.


“What is it?”

It was the first time seeing his large tattoo in daylight and everything in her screamed and sighed all at once. She ran fingers over it, his brows fell over his eyes with a hard, gusty inhale when he must have realized but he didn’t stop her from trailing her fingers over the barb wire detailing going across the left side of his side and half up his shoulder and down his ribs.

It was the name inside the gaping wound exposing a twisted heart that made her own cry. Little Bit was tattooed into the heart dead center like it owned the entire organ.

“How old is this?”

“I got it eight years ago.” 

Back and forth her finger recreated the letters of the nickname only he called her and had ever since the first time they spoke.


Hi, I’m Ambrosio’s sister. You can call me Gia.

You’re just a little bit of a thing.


 “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Why didn’t you ever come around the club?”

She looked him in the eye. His question knocking her off kilter. His hand covered hers, both the mangled tattooed heart and the real one beating smoothly. “I couldn’t, Colton. I had to try to have a life without seeing you if you didn’t want me back, without every breath being about you.”

“And that’s why I never told you I had this.”

“All this time,” she whispered.

He kissed her forehead. “Get showered, I’ll make you coffee and feed you before you set about working.” Dismissing the tenderness, he pulled on his shirt and ambled out of the bedroom.

On jelly legs she went through her morning routine of getting ready. Her work schedule was where she really should be concentrating on this week until her clientele list was once again full.

Only, it was the fierce man in the other room pouring her coffee that owned her thoughts.

It was more than sex. No matter what he said. She was in his skin.

She smiled to herself and hummed as she applied her light make up.

In his skin … in more ways than one.