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Fractured by Sydney Landon (16)


Chapter One


Looking up at the immaculate building of Phillips & Stanley, Kimberly immediately begins to shake in her heels. She’d heard of the amazing things that Jonathon Phillips and Emerson Stanley could do with cases like hers. She was released from jail two nights ago after she totaled her car in an accident involving her cell phone. She takes a deep breath as she walks up the stone building leading into the dens of hell. When she walks through the sliding glass doors at the top of the stairs, her eyes find an incredibly attractive blonde woman sitting behind a white and black marble desk. The desk matches the tiles on the ground to a tee. Immediately, Kimberly looks down at her attire and back to the woman who is now staring at her.

“May I help you, ma’am?” The woman with Nicole on her name tag asks. Kimberly looks around the lobby of the building. Her eyes land on a black couch with two white plush recliners sitting across from it. A black coffee table sits between them on a red rug, the only contrast in the room other than the white vase holding the dozen red roses. Kimberly’s eyes finally rest upon the woman with the grey dress behind the counter.

“Yes ma’am. I’m so sorry. I have an appointment with Mr. Phillips and Mr. Stanley at one o’clock.”

“Your name?”

“My name is Kimberly Weston.” She responds as she looks down at the only pair of decent heels she has. They are nude pumps that she bought on sale a few months back. They went well with the black lace-open-back shirt she had tucked into a grey high-waist pencil skirt.

“I will let them know you are here Ms. Weston. Please have a seat and I’ll call when they are ready for you.” Nicole says as she ushers Kimberly to the chairs. “Would you like some coffee or water?”

“Water would be great please.”

“Yes ma’am.”

With that, Kimberly is left alone to wait for the two men that may or may not be able to help her. Two weeks ago her entire life changed. She is lost in thought when Nicole hands her the bottle of water. Kimberly’s right leg shakes as it’s crossed over the left.

“Thank you.” Kimberly replies as she looks up to see the person who gives her the water. Only it isn’t Nicole, and her breath is instantly pushed from her lungs. Her eyes rake over the man standing in front of her. He has to be at least six-foot-five and has broad shoulders in a sleek gray suit. She starts at his black polished shoes and trails her eyes up to his pants. Which look as if they were made just for him, which could probably be if he is one of the main associates. She can see his cock in his pants, which must mean the man is packing, considering it’s not hard. As she trails up his defined stomach, up to his brood shoulders to his defined jawline with a five o’clock shadow, to the crooked nose he sports, she can’t help but blush. His green eyes sparkling with mischief as if he knows she is ogling him.

“Ms. Weston, I presume?”

“Um… Yes sir.” She replies as a blush creeps up her neck to her face.

“Hello, I am Emerson Stanley. Jonathon is assisting another client at the moment but I would be glad to go over your case with you.” He straightens his cuff link before adding. “If you’ll follow me.” He gestures with his hand for her to stand. He walks across the marble flooring towards the steel elevators to the right of the desk. He pushes the button as he places his hand on the small of her back. A smile crosses his face, showing a set of dimples as Kimberly gasps at the contact his hand makes to her skin. It feels as if there is a flame setting her on fire. As the elevator closes, Emerson pushes the button for the sixth floor. The silence is deafening but the electricity flowing through them is piercing. Emerson can’t help but steal a glance at the beautiful woman standing beside him. The way the light hits her wavy hair, looks as if she could be an angel. He turns his attention back to the steel doors as the elevator carries them to his office. Once it stops, he smiles as he watches her nervously straighten her blouse. “Right this way Ms. Weston.” He walks out of the elevator and as she follows behind him, she can’t help but stare at how amazing his ass looks in those slacks.

“Please come in. Have a seat.” Emerson says as he pushes the heavy door open, leading Kimberly into a light, sky-blue office, with two brown leather chairs, and sitting in front of an enormous mahogany desk. Behind the desk, there are two plants in either corner of the office as well as floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the Mississippi River. As she sits down into one of the plush leather chairs, Emerson walks by her, sliding his suit jacket off his shoulders and placing it on the back of his massive leather chair, behind his desk. As he sets it down, his muscles flex under the light blue of his shirt. She can’t help but stare at the Adonis in front of her. He lights up the room, and if the dampness of her panties has anything to do with it, he seems to ignite her libido as well.

“Mr. Stanley, I hear you are the best in the state of Louisiana. I need the best.”

“Is that so?” He sits behind his desk, hands resting in front of him as he listens to her.

“Yes, I was involved in an accident. Luckily, no one else was hurt, but I ran into a building and damaged enough to be in trouble.”

“What type of accident?”

“I was sending a quick text message to my sister.”

“So texting and driving? That’s against the law Ms. Weston. If caught doing so, you could potentially spend up to five years in prison.”

“Yes, I’m aware. That’s why I’m here to see you.”

“No need to get catty Ms. Weston. I am only trying to give you the facts.”

“I’m not being catty Mr. Stanley. I’m only saying that’s why I’m with the best. Now, can you tell me what the expenses will be like?”

“Right down to business. I like that in a woman.” As he speaks the words, she realizes the innuendo in the man’s words. She squeezes her legs tighter and shifts in the chair as she opens the forgotten water bottle in her hands to help calm her frazzled nerves. “It depends on the case and how long it will take. For something like this, I would say it would be around fifty-thousand dollars.”

She looks at him as if he’s lost his mind. “Fif… fifty thousand?”

“Did I stutter? You want the best, you have to pay for the best.” He stands with a knowing smile before turning to look out at the sights of downtown Baton Rouge.

“I… I don’t have that type of money.” She finally lets out deflated. The feeling that overcomes Emerson is not one that he is used to. Sympathy. Why does he feel sympathetic to this woman? It was not him who was texting while driving.

“Well, I suppose this meeting is adjourned. I am sure you can see yourself out Kimberly.”

As he says her first name, she catches the dismissal. To her surprise, the dismissal stuns her and knocks her pride down a notch. “Well… thank you for your time.” She stands, staring at his back. All she can think of is how arrogant the man standing in front of her is. Also wishing he was staring at her, instead of that damn view from the window. Emerson nods his head in acknowledgment that he has heard her as she turns to walk out of the door.



Kimberly hangs her head as she walks to the elevator. Pushing the button, she senses another presence behind her. She turns and is captivated by the most stunning pair of crystal-blue eyes. She takes in the features of the man standing before her. He looks to be around six-foot-two and of an athletic build. He is wearing a white, button-down shirt with the top two buttons undone. The sleeves are pushed up right below his elbows and the shirt is tucked into the dark gray slacks he has on.

“Go ahead and stare. It’s not rude or anything.”

“Oh my God!  I’m so sorry.” Kimberly replies, turning a shade of crimson.

“It’s quite alright. I actually like having beautiful women get flustered around me. Means I still have my game.” He lets out a chuckle as the elevator dings, signaling its arrival. “I’m Jonathon and you are?”


“Coming from Stanley’s office?”

“Yes, but it looks as if I won’t be able to afford him.” She lets out a defeated sigh.

“Well, maybe you’re just going about it the wrong way. You’re a beautiful woman. You’ll think of something.”

“Like?” She cocks her head to the side, looking at him.

“Well, had I had a beautiful woman in my office, instead of the old men over the board, I may have had her spread over my desk,” he smiles a naughty smile before nodding his head and exiting the elevator.

“What the hell was that?” Kimberly asks more to herself than anyone else as she exits the building and makes her way to her rental car.