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Heart (Ballsy Boys Book 3) by K.M. Neuhold, Nora Phoenix (21)


I tug at the hem of my shirt and shift on my feet, trying to convince myself it’s a good idea to go in there and go through with all of this. A couple of make-out sessions obviously didn’t have a negative impact on our friendship, but if Heart wants to do more, will it change things? God, I want more with Heart, but it also feels like a really bad idea. There’s so much to lose if things get weird with him.

On the other hand, what about my next date with Lucky? I’m sure he’ll want to go further than kissing this time, and then I’ll be back in the same position I was in before, having no idea how to do anything right. I need to learn. And as much as the thought terrifies me, the thought of leaving things with Heart at nothing more than some kissing feels like a painful let down. I want more with him, as much as he’ll give me.

Does it make me greedy to want both Heart and Lucky so much? Troy obviously didn’t think so, but this whole thing feels like it belongs in someone else’s life instead of mine.

With a determined huff, I lift my fist up and rap at Heart’s door and then hold my breath as his footsteps approach. I start going over in my head what I’ll say when he answers. It was a silly suggestion, can we just forget it? We’re friends, and this will just complicate things. I can find plenty of guys to fool around with and improve my skills.

The door pulls open, and all thoughts vanish from my brain as I look at Heart standing in the doorway with his signature smirk and no shirt. Why isn’t he wearing a shirt? Oh god, are we going to jump right in? I can’t keep my eyes from roaming greedily over the colorful ink covering his bare torso. I’ve never found tattoos all that appealing; I didn’t understand why anyone would want to permanently mark their body. I kind of get it now.  

“Hey, sorry, I spilled soda on myself like thirty seconds before you knocked at the door,” he explains, stepping aside and waving me in.

“Oh, yeah, it’s fine,” I rush to assure him, my cheeks heating as I realize how stupid I must’ve looked staring at him.

He wanders over to the dresser beside his bed and pulls out a fresh shirt. I watch with disappointment as he tugs it over his head, covering all that tempting skin.

“I was thinking—”

“I’m not sure—” I cut myself off when I realize Heart started to say something at the same time. I wave for him to go ahead.

“I was thinking; I want to make sure this is fun for you, no pressure. So I found a fun game for us.”

“A game?” I swallow thickly, my mind racing. Heart has a sex game he wants to play? I can barely manage not to disappoint when things are straight forward and vanilla, and he wants to play some kind of kinky sex game?

“Relax, it’s nothing crazy. Just a little something to help break the tension. That is, if you still want to do this? Otherwise we can order food and play videogames all night like usual. I’m up for whatever.”

There’s no disappointment or expectation in Heart’s expression. He really is okay with whatever I want to do tonight.

“No, I’m still up for it,” I assure him with more confidence than I feel. Heart’s smile lets me know he sees right through my façade.

“Cool, why don’t we chill for a bit first? Make out a little again if you want?”

I nod in agreement. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m really starting to like kissing. With Brad, it always felt like kissing was just a necessary stop on the way to getting down to what he really wanted. With Heart and Lucky, kissing is about enjoying it. Then again, Heart’s a porn star; I’m sure kissing is boring as hell for him. God, there’s nothing I could do in bed that would surprise him. Actually, that thought is a little comforting.

“I can see you thinking from here,” Heart teases, crossing from the bed to the couch and plopping down. He pats the cushion beside him and waggles his eyebrows playfully. The goofy seduction makes me laugh and drains a little of the tension from my shoulders.

I kick off my shoes and join him on the couch. I’m trying to decide exactly how close I should sit when he grabs my arm and tugs me against his side.

“Hi,” I laugh awkwardly, realizing just how close we are now.

“Hi,” Heart replies with a sweet smile. “Relax, I promise there’s nothing for you to worry about, okay?”

I nod, and my eyes zero in on his soft, pink lips. I lean forward and press my lips to his. There’s a little zing of something in the pit of my stomach. With all the practice I’ve had now, I’m quicker to find a rhythm with my lips against his, our tongues hot and wet as they slide against each other. My cock aches, but neither of us make any move to do anything other than kiss. Even our hands stay respectfully well above the waist.

I drag my fingers through his hair, tugging at it to urge him closer, desperate for more of him but not ready to move on from kissing. More than this and I risk disappointing him and embarrassing myself, just like I did with Brad.

Heart kisses along my jaw and down my neck as I pant loud enough that I’m sure I’ll be humiliated when I think back over this later.

“You’re a fast learner,” Heart notes, grazing his teeth against my Adam’s apple. I let out a whimper and tug harder at his hair. “How about our game? Are you ready?”

I make a noncommittal noise that Heart takes as agreement. As soon as he pulls away, I notice my hands shaking with a mixture of nerves and being hornier than I’ve been in my life. His shirt tugs up just a little as he reaches for something on the little table next to the couch. I find myself fascinated with the dusting of dark hair that seems to run from his belly button downward.

Heart sits straight again and holds out his hand to me. There are two dice in his palm, but instead of dots or numbers on them, they have words on each side. I raise an eyebrow in question.

“Is this like sex D&D or something?”

Heart sputters a laugh. “No, but that would be an amazing idea. We need to invent something like that,” he agrees. “It’s really simple, one of these has a thing you do, and the other has a body part. So you roll both and do whatever comes up.”

“Okay,” I agree, licking my lips to combat my suddenly dry mouth. I hold out my hand, hoping Heart won’t notice the way it’s still shaking. If he notices, he doesn’t comment. I shake the dice between my hands and then let them go above the coffee table. They bounce and roll for a moment, and I’m almost afraid to read what they both landed on.

“Lick stomach,” Heart reads. “Good, that’s an easy start.”

I look at him skeptically. “I thought this was supposed to be sexy.”

“It is sexy,” he says, pulling his shirt over his head.

“Licking your stomach? That just seems like it would tickle and get slobber all over you. How is that sexy? I mean, the stomach isn’t exactly an erogenous zone.”

“Here’s your first lesson, sweetie.” Heart fixes me with a serious look. “Every part of the body can be an erogenous zone. A mistake too many people make is focusing solely on what’s between the legs and forget about all the other fun ways to explore someone’s body. Don’t get so focused on the destination that you miss the journey.”

Something inside me relaxes a fraction. When he puts it that way, it makes all the sense in the world. There’s no reason to rush straight to the main event.

“Okay.” I take a deep breath and take a second to look at Heart, shirtless once again. I’m not sure I would’ve thought of licking his stomach or, honestly, anything other than his cock if it weren’t for this game. But now that I’m looking again at the colorful ink on his abdomen, the dips of his muscles, and the wiry patches of hair, it seems like a really good idea to lick him.

Heart lays back and crooks his finger to beckon me forward. I lean over him and brush my nose through the little bit of hair on his chest, and then I place a quick kiss just between his pecs. He hums his approval, and I kiss lower. I trade chaste kisses for open mouth kisses as I work my way over his abs. When I graze the colorful patch of wildflowers tattooed from the left side of his ribcage down to his hip, I run my tongue along them, tracing each flower and drawing moans from Heart’s lips.

“Is this good?” I check, my voice husky.

“Oh yeah,” Heart assures me.

“Should we, um, roll the dice again?” I ask, feeling a little more confident.

“Hm? Oh yeah,” he agrees, sitting up and reaching for the dice.

Heart shakes the dice in his hands and then drops them onto the coffee table while I hold my breath. I’m not sure what I’m hoping for them to say; all I want to find out is if Heart’s touch will be exciting in a way Brad’s never was.

“Bite nipple,” Heart reads off the dice and then turns to me with a grin. “Take your shirt off.”

I cross my arms over my chest protectively.

“You’re going to bite my nipple? That sounds…. that’s not…”

Heart’s lips press against mine, effectively silencing my protest. His lips are firm and demanding, coaxing mine to part, and then his tongue is slipping into my mouth. His hand sneaks up the front of my shirt, and I shiver at the feel of his fingers ghosting over my bare skin. My body arches closer to him without conscious effort.

When his hand reaches my chest, he circles my nipple with his index finger, and I whimper into his mouth as the sensation goes straight between my legs.

“I promise it won’t hurt,” Heart murmurs against my lips, and I nod my head in a trance-like way.

He reaches for the hem of my shirt and tugs it over my head. My arms go around my exposed body, and I shiver again, this time from the chill in the room and the sensation of Heart’s eyes all over my skinny, pale torso.

“You’re sexy,” Heart says, his gaze roaming over me.

“Yeah, okay,” I snort and roll my eyes.

“Take the compliment.” Heart’s tone holds an air of authority. He pushes on my shoulder, forcing me to lay back on the couch. “Don’t think, just feel.”

Easier said than done, but I do my best to follow his instructions, settling back and closing my eyes. To my surprise, Heart doesn’t go right for my nipples. Instead, the first place I feel his warm lips is at the bottom of my rib cage. A ripple of unexpected pleasure runs along my skin, and my cock presses against the confines of my pants. Another kiss, this one open mouthed and right at the apex of my sternum.

I tangle my fingers in his hair, and Heart makes a sound of approval in the back of his throat. It’s so different than the sounds he makes on camera, and the thought that I’m one of the few people who knows what Heart really sounds like makes me warm all over. Several more kisses follow, leaving wet marks all over my skin and making me harder with every passing second.

When his mouth finally brushes against my peaked nipple, I gasp as my balls tighten, and my whole body aches for more of Heart’s touch. He looks up at me with a wicked smile before dragging the flat of his tongue across my nipple.

“Holy shit,” I mutter, squirming under him, my breath coming out in embarrassing pants. “That’s…I didn’t think…oh god…” My babble cuts off when he does it again, this time ending the lick with a sharp flick from the tip of his tongue.

He moves his mouth over to my other nipple, giving it the same treatment, while using his index finger to flick the first nipple, keeping it tingling and hard. My body vibrates in anticipation. Biting my nipples sounded strange and awkward, if not a little painful, before he started. But now I’m dying to know what it will feel like.

Heart’s thumb joins his forefinger, and he gently rolls my nipple between them, tugging ever so slightly. His teeth graze the other nipple, and my cock throbs. I’m too hazy with lust to feel embarrassed about rubbing myself against Heart’s thigh as he plays with my nipples. With one nipple carefully between his teeth, his tongue flicks over it again. I’m squirming shamelessly against him, tugging at his hair as the words please and oh god keep falling from my lips.

Without warning, his thumb and forefinger give a hard pinch at the same time his teeth bite sharply into my sensitive, aching flesh, sending a shockwave straight through me.  

“Oh fuck,” I gasp, my cock giving one more hard throb before erupting. I thrust helplessly against Heart, drawing out the pleasure pounding in my veins.

Humiliation is right on the heels of the ebbing wave of my orgasm.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry.” I close my eyes and wish there was somewhere to hide my face.

“What are you sorry for? That was hot as fuck,” Heart says earnestly. “Look at me.”

I open my eyes reluctantly and find Heart smiling at me, his lips puffy from kissing and sucking on my chest.

“You don’t think I’m lame for…” I can’t even bring myself to say jizzing my pants.

“The only thing I think is that now that I know how much you like it, I want to play with your nipples a lot more. Also, that you look sexy as fuck when you come.”


“Really,” Heart assures me. “We’re fooling around, coming around each other was kind of part of the deal.”   

“That’s true,” I agree, letting out a long breath. “That wasn’t anything like what I did with Brad.”

“I kind of figured.”

“Thank you. I should, uh, probably get cleaned up.”

Heart rolls off me, and I make my way to the bathroom, wincing at the way my sticky pubes tug and pull against my underwear.

Note to self, try to be naked next time that happens.