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Her Savior by Sarah J. Brooks (129)

Chapter 3

“Hey, I’m on the way to meet up with Lauren; how is Sophia doing?” Drake asked Samantha when he got her on the phone.

“She’s doing well. Her mom is in with her now. Where is Lauren?”

Drake pulled her note out and read it one more time. The first time he read it, he thought she had said to meet him at the ocean, and she was surfing, but as he looked at the note again, it appeared he was supposed to meet her over at a private lake.

“Well, she said she went surfing, but I’m supposed to meet her over at Lake Edwards or something. I’m not sure what she has planned.”

“I thought for sure she was going to take you surfing,” Samantha joked, “and that I was going to have to pick you up from the hospital after you broke something.”

“Oh, come on. I’m a pretty fit guy. I think I can handle some surfing. It’s just balancing on a board. How hard could it be?”

“Yeah, you keep thinking that,” Samantha continued to tease him.

Their interaction was a little odd, and all Drake could think about was how things seemed different between them. He felt like a schoolboy trying to hold a conversation with her and worrying he was going to say something stupid. Drake certainly hadn’t felt like that around Samantha before. Something had definitely changed between the two of them.

When Samantha had first come to work for him, Drake thought she was going to be like all the rest of his assistants. He would have an affair with her, she would quit, and he would move on to the next assistant. But Samantha didn’t like that plan and had refused to sleep with him in favor of keeping her job. It had turned out to be a very successful partnership, and Drake was grateful to have her in his life, both personally and professionally.

“Alright, I better head off. Let me know if there is any news on Sophia. Thanks again for getting there and handling things. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“I don’t know either. You’d probably be some poor hippy still trying to figure out how to use MySpace.”

They both laughed. Sure, Drake was technically savvy; there was no doubt about it. But when it came to mundane things like social media, he always seemed to mess things up. Samantha was the only one who could ever get him logged into all his accounts, and he still wasn’t really sure what the difference between Instagram and Snapchat were.

“I’m lucky to have you,” Drake said, and he was aware of the silence that followed.

Samantha didn’t respond right away. Her heart was pounding with thoughts of what it would be like to actually have Drake and to let him have her. She was thinking about it more and more, and it was driving her crazy. Nothing could happen between them. She loved her job, and she wasn’t going to ruin it by having a relationship with Drake.

“I’m lucky to have this job. It’s great. Have a great day,” she said as she hung up the phone.

Drake didn’t know what was going on with the women in his life, but they all seemed to be turning cold on him. Hopefully, his morning so far wasn’t a sign of how his date with Lauren was going to go. He didn’t think he could take much more rejection from the women around him.

He typed in the lake name to his GPS and made his way there. The music was turned up and the windows down as Drake tried to clear his mind so he could concentrate on Lauren for the day. It was difficult, though. Samantha, Sophia, and Scarlett were all on his mind. He had never dealt with so many emotions and so many women in all his life.

What had started as a fun way to screw a bunch of women and maybe find one he wanted to keep around, was quickly turning into an emotional explosion for Drake. He wanted to find someone that he could have a partnership with, and there had been a small part of him that hoped he would find that woman among the group that was chosen. But Drake never expected to have feelings for all of the women. Sure, his feelings were growing stronger for some over the others; but they were all good matches for him.

As Drake pulled into the parking lot at Lake Edwards, he tried to refocus himself so he could give Lauren the attention she deserved. It was hard to imagine he was going to be any fun at all to hang out with that day, though, and Drake was ready to tell Lauren they might have to put their date off another day. There was so much going on, and it had been such a crazy week. A good day of rest might be just what Drake needed to get his mind back and focused on the women.

He walked down toward the water and looked for Lauren. This was where she had said to meet him, but she was nowhere to be found. The beach was soft, and Drake pulled his shoes off so he could walk down the beach line and look for Lauren. It was a quiet morning and seemed a little odd that there were no other beachgoers there, but then it was a private lake, and it was a weekday; perhaps everyone was just working.

Drake was just about to give up and call Samantha when he noticed Lauren’s surfboard leaning up against a building. He looked around some more as he made his way to the building, but still Lauren was nowhere to be found.

“Lauren!” Drake yelled out.

He thought he heard something coming from inside the building, and it startled him and made him move quicker. He didn’t have time to form a scenario in his head as to why Lauren would be in that building; he just wanted to get over there and see.

“Lauren?” he asked curiously as he approached the building and grabbed the doorknob.

“I’m here,” she said with a giggle.

Drake opened the door, and relief came almost instantly. Lauren was in a tiny blue bikini and reading a book on a makeshift bed in the corner. He wasn’t sure exactly what he had thought was going on in the shed, but Drake had been afraid something bad had happened to Lauren. So, he was happy to see she was sitting there joyfully reading a mystery novel as she waited for Drake to show up.

“What the heck is going on here?” he asked as he walked into the rundown cabin.

It wasn’t one of those cabins that you would sleep in. It was what appeared to be an old rundown storage cabin. There were canoes and kayaks standing up against one wall and the paddles and oars against the other wall. Lauren was sitting on what looked like an air mattress with some beach towels on top of it. She was smiling broadly, and Drake instantly felt the stress leaving his body.

“Surprise,” Lauren screamed as she jumped up and moved quickly into Drake’s arms.

Her tiny body stayed off the ground as she wrapped her arms around him, and he held onto her. She was so full of happiness and energy that Drake couldn’t help smiling. Lauren was a sweet girl, perhaps a little young for what he was looking for, but she was certainly very nice.

“This is a nice cabin you have here,” he said sarcastically.

“First, tell me that Sophia is alright.”

“She is alright. Her mother is with her, and she had her appendix out.”

“Great,” Lauren said as she wrapped her legs around Drake’s body and pulled him in for a kiss.

It surprised Drake at first, but then he felt his body react, and he was perfectly happy with kissing Lauren. Their mouths moved quickly and Lauren took the lead. She pulled her body away from Drake, and he set her down on the ground as they walked backward toward the bed. She had been waiting all morning for Drake, and Lauren wasn’t going to waste a single moment of her time with him.

Throughout the week, Lauren had tried to be respectful of the other women and their time with Drake. But she had been looking forward to her date all week long. She liked Drake; he was a successful, fun and driven man. Lauren needed someone like him in her life, and she knew they would make a perfect couple.

“Let’s get you out of these,” she said with a sly smile.

Drake didn’t argue. How could he argue with a gorgeous blonde who was intent on having her way with him? Lauren’s smile was contagious, and Drake found himself smiling from ear to ear as she pulled his shirt off him.

Their lips went right back to kissing when his shirt was off, and Drake felt Lauren’s hands as they went right to his waist and started to unbutton his pants. No matter what else was going on in his life, at that moment he was alone with a beautiful woman who obviously wanted him; Drake was going to live in that moment.

The touch of her lips was intense, yet she was such a gentle woman. Her delicate body probably only weighed one hundred pounds, and her long blonde hair was golden from her time in the sun. Lauren was dainty, though she had muscles from all her surfing, and Drake let his fingers drag up and down her arms as he admired her body.

The culmination of stress and emotions were too much for him. Drake liked being there with Lauren and forgetting about everything else. His fingers gently untied the top to her bikini and then reached to the ties on either side of her bottoms. Within seconds, the small triangles of fabric had fallen to the ground and Lauren was naked in front of him.

“Come here,” she whispered as she pulled him toward the mattress on the ground.

Lauren knelt onto the mattress and pulled his pants down to the ground. As she looked up with her big blue eyes, Drake’s cock stood at attention for her. Lauren was exactly what he needed right then. Her sweet smile melted him, and his body throbbed, waiting to feel any part of her on him. It was going to be a pretty fabulous day, Drake thought.

Gently, she wrapped her fingers around him and let them slide up and down his shaft as she continued to look up at him. Her gaze was intense, but gentle, and Drake wanted to get lost in it. She had a slight smile on her lips as she licked them and then slowly wrapped them around the tip of his body.

The pleasure was instantaneous, and Drake fought the urge to close his eyes. Lauren continued to look up at him and her gaze was like a drug that he didn’t want to give up. As she took him deep into her mouth, he watched her and felt how much she wanted him. The throbbing of his body intensified quickly, and he thrust his hips lightly in motion with hers.

The gentle pressure of her lips around his body was quickly bringing his body to the brink, and he was sure that there was going to be an explosion any moment. He felt the need to give her a warning. Not every girl liked to have such an explosion thrust upon her.

“I’m going to cum,” he whispered as he watched her.

It was all up to her now. Either she would continue what she was doing and let his body burst into her mouth, or she would stop and pull him onto her so he could feel the thrust of his body inside of hers.

“No, you aren’t,” Lauren teased him.

She placed her fingers on the soft area between his throbbing cock and his ass. Damn these women and their skills, Drake thought. But he loved that the women he had with him that week were sexually experienced and willing to try those things with him. That was one of the important factors in choosing the right woman for him.

Drake wasn’t the wildest of men, but he liked to have fun with his woman in the bedroom, so that was important for him when choosing one of the girls from that week. A perfect partnership was not just great conversation and chemistry; he needed his woman to be adventurous, at least in the bedroom.

The pressure was still building, but there was nothing he could do. She was stopping his body from releasing and letting the pressure build up in such a torturing way that he finally closed his eyes as he dealt with the pleasure. Slow firm pressure made his cock feel like it was going to explode, but there wasn’t a way for him to release himself. He moaned and groaned as she played with him.

“I want you, Lauren,” Drake said deeply as his eyes were shut and his hips thrusting.

It was one hundred percent true. All Drake could think about at that moment was having Lauren’s body under him and thrusting hard into her. It was an urge that wasn’t going away, and he had to let it out. The primal feeling of orgasm was so powerful that no one and nothing else mattered at all to him.

“Come here then silly,” she giggled as she grabbed his hands and pulled him down onto the mattress with her.

Her sweet demeanor was a lifeline for him that day. Drake needed a break and had almost canceled their day together, but having her naked in his arms was a much better way of relaxing. Drake pressed Lauren gently onto the mattress and let his lips kiss her skin as he moved up her body.

“I thought we were going surfing today?” he said with some relief in his voice.

“Did you want to surf?” Lauren said, pulling a condom out of her bag next to the bed. “We could go do that instead.”

Her mischievous expression was adorable, and Drake just shook his head to say no. There was no way he wanted to get out on the water and embarrass himself surfing with Lauren. She was a professional; her skills in that department were bound to make Drake feel totally inadequate.

She moved like she was going to get up, and Drake quickly grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head. His strength was evident, and Lauren laughed at the look on his face. He certainly did not want to leave what they were doing to go surfing; there was no doubt about that.

“Don’t you move, young lady,” he teased, and his fingers pulled the condom away from her.

Lauren disobediently moved her hips below him and felt his bulging body pressed up against her. She wanted him. Lauren had wanted Drake since the moment she set eyes on him. She had waited patiently for her date, and she wasn’t about to waste it at the beach. She would have just stayed at the house, but the presence of all the other girls made it impossible to think that she and Drake would have gotten any privacy at all. It was somewhat comical that the privacy they had was in a storage shed at a lake, but Lauren wasn’t complaining.

The rustic shed around them and the cool breezy seeping in through the cracks in the wall made the moment unique and fun. That was exactly the feeling she wanted Drake to have when he was with her. Lauren wasn’t one of those girls who liked a lot of attention or needed money to make her happy. She was a quiet girl, who liked the fun stuff in life. She had genuinely come to Drake’s house because she thought they would be a good match for each other. It was a big emotional risk for her, but she was willing to take it.

Through her conversations with Scarlett, Lauren had learned that it was going to be best just to show Drake who she really was. Not to pretend she was someone else or try to win him over. The best connection would come when she was honest and true to herself. If it were meant to be, then it would be. So far, Lauren thought their connection was pretty damn great. At least, the chemistry was perfect.

“I think you’re moving,” Drake teased.

He pressed one of his legs between her thighs and forced her legs open as he looked down into her eyes. Lauren had stopped giggling, but she was still smiling as she looked up at him.

“I like that,” she whispered as she felt his cock press up against her opening.

Drake leaned down and covered her mouth with his as he quickly slid the condom on and then pressed his body into her. He liked the feeling of having her body under him, and her arms wrapped around him. Drake really was enjoying his time with Lauren, and it was making his decision even harder.

Lauren was the kind of girl you could just be yourself with. Drake didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. He didn’t feel like he had to worry about what he said or try to analyze what was going on between them. Drake felt totally like himself, completely at ease, and he liked that feeling.

With everything that had gone on that week, and especially that day, it was a relief to get to put his guard down for a moment. Drake was happy his day was going to be with Lauren. It was abundantly clear that they were going to have one hell of a date.