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Her Savior by Sarah J. Brooks (4)

Chapter 4


“Home,” I said to Tanner, my driver for the night. I’d used him on a couple of occasions and was comfortable enough to ignore the niceties and just give this beautiful young woman all my attention.

“I’m probably going to get in trouble for leaving,” the young lady said as the SUV pulled around the building. “Maybe I should go tell my boss.”

“I’ll make sure you don’t get in trouble. But only if you tell me your name,” I begged.

“Jenna,” She laughed. “My name is Jenna.”

“I can’t believe you said yes,” I whispered and leaned over to gently kiss her. It wasn’t that I couldn’t believe a pretty girl like her would go home with me, it was more that I couldn’t believe I’d only just met her and had blurted out such a request and somehow she was in my car coming home with me.

“I suspect not many women say no to you.”

“I don’t typically invite women who I’ve just met to come home with me,” I replied. I sensed the underlying disbelief in the tone of her voice. But I wasn’t a jerk, even when I did bring women home on the first night, it was after we had spent the evening on a nice date. But there was electricity between the two of us that I couldn’t ignore. My body longed to be naked with hers, and somehow I didn’t mind sounding ridiculous.

The stories about me were greatly exaggerated, and I wasn’t nearly as much of a ladies’ man as people believed I was. Dating women and sleeping with them was not the same thing. I’d gone to many public events with starlets and models as a mutual business arrangement. The publicity helped my company as well as their careers. I certainly didn’t bring them all home with me, although I’d brought a fair share of beautiful women to my bed.

This was different. The moment she looked at me and started dancing, I felt a pull toward this girl like I’d never felt before. Then when she took the initiative and asked me to dance with her, I lost it. Every last nerve in my body exploded with desire. She was confident and sexy as hell, and I had to have her. At first, I asked her to come home with me as a fluke, a way of letting her know just how much I desired her. The words came out of my mouth more like a longing than an actual question. Then somewhere between the dancing and the kissing behind the curtain, that desire had to become a reality. I needed this woman in my bed.

Our kisses were gentler than they’d been at the charity event. I had her now. She’d agreed to come home with me. I wasn’t going to scare her off with the aggressive primal urges that my body was trying so hard to control.

I took my time exploring her lips and let my hand gently rest on her thigh. Everything about this girl oozed sex appeal. Even just sitting in the SUV she sent my body into a rage of desire that I just couldn’t figure out. Our chemistry was so unreal, so totally unheard of for me. There was no question in my mind that the two of us were going to be fantastic in bed together.

Sure, I’d lusted after women before. I’d wanted to bang them. I’d wanted to bring them home and see them naked and feel my body inside of theirs. But this desire I had for Jenna was something totally different. I didn’t just want to screw her. I wanted to keep her. I needed to explore every inch of her body. Not only did I want her naked in my bed, but I wanted her to stay there with me all weekend long. The throbbing in my body was for more than just a quick romp in the sack, something was drawing me to this girl with such force that I was helpless against it.

“Five minutes sir,” Tanner said as we neared my home.

“Sir,” she giggled. “Does everyone call you that? Sir?” she said in such a sexy tone that I tingled all over.

“If you say that one more time, I’m going to lose it.”

“Oh, you don’t want me to call you Sir?” she teased.

I was a man of my word and grabbed her and pulled her on top of me. Her legs straddled me and her breasts pressed into my face as she laughed at the quick movement. Jenna bit her lip as she smiled down at me, and I felt her hips as they wiggled just a little bit against me. It was enough to drive me wild, though. She was playful and soft as she looked down at me. No expectations, no worry about who I was or what was to come after this night; it was refreshing.

“I warned you.”

“Oh, you did. That’s true. But what if I like calling you sir? Yes Sir, can I have some more Sir?” She playfully teased.

“Wow, you are really asking for it now,” I said as I held onto her hips and pressed her body hard against mine. The throbbing in my pants yearned to be inside of her, and I could hardly hold myself back. The tiny little dance outfit she had on was only a thin piece of fabric between her center and my hardness.

“Yes, Sir,” she continued to tease.

Tanner pulled up to the gate to my house and punched the code in so we could pull into the driveway. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this girl in my bedroom. But there was a sense of self-control that I had to make sure I still had. I couldn’t lose control. I had to slow things down just a touch so she didn’t feel overwhelmed when I ravaged her, which I definitely was going to do.

“Thank you, Tanner,” I said as we pulled up to the house.

I climbed out before Tanner could come and open the door. There was a level of pretentiousness that came with having another man open my door, and I didn’t like that at all. I held my hand out for Jenna and helped her out of the SUV.

“Thank you,” she said as she looked at me through her mask.

“Are you going to wear that all night long?” I teased.

“Maybe.” She winked back at me.

“Sounds good to me, but those eyes sure are mesmerizing. I’d love to see the rest of you.”

After unlocking the front door, we walked inside, and the lights automatically turned on. I was ready for her to say something about my extravagant home. Everyone did. They always brought up how nice it was or how expensive it must be to have a house like this in the middle of San Francisco. I hated my house, though. I’d bought it when I was trying to impress people. When I thought having a huge home was what was important to me. But now it was just like a sore thumb that stood out and showed that my priorities were so messed up, and I couldn’t wait to sell it.

When I finished the transition of my company, I had planned to sell this house. It was insane to live in such a big home when I was by myself. Especially considering the housing market in San Francisco was so crazy at the moment. I didn’t need to hold onto a piece of property that I didn’t even like.

“That’s the ugliest painting I’ve ever seen,” Jenna said as she pointed to the ten-foot painting of a dog I had hanging in the entryway.

I burst into laughter immediately. It was, in fact, a horrible painting; I bought it as a joke while I was out with Ed and a few other guys. My friend Mark, who owned a chain of bars was going to put it up in one of them, but I bought it first. It was so hideous that it made us all laugh, and I liked that about it. I liked the emotion that it brought out and the full fledged joy the laughter we all had was. Mark wanted it in his bar for the same reason, to make people laugh.

But in all the years that I’d had that painting hanging up, not a single person who I’d invited into my home had ever honestly said it was horrible. They sometimes complimented me on it. They sometimes just ignored it while they talked about how beautiful the house was. It was refreshing that Jenna hadn’t held back at all and just blurted out what we all thought when we saw that painting.

“I know, that’s why I love it.” I laughed.

“Do you share this place with a football team or something?” she continued.

“Yeah, I’ve got sixty roommates. But don’t worry, they are away for a game this weekend,” I teased back.

This girl was adorable and witty; I loved it. Instantly, I felt like I had to stay on my toes. I wasn’t going to get this girl into bed without showing a little personality. In the two minutes we had been inside my house, I already knew she wasn’t like any of the other girls who I had brought home. She wasn’t interested in building up my ego and actually spoke her mind; that was a novelty to me, and something I treasured.

“Do you have alcohol? I feel like I need a drink,” Jenna said as she suddenly started to look nervous.

“I do have alcohol,” I said as I grabbed her hand and walked with her to the study. “What’s your poison?”

The study, or library, of my house was one of my favorite places. The previous owners had been willing to leave all their books with the sale, and I loved exploring the titles. Sometimes I’d spend hours and hours in that room just pulling books from the shelves and reading through them.

“I’m flexible. Whatever you have is fine.”

Jenna sat down on a large couch as I pulled out the liquor drawer from a built-in area of the bookshelf. I poured us each a small Scotch and then sat down next to her. I wanted to talk to her. How weird was that? This sexual energy between us was insane; my body was still throbbing with desire, yet I actually wanted to sit there and talk to her. It was a totally new situation for me.

“Here you go,” I handed her the drink.

“Where’s the bedroom?” she asked as she threw the Scotch down her throat and stood back up. “I want to see the bedroom.”

“Upstairs,” I said helplessly. She was taking charge? This was so strange? I could tell how nervous she was. I could tell her personality was sweet and not at all the type who would take charge, yet that was exactly what she was doing. It was an amazing turn on.

“Show me,” she demanded.

Okay, so maybe we could talk afterwards. Jenna left me sitting there as she walked back out to the entryway and started up the stairs. Her ass moved deliciously back and forth with each step up the large staircase, and I took two steps at a time so I could catch up to her. The taut fabric of her costume just barely covered her ass, and I was dying to get her out of that outfit.

“To the right,” I said as we reached the top of the stairs. “The double doors at the end of the hallway.”

“Wow, this is a nice hallway.” She continued toward the bedroom.

I stayed a few steps behind her, simply because I loved watching her ass as it moved while she walked. I couldn’t wait to bend her over my bed and grab her delicious curves as I thrust inside of her. This girl had every single nerve in my body throbbing. It was going to be nearly impossible for me to maintain my composure and not turn into a total animal once I had her in bed.

Jenna threw both doors open and then slowly walked backward until her legs ran into the end of the bed. She was clearly in charge of this evening, and I was just there for the ride. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her as I made my way behind her through the doors until I was standing right there with her. I didn’t bother closing the bedroom doors as I reached for her mask to pull it off.

I could tell she was a beautiful girl, but I wanted to see all of her. I wanted to see every inch of her body.

“Can I?” I asked as my fingers delicately touched the mask.

She nodded her head yes. Slowly I pulled the intricate mask up and over her head. Her deep brown eyes longingly looked up at me, and every bit of self-control I thought I had quickly slipped through my fingers.

I grabbed her and kissed her with all the passion that had built up inside of me. Her lips were plump and delightfully ready for me as she opened her mouth and let my tongue play with her. This was perfection. Her smell, her taste, everything about Jenna was perfectly matched to my desires. It was more than just lust; I felt like my body had to be with hers; some sort of primal longing that I had never felt before.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I lifted her off the ground just a little bit as we continued to kiss. But as I walked to the side of the bed holding onto her, I stumbled over a pair of shoes that I had sitting there. We both went tumbling to the bed. Jenna landed first, and then I landed right on top of her. It was a disastrous blow to the sexy moment we had been sharing.

“Wow, you’re really graceful.” She laughed.

I loved how playful she was with me. Her hands were still around my neck, and she pulled me up to her. She had a lighthearted smile which instantly put me at ease as I worried I’d ruined the mood for us. Jenna put her hands on my cheeks and wrapped her legs tightly around me as she pulled me down to kiss her, letting the fumble I’d just made mean nothing at all for our evening of fun.

After delighting in the taste of her lips for a few minutes, I pulled away so I could look at her beauty. It was a shame she’d been covered up by that mask all night long, and I couldn’t get enough of looking at her. Her long brown hair had fallen out of its bun and was all over the place in a mess. She looked up at me with such a peaceful smile that I wanted to stay in the moment for as long as possible. Her desire for me colored her cheeks and drove my desire for her even more.

“You are amazingly beautiful,” I whispered as my fingers gently touched the side of her cheek. “I’m really glad I met you tonight.”

She looked away almost instantly. In fact, she looked more embarrassed by my words than by being in bed with me in the first place. There was no way this girl didn’t get constant compliments like that. She was classically beautiful with big brown eyes and warm chestnut skin. I could have lain there staring at her for hours.

“Thank you,” she managed to say when she finally turned back toward me. “You’re okay looking,” she teased me. “I mean for girls who are into that sort of rugged, handsome look.”

“Oh, you thinking I’m handsome?” I asked as I leaned over next to her, and I let my hand hold my head up and my other hand slide down the length of her body and back up again.

“No, I mean other girls might think you’re handsome,” she continued to toy with me. “I’m not sure I’m into your type of handsome.”

“But not you?”

“You’re alright looking, I guess,” she rolled her eyes.

“Well, I think you are one of the most stunning creatures I’ve ever seen,” I said as I flipped her over to try and find how this costume of hers was put together. “Now, how do I get you out of this outfit? I’ve been thinking about it since the moment I touched you.”

I’d already searched the front and the back, and I couldn’t find buttons, straps, or a zipper to release her from the damn outfit. I wanted to taste her. I needed to feel her skin next to mine. I playfully rolled her from one side to the next.

“What are you doing?” She laughed.

“Trying to figure out how to get you out of that damn chastity outfit you’ve got going on there. Was that thing designed to make sure no man could ever get it off?”

“Yes, I’m pretty sure that was the main purpose of this outfit.” She laughed as she moved a side piece of fabric and exposed a zipper. She started to unzip it herself, but I stopped her.

“Let me,” I groaned as I looked down at her.

She let go of the zipper, and I sat on my knees as I slowly pulled the small piece of metal down the side of her body. Jenna looked up at me with a sweet smile, but I wasn’t thinking any sweet thoughts about her as I finished unzipping the fabric and pulled the costume down her body.

“They make them really tight.” She laughed as she looked down at the marks on her body where the costume had been digging into her skin.

I finished pulling her stockings off and her tan thong. Every muscle in my body tensed with longing for this woman, but I took the time to kiss the marks on her body. I admired how she hadn’t let on at all how uncomfortable that costume must have been. The marks were deep in her skin, especially around her hips and breasts. I took my time kissing them and delicately loving on her body for a few minutes. It was truly amazing how dancers poured themselves into their work like she did.

“You’re beautiful,” I said as I made my way back up to her lips. “You seriously don’t even know how beautiful you are, do you?”

She turned away with a shy smile again, and I knew it was the truth. She didn’t even understand that her beauty radiated through me like the sun shining too close to my body. The powerful connection between our bodies was physically powerful and drove me hard toward her.

“I think we should get rid of these clothes,” she said as she started to unbutton my white dress shirt.

I let her take control as she moved slowly up the shirt, taking her time with each of the buttons. My lips found their way back to her body somewhere during the process of her undressing me, yet she continued. Her hands grabbed my belt and unbuckled me, and then she pushed my pants down and exposed my body to her. The fact that she didn’t seem like the sort of girl who normally took charge only drove me to desire her more and more.

Without hesitation, her hand gripped and held onto me as she pulled me up toward her. It was intense how she pulled and tugged at me as if I was hers and had been for a very long time. Being in bed with Jenna didn’t feel like the first time; I was comfortable with her, and she seemed to be at ease with me as well. Perhaps she felt the uncanny connection between the two of us like I did?

“Just a second.” I slowed her down a little. “I’ve got something I’d like to do.” I smiled slyly at her and then let my lips kiss down her body.

I took my time and explored those marks on her chest and her hips that the costume had made. Then I pressed her thighs apart and delicately kissed them once on each side before I made my way up to her center. As my lips touched the soft skin of her body, Jenna grabbed my hair and moaned out with the pleasure of my touch. It was like music to my ears as I continued to give her pleasure, and she continued to moan in delight.

“Yes,” she breathed out between moans.

I loved hearing how vocal she was with the bliss I was giving her. Her noises just drove me to want to please her more and more. The louder she got, the harder I tried to make her explode. I needed to hear it. I wasn’t going to stop until her body tightened around me, and I felt that sweet pleasure of knowing she’d finally given in to my touch.

Her fingers tightened around my hair, and I felt her thigh muscles flexing as she went quiet for a moment. Her hips thrust up toward me, and I sucked on her body as I urged her to let go. I needed her to let go, to give into me, I was hungry for it like I’d never been before.

“Oh, yes, yes, yes …” she finally screamed as her legs locked around me and held my face to her body.

I continued licking and playing with her as she reeled with pleasure. Until she finally let out such a glorious moan and pushed my tongue away from her with the force of her thighs. I quickly reached into the side table and grabbed a condom. Now that I’d delivered such pleasure to her, I couldn’t wait to have my turn. I needed to feel the explosion of delight as my body released into her.

I relished in the pulsing of her body as I slipped the protection around me and climbed between her legs. For a moment, I stayed there, looking down at her as her eyes softly opened and welcoming me to continue. She reached for my body and pulled me into her as I felt the warmth of her embrace.

Our lips pressed against one another as I thrust inside of her slowly. It wouldn’t take long before my body gave into her. I knew I wasn’t going to last nearly as long as I’d like; I just wanted her too much. As much as I wanted to be superhuman and make this moment last for a long time, my body couldn’t resist. I was so turned on by Jenna that I could hardly contain my explosion, but I did my best to try and last a little bit longer. I wanted the pleasure to go on and on, but I needed to feel the delight of finishing myself off.

“Harder,” she groaned as I moved on top of her.

Her fingers dug into my back as she pressed my hips toward her with her legs wrapped around me. I was done for at this point; it was impossible not to give her exactly what she wanted. I wanted to please her. I couldn’t wait to give her that final thrust as hard as I could.

“Yes, ma’am,” I teased her as our eyes locked onto one another, and I thrust harder.

She smiled up at me for a minute, and I thought she was going to make some wisecrack and call me Sir again. Instead, she held onto me and closed her eyes as her body relished in the delightful feelings we were sharing. She trembled slightly as she held onto me, and I wondered if she was about to release again. I couldn’t wait for it. I wanted to see her body as it gave into the pleasure I was giving her.

Her hips met my thrusts and moved increasingly harder against me. She was in charge here. Her body pushing me for more and more, and I was just trying to deliver it for her. When I felt her legs tense up around me, I knew it wasn’t long until she gave in to the pleasure.

I looked down and watched her body as she arched her back and bit her lip in the most delicious way. Her body pulled me in with the tightness of her muscles, and I finally released a delicious final thrust just as she let out an equally erotic moan.

Our bodies continued to move together slightly as each of us took in the pleasure we were feeling. The moment was erotic as I felt her wriggling under me and watched as her sleepy eyes looked up at me in a fog of passion. I loved how she looked at that moment. I wanted to take a picture so I could remember it forever.

When I finally slid next to her in the bed, I still wanted her there with me, right next to me. The need to wrap my arms around her and hold onto her overcame me, and I was happy she obliged as she tucked her body close to mine.

There were no more words, only the glorious feeling of our naked bodies as we cuddled together and felt the pleasure as it radiated between us. My chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath from the excitement of our time together. We were both glistening with sweat, but Jenna looked even more radiant than she had before.

I tried to think of something witty to say to her. Maybe a cute remark about how great an evening I’d had. Perhaps a comment about how I was happy she agreed to come home with me? No, nothing seemed right. Instead, we continued to lay there in silence as I felt her body relax and fall asleep in my arms.

Instead of thinking about when she was going to leave, all I could think about was having her there in my arms all night long. I sure as hell didn’t want her to leave. I wanted her right there in that bed for as long as possible. This was something entirely new for me.

Typically, I didn’t bring women home that I didn’t know. Jenna probably wouldn’t believe me, but it was the truth. The second I touched her, I felt electrified by her energy, and when she agreed to come home with me, I honestly wasn’t sure what to do. She surprised me at every turn that night, and I wasn’t often surprised so delightfully by the women in my life.

I held on tight to her as I drifted off to sleep. My thoughts looking forward to the morning and a chance to get to know her more. I couldn’t wait to talk with her, find out about how she ended up being a dancer. There was so much we could talk about, so much I could learn about her. This was an exciting adventure that I just couldn’t wait to be part of.

In the morning, I planned to wake up early and make her breakfast. I was going to dazzle her with my culinary skills and definitely get her to agree to a real date. A date where I came to her house and picked her up, a real date where we could eat and laugh and genuinely get to know each other. I wanted that with Jenna. I didn’t just want a one-night fling.

In the past few years, I couldn’t remember being this excited to get to know a woman. In fact, I wasn’t sure I’d ever been this excited to actually get to know a woman who I’d brought home. That was probably a sad truth about my life, but it was a truth. Luckily, I was exhausted from the long day, or I certainly wouldn’t have been able to drift off to sleep because all the thoughts of Jenna were running through my mind a mile a minute.

When I finally drifted off to sleep, thoughts of Jenna and what would come next for us dominated my mind. I wasn’t a romantic, but the energy between us had to mean something. It had to be a hint that time together was going to be amazing.