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Her Savior by Sarah J. Brooks (80)

Chapter 17

“Good morning, sleepy head. Time to wake up; we have a big day today. You are going to meet your future bride,” Sam said as she stood over Drake in his bedroom.

Drake heard Sam but tried to pretend like he was still sleeping. He hated to get up in the morning when he had been out late. Although he did get up without a problem when he had work, but if there wasn’t anything important to do, then Drake wanted to sleep until at least eight in the morning.

Sam had entered Drake’s room at seven in the morning and it was just too early, considering Drake had just fallen asleep at four o’clock.

“Drake, I’m not joking. It’s time to get up. We have a lot to get done today.”

“What time are the women coming over?” Drake managed to ask as he slowly sat up in his bed.

“The women will be here at noon. We will have a welcome lunch and I’m trying to organize some ice breaker games. Then I will leave you guys to get to know each other and relax around the pool for the evening. Your first date will start tomorrow.”

Drake closed his eyes again and lay back down.

“Drake, what are you doing? You have to get up. Aren’t you excited at all? We found you some of the hottest and most intelligent women in the world. You should get your ass up out of bed and at least pretend to be interested.”

Sam felt herself getting frustrated with Drake and she just wanted him to pay attention to what they were talking about. In just a few hours, Drake would be left alone in his house with seven women, so it was essential that he understood the rules. The game wouldn’t work well if Drake didn’t follow his rules. It wouldn’t work well for him or for the women.

“I’m interested, Sam. Trust me, I am very excited. This is my excited face.” Drake made a crazy looking face.

“Stop, Drake, I’m serious. Robert and I worked really hard on all of this.”

“Alright. Tell me what you want me to do.”

“We need to go over your rules. Can we do that?”

“Sam, you do know that it is my game and I don’t have to follow any rules, right?” Drake said as he got up and walked to his bathroom to pee.

Sam couldn’t help but notice his erect cock as it pressed on his boxer briefs. It was quiet the sight to see. She had seen it before while walking in on Drake getting a blow job, but it looked especially impressive when another woman’s lips weren’t in the way.

“You need to follow some rules, Drake, or the game will just be chaos. Can we at least talk them over a little bit?”


“Alright, first of all, there is no outside sex. I don’t want you having sex with any other women than the ones who are in the house already. That means if one of your one-night stands ends up on your doorstep you need to tell them no. I want you to concentrate on these women and only these women. Understand?”

Sam was pretty sure that Drake wasn’t listening at all, but she had to keep going with the rules. There needed to be some sort of order or none of the women would want to stay. Drake was going to have to put a little effort into keeping the week organized, whether he liked it or not.

Sam shook Drake and tried to get him to acknowledge that he had heard her.


“Are you even listening to me?”

“Yes, please continue on.”

“Ok, here is the list of safe words that the women wrote down. If you are doing any crazy sex events, please remember these words. You don’t want anyone to feel unsafe. If they say their word, you have to stop.”

“Safe words, Sam, really? That’s not my kind of thing and you know it.”

“It's just in case. Keep these around.”

“Ok, what else? What other rules do you have?” Drake seemed amused by Sam and all her rules for him during the game.

He knew she knew him better than to think he would stick to some rules that were set out for him. Drake liked to do things his own way, because it was better for everyone. Although, he did think that Sam was adorable as she talked so seriously about this week of fun he had planned.

Of course, Drake hoped he would find a woman that he could have a relationship with. Drake wasn’t holding his breath, though. It would take a pretty amazing woman to keep his attention for more than a day or two.

“No date can last longer than twenty-four hours. Please make sure you stick to that schedule. They can last less than that, but not more.”

“Understood, Captain. Anything else?”

“You need to make an effort to spend time with each of the women at some point on each day. You can do that over meals, a party, some sort of sex game. Pretty much whatever you decide, but please make sure you are interacting with everyone. We want all the women to feel like they had an equal chance with you.”

“Oh, I choose sex games. Alright, is there anything else?”

Sam could tell that Drake was getting tired of talking about the rules and they would need to move on soon. She didn’t feel totally confident that Drake had actually listened to her at all while she discussed the rules, but hopefully he did. His rules were pretty straightforward and Sam thought Drake wouldn’t have a problem following them.

“You should start thinking about the games and other activities you want to do with the women. I suspect you will get bored in the house very quickly if you don’t think of a lot of really fun games to play.”

“Sex games?” Drake asked with a sly smile.

“Of course, all of the women are prepared to play and have fun throughout their week with you. You could do other things to get to know them also. Like ask them questions. Go for walks. Maybe even jump in the pool for a bit.”

“I can’t wait to fuck them all. This is going to be a great week.”

There was something about the arrogance in Drake’s voice that made Sam angry. She tried to hold it in but that only lasted about thirty seconds before she exploded.

“Drake! This week is about you finding a woman you can marry. Let’s worry less about the sex and more about their personalities.”

“Can I look at both their personality and the sex I have with them?”

Sam couldn’t take another minute with Drake. She stormed off downstairs to talk with the cook who was making the lunch meal. Sam couldn’t waste another moment on trying to get Drake to have actual feelings about any of the women. All she could hope for was that he had actually listened to her during their conversation.