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Her Savior by Sarah J. Brooks (95)

Chapter 4

“Up for auction next is a trip for two to the Virgin Islands. We will start the bidding at five thousand dollars,” the auctioneer said.

“Wow that’s a good price,” Emily said as she looked at Drake.

“Should we go?” He teased.

“I think we should wait and see how the week turns out first, don’t you?” Emily smiled and squeezed Drakes hand.

Drake had tried throughout dinner to slide his hand up her legs and under her dress, but Emily was adamantly holding onto his hand to prevent this. She wanted Drake, but a public event like they were at just wasn’t her thing. The people all around her were her co-workers and friends, she wasn’t about to get caught with Drake’s fingers under her skirt.

“Alright, I’ll try to hold back from bidding,” Drake laughed. “But you should put your hands on the table. Aren’t they tired?”

Emily smiled as she looked at the mischievous nature in Drake’s eyes. She suspected he was perfectly comfortable playing around in public and probably didn’t worry at all about getting caught. It would just perpetuate his current public persona and get even more people interested in his company.

“My hands are staying right where they are, mister.”

Drake leaned in and kissed Emily and for a brief moment she let his finger slide up past the hem of her skirt. Drake rubbed his finger sweetly against her panties and wanted to feel more. He wanted to watch her face as he excited her out there in public. Drake wanted to feel Emily on his fingers and he wasn’t about to give up that fantasy.

“We should find a place in private. I bet there’s tons of hideaways around here.”

“No, we are not going to have sex at my boss’ home.”

“Well, maybe not sex, but we sure could play around and have some fun.”

“Shhh, watch the auction,” Emily said as she looked away from Drake and back to the Auctioneer.

He was pretty sure there was typically a lot of public sex going on at Heff’s house, but perhaps he would have to wait until after the charity auction was over. There was no need to rush things; they had the whole day to spend together. But Drake wanted to at least get a good make out session in with Emily on the grounds of The Playboy Mansion, it was the right thing to do. Heff would want them to have sex, at least that was what Drake told himself while they continued to watch the auction.

The sexual tension built as Drake and Emily watched the end of the auction and silently flirted with each other. Drake rubbed his rugged hands up and down her legs as Emily tried her best to pay attention to the auction. Finally, in an effort to quiet Drake’s petting of her leg, Emily reached under the table and let her hand feel the bulge in Drake’s pants.

She was pleasantly surprised to feel just how hard he was for her. Emily also liked what she felt. Drake was definitely larger than her last boyfriend. It aroused her a great deal to feel his throbbing member in her hand.

“It’s been that way for hours. I don’t know how much more I can take,” Drake leaned in and whispered to Emily. “I think this is dangerous to have me this aroused for this long of a period of time.”

“I hope you don’t die,” she said with a smile and giggle as she brought her hand back to her own lap.

“Our final auction item is something very special. This is a lunch date with none other than Julia Roberts. We will start the bidding at ten thousand dollars.”

“Oh, my God!” Emily said under her breath as she looked up at the auctioneer.

Her hands withdrew from protecting herself as she was totally focused on the auction. Emily looked around the room to see who was going to bid. It was her dream, Julia Roberts was her absolute favorite actress in the world.

“Ten thousand,” said a man in the back of the garden.

Drake watched intently as Emily focused on the auction. He could tell she loved Julia Roberts and would have loved to of spent the afternoon with her favorite movie star. It was endearing to see someone so excited about something like meeting a star. Drake felt like he had become so jaded to celebrities and such. He was also distracted by the fact that Emily had stopped preventing his hand from moving up her skirt, she was just too damn excited about the auction.

“Eleven thousand dollars,” a snooty looking older woman bid.

Drake didn’t like the idea of a rich woman winning the date with Julia Roberts, it seemed like a total squander of Julia’s time. The older women who was bidding didn’t even look like she was that interested what she was doing at all. She looked more like she wanted to take a nap than she wanted to win the Julia Roberts auction.

“Eleven thousand, five hundred dollars,” the first man countered.

Emily couldn’t believe how much people were willing to spend just to sit with Julia Roberts for a few hours. Sure, she would love to have the opportunity, but Emily wasn’t about to spend her entire life savings on a few hours of time with a celebrity. But she was excited to watch the auction go on.

“Twelve thousand,” chimed in a new bidder.

“Twelve thousand, five hundred,” the first man said again.

There was a long pause as the other bidders thought about how high they were willing to go. When the pauses started, typically the auction was going to be over soon. Twelve thousand, five hundred dollars was sure a lot of money for one afternoon with a celebrity.

“Fifteen thousand dollars,” said the snooty woman in the back.

Everyone made noise as they looked back at the woman. She seemed pretty determined to win the date with Julia Roberts and she surely had quieted the men who she was bidding against.

“We have fifteen thousand dollars to the woman in the fur coat. Do we have sixteen?” The auctioneer said as he looked around at the bidders.

No one was looking at him though and it appeared that the snooty woman had just won herself an afternoon with Julia Roberts.

“We have fifteen thousand dollars, going once… going twice…”

“Twenty thousand dollars,” Drake said.

Emily’s eyes got wide and she slowly turned around to look at him. He had a huge grin on his face that looked similar to a kid in a candy store. She wasn’t exactly sure why he was willing to spend so much money on a lunch with Julia Roberts, but Emily liked the idea of Drake winning the auction instead of that woman.

“Twenty thousand dollars going once…going twice…sold to Drake Leblanc.”

The auctioneer seemed to also be annoyed with the other bidders and had no problem hurrying the bidding along so it could close and Drake could be announced as the high bidder.

“Actually, can you put Emily Daniels down as the winner please,” Drake said loudly.

“Yes, sir.”

“Drake, No! What are you doing? No, no, no.”

“Too late.”

“I can’t accept this. Twenty thousand dollars is insane.”

“It’s for charity, Emily. Don’t you want the charity to benefit?” Drake didn’t give Emily the chance to answer him as he leaned in and kissed her.

Everyone around started to clap as they cheered on Drake. It was a romantic gesture that all of the women at the auction seemed to appreciate and all of the men were envious of. Not very many women had the pleasure of going on a date with someone like Drake Leblanc and they certainly didn’t get $20,000 gifts from him.

Emily looked around as she pulled her lips away from Drake and her face turned bright red. It was so weird to have people clapping while you kissed someone. Certainly nothing she had ever experienced before.

“Let’s get out of here,” Drake said as he stood up and pulled out Emily’s chair.

She held onto his hand as they made their way out of the auction area and behind some bushes.

“Drake, I really can’t accept the gift, you know that, right?”

“Why not?”

“It’s too expensive.”

“Would you loan me a dollar if I needed one?” Drake asked Emily as they stood just outside the crowd.


“Would you give me a dollar if I needed it?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Would you help me to meet my idol if you could?”

“Yes, but Drake, I just don’t get how any of this is related to you spending so much money just so I could meet Julia Roberts.”

“Well it is done and it is yours, you will have to come to terms with it,” Drake said with a huge smile on his face.

They took off walking down a trail that led through the grounds. It was like a secret escape that the two of them had made from the realities of the world. Very quickly after they started down the path, the real world melted behind them and they were transformed into the altered reality of the estate.

The estate was absolutely beautiful and Drake couldn’t help but be a little bit envious. The grounds were perfectly cared for and every single plant had its place. They all grew next to each other, yet they were all one large botanical garden.

Emily couldn’t stop giggling as they walked around the grounds and found small little spots where Drake pulled her aside and kissed her. They found so many benches that were hidden from everyone around: there was no guessing just what those areas were actually used for. Emily thought for sure they were little sex benches that Heff had installed throughout the property. None of them were the same shape, but all of the benches seemed rather elegant.