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His Amazing Baby: A Miracle Baby Romance by B. B. Hamel (71)


It felt too real.

What happened on the roof, the way he fucked me, the way he spoke to me, it felt so real. I know this thing between us is supposed to be fake, but in that moment, I forgot that he wasn’t really my husband. In that moment, I thought we were really married, and my husband was ravishing me up above a party of wealthy rich people.

And it felt good. So fucking good. That’s even an understatement. I’ve never been fucked like that before, and I’ve never come like that before. I’m even sore the next day from his thick cock completely tearing me to pieces.

Afterward, it still felt real, which is what’s really driving me crazy. He brought me home, and we spent the rest of the night together, drinking wine and watching old movies and talking. I forgot all about everything else, and it was just like two people together having a good time.

This morning though, the truth is coming back to me. I know that this is a business deal, and this marriage isn’t real. I have a job and a duty to pretend to be his wife, and I’m going to do it. But last night complicates things a lot.

I’m up early with Alexa, like usual. Logan wakes up not long after we do, but he doesn’t stick around long. He says he has some meetings to go to, and I don’t press him on it. I like having a little time alone in the apartment with Alexa.

Besides, I feel like I need to think. I don’t know if what’s happening between us is more than just physical, or if I’m being a naïve idiot. Logan Ray is the kind of man that can have absolutely any woman at all.

I don’t know why he’d want me. So it makes no sense that all that he’d want anything more than my body. I’m probably just convenient for him.

And yet, he doesn’t treat me that way at all. He treats me like an equal, like he respects me and actually wants to be around me. I can’t imagine what that actually means.

I go through my normal morning routine with Alexa, getting her dressed and ready. I decide to take her downstairs and to a nearby park for a little while this afternoon, just for a little change of pace at the very least.

I get dressed and get Alexa all set up before heading downstairs with her bag and her stroller. I put on a hat and sunglasses then walk the half block over to the little park.

It’s a cute little spot with mostly local people. It’s practically right on top of Logan’s building, and you can see the entrance from the park. I keep meaning to come check this place out, and although Alexa is too young to actually go play or anything like that, it’s still nice to get outside while I’m watching her for a change.

I take a seat on a bench and watch all of the other moms with their kids. I never really thought about what it would be like to be a mom before. Now that I’m helping Logan with Alexa, though, I can’t help but imagine what motherhood is like. I know how hard it can be, just from helping raise my sister and helping with Alexa, but there has to be more to it. I see the way moms look at their kids, and I don’t think I’ve ever felt that way before.

I think I want that. I want to look at someone with such a pure love. I could see myself feeling that way for Alexa, if I were going to be taking care of her for the long-term, but this is only temporary. I’m not letting myself get too attached to her, because before I know it, she’ll be out of my life completely.

But I do want that one day. I want to be a mother. I’ve never thought about it before, but it’s a hard topic to avoid right now.

I smile and pretend for a second that I’m really Alexa’s mom, and Logan is really my husband. What would that life even look like? I wouldn’t need to work anymore, for one, but I would still want to. I think he wouldn’t mind either way, but it’s hard to say. Right now I’ve only seen one side of him, but he might change if things got more serious.

I pick up Alexa and hold her in my lap as we sit there and enjoy the sunshine. I let myself fantasize a little bit about life with Logan, but I don’t go too far. I can’t let myself start to have feelings if this really is just some business deal. It didn’t feel like that last night, but last night was something special. We were on the rooftop, and things just felt… right.

I don’t know if that feeling is going to carry over beyond that night. I’m not sure if it even could. Things are so complicated right now, I don’t know if we could have something more, even if we wanted to. I’m sure Chester and Muffie would appreciate it if we were really married, though.

As soon as I think about the Winterfields, I get that feeling again. That creepy, crazy feeling. I feel like someone’s staring at me, watching me from nearby. I look up and start to scan the park, and my heart nearly skips a beat.

Standing on the other side of the jungle gym is a man. He’s wearing simple clothes, a dark t-shirt and light khaki shorts. He has on sunglasses and a hat pulled low, but he’s…. smiling.

And I know that smile. It’s more like a creepy grin.

I don’t panic. I don’t let myself freak out. I just calmly place Alexa back into her stroller, stand up, and quickly head back to the apartment. As I’m crossing the street, I notice out of the corner of my eye that the man is following me.

By the time I get to the doors, I’m practically running. The doorman lets us in and I’m breathless as I hurry over to the elevators. I’m terrified that he’ll follow us in here.

But he doesn’t. The man doesn’t follow us.

I’m sure it was Spencer. As I get onto the elevator and ride it up, I’m positive that was Spencer Winterfield, standing there and watching us.

What the hell was he doing here? My mind is racing a million miles an hour.

My main priority is to get Alexa into the apartment and to make sure that she’s safe. I don’t know Spencer at all and maybe he would never hurt a child, but I can’t risk that. I don’t know what he’s capable of.

If he’s the person that sent the email, he’s capable of anything. Maybe he’d even try to steal Alexa and use her to try and pull off some crazy maternity test or something like that to prove that I’m not her mother. I don’t know if that’s even possible, but I can’t put it past him.

The elevator doors open and I rush Alexa into the apartment. I shut and lock the door, making sure the bolt is firmly in place, before wheeling Alexa into the living room.

She seems totally fine, of course. She has no clue what just happened. From her perspective, we went on a fun little ride and now she’s back home. I doubt she can sense my anxiety. I lift her up and hold her, trying to steady myself.

I take a few minutes, pacing around the apartment with Alexa in my arms, before I decide to call Logan. I know this story is going to sound crazy, and I’m afraid he won’t believe me, but I have to tell him. If there’s any chance that Spencer really was waiting outside and watching us, he has to know about it.

I get Alexa situated in her little swing chair before getting out my cell and calling Logan’s number. He answers on the third ring.

“Hey, you,” he says.

I can’t help but smile at his voice. “Hey, Logan. Sorry to bug you.”

“It’s okay. I was just thinking about you.”

“Listen, I, uh, I have something weird to tell you.”

He hesitates. “Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine,” I say quickly. “Alexa and I are safe and sound in the apartment.”

“Okay,” he says slowly. “What’s up?”

“Well, I took Alexa on a little walk to that park across the street, and I swear I saw Spencer Winterfield.”

He doesn’t respond right away. I already feel crazy enough as it is, but saying it out loud just sounds insane. Why would Spencer be in a park that’s geared toward children? We barely know the guy. He’s barely spoken to me. I got some creepy and weird vibes from him but that’s not proof that he’s some crazy stalker trying to hunt me down.

Sure, I got that email, but that doesn’t prove anything, either. I don’t know Spencer sent it. Logan has a lot of enemies, and any one of them could have sent that email. Heck, even someone in the company could be trying to blackmail him. We just have no solid leads right now, at least that I know of.

“What was he doing?” Logan finally asks.

“Just standing there,” I say. “When I spotted him, he didn’t move. And then when I started to leave with Alexa, I could have sworn that he was following us.”

“Are you sure it was him?” Logan asks me seriously.

“I know this sounds crazy. Just hearing it out loud is nuts. But seriously, I was really afraid.”

“Everly,” he says firmly. “I’m not saying that I don’t believe you. I’m asking how sure you are.”

“Ninety percent,” I say softly.

He grunts. “Okay then,” he says. “Fuck. Spencer Winterfield.”

“I know,” I say.

“Why this guy? I don’t understand it. I know he doesn’t like me, but this seems pretty extreme.”

“He doesn’t like you?” I ask, a little surprised. I didn’t know that.

“Not at all. When I first approached Chester, apparently Spencer was very, very against it all. I think he’s pretty angry that his father is going to sell to me.”

“Why would he care?” I ask.

“I genuinely don’t know. But if you think he’s watching us, you might be right.” He sighs, and I can hear the stress in his voice. “Stay where you are. I’m coming home.”

“You don’t have to do that,” I say. “We’re fine here.”

“No. I’m coming home. See you soon.” He hangs up the phone.

I toss my cell onto the couch and shake my head. Alexa is content in her little swing, and I keep an eye on her as I go grab myself a seltzer from the fridge.

I didn’t know that Spencer and Logan didn’t get along. He hasn’t mentioned it until now, probably because it wasn’t relevant. But if Spencer was in that park, he might not have been there for me.

Maybe he was there for Logan. Maybe he’s watching Logan and stalking Logan, trying to ruin this deal. If that’s the case, then maybe he really did send that email.

My mind is twisting in a million different directions as I go back to watching Alexa. This is all so freaking complicated, and the fact that this strange relationship is developing between Logan and I really isn’t helping. I don’t know where to go from here.

But he’s coming home. I actually feel a little relieved. I would never ask him to come home for something like this, but I’m glad he’s going to anyway. I feel silly and dumb but having him around makes me feel safer.

I’m just happy that he’s willing to drop everything to come see me when I need him.