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His Highland Surprise (The Clan Sinclair Book 1) by Celeste Barclay (7)

Chapter Seven

They made camp that night and Tavish hunted three rabbits that Ceit cooked over the fire.  Tavish was pleased that she handled nights under the stars without any complaints.  He might have dallied with the widows at court and the wenches at taverns, but he rather liked the balance of elegance and practicality that was Ceit Comyn.

It’ll be Ceit Sinclair before the moon is out if I have any say.  Siùsan and Brighde will say this is quite ma comeuppance.  To fall hard and fast when I swore I would never marry.  They warned me ma time would come, and they are, yet again or rather as always, right.  They will crow for days if nae moons aboot this one.  Tavish looked over at Ceit who smiled at him as she turned the rabbits on the skewers she made.  And I willna mind a bluidy bit.  Mayhap Da, and the king, ken what they be doing.  He hasnae led me or Callum astray.  He might have missed the mark with Sir Alan, but he was right to allow Mairghread to marry Tristan.  She is happier than I’ve ever seen her. Alex may have found his own wife, but Da kenned all along that Brighde was right for him.

"I'll be back in a moment," Ceit spoke as she tossed a bone into the fire.

Tavish looked up but understood from her expression she needed privacy.

"Dinna wander far, lass."

She nodded before moving into the bushes.

"Ye seem rather smitten considering a moon ago ye wouldnae consider a wife and proclaimed it wouldnae be fair to the women of the world if ye settled for one."

Tavish beamed.

"I suppose that's because I dinna consider it settling.  I worried they would force me to wed a woman I didna like or didna like and want me."

"So ye’d say she likes and wants ye?"

Tavish looked towards the woods in the direction she had gone.

"I'm growing on her."

"Like mold on old cheese."

"I'll ta--" Tavish was cut off by a quiet but nerve jarring scream followed by a howl.


Tavish was on his feet with his sword drawn as he bolted into the woods.  He jumped over logs and crashed through the brush hoping to draw the wolf's attention away from Ceit.  He burst through a clearing to see Ceit backed up to a tree, trying to edge around it to place it between herself and a large wolf with three dirks sticking out of its neck. As Tavish skidded to a stop, the wild animal swung its attention to him and lunged.  Tavish waited until the last moment before twisting aside and thrusting his sword into its underbelly.  The wolf howled once more before whimpering on the ground. Tavish pulled his sword free and brought it down through the wounded animal's heart.  He pulled his sword and the three knives free.  He wiped them clean and looked up as Ceit approached.  He pulled her close and sealed her into his embrace.

"Are ye hurt?"

"Nay," she shook her head.

"Then climb onto my back.  We must get back to the camp and the fire, and yer skirts will only slow us.  The rest of the pack will smell its blood and come soon."

As if to punctuate his theory, several voices were raised in howls.

Ceit did not need telling twice as she clambered onto Tavish’s back.  It surprised her at how fast he ran with her extra weight.

“Trained to do this,” he puffed.

They were back in camp and with Magnus as another howl floated on the night air.  Magnus was on his feet with his sword drawn.  Tavish was glad he stayed in the camp, not only because of his wounds but to safeguard it against any other wolves’ approach.  The wolves would surround them if they were not vigilant.

Tavish lowered Ceit to her feet, and once he was sure she was steady, he sheathed his sword and swung around, pulling her in for a searing kiss.  He did not care if his brother was standing nearby.  He needed to touch and taste her in his arms to reassure him she was unharmed.  His tongue pressed against her lips, and she opened for him without hesitation, sucking his tongue into her mouth.  He remembered from the last time he kissed her she was inexperienced.  He welcomed her intuition and natural passion as he hardened behind his sporran.  It was only the vague recollection that his brother was nearby that kept him from rocking against her.  He slid his arm furthest from Magnus, and the one he hoped was in the shadows, up her ribs until he palmed her breast.  He kneaded the flesh as Ceit’s hands ran up and down his back.  He pulled back and kissed along her jaw and neck then up to the skin below the shell of her ear.

“I was so afraid for ye,” he whispered before searching for her lips again. 

This kiss was even more demanding than the last, but this time it was Ceit who increased the passion.  She swept her tongue into Tavish’s mouth and nipped at his lip.  Her fingers dug into his shoulders as she wrapped her arms below his. 

When they came up for air, Tavish darted his eyes to his brother who studiously sharpened his sword.  Tavish gave her another peck before fluttering kisses on her cheeks and nose.

“Thank ye for coming for me.  Ye were afraid?”

“Of course.  I never want to see ye in such danger again.  I wasna sure I’d get to ye in time.  I wasna sure I’d draw the beast’s attention away from ye.  I feared he would lunge at ye and nae me.  I worried I would lose ye.”

Ceit cupped Tavish’s jaw as she searched his eyes.  All she saw was sincerity and lingering fear.

“I amnae going anywhere.”  She tried to infuse reassurance into her words.  Her anger about finding she was to marry Tavish, and that he was aware all along flamed out while they rode that day.  Instead, she considered what she had learned so far, and she had to admit she liked the man she found.  She stood on her tiptoes and bussed his lips.

Ceit bent to retrieve the knives Tavish did not realize he dropped as he moved towards her bedroll.  He picked it up and turned towards his own spare plaid.

“What are ye doing?”

“I am moving ye closer to me.”

“Nay,” Ceit said with such finality it should have brooked no argument.

Tavish, most predictable, ignored her tone and was prepared to go head to head.

“What do ye mean ‘nay’?  Have ye forgotten already that there are wolves nearby?  Did ma kisses wipe yer memory clear?”

Ma kisses were a generous reward, but I amnae moving closer to ye.  It’s unseemly.  I dinna sleep with men I amnae married to.”

Yer kisses?  And ye dinna sleep with men ye arenae married to.  So which men are ye married to and sleeping with?”

“What?  Ye insufferable--.  Ugh,” she was careful not to repeat her mistake from earlier.  He might frustrate her, but she was not unkind. “Ye arenae ma husband, so ye dinna get to dictate to me.”

“Yet,” he growled.

A mask of pure fury dropped into place, and Tavish comprehended having the final word may have just cost him the entire battle.  However, he was not ready to concede the war.

“Fine,” he muttered and walked to his own plaid.  “Dinna go anywhere without letting one of us ken.”

He tried to temper his need to protect her by including Magnus in her options.  He laid down, facing away from the fire and her, and pulled his plaid over him.  He and Magnus already arranged for Magnus to take the first watch.  They would change in two hours with Magnus finishing the third shift that night.  He listened to the sounds of Magnus moving beyond the fire to patrol the surrounding area.  He listened to Ceit settle with an aggrieved sigh.  It took a half an hour, but finally she settled and soft snores came from her side of the fire.  Cautiously, he stood and picked up his bedroll.  He moved closer but not next to her.  Proximity eased his anxiety, and he drifted to sleep until Magnus woke him.

Tavish alternated scanning the area and checking on Ceit.  He was sure there was no danger now but seeing the wolf encroaching upon Ceit was enough to rattle him for the rest of the night.  The pang of relief when she was in his arms both in the woods and by the campfire was more than just a passing emotion.  It settled deep within his heart and his mind.  There was a rightness to holding her, protecting her, even bickering with her.

Heavenly Father, it must be with Yer great wisdom that the king and Da arranged this marriage.  I would thank Ye for Yer intervention and the path Ye now lead me on.  I should have trusted that Da would nae do aught that would hurt me.  The king, well, he’s another issue, but he did well too.  Tavish looked over at Ceit and watched her sleep.  I fear losing her already.  I dinna ken if I can stand the loss of her too.  It would be too much.  I dinna understand how she can be so dear so soon, but there is just a rightness to it all.  Mayhap it is Yer divine intervention.  Mayhap it’s fate.  I dinna ken, and I dinna think I want to.  I will take the blessing I have.

Magnus relieved him as the sky lightened from the black of night to the dark blue before dawn.  A couple more hours of sleep called to Tavish, so he moved his bedroll next to Ceit’s and laid down.  He waited to see if she sensed his proximity, and when she did not move away from him, he edged closer and wrapped his arm around her.  He had a moment of worry she would assume he tried to take advantage of her, but when she murmured, “Tav,” and snuggled back into his chest, he breathed easy.  Her waking mind might fight this, but her unconscious mind, the part that controlled real emotions, understood the rightness.  Tavish drifted into a sound sleep unlike any he experienced while traveling.


Ceit woke up to the idea that she rolled too close to the fire.  There was a scorching heat burning near her.  As she became more alert, she realized that not only was the heat not coming from the side of the fire, it was coming from below her.  And the hard ground seemed to rise and fall while clamping her to it.  A solid weight across her back held her in place while something tangled her legs. 

Tavish?  He wouldnae?

Ceit tried to keep her breathing even and deep as she cracked one eye open.

Did he move me or did he come to me?  Hmm.  I actually quite like this.  It is like being wrapped in a cocoon.  It’s warm and safe, and surprisingly comfortable.  I willna admit this to anyone, but I rather like it.  I am certainly more rested than I ever have been after sleeping on the ground.  I dinna really want to get up.  I’d rather burrow deeper.  Mayhap he will sleep a little longer, and I can doze.  How does he still smell so good?

“I amnae moving yet, so sleep a little longer.  Ye have another half an hour before ye need wake.” 

Ceit absorbed the soft rumble of Tavish’s voice.  She froze and went rigid.  She did not realize Tavish was awake.  It mortified her to find herself wrapped around his chest with her head cradled by his shoulder.

“Shh, mo sheillean beag, I will wake ye before Magnus returns, and nay one need ken.  Just rest easy.”

He stroked her hair and pressed the softest kiss to her hairline.  Her eyes drifted closed as she realized he had called her his little bee.  The smallest part of her wanted to rebel and be insulted, but his voice was warm butter, and she sensed she was secure.  Her eyelids grew heavier again as Tavish’s breathing deepened.  She pulled her arm a little tighter around his barrel chest and nestled her head closer to his neck.  She pressed her own butterfly soft kiss to his warm skin before nodding back off.


The sun was just poking its first rays above the horizon when Tavish tenderly nudged Ceit awake.

“Mo sheillean beag, ye must wake now.  I ken I dinna want to either, but if ye want to be apart when Magnus returns, I must move from under ye now.”

Tavish’s smooth voice flowed over her with the same warmth that whisky did as it glided down her throat.  She shook her head and held on tighter.  It was the soft vibrations of his laugh that finally brought her fully awake. 

Bluidy hell!  I’ve slept cozied around him like a homeless kitten after being pet twice.  What the devil was I thinking?  Ye thought it was the most comfortable ye have ever been, on the ground or in a bed.  Ye thought that ye never wanted to get up and that ye want to get used to it.  Ye were thinking ye liked his protectiveness even when he’s overbearing.  Och, that’s all well and good, but I amnae admitting that to him any time soon.  Presumptuous arse is more like it.

“Ye are a presumptuous arse to manhandle me in ma sleep.  How dare ye be so forward?”  Ceit pushed back from Tavish and scrambled to her feet.  “I told ye I didna want to sleep next to ye, but nay, ye just had to have yer way.”

“I ken ye—”

“Oh nay, I amnae half done yet.  Why are ye calling me yer little bee?  Ye insult me and then presume I want to sleep with ye.  I mean next to ye.”

Tavish smiled down with what he intended to be warmth, but her grimace made him realize she considered him patronizing.

“Ceit, I admit I kenned ye didna want to sleep near me, but I couldnae stop worrying aboot ye.  I needed the sleep just as much as ye, but I kenned I wouldnae sleep well without being near ye.”  He did not need to admit he had slept well enough for the two hours before his watch.  “I wasna trying to take advantage of ye.  It was a cool night anyway, and we both slept better for the warmth.” 

He shrugged and bent to roll up his plaid, but before picking it up, he stood again.

“And I call ye mo sheillean beag because ye may sting with yer words, but ye can be the sweetest person I ken.”

Tavish’s compliment took the wind out of Ceit’s sail.  She looked at Tavish and once again saw he was sincere.  He did not mince words, nor did he try to manipulate her as the men at court did.  She understood that he only spoke what he meant.  She had a choice in that moment: continue to rail against him and pick at any fault she might see or relent and get acquainted with the man she already accepted would be her husband.  She promised no one she might not resist and argue, and almost never obey, but she intended to try harder.

She nodded and stepped closer to Tavish.

“It was the best night’s sleep I’ve ever gotten.  I might consider getting used to it.”  She pulled on his leine, and when he bent towards her, she pressed her lips against his.  Just when he reached for her, she danced away and headed into the bushes for privacy.

“She’s got ye by the cods.”

“Aye, and she can have all the rest of me too.”




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