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His Secret Baby: A BDSM Revenge Wedding Romance by Ashlee Price (29)


Chapter 5 – Mariah

“You’re going to be fine Mariah. Look how hot you look. Those outfits that Elie sent by were not a joke. I wish I could get into this.”

I was looking at myself in the mirror. I did look hot, in some dark and indescribable way. This was what the client wanted, apparently, though I hadn’t gotten a whole lot of information. I didn’t know which of those checked boxes I was going to have to perform. When I was filling them out, I’d known this time would come. I just hadn’t known that I was going to be so nervous.

“I’m fucking shaking here, Sasha. How do you do this?”

“I do a few bumps before I leave for the night. It helps me, numbs it all just a little bit.”

I shook my head. I was already in unfamiliar terrain. The last thing that I needed to do was get in any deeper than I already was. I was already further than I wanted to go. I didn’t need to add drugs to the mix as well. It just didn’t seem right.

“No, I think I’m okay. I just don’t know what to expect, is all.”

She hadn’t asked me what I’d agreed to, and it wasn’t something that was a talking point. Sasha knew how I was.

“Just take a deep breath. It’s all going to be okay. You won’t have to worry about money again by the end of the week.”

That was a bold promise, but it was already looking good. Elie had told me that I would have clients by the next night and I did.

“Does it get any easier?”

Sasha nodded and told me that it did. “Yes, it gets a lot easier.”

I wasn’t sure if that was true or not. It didn’t feel like something that was going to get better, but I’d already come this far. If I wanted to stay, I was going to have to do something. Feeling the leather on my skin, I had to admit that it did feel badass. The brassiere was studded with tiny little diamond-cut pieces of metal, and I liked the way the pants felt on my skin. They were tight and showed off everything. It wasn’t an outfit to be modest in, but Sasha had told me that the hotter I looked, the quicker the men would be done with me. That sounded like a good idea in theory, but I wondered if it was going to work now.

“I hope so. I feel like I’m going to puke.”

Sasha smiled and said that she actually had a couple of times in the beginning. “It’s never as bad as you think that it’s going to be.”


Elie was the first person I saw when I got to the club. It was already past ten, but the club ran on late hours. I didn’t know if that had more to do with the legalities of it or the theme of the place, but I was thankful that no one saw me go in. I had a jacket on, but it didn’t hide the tall boots and stockings that he’d had me wear.

“Let’s see the outfit. I thought you would go with the other one. It was tamer.”

“I can go change if you want.”

I pulled the jacket open and looked down a little as the older man looked at me. His dark eyes smoldered with need, and I tried not to be too bothered by it. That was the whole point of the outfit, after all.

“Don’t change anything. You look great.”

As I thanked him for the compliment, a large man in black came from somewhere behind me and took my coat. “You don’t want to hide that beautiful body of yours, Mariah. Everyone should see how good you look.”

I wasn’t ready for all of the attention. I still wanted to know what I was doing tonight. Elie had been short on details when he’d called earlier.

“So what am I supposed to do?”

“Well, tonight you’re going to do a little training. I need to see how you respond to certain stimuli.”


“Don’t worry, I’ll pay you well and the fee is waived tonight.”

I finally looked at Elie as a man, instead of a boss. He wasn’t bad looking, not in an obvious way, but there was something about his smile and suggestive eyes that made me more than a little uncertain. I was worried about what would happen with him. He knew everything that I was willing to do, and that made it worse. What had I gotten myself into?


He led me into one of the back rooms. I could tell immediately what it was for. There was a bed in the corner with a small table next to it. Two of the walls were mirrored and a small bathroom was attached. It looked like a normal hotel room, save for the colors and the hardware on the walls. There were also straps already fastened and ready to go on the posters of the bed. It was clear what was going to happen in here.

“I want to explore your limits, Mariah, so I can better understand what you can offer the clients.”

I shook my head, not saying anything as my mind tried to digest everything that was going on. I just wanted him to get on with it before I lost my nerve and ran out of there. Maybe it was a good thing that there were so many restraints around. It wasn’t like I hadn’t played games with Greg. He was the one who’d gotten me into alternative play because of my unwillingness to put out. Now I wasn’t so sure.

“What would you like me to do?”


My hands were shaking again, but I quickly realized that if I didn’t look him in his eyes I didn’t have to even imagine him being here. I could just look away and pretend it was just me in the room. I needed to focus on something, and I found that I was fixated on the buttons of the leather bottoms.

“Do you know how beautiful you are, Mariah?”

I didn’t answer him because I figured that it wasn’t needed. I wasn’t expecting the crack of the whip and the feel of it touching my skin. It made me jerk and make a small noise that made him smile down at me.

“That’s your first lesson, Mariah. When a customer asks you a question, you should answer it. You’re to be obedient.”

I nodded my head and continued to undress for Elie. My hands were no longer shaking; now it was my whole body trembling. I wanted to feel more of the whip. It had whetted my appetite. It had been a long time since Greg had spanked me and made me come. I wanted that now, and something that I’d dreaded didn’t seem so bad if it got the end result I wanted. My need was quickly outweighing my fear.

“Does that make you wet?”


Another crack of the whip and then Elie made a tutting sound. “I see that we’re going to have to teach you a bit before you get a customer. Some of them won’t stand for such insolence.


“Are you done with me, sir?”

Elie smiled and nodded his head that he was. I was sore all over, but I felt good in other ways. It hadn’t been enough to push me over the edge, but it was enough to break the ice. Elie was not a man that I would have chosen, but the money that he handed me when I was done was almost enough to make me forget the last hour or two. There were no clocks in there and I wasn’t sure what time it was.

He gave me a time to be back the next day, and I asked him if I was due for some more training. “No, I think you’ll do. I have a client who’s very interested in you, and I told him you would be available for him then.”

I wasn’t given any more information, just that this particular client was rich and one of his best. I was expected to give him what he wanted, much like Elie had asked of me. On my way home, I wondered what I was supposed to say to Sasha. They were kind of dating, and although it was supposedly just business, it didn’t feel that way. It felt like I’d done something wrong.

When I got back to Sasha’s, she and Kimmie were waiting up for me. They wanted to know how it had gone, and when I didn’t go into much detail, Sasha asked a few questions that made me nervous. I didn’t lie about it, but I withheld some important information from her.

“So who do you have tomorrow?”

I shrugged and told Sasha that I wasn’t sure. “Elie just said that it was one of his best customers, rich or something.”

“I bet he’s talking about Scott. Girl, if he is, you’re in for a treat. I think I would pay him…” She stopped talking, and I knew that she would have been blushing if her face wasn’t so dark.

“So, this is a good thing?”

Sasha nodded her head. “Yeah, he always wants a round with the new girls. He’s looking for something, you know the type, and he will either see it in you or he won’t. You hook him, Mariah, and you won’t have to mess with anyone else. Well, not too many more, anyways.”

“Why don’t you see him?”

“I wasn’t his type. I’m not really sure what he’s looking for, but maybe you’ll have better luck with him.”

“If he’s going to turn you down, Sasha, he’s obviously crazy.”

She thanked me for saying that, but I could tell that it bothered her. Sasha was beautiful and very few people would turn her down, male or female.

“So what does he look like?”

“Not what you would expect. I don’t want to get your hopes up in case it ends up being someone like Travis or somebody.”

“Who’s Travis?”

“Another rich guy who likes to play and pays well, but isn’t as pleasant to be around. Just hope that he was talking about Scott and not Travis.”

There was obviously more to her comment than what met the eye, but I had a feeling that I didn’t want to know anymore. I was exhausted from the night. Even though I’d only been gone a couple of hours, I felt drained.

“Well, I’m going to hope for the best. I think that I’m going to go lie down for a while.”

“I hear ya, Mariah. If you need anything, I’m here for you.”

I thanked her and told them both good night. All I could think about was tomorrow and this important person that I was supposed to meet. It made me nervous to think about who it was going to be, but I knew that I was going to go back. It wasn’t just the money in my pocket, but something more. There was an energy inside of me that hadn’t been there a week ago. I’d been missing it in my life, and now I was going to get paid for it.