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Hollywood Dreams (Hollywood Hopeful Book 1) by Molly O'Hare (3)

Chapter Three

What the fuck just happened?

Trevor remained frozen as if someone had slapped him in the face. He could hear Matt talking, but he couldn’t figure out what he was saying. He felt his blood boil. That… that girl had just thrown a drink in his face and verbally assaulted him.

Who the fuck does she think she is?

But more importantly, why in the hell had his cock taken notice? His eyes widened. Holy shit, what was wrong with him? Had he recently caught something and he wasn’t aware of it?

His dick twitched again as he replayed the words the frumpy girl had said.

Oh God, he needed to go to the hospital. Maybe Cassie really did give him something. That would be the only explanation for his dick losing its every loving mind, right now.


“What?” He turned to Matt, the annoyance of the situation pouring out of him.

There was an intern standing next to him with a towel in her hand. He snatched it from her wiping the drink off his face.

What in the hell was going on right now? Did he walk into an alternate universe?

“Trevor, are you okay?” Matt asked.

“Yeah,” he mumbled into the towel. “Please, tell me she’s being escorted off the lot?” He threw the towel once he was done, at the intern before turning his head to look at the soundstage door making sure she was actually gone.

Matt glanced at the crew. “Take five, everyone!”

As they started to dissipate he saw Matt gesture to an office nearby. Trevor followed, but not before, he once again looked over his shoulder at the stage door, to see if the chubby girl had actually left.

He shook his head. What was wrong with him? And why was his dick still fighting against the front of his pants? Every time he thought of… he didn’t know her name…, he could swear he’d grown a few more impossible inches.

He looked down at his pants, his eyes narrowing. “Betraying bastard,” he mumbled. Unfortunately, it must have been just loud enough for Matt to hear because he looked back at him. His eyebrow cocked in question. “What?” Matt asked, perplexed.

“Nothing,” Trevor grumbled. “Can you please explain to me why that lunatic was on set in the first place?”

“She’s good and is perfect for the part,” Danny said, appearing in the doorway.

After walking into the office, Trevor stood with his back to the window. Matt sat down at the desk. “And what makes you a good judge of that?” Trevor mocked. “Aren’t you only here because your daddy said it was okay to come to work today?” He looked at Matt. “Take your kid to work day, right?” He knew it was a low blow, he and Matt had been friends for a while, but he didn’t care. Right now, he was pissed and wanted answers.

“I really wish she would have decked you.” Danny looked at him, narrowing his eyes, his lips in a thin line with disdain.

Trevor shot his head to Danny, his fist clenching at this side. Danny wanted someone to get hit, while he’d gladly oblige to that. He was ready to teach him a lesson when Matt spoke, “Okay, both of you, enough.” Matt shook his head slightly as stood up only to perch himself on top of the desk. “Let’s see if we can’t all come to some sort of a compromise.”

“A compromise?” Trevor asked, giving him a look of pure insanity. “Are you shittin’ me right now? Screw this.” He reached into his pocket to pull out his phone. “I’m calling my agent.”

“Trevor, you know you don’t want to do that. This movie is the movie of the summer. The role was practically written for you,” Matt said, in a calm manner. Trevor hated that. No matter what was going on, Matt was always the voice of reason. Fucking prick.

“Then if it was written for me, can you explain why I- the leading character- was just physically assaulted out there?” He jerked his thumb being him, pointing towards the soundstage.

“You can’t deny you didn’t deserve it?” Danny remarked.

“Are you kidding me?” Trevor asked, moving to where Danny stood. He had a good few inches on the kid. He could easily take him.

“I’m not actually.” Danny looked at his dad. “Sorry, Dad, but it’s true. You and I both know it.” He looked back at Trevor. Not even a little bit intimidated by him. “You’re an ass, everyone knows it. Thing is, Maggie was the only one with the balls enough to say it.”

Maggie - that’s her name? Wait, I don’t give a fuck what her name is.

Trevor narrowed his eyes dangerously at him. When did people start fighting against the star in the film they were trying to make? He was the reason the film would be a success; his demands need to be met. End of story.

Except… he did like the pushback Maggie had given him. Hell, it even put a fire in this brownnoser’s ass. He shook his head trying to throw out the thoughts. Why the fuck did he even care? And then, it occurred to him. “Oh man. Now, I get it. It makes perfect sense why she’s even here.” He looked Danny up and down. “You’re fucking her, aren’t you?” Trevor shrugged smugly. “Fat girls need love too, I guess.”

Danny physically paled but then quickly looked like he was about to snap.

That invigorated a new energy inside of him. Despite all that was happening, this was probably one of the best days Trevor had in a long time. Finally. Finally, someone was standing up to him. He missed getting into arguments and scuffles. He missed the adrenaline rush they caused.

Something was wrong though. If Danny really was sleeping with her, that meant she probably wouldn’t sleep with him-

He blanched. Abort! Abort! Do not go down that path. What the fuck! She’s not even your type. Never in your life have you liked someone that had… as his mind went to say excess fat, it instantly changed it to, curves. Curves? When in the hell have I ever called what she had curves?

Oh fuck, this was not good. Nope! Let Danny fuck her; he didn’t give a shit. He didn’t care if she was pushed up against the wall, his fist wrapped in her hair as she looked at him from over her shoulder. Her eyes showing so much fire that he could feel it deep in her core. She’d grab onto his waist pulling him closer to her body. She’d be begging, “Trevor, deeper!”


Now his goddamn brain had taken a trip to crazy town. First his dick and now his brain. What else was next?

Betraying fucking bastards! His body was now the enemy.

“I’m not sleeping with her!” Danny hollered.

Instantly he felt relief wash over him. Wait, what? No! He didn’t give a shit if Danny was sleeping with her.

She fucking assaulted him.

“I want her off the set and off the movie. If your son can’t keep it in his pants that’s not my problem.” He looked at Matt. “Because of his actions, not only did that bitch spy on me, she talked shit… untrue shit… and threw a drink in my face.”

“You fuckin’ deserved it,” Danny said standing up for Maggie. “Look at what you said about her in front of everyone. And, it’s not like she lied.” Trevor watched the jerk smirk.

That’s it. I’m going to punch this asshole.

“Boys,” Matt said standing up. “I know this is not how we wanted today to go.” He turned toward Trevor. “We honestly have to have this scene. It’s the pivotal point to how your character finds the map. If we took it out, we’d have to rewrite the script. Plus, we already have a shit ton of takes, all we need now is the over the shoulder frame. Normally, you know I would abide by your wishes, but this time, it would cost us more to recast and re-film all that we’ve already done.”

“I don’t care if recasting her blows the fucking budget!”

“What’s your problem, man?” Danny asked. “It’s only one more shot.”

“She must be fucking killer in the sack if you are both sticking up for her.”

“That’s enough,” Matt demanded. “You know damn well no one is sleeping with anyone. You’re just angry that someone actually took a shot at you.”

Trevor narrowed his eyes at Matt, his jaw going tight. He’d love nothing more than to punch him right in the face. However, Matt was one of the top directors in Hollywood, not to mention, they’d been friends for a while. When this script came across Matt’s desk, he without a doubt knew he wanted Trevor for the role. Without any questions or even trying to cast anyone else, he picked up the phone and told Trevor about the part.

“You know,” Matt continued. “I wouldn’t steer you wrong, Trevor. I really do think she’s the best for the part. She’s talented, and has great potential.”

Trevor rolled his eyes. Whatever he was over this.

“I can get this take done, and she’ll be out of your hair,” Matt reiterated.

Trevor looked at him, and then at Danny. With a sigh, he reluctantly agreed, “Fine. I’m staying on set, though, and if she does anything else, I’m gone. You got it?” He pointed to his chest.

Matt rolled his eyes before clasping his hand on Trevor’s shoulder. “You got it, buddy. Whatever you say.” Trevor could tell Matt wasn’t taking him seriously, if the little laugh he heard, had anything to do with it. Fucking prick.

“I’ll go get her,” Danny announced, scurrying out of the room.

Trevor watched as Matt left as well. He looked out the window that was in the office. He stood there, his arms crossed over his chest, a frown marring his face. What in the world was going on today?

As soon as Maggie walked back on set with Danny at her side and the security guard right behind them. He felt it happen again.

He looked down at the bulge that had become even more prominent.

“For fuck’s sake!”

* * *


Maggie beamed as she put the empty glass down. She was so grateful she was able to complete the scene. Although, she wasn’t a fan of Trevor standing over them scowling at her the whole time.

If looks could kill, she’d been dead an hour ago.

Maggie didn’t understand why he needed to be there watching over them. It’s not like this shot had anything to do with his actual character in it.

No, he just wanted to stand there trying to intimidate her. Well, he could try all he wanted to. She wasn’t going to take his crap anymore. Let him stand there and pout like a big baby.

She tried not to laugh. Not very hard, but she did try.

Trevor was probably just pissed off she got the upper hand. Not only did she throw a drink in his face she told everyone on set he had a small weenie.

She instantly felt her cheeks heat. It actually hadn’t been very small, well not from what little she could see of him. She’d made sure to keep her eyes above the waistline. Something she now regretted. Yeah, he might have been a complete jerk, but hey, she could still admire his body.

It didn’t matter, though. Trevor McCain was an asshole. No longer was he going to be her fantasy guy. Hell, freaking no! She’d rather gouge out her eyes with a rusty spoon than travel down that path again.

Nope. Trevor McCain had solidified himself in the douchebag hall of fame.

“Great job, Mags!” Danny hollered, as he jogged over to her. “How’s it feel to be done with your first big movie?”

Maggie’s face lit up. What was it about Danny that just made her feel at ease? “It feels pretty damn good,” she admitted. Placing her hand on his forearm, she said, “Thanks for sticking up for me.”

“Don’t mention it,” he countered. “I’d do it for anyone who’d put Trevor in his place.”

“Scene’s done.” She could see a shadow tower over her from behind. She turned around to see Trevor scowling at them. Not at them, per se but more at her hand on Danny’s arm. “She needs to leave now.”

Danny shook his head, before speaking, “Come on, Mags. Let’s get your stuff. I can walk you back to your car.”

Maggie did her best to ignore Trevor. She would have argued with him, but honestly, she just wanted out of his presence. “Thanks, D!” she said happily, with a little more joy than was needed. Might as well showboat the fact she won while she still had the chance. “You are pretty amazing, Danny; thanks for all you did for me. I had a blast.”

“I wasn’t lying when I said I thought you were good. You had fun, ‘cause it was easy for you. Come on, let’s get your bag.”

She looked over her shoulder as she walked to the stage door. “Thanks again, Matt!”

Maggie could see Trevor in her peripheral vision, still scowling.

Suck it!

She followed as Danny lead her to her things and then back to the hall that she had found herself in that morning. Thankfully, she hadn’t seen Trevor around after leaving the soundstage.

As they were making their way down the hall, Danny stopped. He touched his earpiece, holding up his head for her to wait. After a few seconds, he nodded and then responded. “Alright, I’ll be right there.”

Danny looked at her, a sad expression marring his features. “Maggie, I’m sorry, but they need me back on set.” He pointed toward the door at the end of the hall. “If you head down that way, your car will be right outside.”

She sighed as she looked down the hallway. She liked Danny. He was the nicest person she’d come across in LA, so far. “Thanks, Danny. Really for everything you did today, thank you.”

His face lit up. “No, thank you,” he said. “You did a great job.” He turned her in the right direction. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”

“Sure,” she said, hoping it was true.

“I’ve got your number from the casting. I’ll text you when I’m done here today. Maybe we can hang out?”

“I’d like that,” she agreed.

Danny suddenly had a strange look on his face. She could tell he was listening to the earpiece again. “I really gotta go. I’ll talk to you soon, just go straight down that hall.” Then he was off.

She watched as Danny left out of sight before she made her way towards the direction he pointed her in.

It’d been an extremely eventful day. Although it had started out horribly wrong in every way she could imagine, in the end, she came out on top.

That’s right universe! You take that and suck it!

She grinned as she walked down the hall. Things were finally looking up.

That was until out of nowhere something blocked her way to the exit. She had to take a step back so she didn’t collide with it.

After balancing herself she looked up only to be met by the glare of the one person she hoped never to see again.
