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Hollywood & Vine by Olivia Evans (13)

Chapter Twelve

“You’re not going home to change?” Aubrey grinned and pulled her purse strap over her shoulder. “Eager are we?”

“No, I’m not going home to change, and neither are you. The sooner we go, the sooner this can be over.” Anders looked at his phone again. He still hadn’t received a reply from Josie, and with every passing second his unease grew. He thought about what Madison had said, how Josie wouldn’t put up with this kind of thing forever. He wondered just how many more apologies she would allow him.

“Anders, honey, I get that you’re an asshole to the world. I find it rather endearing to be honest. That being said, can you cut me a little slack? Let’s have dinner, make fun of all the people whose careers have turned into utter shit, and just enjoy each other’s company.”

“I don’t like being told what to do. I agreed to this for the sake of the movie, and I get why the studio is pushing it, but if I could go back to that day, I’d tell all of you to go fuck yourselves.” Anders walked to the car and climbed into the back seat, not bothering to wait for Aubrey.

The ride to the restaurant was quiet. Aubrey touched up her makeup while Anders kept his phone clutched in his hand. Just before the car pulled to a stop, his phone alerted him of a new message. With a sigh he unlocked the screen.

Rain check.

“Fuck,” he swore under his breath. Her response didn’t tell him anything other than she wouldn’t be waiting for him. He didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing.

“You ready?” Aubrey smiled.

Anders nodded. He needed to get his head in the game. The cameras were rolling, and it was time to put on a show. “As I’ll ever be.”

When they stepped out of the car, the paparazzi bombarded them. They shouted questions about Anders’ weekend out. They yelled for a pose, for the status of their relationship, all the questions Anders expected but hated nonetheless.

He wrapped his arm around Aubrey’s waist and pulled her against his side. He kept his head down but a small, secret smile could be seen on his lips. His goal was to leave them wondering what his smile meant.

Over the shouts and whistles, a voice rang out that made Aubrey grin and Anders’ steps falter. “Can we expect you to be less of an asshole now that you have a good woman?”

Anders’ gaze burned through the crowd. His grip tightened around Aubrey, and his jaw ticked with anger. He knew that voice. He hated that voice. Aubrey tugged on Anders’ shirt and looked at him, concern etched in her features. She lifted her hand and brushed her fingers along his jawline. “Are you okay?”

Anders grabbed her hand and pulled it away from his face, then nodded. “Yeah. I’m fine. Let’s get inside.”

Aubrey grinned as the hostess pulled open the door, her eyes finding Levi just before she stepped inside. He gave her a quick wink then disappeared into the crowd. He got his shot.

Anders felt everyone’s eyes on them the moment they walked through the door, so he did what he needed to. He shut down and gave them the performance they wanted.

“So tell me about your parents.” Aubrey smiled as she stared at him expectantly.

Anders chuckled and took a sip from his glass of whiskey. “Now, Aubrey,” he chastised with a grin, “I don’t talk about things like that with just anyone.”

She pouted. “You could talk to me. I’m not the bad guy. I understand what it’s like to be in this business. People on the outside don’t understand, but everyone needs someone to confide in. I could be that person for you.”

Anders couldn’t help but think about Josie. He wanted to question why Aubrey would bring up outsiders, but he had the sinking feeling she was fishing. He wasn’t giving her bait. Instead, he covered her hand with his and squeezed. “Thanks. I realize I’ve been a bit…difficult lately, but I just have a lot going on right now.”

Aubrey blinked in surprise. She wasn’t expecting that response, and it stunned her into silence. Anders, never one to miss the opportunity, took advantage.

“Tell me about Italy.”

Aubrey’s answering smile was genuine. She didn’t mind that he’d steered the conversation away from himself. She was just pleased he was attempting to have a real conversation. If he would give her a chance, he’d see how perfect they were for each other.

What Aubrey didn’t realize was that Anders wasn’t listening to a word she was saying. Nor did he care. He smiled when she did, laughed when she paused, and nodded in agreement when she gave him a questioning look. To the casual observer, Aubrey and Anders were very much enjoying each other’s company. The buzz spread through the fingertips of every person in the restaurant, with not-so-discreet attempts to snap a photo and whispered phone conversations with friends.

As they exited the restaurant, Aubrey looped her hand around Anders’ bicep and leaned into his side. “See?” she whispered with a coy smile. “That wasn’t so bad was it?”

Anders grinned as he considered the five Jack and Cokes he’d drank to make the evening bearable. “Nope. Not bad at all.”

Aubrey laughed as she climbed into the back of the SUV. She looked back in time to catch Anders’ eyes lingering on her ass. She smirked when their eyes met, and he shrugged, his face unapologetic. “Do you want to come to my place for a nightcap?”

Anders shifted in his seat, flicking his eyes to the driver, who was heading in the direction of what Anders assumed was Aubrey’s house. He might be relaxed, and a little buzzed, but he wasn’t brain-dead. There wasn’t a worse idea in the world than him going to Aubrey Nash’s house.

“Maybe next time?” His grin was salacious, his expression full of promises he had no intention of keeping.

“Fine.” Aubrey pursed her lips into a pout and nodded as the car pulled into her drive, but she wasn’t giving up. “At least walk me to my door.”

Anders rolled his eyes and pushed open the door. “Of course.” It would be less of a headache to just walk her to the door than to argue.

Aubrey dipped her chin and peeked up at Anders as they stood at her front door. “I know things started out a little strained, but I had a good time tonight.”


Anders moved to step back, but Aubrey caught his hand. She pressed the palm of her other hand flat against his chest and leaned into him. “Are you sure I can’t change your mind?”

For a moment Anders hesitated. His pulse accelerated from the soft feel of her body lined up with his. He could have her naked and clawing her nails down his back in less than five minutes, but he didn’t want her.

Aubrey read his hesitation as something else. Before he could react, she kissed him. Anders’ eyes widened in surprise, both from the unexpected kiss and her hand sliding down his chest and palming his dick. “What the fuck?” he sputtered, wrapping his hand around her wrist and shoving her back.

Aubrey stumbled, her hands shooting out behind her just before her back collided with her front door. She stared at him with wide eyes, her mouth open in shock before the heat of embarrassment and anger washed over her. “What the fuck is right! What’s your problem, Anders? When have you ever turned down anyone? You sure as hell didn’t turn away that bitch this weekend. Is it me? Or do you have a piece on the side that you’re not being truthful about?”

“I don’t have anyone on the side. What the fuck do I look like?” Anders shoved his hand into his hair and gripped it tightly. Anger burned in his chest, both from Aubrey’s unknown dismissive comment about Josie and the fact that he was failing at pretending to be unattached.

Aubrey shook her head and pushed off her door. “Then what’s your deal? Because you had no problem fucking me in your trailer during auditions. Now you can’t even touch me? No. Something isn’t right.”

“Because I don’t do repeats. Everyone knows this. And if I did, what’s the fun in fucking someone who’s spread eagle and waiting the moment I walk in the door?” Anders’ words might as well have been a physical blow with the force with which they hit Aubrey.

“That’s the most ridiculous rule I’ve ever heard. Why turn down sex you know will be amazing?” Aubrey’s brow arched in disbelief. “And are you telling me those girls you hook up with make you work for it? I don’t think so.”

Anders had, yet again, backed himself into a corner. He was sick of it. He only had to deal with this situation for a handful of weeks. Once filming wrapped, he could tell them all to go to hell.

Anders stepped closer to Aubrey and traced her jaw with his finger. Leaning down, his lips brushed her ear when he spoke. “Maybe I like watching you squirm. Maybe I want you so worked up that when I do touch you again, I’ll have you a panting mess within seconds.”

Aubrey pulled in a shaky breath as her eyes drifted shut. “I don’t think it would take much now.”

Anders smirked and stepped back triumphantly. He raked his eyes over her body before meeting her gaze. “I don’t suppose it would, but I think I can do better.”

Aubrey shifted, and it wasn’t hard to miss the way her thighs clenched. Her eyes were heavy and her lips parted as she tried to work through the fog in her brain to make sense of what he was saying.

“I don’t know that you can.”

Anders tsked and dipped his chin, staring at the place she wanted him most. “Why don’t you go ahead and take care of that. Although, we both know it won’t come close to comparing.” Anders spun on his heel and walked to the car, unaware of the camera capturing every second of his encounter with Aubrey.

As soon as the door closed and the show was over, his façade dropped. He lowered his face into his hands and growled in frustration. He wasn’t accustomed to talking women out of sleeping with him.

“Goddamn it,” he exhaled. He needed to call Josie, but something akin to guilt twisted in his gut and made him pause. He didn’t mean a word he’d said to Aubrey, but that didn’t make him feel any better. Pulling out his phone, he sent Josie a text. It was a cowardly move, but he couldn’t deal with another argument tonight.

The next morning, Josie was greeted by the sight of Anders kicked back in Craig’s chair. Her back straightened and her chin lifted on its own accord as she watched him appraise her. He appeared calm and relaxed, but she was certain it was an act.

“Hey.” His mouth curved up on one side as he dropped his feet from her desk and leaned forward.

“What are you doing in here?”

“I overheard Marcus and Craig talking yesterday, something about Craig going to San Diego for a couple of days. I took a chance that you’d be here. Now, let’s try this again.” He smiled. “Hey, Ivy.”

She shook her head. “Hi.”

“You look nice.”

Josie quirked her brow and dropped her purse on top of the desk. “Are we having small talk this morning?”

Anders huffed out a laugh and stood. “I’m just trying to gauge what kind of mood you’re inif I should kiss you or cover my dick.”

“You should have brought coffee. That’s always the best way to start a conversation with me first thing in the morning.” She looked down at her watch and frowned, her brows pulling together in confusion. “Why are you here so early? You have an hour before you’re even due in makeup.”

“I came to see you.” He moved around the desk, his eyes darting over her shoulder to make sure no one was in the outer room before leaning down to kiss her.

“You mean you wanted to see if I was pissed, and if so, give yourself enough time to convince me not to be.”

Anders slipped his hands around her waist and pulled her against him. He locked his fingers at the small of her back and smiled. “More or less.”

Josie’s chest tightened and hurt tugged at her middle. She’d spent half the night trying to figure out what to do about her and Anders. It didn’t matter that his date with Aubrey was all for show. All that mattered was how he’d made her feel when she got his text. She felt pushed to the side and unimportant. If there was any possibility of making things work, it couldn’t happen again.

“Don’t do that.”

Anders tightened his grip and frowned. “Don’t do what?”

“Don’t joke. Don’t make light of the situation. You blew me off last night

“No, I didn’t,” he interrupted, his tone adamant.

“Yes. You did. Why didn’t you tell them no? Why didn’t you tell them you had plans?”

“Because I agreed to do this, it would have been suspicious if I said no.”



“You heard me. I call bullshit. It would’ve only been suspicious to you. If you had been an asshole, told them you didn’t do shit for anyone at the last minute, it would have been normal. But you chose to do what they asked because you’re terrified of them finding out about us. And that’s bullshit. Not to mention unfair to me.”

Anders opened and closed his mouth. She was right. The only reason he let them push him around was because of his paranoia. Unless he nipped that in the bud, Josie was going to walk.

“Fuck,” he exhaled, his eyes falling shut in defeat. “You’re right.”

Josie’s eyes widened in surprise. “Wow. I should have some kind of smart-ass comeback, but I’m too shocked to come up with anything witty.”

Anders dropped his hands to her ass and squeezed. “I think you did just fine.”

Josie cupped his jaw and tilted his head down, her expression serious. “Don’t do that again. Don’t blow me off. I won’t play second to your fake girlfriend.”

“You’re not

“Last night I was. I won’t do it again. Do you understand me?”

“Are you giving me an ultimatum?”

Josie huffed out a laugh, her expression colored with disbelief. “If expecting you to consider my feelings over Aubrey’s is what you consider an ultimatum, then yes. And fuck you for making it sound like what I’m asking for is too much.”

Josie stepped out of his grasp and moved around the side of the desk. She pulled in a deep breath and fought the heat of anger rising to the surface of her skin. She wasn’t asking for an announcement to the world that they were together.

“Look, I’m sorry. I’m an asshole.”

“You can’t use that as an excuse for everything. You can’t brush every argument off by saying, ‘Sorry, Ivy, I’m an asshole.’ Why are you such an asshole? What happened to make you like this?”

“Nothing happened to me. This is who I am. You knew that going in.”

“And I didn’t want anything to do with you! But you kept pushing and pushing and pushing. And damn it, I’m here. With you. So give me something, Anders. Help me understand. I’m tired of standing on the outside. Let me in or let me go.”

Anders’ jaw ticked as they stared at each other. He wanted to distract her, shift the focus of the conversation, but the stubborn set of her shoulders and the fire burning in her eyes showed she wouldn’t be put off again.

The funny thing was, he did trust her to not tell his secrets. He wasn’t sure when that had happened, but it had. What he didn’t trust was how vulnerable it would make him or what she would do with that information once he messed everything up and they went their separate ways.

Josie’s shoulders slumped as she continued to stare at his stoic and unyielding expression. “Just forget it. I’m not going to force you to share things that you should want to. This is ridiculous.”

“Damn it. Just stop, okay? Christ.” Anders raked his hands through his hair.

“No. I won’t stop. I won’t stand here while you come up with a way to get out of telling me anything that gives any sort of insight into the person you are. Right now, we’re no more than fuck buddies. But we don’t even have the ease of that because we are constantly fighting. Why are we doing this?”

“Because I fucking care about you,” he spat, his anger rising at being forced to admit feelings he didn’t understand or want.

“And I care about you! But it’s not enough. It’s not enough to care about each other if you’re going to continue to hold me at arm’s length.”

“I’m trying, okay?”

“Liar. The only thing you’re trying to do is control everything about our relationship.”

“You didn’t tell your brother about me! It doesn’t seem like you’re trying very hard yourself.”

“Oh, don’t be a hypocrite. I haven’t told Holden about us because I have no idea how to explain any of this. What am I to you? I’m tired of second-guessing myself. I hate this.” The breath stuttered in her chest, and her eyes burned with unshed tears of anger and frustration.

Anders’ entire body tensed at the look on her face and the defeat in her voice. It set him on edge and caused fear to burn through his veins. Before he could stop himself, he rounded the corner of the desk and pulled her roughly against his chest. Winding his hands in her hair, he tilted her face until their eyes locked. “You want to know what you are to me?” he asked through gritted teeth. “You’re mine. That’s what.”

The force of his kiss made her grip his shoulders to stop her knees from buckling. His lips were punishing and desperate as he claimed her mouth. His grip tightened, his fingers flexing and pulling her closer, demanding and hungry.

Josie moaned in pleasure and pain, frustration and relief. She gripped him as tightly as he held her, both of them trying to pull their bodies closer, battling to consume and be consumed. Panting, they pulled apart, their eyes locked.

The sound of voices outside the door caused Josie to start. Jerking away from Anders, she smoothed her hair. He reached for her, his brows drawn together in confusion until he heard voices as well. He took several steps back and scrubbed his hands over his face.

Josie lifted a shaky hand and pressed her fingers against her kiss-swollen lips. “You should go.”

“Will you do me a favor?” Anders shook his head when Josie’s mouth fell open in disbelief. “It’s nothing big, just…don’t look at the pictures of last night. I’m not trying to hide anything. I justcan you come over tonight? We’ll look at them together. And we’ll talk. Okay?”

Josie studied him for a long moment before nodding. For some reason she liked the idea of him being with her. Plus he’d be close enough to hit if the situation arose. “Okay.”

Anders walked out of the office then ducked back in, his lips curved into a mischievous smile. “You should pack an overnight bag. I’m not letting you leave tonight.”

When Anders pulled into his driveway later that evening, Josie was already there. The familiar mix of excitement and dread that had plagued him throughout the day washed over him once more. A normal person would be afraid of the unknown, of what the future held, but Anders’ reactions were far beyond those of a normal person. He was guarded and selfish. Instead of wondering what she was doing, his knee-jerk reactionhis first thoughtwas how to get his key back without pissing her off. With each step they took, their relationship became more real and pulled him a little further from his comfort zone.

Walking through the front door, Anders tossed his keys on the entry table. He pulled off his shoes and pushed them against the wall next to Josie’s. The sight of her things lying around caused his breaths to come in short choppy pants. He blinked several times to clear his vision.

“Fuck,” he muttered as he walked toward the sound of the television.

He leaned against the doorway and watched Josie. She bobbed her head and mouthed the words to whatever song played on her iPod. With her eyes glued to her sketchpad, her hand flew over the paper. The house seemed different, fuller. He walked to the back of the couch and tugged out one of her earbuds, causing her to jump.

“Shit! You scared me.”

“Sorry. I didn’t expect you to be here already.” He didn’t mean for his words to sound as harsh as they did, but his conflicting emotions made it impossible to hide the edge in his voice.

Josie dropped her eyes and closed her sketchpad. “Oh. Sorry. I thought you’d be here. You didn’t give a time. I should have called you first.”

Anders moved around the couch and sat beside her. He didn’t want to make her feel bad. “It’s fine. I’ve just had a long day and a lot of unwanted attention. I’d say I’m an asshole, but I think we covered that part of my personality earlier.”

Josie leaned into his side when he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer. “I’m sorry, I’m still too hung up on the part where you called the attention you were getting unwanted to comment on the asshole part. When has attention ever been unwanted by you?”

“Oh, the things I want to do to that smart-ass mouth of yours.”

“Promises, promises,” she quipped, pinching his thigh.

He grabbed for her hand and held it in the air so she couldn’t assault him again. “Are you hungry?”

“I could eat.”

“Come on, let’s see what I have.”

After heating up the food Josie had left the night before, they settled back on the couch with their plates. Josie sipped from her glass of wine as Anders grabbed a coaster for his beer. They ate in silence for a few minutes before Anders couldn’t stand the cloud hanging over his head any longer. He wanted to show her the pictures and talk about them so they could act normal again. Well, normal for them. Which meant they’d bicker before he threw her down on the bed and exhausted the fight out of them both.

Without speaking, he left the room and grabbed his laptop. He walked back into the room, determination etched in his features. “I need you to not flip out. I have no idea what we’re going to see or how they’ve spun it. Just listen to me. Okay?”

“The bigger deal you make of this, the more nervous I get. Let’s get it over with already.” Josie pulled her knees into her chest and leaned against the corner of the couch. She didn’t understand why he was acting so weird, but it only made her more uncomfortable.

Anders wasn’t worried about what the pictures would show. They were harmless. What he worried about was how Josie would react to them. It was why he wanted to be there when she looked.

As soon as he clicked the first link, he groaned and let his head fall against the couch. It was a picture of Aubrey stroking his face as they stared at one another. Her expression was etched with concern and Anders appeared ready to murder someone. The caption made him want to vomit.

“Distraught by the onslaught of paparazzi, Anders Ellis seeks comfort from girlfriend Aubrey Nash.”

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Anders spat, his face twisted in disgust. He shifted his eyes to Josie, who stared at the screen, her face stoic. “Hey, look at me.” When she didn’t respond, he set the computer on the coffee table and leaned over her. Caging her with his arms, he lowered his head until they were eye level. “Ivy. Remember what I said?”

She lifted her eyes, the sheen of angry tears causing her vision to blur. “This fucking sucks, okay? I hate this.” She swiped angrily at her cheeks and averted her gaze.

“It does. I don’t like this any more than you do. I get that I fucked up by going last night and not giving us time to deal with this. But I’m trying. I’m fucking trying.”

“I know you are, which only makes it worse.”

“Come here.” He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and leaned back until his back was flat on the couch and she was lying on top of him. “We were walking into the restaurant, and I heard someone who shouldn’t be anywhere near me, and it set me off. Aubrey noticed and asked if I was okay. That’s all.”

“Who was it?”

Anders shook his head. “Just some bastard from my past. I was probably wrong anyway. It was so fucking loud.”

Josie played with the button of his shirt, her eyes focused on her hand as she tried to pull herself together. The surge of jealousy that shot through her was unexpected. She’d never been the jealous type. She’d never been any type until Anders. He made her feel everything. “Let’s just finish, okay?”

“God, yes. There are so many other things I’d rather be doing with you.” He kissed her once before she slid off him and settled into his side, closer this time.

They browsed a couple of different sites, each claiming insider knowledge about the new “it” couple. The more pictures they looked at and the more Anders explained, the more relaxed Josie became. The third glass of wine in her hand helped too.

“What were you doing here? You look like you were chastising her.”

Anders chuckled at the picture. “You picked up on that? You didn’t thinkwhat did that onlooker say? Oh, I remember. ‘Their teasing and playful stares were insanely hot.’”

Josie pointed at the screen and tapped it twice. “That’s not teasing and playful. I’m familiar with those expressions.”

Anders threw his laptop on the table with a little more force than he intended. Before Josie could react, he pounced. She squealed when the room tipped and she was suddenly on her back. He lowered his mouth to her ear and bit down. “Yes, you are.” He flexed his hips as she wrapped her legs around his waist and squeezed.

His hands traveled down her sides and around the curve of her ass before sliding up her thighs. Kissing up her neck to her jaw, he grazed his lips over her skin, his breath pushing past his lips in a heavy exhale of tension and relief. “Can…God, Ivy. I…I need.” He squeezed his eyes shut, and when he opened them again, his gaze was dark and desperate. “Please?”

Josie nodded as she laced her fingers around his neck and locked her ankles behind his back. Anders wrapped her in his arms and pushed up on his knees. Standing from the couch, he cupped her ass and walked to his bedroom, continually kissing her lips, jaw, and neck.

The soft light filtering from the bathroom was the only illumination in the bedroom as they undressed each other. Lips tasted bare, smooth skin, heated with desire and flushed with need. Feather soft touches left trails of goose bumps as Anders laid Josie on his bed. Whispered curses and panting moans broke the otherwise silent room as he pushed into her. They moved together, their bodies in perfect sync. Anders sucked and licked the column of her neck until her back arched and her mouth fell open as she came undone.

Anders followed moments later, collapsing on top of her, their erratic heartbeats an echo into the other’s chest. He lay that way for several moments before rolling onto his back and pulling her against his chest. Lightly moving his fingertips over the length of her arm, he stared at the dark ceiling.

“She asked about my parents.” The sound of his voice caused Josie to startle.


“The picture. The one we were talking about. She asked about my parents.”

“Oh.” Josie wasn’t sure how to respond. They’d never talked about his family. He always changed the subject or flat-out refused to answer. She suspected from the expression in that picture Aubrey had received a similar response. Anders was quiet again, and Josie assumed the subject was closed until he suddenly spoke.

“They’re still married. My parents. I’m pretty sure it’s only because they don’t believe in divorce.”

Josie ran her fingers over Anders’ chest. “Do you still talk to them?”

Anders swallowed down his panic. If he wanted to keep her, he had to open up. And while he’d rather eat razor blades than make himself vulnerable, he wanted her to leave even less.

“Sometimes. Things are...strained. They…we don’t see eye to eye on very much. We haven’t for a while.”

Josie misinterpreted his words, thinking they disapproved of his lifestyle. “So your parents aren’t fond of your extracurricular activities?”

Anders stiffened and balled his fists. “My parents don’t give a fuck about what I do on my own time. It’s none of their business anyway. Let’s just say, they had a vested interest in my success.”

Josie nodded, but didn’t ask anything more. If she had to guess, it likely involved money. That was a subject Josie never wanted to touch. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Talking to me. About you.” To most people it wasn’t much, but for Anders it was a big step.

Anders tried his best to mask his feelings, to contain the things going on inside his head. When he woke the next morning with Josie in his bed, his mind buzzed with dozens of questions. Would she expect to stay over all the time now? Did he want her to? Should he let her keep his key? Would asking for it back piss her off?

He figured the best thing he could do was take a step back. Give them a little distance. But the moment he saw her that afternoon on her way out of the studio for the day, he couldn’t stop himself from texting her.

Come back tonight.

It only took a few minutes for her to respond. Her answer relaxed his shoulders and tightened his chest.


When they parted ways the next morning, he didn’t even bother fighting with himself. He didn’t pretend he wasn’t going to ask her to stay again. When she agreed, he nodded in acceptance and defeat. The closer they became, the messier things would be when they ended.

While Josie was busy with Madison, and Anders finished a scene, Aubrey paced the length of her trailer. Ever since they’d gone on their date, Anders’ mood had changed. She wouldn’t say he seemed happier, he was still a complete asshole, but something was off. Different.

She wondered again if he was lying about having a girl stashed away somewhere, but that didn’t make sense. He wouldn’t be happier. Surely they’d be fighting about the pictures all over the Internet and magazines.

Pulling out her phone, she dialed Levi’s number and waited for him to answer.


She was in no mood for the flirty tone in his voice. “Are they good?”


“The pictures. The ones at my house. Are they good?”

Levi chuckled. “You two look like you’re about to rip each other’s clothes off. And the angle that I took of that kiss? Perfection.”

Aubrey smiled and smoothed her hand down her hair. “Good.”

“You want me to send them out?”

“No. Not yet. I just want to be prepared.”

“He’s still not biting, huh? You want me to tail him? See what I can find?”

Aubrey rolled her eyes. “No, the last time you broke the law to get his picture you got caught. Besides, you couldn’t get anywhere near his house now. And I need you. Just hold tight.”

“Always a pleasure.”

Aubrey rolled her eyes and hung up. If Levi wasn’t so damn attractive and eager to please, she wouldn’t waste her time with someone so beneath her. Touching up her lipstick, she turned and made her way out to the set.

Anders pulled in a deep breath and prepared for his scenes with Aubrey. They wouldn’t be filming the actual sex scene, but they would be making out, a lot. He hoped Josie steered clear. They managed to limit their arguments to her habit of leaving clothes all over the house and never having food in the kitchen. All in all, he couldn’t complain.

Opening his eyes, he nodded at Aubrey as she crossed over to him. He only had a few more weeks of filming, and then she would be out of his life for good.

“Hey, you.”

“You ready for today?” Anders asked, glancing at the director.

“Eh, this will be a piece of cake. Just like riding a bike.” She ducked her chin and smiled up at him, but Anders’ attention was elsewhere. She pursed her lips and straightened her shoulders. “Ready?”

Anders’ eyes widened at her clipped tone and angry expression. “Are you trying to stage our first fight for onlookers or what?”

Aubrey looked around and noticed several people staring. Smiling, she looped her arm around Anders’ and pulled him toward the director. “Of course not.”

Anders and Aubrey were in their second hour of filming when Madison and Josie finally managed to take a break. No longer focused on work, Madison did what she’d wanted to all day: she smacked Josie on the back of her head.

“What the hell?”

“Where have you been? Holden is driving me insane with all his damn questions. He keeps asking if you’re seeing someone, and if so, why you haven’t told him. And oh my God, Josie, if I have to distract your brother with one more blow job, you’re paying for my damn dental bills!”

“Oh, Christ, Maddie,” Josie moaned, covering her ears in an attempt to erase Madison’s words from her memory.

“I don’t want to hear it. Where have you been? I know you’ve been with Mr. I Have Issues, but have you been home at all?”

Josie made sure no one was around before pulling Madison into Craig’s office and closing the door. “Yes. I mean no.” Josie blew out a breath and fell onto the chair closest to her. “Yes, I’ve been with Anders. And no, I haven’t been home. I picked up some clothes, but other than that, I’ve stayed with him.”

Madison lifted her brows in surprise and eased herself into the chair beside Josie. “Wow. I’m shocked.”

“Why? We’re”Josie waved her hand in the air“dating. Or whatever you call dating someone without ever going on a date.”

“I don’t mean that I’m shocked you’ve been with him. I’m shocked you two haven’t killed each other.”

“Yet.” Josie’s tone was dry, her expression sardonic.

“So things are good then? You’re okay?”

“Yeah. I’m good. We’re okay. He’s still an asshole. He still makes me want to throw things. But I kind of like that about him.” Josie rolled her eyes. “I think I fit the bill for Mrs. I Have Issues perfectly.”

Madison’s eyes widened at the same time that Josie’s jaw dropped. “Um, what?”

“I…I didn’t mean it as in I want to be. I just meant… Damn it, Maddie. I didn’t mean it like you’re thinking.”

Josie’s sputtering, stumbling explanation was almost enough to make Madison drop it. On the other hand, she hadn’t been able to tease Josie in a few days, and she wasn’t going to pass up the chance now.

“You just referred to yourself as Mrs. Issues. As in the other half of Mr. Issues. Is there something you need to tell me?”

“You suck.”

Madison smirked. “Thanks to you, yes. Yes, I do. A lot more than usual.”

“Maddie!” Josie jumped from her seat and grabbed her things. “Youew. Stop. Please. I have to drop these off at the set, then I’m going to my not home. I’ll talk to you later.”

“See ya later, Mrs. Issues.” Madison laughed, her face splitting into a wide grin.

Josie’s face was stoic as she walked down the hall. Madison was teasing her. If she gave the ridiculousness of their conversation a second thought, she’d end up laughing in the middle of the hall.

She spotted Amelia near the set and crossed the room to give her a folder. “This is for tomorrow. I need you to run this down to design and have them match these fabric samples.”

Amelia smiled at Josie and pulled the folder against her chest. “Sure thing. Anything else you need?”

“Nope. We’re all set. Have a good night.” Josie headed toward the exit, stopping when she heard Anders’ voice around the corner. She moved forward, but stilled once more when Aubrey spoke. Leaning against the wall, she pulled out her phone. To anyone who passed, it looked as if she was on her phone, not eavesdropping on her boyfriend and the she-devil.

“I think that went well, don’t you?”

“I do. The fact that we were able to get it done in one take made everyone happy.” Anders sounded relieved and Josie couldn’t help but smile.

“Yes, the studio got what they paid for. A flawless performance.” The pout in Aubrey’s voice was unmistakable. Josie was more than sure Aubrey was not as happy about nailing the scene as she pretended.

“Okay. I’m out of here.”

“Wait. I wanted to ask. Well, I think we should go out again.”

Anders’ exhale echoed off the walls. “We just went out. Our pictures are everywhere. There’s no reason to be seen again right now.”

“What’s the big deal? Do you have plans?”

Josie’s breath stilled in her chest as she waited for his response, and when he spoke, she couldn’t stop the smile that broke across her face.

“As a matter of fact I do. And I’m late, so

“Cancel them.” Aubrey’s voice was sharp, her words biting and demanding.

Anders chuckled. “Yeah, not a fucking chance. Next time you or Clarence want to set up a public outing, call my agent.”

Anders turned and rounded the corner, his brows lifting when he spotted Josie. She smirked and shrugged, her face unapologetic as she pushed off the wall. With a slight nod she sauntered past him. “Mr. Ellis.”

Anders didn’t respond, instead he pulled out his phone as he walked to his trailer and sent her a text.

Next time you want to spy on someone, make sure they can’t see you.

You saw me? Damn it!

Stick to designing. Spying is not your strong suit. See you at home.

Anders changed out of his clothes, completely unaware of how he’d worded his text, or the shock covering Josie’s face when she read it.

Aubrey dug her nails into her palm as she waited for Levi to answer. Anders had a girl. There was no other explanation for his behavior. She had no intention of giving up, however. She was going to expose them or break them. In the end, she’d get her way.


“Do it. Release the pictures. Do it now.” She hung up without waiting for a reply. He’d do as she said.

It was late the following afternoon when Josie heard the first whispers. She and Amelia were looking at fabric samples when a couple of guys broached the subject.

“Man, he’s one lucky dude. Did you see the way they were all over each other? I bet he took her against her front door.”

“Do you think whoever took those pictures got that? Man, I’d love to see Aubrey Nash bent over and getting fucked.”

“Well, I’d rather be the one fucking her, but I don’t think Anders Ellis is the sharing type.”

“Yeah. Lucky bastard.”

Josie’s hands shook, and the color drained from her face as she struggled to hear Amelia over the buzzing in her ears. “What?”

“I asked if you were okay? You don’t look so good.”

Josie swallowed and licked her lips. “I think I forgot to eat lunch. I guess I’m a little light-headed.”

“Do you want some water? I can get you some.”

Josie shook her head and pulled in a calming breath. “No, I’m okay. Just...distract me. Let’s talk about something. Like...what are those guys talking about?”

Amelia grinned and ducked her head in close to Josie. “Well, apparently there are pictures of Anders and Aubrey in a compromising position in front of her house.”

“What do you mean ‘compromising’?”

“Well.” Amelia paused. She was hesitant to use the words she said to her friends earlier when they’d been analyzing every picture over lunch.

“Just tell me. It’s fine.” It wasn’t fine, though. It was anything but fine. As soon as Amelia spoke, Josie felt like a ton of bricks had been dropped on her chest and cracked it wide open.

“From the looks of the pictures, they were practically having sex. And it was in front of her house so it wasn’t like they were putting on a show. Whoever took those pictures wasn’t supposed to be there.”

Bile rose in the back of Josie’s throat. Standing on shaky legs, she gathered her things. “I think I should grab some food. I’m going to head out. Have a great weekend, Amelia.”

By the time Josie reached her car, her breaths were choppy and shallow. Her hands shook and her vision blurred as she fastened her seatbelt. Nothing made sense. She and Anders had looked at all the pictures together. Once her hands were steady, she pulled out of the lot and headed to her house. She needed to get to the bottom of what was going on. It was a mistake. It had to be.

Twenty minutes later, when her cell phone started ringing and her text message alert sounded every couple of minutes, she knew it wasn’t a mistake. It caused something to fragment in her chest. It was a feeling she’d never experienced and one she never wanted to feel again.

Once home, she tried to occupy herself, but nothing worked. Defeated, she sank onto her couch. She stared at her laptop, the glowing screen casting shadows around the dimly lit room. Her hand hovered over the mouse, her fingers poised to look at pictures she knew would hurt, pictures that were the source of countless texts and voice mails from Anders and Madison.

With a final breath, she pulled up the first gossip site, and in that instant, her body stilled and something ripped inside her chest. Hurt, anger, and betrayal sank into her core, twisting and pulling in every direction. There were pictures of them kissing and of Anders looking at Aubrey exactly how he looked at Josie.

She slammed the computer closed and tossed it to the other end of the couch. Fisting her hair, she dropped her forehead to her knees and tried to make sense of everything. Every conversation with him was conflicting. One minute he said he cared about her, and the next he reminded her that he was an asshole and she shouldn’t expect anything different. Maybe that was the problem. Hope caused her to expect more than he was capable of giving. She’d become invested in a relationship that was doomed from the start.

Anger stirred deep inside heranger at herself and anger at him. They were idiots for trying to have a relationship, but she was angriest with herself because she knew better. When her phone rang again, she snapped. She wasn’t going to sit and wallow in the dark like some pathetic loser. She deserved answers.

Pushing off the couch, she changed into jeans and a top. She texted Madison and promised to call later, then scrolled to Anders’ last text.

Answer the goddamn phone or I’m coming over.

She shook her head in disbelief and grabbed her keys.

Don’t bother. I’m on my way to you.

Anxiously, Anders looked out his front window for the hundredth time. Aubrey and Clarence had tried to reach him after he took off from the studio, but it was in their best interests he not return their calls. The moment Owen texted a smart-ass comment about mixing business with pleasure, he knew something was wrong. It took less than ten minutes to figure out what. When he saw the pictures, his stomach bottomed out and rage pumped through his veins.

Anders had flown down the hall to Josie’s department, but the lights were off. It was obvious she had left. She always texted before she left. It was all the proof he needed. She’d seen the pictures. He wanted to go straight to her house, but the group of paparazzi waiting outside the studio gates kept him from doing so.

The longer Josie ignored him, however, the less he cared about being caught. She didn’t get to run and hide. The pictures looked scandalous, but Josie should know better than to jump to conclusions. He cursed himself for not telling her what had happened at Aubrey’s, but there was nothing he could about that now.

He sucked in a deep breath when she pulled into the drive. His shoulders stiffened and his jaw tightened as he watched her. She was pissed, and they were about to have yet another fight. For once, he didn’t like his chances of winning. He opened the door and stepped to the side as she passed without a word. They stared at each other silently in the foyer. Anders waited for her to go into the living room, but when he realized she wasn’t budging, his anger at the situation broke free.

“Why haven’t you answered your fucking phone?” It wasn’t how he’d meant to start their conversation, but his defenses were on high alert, and his brain wasn’t communicating with his mouth.

Josie’s mouth dropped open. “Maybe because I didn’t want to talk to you! Ever think of that? Or are you so full of yourself that you can’t imagine anyone not falling all over themselves when you call? Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not Aubrey.”

“Ivy, those pictures are not what you think. I swear.”

“Of course they’re not. Since we’ve met none of the pictures have been in context, according to you. Or have you been feeding me bullshit at every turn?”

“You know that’s not true. You’re pissed, but don’t fucking regress, Ivy. It makes you look stupid. And you’re not stupid.”

“Aren’t I? I’ve fallen for your bullshit time and time again, but I’m not doing it anymore.”

Anders took three long strides and gripped her biceps. “Would you listen to me? It’s not what you think!”

Josie jerked away. She laid her palms flat on his chest and shoved him back. “Really? Who were you performing for then? Who was the show for? It wasn’t for the paparazzi because they weren’t supposed to be there! You had no idea someone was watching. Yet there you are, basically fucking on her front step.” Her face twisted into a sneer and she shook her head. “Or am I supposed to believe you were practicing for a scene?”

“She kissed me! She asked me to walk her to her door, and I figured it would be easier than arguing with her. Someone must have snuck in the gate behind us. When I pushed her away, she started asking all these questions. She was suspicious. So yes, I said some things that I shouldn’t have. But I wanted her to back off. I swear to God, I didn’t sleep with her.”

Josie knew Aubrey was all over Anders every chance she got and it was possible he was telling the truth. However, she also knew she needed to take a step back. She needed to take a long, hard look her relationship with Anders. And she needed to talk to Madison.

“I think we should take a break.”

Anders narrowed his eyes, and his lips thinned into a hard line. “No. We don’t need a fucking break. We need to talk.”

Josie disagreed. “There’s nothing left to say. You told me what happened, now I need time to deal with that.”

“They’re just pictures. What do you need to think about? Either you believe me or you don’t.”

“Don’t you get it? It’s not about believing you. It’s about being able to live like this. I don’t…I don’t know if I can.” Tears shimmered before rolling down her cheeks as she reached for her keys. She slipped his house key off the ring and walked to the front door.

“What are you doing?” Anders’ voice dropped when his eyes zeroed in on the key Josie set on the table.

“I just…just in case.” She didn’t have to spell it out. He understood.

“Ivy.” He whispered her name like a plea and a warning. He stepped toward her, but she shook her head and moved to the door.

“I need some time. Give me that, please?” Josie didn’t hesitate a second more than necessary when he nodded stiffly, his face a blank mask. When she looked in the rear view mirror as she pulled through the gates, he was nowhere to be seen. For the first time, she wasn’t bombarded with conflicting emotions. All she felt was relief.