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Hope (The Truth Series Book 6) by Elaine May (23)




I come through the haze of sleep, footsteps echo throughout my cell and all of a sudden I feel my hair being tucked away and then my head being pulled back. A warm breath kisses at my skin and I know just by the feel of the air around me that it’s Mark that has come for me.

“Open your eyes, I have a surprise for you.” I slowly do as I’m told and I see Mark’s cold eyes looking down at me as his grip in my hair tightens.

“What do you want, Master?” I ask, not wanting to know the answer but if I have learnt anything from my time in this hell it’s what my part in this game is. I’m the puppet on Mark’s strings and as much as I try to fight it he controls my movements.

“Now is that anyway to talk to your master when he has something for you?” He leans in and whispers in my ear almost like a caress, but this is no lover’s caress. Oh no, I can read his messages as clear as day, this caress has the bite of his wickedness waiting only for me. Bile threatens to roll up my throat and as much as I want to I try to fight it away. It won’t do me any good to be sick all over him even though I could think of nothing better. I want to ruin him just like he has ruined me and the only way to do that is to expel whatever I have in my stomach. I take in a shuddering breath as the words I need linger on my lips.

“What do you have mmm.. Master.” He leans down and rubs his nose along mine in an almost loving touch and memories of how he used to be play away in my brain, mocking me in the process. The boy I once loved is long gone now, no longer my boy but my beast. He laughs while pulling my hair tighter, his other hand comes into view and I can see the tip of something shiny within his grasp. What has he got? But I don’t have to worry for long.

“Do you remember that special juice my dad gave you?” I start to shake just remembering how my body reacted to that stuff. I don’t want it again and before I can stop myself I start shaking, still within his hold.

“Ahhh good you do remember.” He sneers at me as he moves his hands around the item and it’s then that I can see the needle. Oh God, and the sickness starts to come back at just the thought of that stuff again.

“Please Mark I don’t want it. You don’t have to give that to me.” I can’t control the shaking and all I can do is look up into Mark’s eyes as they dance with his laughter.

“But me and Dad think you do, my love.” And with that I feel the sharpness of the needle as it penetrates my skin and I can feel the burning just as before but this time it doesn’t feel as strong as the liquid travels through my veins. I try to pull myself away from him and I hear the sound of the needle hitting the floor. Mark’s hold of me loosens a little but his fingers start to wrap themselves around my neck before trailing them down my neck and to my chest. His face lingers too close to mine as he does it and then his lips are by my ear.

“There’s so much fun to be had before the auction and you’ll now be better behaved.” He gives a kiss by my ear just before taking my lobe between his teeth and biting and pulling it before he lets it go and leaves me. Just like the last time my body seems to turn to ice from the inside but my skin is on fire. I know what to expect this time but I don’t think that helps as my skin starts to bubble all the way down to the last layers of the dermis and all I can do is scream out in the pain. I try not to, I try with all my might to fight the need as visions of the satisfaction on Mark’s face fill my mind but it becomes too much and the scream just leaves my lips with a cry. There is nothing else to do but scream. The heat radiates from me feeling so hot that my skin is melting off me for the second time in my life but there is no difference in the room, just like the last time. Heat soon gets replaced by pinpricks of pain that grace every part of my skin as the fire is joined by an itching that soon takes centre stage and it’s then that Mark decides to come back. I keep my head down, just concentrating on my body, trying not to let anymore screams out but I feel him, sense him walking around me, watching me. Millions of tiny pinpricks attack every part of me as he swings his arm up above me and hits me with the whip.

Again and again he hits me, my legs, stomach, arms and back, no place is left untouched as a fire I’ve never known attacks my skin. I’m burning up, I can feel the sweat coating my skin but that seems to only make the fire much more intense.

“If you do as I say I’ll make sure it’s never this bad again.” He says as he lingers by my ear running the strands of the whip through his fingers. Sickness looms in the background as he forces me to look in his face, I don’t know if I would feel better or worse if I expelled the contents of my stomach, but the pain is too much. All I can think about is the pain as he uses the whip on my back again. My soul disappears inside me as the drugs and the whip take on their unforgiving hold, not letting me go to breathe or think. I’m suffocating and the pain just lasts for hours, days, I can’t stand the fiery flames as they grow in strength and pain taking over every touch I feel and all the while I’m sure I can hear Mark laugh in the back ground of my mind.

“Do as I say. Be a good little slave and I’ll make the pain go away.” He whispers again.

It hurts to move.

It hurts to breathe, everything hurts and there is nothing I can do but ride the wave.

I can’t give him what he wants but my will is breaking down around me. I feel my tears pooling in my eyes and I fight to keep them at bay knowing that as they fall they’ll only leave a path of lava in their wake, make Mark smile. I feel my skin boiling away as it turns to liquid and all I can do to help myself is to scream once again into the darkness. I scream and scream until my throat becomes too sore to do anything but a low whimper. Seconds feel like hours and hours feel like years as the pain seems to become an extension of my body. There is nothing else to do but allow the drugs to sweep me away and consume me.

As soon as I feel that I’m getting my body back Mark returns with another needle and injects more into me. I’m too tired to even fight him, my body is too worn out to fight, it no longer feels like my own as it sings with the pain.

A new cycle starts to form around me.

Another cycle full of pain and confusion is centre point to my own life and I have no control. He comes in to inject me like an angel in the night and then he’s gone as quickly as he came. Before I know it he’s back again and he asks me to do things. Crawl to me.

Suck my cock.

Touch me. It’s a never-ending circle of demands that get worse with each one that comes from his lips. At first I try and deny him but his whip quickly returns raining pain amongst more pain into the mist around me and I soon release how worse everything is with the bite of his whip. With each demand I try to deny, I can’t lose myself. That’s what Mark wants but in the back ground of my mind someone keeps calling my name, reminding me of who I am and that someone will come and save me. The whip comes crashing down around me once again reminding me of why I am here.

What’s expected of me and I can feel my self-worth going down the drain with the blood Mark whips from my body. That little voice is nowhere to be found as I try to find it.

Cling to it just hoping for it to give me strength but there’s nothing there.

It’s left me.

I’m on my own with only the drugs to keep me company.