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Hope (The Truth Series Book 6) by Elaine May (27)




My skin is crawling, there is a tightness around my neck as I lead my men and my friend and his family through the opening of the compound. I don’t know what I am doing, I am in a state of shock but something keeps me walking forward.

This is really happening, after so much planning and pain it is happening. I can’t stop my body from shaking. I know that Jacob is just behind me with his father and his two younger brothers, but I don’t want to look at them when we enter the room ahead of us. I don’t want to see them and have them see the truth of what I have in my eyes. I helped the monsters do this to her. The memories of all the times I had to watch as Mark or Marco beat her, abused her come back with torches and flames and I just want to end the evil lives of the men I did it for. I am just as much of a monster as Mark and Marco and I can’t have her family looking at me, seeing the truth. They would kill me or beat me to within an inch of my life and I deserve it. I deserve everything they would throw at me. I take a shuddering deep breath as I try to focus on what lies ahead of us all.

I have to save her, I have to make it right.

Everything is clouded in blackness but I know where we have to go, I have already been here. I lead them in silence, the only thing that can be heard is our shoes against the floor and my heartbeat as it races like a train on a track. The closer we get the more I can hear the noise of the hall, the truth of what is going on here becomes as loud as thunder. The truth of what I have done. I want to rip through the walls and just take her away but this has to be done properly, this has to be done the way I have always planned. I have a job to do. As much as Hope is a part of this and is the one who needs saving, in the eyes of my chief and co-workers she is just a means to an end. My chief and I have always known that there would be casualties. Get them out has always been a part of the plan but to destroy this world is what is more important than anything else. It hurts more than anything else, she isn’t just a means to an end she is the woman I love. I have done, helped do horrendous things to her and I just want to have her in my arms safe and well. I want to shout with all my might, howl to the moon that I love her and will make her safe again, that I am sorry. With everything that I have helped make her go through I fear I will never be sane again.

We get to the door that leads us to the room where it’s going on, where Hope will be standing in front of all those monsters just waiting for me.

Waiting for me and her family to end this for her.

I turn around and look at everyone, signalling what I want with my hands. Jacob and his family know to stay behind us and let us do what we need to do and with everything calm inside me I kick down the door with a satisfied smirk as the door breaks down around me. I indulge the angel of death with my gun in my hand as I step through. I don’t care about anything else except tearing down every motherfucker in this hell. That’s all I can think about as I raise my gun and start to shoot. Adrenalin races through me as the power of the gun fires off in my hand and I instantly feel better. I can get rid of every one of these fuckers with the friend in my hand. I’ll make them pay and I’ll love every moment of it.


Bang. Bang. The sounds are like a chorus to my ears and I see as each and every one of the fuckers drops dead around me. I can see Mark off in the distance and I aim the gun at his leg without question. I don’t want him to only die, I want him to fucking suffer so I aim and shoot at the little fucker again, this time aiming at his other leg just above his knee. She once loved him and he betrayed her, he never deserved her but she gave herself to him anyway and look what he did.

Look what I did. I watch as Mark falls to the floor holding both his legs as blood starts to cover his hands, his blood, and he looks pathetic, he sounds pathetic as he whimpers and crawls to the corner of the room. I want to see this fucker pay, I want to see him bleed more. I’ve had to hide my true feelings, my true intent for far too long but now I can rip free and with that racing through my blood I fire another shot into the back of his shoulder. I smile as the slimy little fucker screams but it’s not enough for all the damage he has done. Another bang sounds out and when I turnaround I can see Mr Bryant race towards someone, his fists clenched in front of him waiting to strike. I look back at Mark who tries to hide away, blood leaving a path down his clothes and where he’s been. I storm towards him and then force him to the middle of the floor, making sure to dig my fingers into the bullet that now rests inside his shoulder. He screams, he screams so loud that I rejoice at the sound but I want more, so much more but he needs to see his father’s end. The little fucker deserves it.

“You don’t want to miss this, Mark.” I say as I drop him in a heap at my feet about hundred feet from his pathetic father.

“You think you could take my daughter?” The whole room is silent as we watch Mr Bryant use his fists all over Marco. Black bruises start to cover his eyes, his cheeks, as rain after rain of muscled man start to attack the man who was my boss. I wish I was the one to do it. I want to make Marco bleed as much as I want his son to, they can die together, but Mr Bryant needs this just as much as I.

“ my” Marco manages to say.

“When you d..destroyed your u...uncle’s business.” Everyone is silent except the whimpers of pain coming from Marco. Mr Bryant looks like he’s ready to kill and I take a look around and the only men left are the ones in my team and Hope’s family. Hope.

Hope, I need to find her and I start looking around for her before my eyes stop.

My Hope is strung up, naked and I struggle to get her down before her family sees. She’s cold to the touch and she feels so lifeless in my arms. I can hear her father in the room and I know the last thing Hope will need is her father arrested for murder.

“Someone stop him before he kills the fucker.” Both Mark and his father deserve to die but they deserve to live and suffer more. I cling to Hope, pushing the little hair she has away from her face just looking at the hurt that covers her body in so many bruises. I never noticed them before but there they are, all over her beautiful, thin body. I can see her bones sticking through her skin and I never really realised what Marco was doing to her before now. I don’t know how I can even explain it but I guess because I couldn’t really see her I never really knew what we were doing to her. I stand up on shaky legs, my arms wrapped tightly around her as I start walking through the room.

“My baby. My little girl.” Mr Bryant looks desperate as he turns around to look at his daughter in my arms.

“How is she?” Mr Bryant asks as he comes over to me with his sons in tow, following me out the main door to the cars. I stop and look between them all.

“Have you arranged the doctor at your home?” I ask with urgency.

“Yes he’ll be there waiting.”

“Good.” I look to my team.

“Get those fuckers in cuffs and in the back of the cars.” I storm forwards to Mr Bryant’s car and get Hope in as fast as I can.

Please be ok Hope.

Please don’t hate me.