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Kiss, Kiss Killian (Killian and Lucy Book 1) by Anna Antonia (12)



I wasn’t going to make it. Honestly.

Killian King was too much for me. Spoiled, rich, hateful, arrogant, and far more trouble than this job was worth.

Did he honestly think I was going to beg him for a ride back home? I needed to add insane to his list of flaws.

And when he busted in on my deal? Oh dear God, I thought I was going to pass out. Killian came from a privileged background. He had no idea what street life was like nor did he understand the rules.

We were lucky today that those particular Volkovs had a good relationship with my contact. Otherwise, I would’ve been making a call for an emergency dentist to put Killian’s teeth back in his mouth.

I heard his steady footfalls behind me. Of course, he wouldn’t let this go. Killian didn’t humiliate me enough.

Or hurt. Don’t forget about that one.

I thought about speeding up, maybe turning into the CVS on my right, but I didn’t. I was done playing Killian King’s games for the day.

I just wanted to go home, eat some leftover ropa vieja, and then take a long bubble bath. And forget about how bad my employer’s grandson really was…

“Lucy, I’m not going to chase you all over town. I’ve done it enough today.”

That voice! Silken, nearly sweet, if not for the ever-present tinge of spite and cruelty.

“Then don’t. I’m not asking you to do anything but leave.”

He stopped. Against my better judgment, so did I.

“Are you done?”

There was more weight to his question than just the present circumstances.

Was I done?

I could turn in my resignation to Mr. King and chalk this up to a situation beyond my control. After all, what could I do with a man who refused to even accept or acknowledge anyone else’s efforts?

One who’d have the nerve to criticize the methods I used to fulfill his ridiculous list!

One who looked at the olive branch I held and let it fall to the ground.

One who didn’t want my help.

It shouldn’t have hurt this much, but it did. It kicked up all my dirt, uncovering things I’d rather not ever think about again. My mom, dad, aunts, finally hitting the wall…

Change the channel. Break the damn TV.

All that stuff was in the past. Besides, Killian was enough for today.

Right? Definitely.

That still left me with him. Okay, maybe I was a fool but I didn’t expect much. A thank you at the least, but not what I got.

Ungratefulness, lecturing, a scare that still made my legs shake.

Again, was I done?

If I was I’d never have to see this beautiful devil ever again. Never hear the seductive roll of syllables that made my name…


And how could you forget about him lifting you up and kissing you?

I couldn’t. Not for one second. Even now my lips tingled.

It was only a moment, barely even that, but Killian’s kiss had me on lockdown. I still felt the impression of his beautiful mouth against mine. My fingertips ached to touch my lips, to trace them.

It was just pretend, a way to get us out of the shop in one piece, and maybe a dig at me. Nothing real.

But I’d swear Killian felt the shock of contact…

No. No. No!

I wasn’t going to let my body or misplaced fantasies control me. It couldn’t count as a kiss because it wasn’t really real. Make believe.

Mr. King’s voice came back to haunt me. It was just what I needed to dull the throbbing in my body.

“I need someone who can keep him on the right path. Someone to show him there’s a different way than the life he’s been living. Not judging him, but understand him and why he is this way. I believe you are that person.”

That was the problem. I did judge Killian. Me, who knew better! I judged him against my past, against all the people who hurt me. He became the face of my suffering, but it started long before I knew his name.

It wasn’t fair to him. It wasn’t fair to me either.

If I ran away now, if I turned my back on this man, I’d spend the rest of my life feeling guilt for quitting. For giving up on someone who clearly needed help. I wasn’t built that way and I let my confusing attraction mess up my purpose.

That wasn’t his fault either. (Although I’d really like to blame him for being so stupidly handsome. It wasn’t fair. Really.)

So was I done?

Not in this lifetime.

Turning around, I looked Killian straight in the eye. “No.”

“Really? That’s too bad.” His smirk made my palm itch. Just one smack, that was all I needed to set him right.

I remade my decision and I wasn’t going to back out just because Killian King had more hatefulness, thoughtlessness, and spite in him than decency. I’d been warned already so this shouldn’t come as a surprise.

Besides, so what if he didn’t say thank you or even cared at all about the work I’d done today? It was enough that I’d known. I didn’t need this man-child to pat me on the head. I was above that and definitely above his games.

He wasn’t going to get a rise out of me again. My pride would burn me into ash before that happened.

Right? Right.

“Now what, Killian? Can I look forward to more days like this?”

Hold. Up. What happened to my pride? And how did the hurt come out to say hello?

“Hell no. You’re liable to get us both thrown in jail.”

Stomach punch.

“What…what do you mean?”

“You know possessing this stuff you bought today is a crime, Lucy. Felony level. Get rid of it. Better yet—I’ll throw it away as soon as I drop you off. And don’t say I don’t have to. I already know that.”

I loathed how casual comments hit too close to the locked box I kept in the back of my mind. Loathed it with every fiber of my constructed being. Fear curdled deep in my belly.

“Do whatever you want.”

Such effort to sound unaffected! Bored even.

“Thanks for the permission.”

I’d just promised myself not to let him get under my skin and yet I snapped, “You just can’t help it, can you?”


Killian’s unrepentant grin had a way of taking the edge off. It was going to be okay. He didn’t know anything. I was fine. I didn’t have to be afraid. What happened was a long time ago. A lifetime in fact. People changed for the better. I was proof.

Slow breath in, hold it, slow breath out.

Okay. I could do this. I was here on a sidewalk, moon coming out overhead, chill in the air. Killian in front of me. Today was today. I was fine. Safe. My past was just that.

“We’ve kept Jorge waiting long enough, don’t you think?”

I sound normal. Good.

He shrugged. “Hmm…he can wait longer. In fact, I’ve got a perfect way to punish him. Come on.”

Killian didn’t wait for me to go with him. He took control by putting his arm around my waist and propelling me forward. Pleasure hummed through me, filing away more of my edges. Especially ones created by fear.

“You like to punish people when you think they step out of line?”

“But of course! How else will they learn?”

“Then who punishes you?”

Killian dipped his head until his lips hovered by my ear. “When you figure out that answer then you’ll have me figured out.”

If only it was that easy!

“I still stand by what I said. Jorge isn’t to blame. You are.”

“Duly noted.”

Killian reached the idling vehicle. Jorge got out, awaiting his fickle employer’s instructions. He didn’t seem the least bit alarmed or nervous. Which meant Killian was all bark and no bite or he was used to it.

I only needed one guess to answer that question.

“Jorge, have a good drive back to the city. I hope every toll is backed up and you hit every traffic jam.”

“I assume you’ll arrive back the same way you got here.”

“You assume correctly.”

Jorge stood there. His broad face held a question that only Killian knew the answer.

The King heir sighed. “We’ll be safe. I’ll keep Miss Martin out of trouble. Straight there. Pass that along to my grandfather and you’ll be golden, got it?”

Jorge nodded. “Very good. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Yes, yes. Good night. Wait a minute. Let me get my stuff.”


Killian plucked the bags out of the back of the SUV. He moved it all in one hand and gave Jorge a jaunty wave with the other.

“You sent our ride away and now you’re stuck carrying all that.”

“Relax, Lucy. I’ve got it under control. Besides, you’re going to help.”

Automatically taking three or four smaller bags, I said, “I’m warning you now—my feet seriously hurt. I’m not in the mood to walk more than a block. I’ll dump this stuff and find a driver of my own if you try to make me go past that crosswalk.”

Killian shook his head and sighed, “Are you done?”

“Are we clear?”

“Of course, mi amor. You sit on this bench while I make a phone call. We’ll be out of here before you know it.”

Killian’s purr mocked me, especially by calling me his love. I’d done it to be convincing. He did it to disturb me.

Or remind me he hadn’t forgotten and I’d have to answer for it.

All the guesses in the world wasn’t enough for me to know.

I sat on the bench, watching him out the corner of my eye as he spoke on the phone. Suave. Such a soft voice, but clear. Smooth. It made you want to listen to him talk. Never knowing whether he was going to be kind or sharp added to the spice.

Shivering, I wished I’d brought my coat instead of leaving it at the office.

That’s the only reason why I’m shivering. Yup.

Killian turned to me, focusing hard. I froze.

“Of all the things…” His muttering ended in two steps when he reached me. “Seriously, Lucy. How have you survived this long in the world?”

“I’m a pro at it.”

That was a truth I didn’t mean to share. Killian seemed to take it as a joke. Or something.

“Mmm…I doubt that, Miss Lucy. You’re going to become a little block of ice if I don’t do something about it.”

I bit into my mouth, deeper when his focus sharpened on the stinging spot. I remembered the way his hands lifted me up. The exhilaration when I realized exactly how he was going to punish me for defiance. I was right there. My heart quickened and I wanted Killian to kiss me again.

Not for a second. Not for a minute. Not stopping until I melted right into him, becoming one with his secrets and pain…



“What are you doing?”

Snap. I’d shown too much. Straightening my back, I tilted my head. “Just waiting to go home.”

The words took on a different meaning because they felt right.

Too dangerous.

Killian lifted a hand, curling it gently under my chin. “Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?”

His lips turned down into a tragic smile. “Like I’m everything I’m not.”

Wings clipped. Just with five words.

“Duly noted.” I shifted on the bench, trusting I’d find a way to suppress the disappointment crashing about in my chest. “So did you call for a car?”

Killian didn’t answer immediately. He just watched me, gaze gliding over my face. “Don’t look at me like that I said.”

“I’m not looking at you in any way.”

“Yes, you are.”

Killian crouched before me. He rested a large hand on my knee. It burned with intimacy.

“How am I looking at you?” The words were hard to say, giving them a raspy texture.

Killian didn’t answer. He just continued to look at me, really look at me. No calculation in his sky-blue gaze. It was open and inspired me to be open as well.

I placed my hand over his, taking comfort when he didn’t snatch it away.

We stayed like that for an eternity lasting only a blink of an eye. Killian stood up, fluid and graceful as ever, and sat next to me. I scooted over only to have him brusquely pull me back.

Killian undid his coat buttons, holding it open. I stared at the invitation blankly, as if I didn’t understand. I understood, but did he?

“Come on. You’re letting the cold in, Lucy.”

“No. I’m okay. Thanks.”

“Liar. Now that you’re not pissed at me you’re finally feeling the weather. It’s cold and how are you going to be able to come to work and irritate me if you’re laid out with a fever?”

I wanted into that space, right by his side, but…

But what?

Carefully, I slid an inch or so closer. Killian covered me as much as possible. My legs were still exposed, but the heat from his body was more than enough to keep me warm.

I knew this man for a devil, but right now, he felt too much like the angel he once was. The angel he could become if only I could reach him…

The need for protection came over me. I rarely ignored my instincts, but this was one time I wished I could.

“You know a gentleman would just give me his coat.”

“I’m no gentleman. Besides, you were the one stupid enough to leave yours behind. Just be glad I’m willing to share.”

“I’m not stupid. Don’t call me that.”

Killian snorted. “You realize you’ve given me a weapon, don’t you? Silly girl.”

Yeah. I was silly. Stupid actually. Stupid because I wanted to sit on this cold bench forever. Stupid because for the first time in my life, I wanted a man for myself. Stupid because I knew Killian King wasn’t the man for me and I wanted him anyways.

A limo pulled up, sleek, black, and spotless.

“You could’ve gotten something less over-the-top.”

“I could’ve, but life is so short. Why not ride in luxury when you can?” A sly look entered his eyes. “Will I be your first?”


I babbled but managed to choke out, “What do you mean? I don’t…what?”

“Your first limo ride, Miss Lucy Martin. Whatever else did you think I possibly meant?”

The driver jumped out and hurried to introduce himself while simultaneously gathering all our bags. I could’ve shook his hand for saving me from floundering further.

At least if he hadn’t avoided looking at me for longer than a split-second. I didn’t understand why until I realized I was still wrapped under Killian’s coat.

I knew then what I looked like—a rich man’s lover.

The speculation should’ve disturbed me. It would’ve under normal circumstances. I guarded my reputation with a fierceness that bordered on fanaticism.

However, I was reluctant to move away from beneath Killian’s protection even though I had to. I wouldn’t have Killian thinking I’d grown inappropriately possessive over his touch.

Inappropriate? You think about that now? How funny!

Killian slowly released me. I didn’t want to think he’d fallen under the same spell. It probably meant nothing to him. A way to torment his Grandfather’s spy. Or maybe it was just his brand of politeness.

That or he was always a bit of flirt anytime he was around a woman.


I wasn’t going to give it more weight than it deserved. Never mind the fact I’d replay this over and over again and smile every time I remembered how good he smelled or how firm his body was against mine. Or how safe I felt.

Killian kept his hand on my back as I got into the car, but he didn’t get in behind me. Instead, he walked to the trunk where the driver instantly opened it. I heard a rustle and then Killian was there next to me.

Looking at the bag, I knew what it was. Richart Chocolates.

The limo pulled away from the curb, gliding into traffic easily. I thought back to Killian’s wishes for Jorge. Apparently, we were in danger of hitting the same backed up toll booths and traffic. I didn’t understand why we couldn’t have just stayed with Jorge, but there was probably a method to Killian’s madness.

The rustling of a package snared my attention. Politely, I looked out the window so Killian could eat his overpriced treat in peace.


Surprised, I turned to him. A colorful square festooned with pink circles rested on his palm. Before I could deny the sweet, Killian pushed it into my mouth.

He gazed at me with his typical spite-tinged satisfaction. “Saves us both time. Now chew and tell me it’s heaven.”

What a telling choice of words.

I chewed slowly, parsing through the new flavors. “It’s good. Not $150 a pound good, but good.”

“Good. How uninspiring.”

“I’m a Hershey’s kind of girl so…”

Killian rolled his eyes. “What’s that phrase again? Something about pearls before the—”

“Finish it and see what happens.”

Sparks lit the space between us. It invigorated.

“I like a good challenge, Miss Martin. Tell me how you’d do your worse.”

“No need to tell. You’d just have to find out.”

Killian tapped his chin. Just when I thought he was on the verge of pushing me, he laughed. “Definitely not boring. Lucky you.”

He popped a chocolate in his mouth. I didn’t realize I was smiling until he winked.

I could get used to his good side. I wondered how many other women found themselves in this position, thinking they could tame Killian King into something as sweet as the candy on his lap.

“Do you want some more?”


“I’m good. Thank you.”

“Suit yourself.” Killian took a bite and then said, “On second thought…”

Suddenly, he leaned into me, half-eaten chocolate perched between his perfect lips. I moved my head back, but he only followed me. I didn’t have to look in Killian’s eyes to see his dare.

Temptation your name is Killian King. Hershey’s got nothing on this.

Leaning forward just ever-so-slightly, I wondered what would happen if I played along with Killian. Would he have me eat the chocolate right out of his mouth? Better yet—would he kiss me again?


What was wrong with me? The driver was right there! I’d only known Killian for a couple of days. In fact, we weren’t dating. We were coworkers. Nothing more.

Nothing more? Really? You don’t want more? Yeah right.

Killian’s gaze sparkled with sly mischief. He probably could see all the wicked lust and wanting right there on my face. How embarrassing!

Fire high-stepped across my cheeks. I barely resisted the urge to slap my palms across them in a weak attempt to shield my bodily reaction.

Firmly, I looked away.

“You’re no fun…”

I opened my mouth to retort when Killian pushed the chocolate past my lips. Delicious cocoa melted on my tongue. Vaguely, I wondered if this was how Adam felt when he took that infamous bite.

A tiny moan of pleasure escaped. The taste grew sweeter. I didn’t have to guess why.


Words failed me. I nodded instead.

“Good girl.” Killian poured a splash of something bubbly from the bar. “Try this.”

Holding up my hand, I shook my head. “I don’t drink.”

“As in ever?”


“Why? Is it a religious thing?”

“No.” I wasn’t comfortable explaining. I defaulted to my go-to answer. “I just like to keep my wits about me.”

“I’m hardly going to get you drunk on chocolate and champagne.” A wicked smile flirted with me. “At least, not here anyways.”

“You’re unbelievable.”

He laughed. I liked it and 100% believed Killian should do it more often. At least like this.

“I know.” He tossed back both flutes. “Hmm…you missed out, Lucy. Maybe next time.”

No. Not if I wanted to keep my head above water.

Mercifully, the ride ended soon afterward. Not because we found a secret way into the city. Rather, Killian found another way to overcome pesky mortal annoyances like traffic and distance.

Wide-eyed, I stared at the black helicopter crouched on the pad like an oversized, yet fragile, insect.

“You mean we’re flying back to the city?”

“Of course.” Killian grabbed my hand. “Come on. With any luck, we’ll fly right over Jorge and see him suffering for your stunt today.”

“Then what’s my punishment?”

Oh my goodness. That sounded way too flirty.

Killian apparently thought so too. He squeezed my hand just a bit harder. “I’m sure I’ll come up with something terrible. Just wait.”




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