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Let Me In (The Boys Club Book 1) by Luna David (12)



A fucking virgin. Christ Jesus, he was a goner.

He still couldn’t wrap his mind around it, and he was staring at the boy’s perfect, unblemished ass, his pucker rosy and beautiful. He couldn’t wait to breach it but knew it wouldn’t happen for a couple more days. His boy’s cock was small, however his was anything but. He wasn’t about to push Liam farther than he was ready to be pushed when he was still bruised from head to toe, but damn was it going to be difficult to hold back.

“Spread those legs, boy. That’s it.”

Cash sank down to his knees and gazed at his boy’s beautiful hole. He rubbed a finger over it, ever so softly, and leaned in to kiss Liam’s ass cheeks, nibble them, and bite them until the boy shuddered and moaned. He brought his hand down and spanked him, not too hard, but not too soft, and the whimpers that escaped from his boy’s mouth let him know spanking might not be much of a punishment. He’d have to test that later.

Trailing his tongue to the boy’s cleft, he licked up from his balls to the top of his crack then back down several times. The next time he reached his pucker, he stopped and laved his tongue over it until Liam was squirming and begging to touch his cock. His firm “No” was met with a groan and several soft curses.

He smacked his boy’s pucker, and he squeaked, making Cash chuckle. Goddamn, Liam didn’t hold himself back from reacting naturally. He didn’t shy away from showing Cash exactly what he was feeling. He kissed his way back to Liam’s pucker and sucked on it between long, wet licks. He loved the moans and groans and whimpers from his boy.

His taste was musky and sweet, a beautiful combination that titillated his taste buds. He wanted more. He breached his boy’s hole with his tongue, and the cursing and Liam’s ass pushing back to greet him were testament to how Liam felt about being rimmed. He delved in further, and the cursing became unintelligible mewling. In and out with his tongue, until it ached and saliva was coating his beard. When both he and Liam couldn’t take anymore, he grabbed the bottle of lube he’d tossed on the bed and slicked up his fingers. Tilting his head to the left, he saw Liam had lowered his head and was panting.

“Did I say you could stop watching?”

Liam whipped his head back up, and the beautifully glazed eyes; wet, teeth bitten lips; and flushed cheeks made him moan and grip his own cock with his hand to stave off an orgasm. “Fuck, boy, you’re so beautiful. I need you to see for yourself how gorgeous you are. You can get up on your hands if it hurts your neck in that position.”

Liam raised himself up on his hands and closed his eyes then opened them again, making eye contact through the mirror and nodding. “Watch me through the other mirror now, boy. You need to see me breach your sweet hole with my fingers.”

All Liam could do was nod and pant. Cash used his lubed index finger to rub Liam’s pretty pucker in a circular motion several times before slipping the tip inside. The breathy moan Liam let out made his own cock leak against the already damp spot on his boxers. The whispered, “Daddy, mmm, Daddy. More, please,” had him resting his forehead on Liam’s ass cheek to keep his shit together.

This was about Liam and giving his boy what he needed to be properly prepped for Cash’s cock. He didn’t want Liam experiencing pain when he lost his virginity; he wanted Liam to feel nothing but pure, unadulterated pleasure while being filled and taken, being owned. He slipped his finger in further and further still, asking Liam to bear down, and paying attention to Liam’s signals, his body showing him when he was ready. When it was fully buried, he hooked his finger a bit and pressed the soft spongy area where the boy’s prostate was.

“Oh, fuck! Daddy… is that?”

“Yes boy, hush now. Daddy needs to concentrate on your pleasure.” He softly and slowly prodded that spot over and over.

Liam’s whisper was more of a whimper. “Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.”

He continued until Liam pulled slightly away. “Daddy, please. If you keep doing that I’ll come.”

As much as Cash liked the sound of that, he didn’t want him coming before he’d loosened him up a bit more. He pulled out and ever so gently nudged in his second finger, eliciting a gasp and groan from his boy. “Oh, Jesus, more. So good. So fucking full, Daddy.”

“You’re not good at following directions, are you? Hmm? Such a naughty boy, being so loud.” He spanked Liam with his other hand. “Naughty, naughty boy.” Another spank then Liam was bucking back against Cash’s two fingers, and his ass was clenching down on them as the mewling turned to moans then shouts. Cash watched in awe as his boy unraveled, and his pretty little cock bounced in time with each volley of cum that spurted from its tip, as if the pressure of his orgasm was so strong, it made his dick dance.

Cash spanked him one more time then wrapped his hand around his own cock, pumping hard as he looked up into Liam’s wide eyes that went half-mast as the boy groaned. Cash hooked his fingers again, massaging that favorite spot and jacking himself as Liam’s seemingly never-ending orgasm continued, his spurts smaller now, but still continuing. Just as Liam’s orgasm wound down, Cash came, semen coating his hand and the inside of his boxers.

Fucking hell, he’d lay bets that Liam was going to become the best sex he ever had. The new benchmark for all future boys. Fucked. He was completely and utterly fucked. He pulled his fingers slowly from Liam’s hole, and the boy collapsed on his side, panting, while Cash’s own racing heart and winded breathing slowed. He stood and pulled his boxers off, using them to wipe his dick and his hand then lay on the bed behind Liam, pulling him snug against his chest.


“Yeah, baby boy?”

“I don’t think spanking is going to be a very good punishment.”

Cash barked out a laugh and gripped the boy tighter as they both continued to chuckle. “I think you’re right. Probably a maintenance spanking once or twice a day will do. For real punishments, I’ll have to get much more creative.”

Liam groaned then gripped Cash’s arms, hugging him back, squeezing tight. “I’m not going to lose my virginity tonight, am I?”

“No, you’re not. I’m too big to do that right away. We’ll use some plugs over the next couple days and get you ready for me. I want your first time to be beautiful and free of pain, and I don’t want you to still be hurting from your injuries.”

Liam sighed. “I guess I should thank you, but I really wanted tonight to be the night.”

Cash slid his hands up and down the boy’s body. “I know. But you need to trust Daddy to make the right decisions for you. They won’t always feel right, and they won’t always be the ones you want them to be, but I’ll always do my best to make my decisions based on what’s right for my boy. Understand?”

Liam snuggled back into him and nodded. “Yes, Daddy.”


They snuggled for a while, but when Liam nearly fell asleep in his arms, he knew what he had to do. “Let’s get you dressed, and I’ll walk you back to your room.”

Liam stiffened and took a deep breath. “That’s okay, you don’t need to do that. I was going to go down and look in the library for a book to read, if that’s all right?”

Cash paused, wondering if Liam was using that as an evasion to avoid walking back to his room with him. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, Cash replied, “Yeah, of course.”

He turned the boy towards him and tried to meet his gaze, but Liam moved in, eyes closed, and kissed him sweetly several times before pulling away. He whispered goodnight over his shoulder and gave that fake smile Cash was starting to hate as he left the room.

Guess he had his answer. Cash knew what he was doing was best for them. He didn’t want Liam to get too close and get hurt when it ended. He’d have to see if the boy continued to avoid having him walk him back to his room and decide whether or not he wanted to bring it up and discuss it with him.

He rolled to his back, rubbed his hands over his face and back through his hair. Guilt was eating away at him, but he felt in his gut that keeping Liam at a distance was the right thing to do to protect them both. He got up and got ready for bed. When he returned, the messed-up bed linens and the mirror he’d moved for Liam to watch himself felt somehow tainted and impersonal.

He didn’t want what was between them to be impersonal. Neither of them would be satisfied that way. He had to find a better balance with Liam, find a happy medium to keep them at enough of a distance to keep them from falling in love with each other, but close enough to grow a relationship like the one he’d had with Tommy. He’d use his previous relationship as a benchmark and do his best to be at ease with Liam like he’d been with Tommy.

Hopefully, that would be enough to bridge any type of divide they had. It had to be.



Four days later, his boy had settled in quite well. They’d both gone and gotten tested, even though Cash told Liam he didn’t have to because he was a virgin. The boy insisted, and they’d both gotten clean bills of health. It was feeling more and more natural to have Liam in his home, and his comfort level with a boy he’d only known for a handful of days didn’t slip past Cash unnoticed. He cared for Liam more than was wise in such a short amount of time and was unable to keep himself detached, no matter how much he berated himself for it.

He’d lightened up and done his best with Liam to draw him near, not push him away, much preferring Liam’s reactions to that than the fake smiles the boy gave him every night when he went down to the library to read before heading up to bed. The sad look in Liam’s eyes that he did his best to hide was enough to make guilt wedge its way in. He didn’t change his mind about Liam sleeping in the blue room, but he tried to not be as detached when they were together. He stayed home and spent every day with him, wanting to get to know him.

It said a lot about how he felt about Liam, because he was putting an enormous amount of trust in his office staff to handle the situation with the security breach. So far, so good, but that didn’t make him feel any less nervous that he wasn’t there micromanaging the situation to death. The only thing that was keeping him from going in there every day was knowing his staff was fully capable of dealing with it. He just usually hated giving up that much control. But damned if he could make himself leave the boy at home. All he wanted to do was spend time with him. Which made him nervous as hell, but he was unable to stop it.

Liam was due back from his second interview at one of the companies he’d applied to after Cash had contacted a few people he knew looking for openings for him. The interview was with an IT company that had a great reputation, and while Cash didn’t know the CEO directly, he knew the man’s closest friend and made the connection that way. He’d also met him several times at various business or charity functions he’d attended.

The man had always seemed like a good guy, so Cash had felt comfortable with Liam interviewing there. He heard the garage door opening and set his coffee cup down to greet Liam in the garage. They’d made quick work of getting him a beautiful new suit, it wasn’t bespoke because they didn’t have enough time, but more than nice enough for him to look the part. When his boy stepped out of Cash’s BMW with a huge grin on his face, he asked, “So I take it things went well?”

Liam grinned and nodded, approaching him and giving him a very sexy kiss before pulling back and smiling up at him. “Yes. I think it went great! It was nerve wracking, meeting the CEO. I wasn’t expecting it, but Michael, the man that would be my boss, had to take a business trip and wanted me to meet the CEO anyway. So, instead of meeting with them both, I only met with him. I’m hopeful it will work out. He seemed like a really good guy.”

Cash led the boy into the kitchen and sat him down, making him a coffee from the espresso maker and listening while Liam chattered on excitedly about the job and what it entailed. He loved the smile on Liam’s face and vowed he’d try to put it there himself much more often. He asked several questions about their salary and benefits and was happy with the range they’d provided Liam with. For his first serious job, it was great, and Liam obviously wouldn’t have to worry about paying any bills on his own because he was living with Cash, so he’d be able to save up his money.

They chatted a bit more while Cash began preparing brunch. Liam had been too nervous to eat before his early morning interview, and it was eleven in the morning, so Cash figured he’d make the boy fresh waffles, his favorite breakfast, to celebrate his successful second interview. They ate while they continued to talk, and the light in his boy’s eyes and the animated way he spoke was making Cash see him in a whole new light.

He hadn’t given the boy enough credit. He really hadn’t. Sure, he’d talked enough with Liam to know he had a lot of knowledge in his chosen profession and would be a great addition to any IT company that hired him, but he hadn’t really thought about how much the boy wanted to work, wanted to prove himself. He was going to be more than an asset to whoever hired him, he was going to be a go-getter, and he wouldn’t be satisfied with simply doing his job. He’d want to volunteer for more projects and expand his knowledge, move up in the company.

The more he saw Liam’s drive, the more he respected him. Not only that, the more he wanted to convince Liam to work for him at DKI. He could really utilize an ambitious young man like Liam who, he was sure, would have lots of new and innovative ideas. He put that in the back of his mind, knowing he’d work hard at wearing the boy down, and maybe in six months to a year, he would be able to convince him to change his tune about working for Cash.

He suggested they go run some errands then maybe see a movie to keep Liam’s mind off the job. “They probably won’t be calling today. They’ll want to discuss it, and may have others they are interviewing. Let’s get your mind off everything and have some fun. It’s a cold, dreary day, and there’s a few good movies out. What do you think?”

The surprised look on the boy’s face confused Cash, but the smile that followed eclipsed any thoughts he had about it. He could look at that smile every day for the rest of his life and never ever get enough. So they made a day of running errands and doing mundane things; getting coffee, window shopping, and finally, going to the movies where they immersed themselves in enough guns, bombs, firefights, and car chases to make them forget the outside world for a solid two and a half hours.

They’d eaten popcorn and candy, and Liam had even ordered a large frozen soda icy concoction that had given Cash a brain freeze. After they’d had enough unhealthy food, they decided to go home and eat something rather than go out to dinner for more of the same. By the time they got there, it was late, and after they cooked dinner, it was later still, but they weren’t on a schedule so it hardly mattered.

He was clearing the dinner table when Liam’s phone rang, and there was a moment of shocked silence as he pulled it out and stared at it. “I don’t know the number.”

Cash smiled. “Answer it, boy.”

He did, and Cash waited with baited breath as Liam verified it was him, answered several yes and no questions with an affirmative, and then his face broke into a huge grin and he asked, “Really?”

He glanced over at Cash and bit his smiling lip as he nodded and finally said, “Yes! Definitely.” He paused while waiting for the other person to speak then replied, “Honestly, sir, you took me by surprise. I wasn’t expecting a call this quickly or after hours.” Liam listened for a moment. “Thank you so much. I’m really excited to get started, Mr. Abernathy.” He shot Cash another excited look. “Yes, of course. I’ll look forward to his call. Thanks again. Bye.”

Cash smiled, “You got the job.”

Liam nodded, the happiest grin he’d ever seen on the boy’s face lodging itself in his heart as the boy let out a whoop and ran at him. Before he could fully brace for it, Liam launched himself up, wrapping his arms and legs around him and latching on. Cash let out an “oof” and grabbed on tight. The only reason he didn’t fall down was because the boy was a buck forty soaking wet.

Liam grabbed his face and laid a smack on his lips, pulling away with his grin eating up half his face. He couldn’t help but smile back. “They want me.”

“They’d be stupid not to.”

“He said they didn’t want me waiting all weekend to hear back from them. That he’d talked to Michael, and they both had a really good feeling about me being the perfect fit for Michael’s group. Michael is going to call Monday with the formal offer, and I can talk to HR at that time as well.”

“I’m proud of you, Liam. You earned it, and you’re going to be a great asset to their company.”

“I couldn’t have done it without you putting in a good word. It really is all about who you know.”

“Don’t you dare sell yourself short. In the end, they don’t gain anything from hiring the wrong person. They’re a very successful business, they made the right decision for them, and that was you.”

“That was me!” Liam bounced in his arms, reminding him that he was still holding onto him. He chuckled at Liam’s excitement and sucked in a breath when he felt the boy’s tongue lick up his neck to his ear, biting his earlobe before whispering naughtily, “Will you take me upstairs and show me how much Daddy wants his little boy’s tight, virgin ass? I think we’ve prepped enough over the last several days. Please, Daddy?”

He ended that last bit with another bite, and Cash could hardly keep himself from taking the boy right there in the kitchen. He smacked his boy on the ass then tossed him over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, making his way through the house and up the stairs, his hand gripping the boy’s ass and sliding between his legs to tease.

He was lucky they were no longer on the stairs when Liam’s hands ghosted their way under Cash’s waistband and into his boxer briefs, massaging his ass and dipping into his cleft. Fuck, his boy was full of surprises. If he’d been on the stairs, he might have missed his footing and sent them both toppling. He growled, and all the boy did was laugh and continue to play.

He landed a hard smack on Liam’s ass just before he got to his bedroom, and the boy said, “Mmm, more, Daddy.”

The boy wanted more? He’d get more. Cash flipped him back off his shoulder, holding him steady when he placed him on his feet. Liam’s face was red with excitement and, Cash chuckled at the thought, gravity. When Liam went to take off his tie, Cash pushed his hands away and slowly, painstakingly unknotted it and slid it through the shirt collar. From there, he slowly undid his buttons and continued to undress Liam like he was unwrapping the most beautiful package.

When Liam was undressed, Cash sat on a cushioned, armless chair and pulled him onto his lap. The boy’s back was to his chest, Cash’s legs spreading Liam’s wide on the outside of his. He whispered, “Reach down and touch the floor.”

Liam gasped but did has he was told, his ass up in the air, his knees back on either side of Cash’s hips. Cash wedged his shoulders between the boy’s legs, spreading Liam wide open. He looked down at his boy’s gorgeous round ass cheeks on display. He trailed his finger down Liam’s cleft and pressed on his rosy pucker. He leaned down, pulling Liam’s hips up to meet him, and licked that tiny hole several times, surprising his boy and eliciting a groan.

“If you come, boy, we won’t be fucking tonight. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good boy.” Pulling back, he delivered a hard slap to Liam’s left cheek.

Before he could even ask, Liam said, “One, thank you, Daddy.”

He smacked him three more times in quick succession. “Two, three, four. Thank you, Daddy.”

Goddamn, did his boy know the rules inside and out. He hadn’t known until the second day Liam had been there that the lists of rules he’d had in the contract had long since been memorized. He was slowly figuring out what he thought had been some late-night chats with Tommy had actually been more like daily, hour long conversations, covering everything from their daily lives to the protocols he expected. Liam already knew exactly how to be his boy. Every time he thought he’d have to teach him something, the boy already knew.

He was so damn eager, so willing to give of himself, that Cash was humbled. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve two such perfect boys, but it was more than he deserved in a lifetime. And minute by minute, hour by hour, Liam was wiggling his way into Cash’s heart, one charming, sweet, and innocent smile at a time.

When he tried to get stern with the boy, Liam was so affable and agreeable, his grin would bring on Cash’s smile and his sweet, “Yes, Daddy,” would melt Cash’s resolve. All he wanted to do was please him. There were no challenges like there had been with Tommy. He wasn’t a doormat, not by a long shot. They’d had several heated debates on multiple subjects, but when it came time for him to please his Daddy, he was always on his best behavior.

One thing was for sure, the boy loved his spankings, and they’d discovered, much to his and Liam’s chagrin, the boy could come, quite unexpectedly, from spanking alone. He continued to lay into the boy and was nearly done. Three more and Liam was whimpering, his response slow and his control nearly gone. “Eighteen... Nineteen… Twenty… Th-thank you, Daddy.”

He rubbed his sweet boy’s rosy cheeks, knowing when he finally took him, the burn from his well spanked ass would only increase his pleasure. “You took that so well, Liam. Daddy’s so proud of you.”

Cash pulled him up and wrapped his arms around his chest, sliding his hand down to play with his hard, little cock and balls. Liam reached back, wrapped his arms behind Cash’s neck, and held on, thrusting his hips into Cash’s hand. He leaned his head back next to Cash’s and whispered, “Please, Daddy. You’re going to make me come. I need your cock inside me, splitting me open.”

Jesus, his boy had a mouth on him. All sweetness and light then bam, dirty talking Liam appeared, and Cash loved it. Liam always turned red when he did it, and it was nearly always in a whisper, so Cash wasn’t sure the boy would be able to talk dirty any louder than that, which amused him no end. He was half shy innocent, half dirty vixen, and Cash simply couldn’t get enough.

He tugged one more time on Liam’s pretty cock and asked, “Do you want me to wear a condom? I know we’ve been tested, but I’m happy to do so for as long as you want if you’re not comfortable yet.”

Liam whimpered and shook his head. Glancing sideways at him, Liam leaned in, too embarrassed to say it out loud, and whispered, “Please, Daddy. I want you to breed me.”

Fuck, but Liam was perfect for him.

“That’s good, little boy, because I want to breed you.”

Cash turned Liam sideways on his lap, stood with him in his arms, walked over, and laid him across the bed. He grabbed the lube and tossed it on the bed near Liam then covered his boy with his much larger body. “Wrap yourself around me, baby.”

Liam did as he was told, hooking his legs behind Cash’s thighs and wrapping his arms around his neck, playing with Cash’s hair as he so loved to do. He wanted to make the boy’s first time special. He didn’t want to role play, he didn’t want to play any games, he wanted to concentrate on making his boy squirm and come undone.

He lavished Liam with kisses, their lips and mouths hungry for each other. Cash, loving the way his boy tasted, couldn’t get enough, didn’t know if he’d ever get enough, of the boy in his arms. He pressed himself against Liam’s hips and moved with him in an age-old rhythm that only helped to rev them up further. He bit and sucked his way down Liam’s delicate body leaving marks on his soft, light skin. Sucking on his nipples had the boy shaking in his arms and begging for his cock.

He nipped his way to Liam’s hips then swallowed his cock whole, making the boy buck up into his mouth and cry out. The grip Liam had on his hair only served to increase his suction, and when he cried out that he was going to come, Cash stopped immediately, leaving Liam groaning and begging to be filled. He moved up Liam’s body and grabbed the lube, readying himself then drenching his fingers in the slick fluid to prep his boy.

He breached him with one finger and it slid right in. They’d been making use of four different butt plug sizes, and the night before, Liam had had the largest one in for the longest amount of time. It was just about Cash’s width and had hopefully helped train his muscles enough so that he wouldn’t be in too much pain when Cash slid home. He had three fingers in and Liam was thrusting back towards him while he was pushing in and crying out for more.

Knowing the boy was as ready as he’d ever be, he jacked his own cock off a bit to use the rest of the lube and make sure he was slick enough. He pressed his cockhead against his tiny pink hole with one hand to help control the speed he entered and slid his arm under the boy’s back, gripping his neck with his other. “Spread those legs for me, boy. Make room for Daddy. That’s it.” He looked deeply into Liam’s eyes and nodded, receiving a nod in return. “If it’s too much, you’ll have to tell me to stop, otherwise, I’ll assume you can handle it and keep going. I don’t want to hurt you, but I can’t promise I won’t.”

“I don’t want to wait anymore. Don’t make me wait, please.”

“Shh. Daddy will give you what you need. Bear down on me now. Push against me as I slide in.”

“Mmm, don’t stop, but oh fuck, it hurts.”

“I know. Be my good boy and take it. You’re doing so good. So good, baby. The head is in, and that’s the hardest part.”

Liam panted and whined. “Daddy.”

Cash gritted his teeth. “Tell me to stop if it’s too much, baby boy.”

Liam shook his head. “No. Don’t stop, just… ouch, oh fuck.”

Cash lifted up a bit and looked down, knowing exactly what Liam needed from him. He put his stern Daddy face on and spoke low, “Look at me. There you go. Liam, Daddy is splitting you open, just like you asked. You can do this. Push back on me, that’s it. Take all of me. Oh fuck, little one, so tight. You’re squeezing Daddy’s cock so good with your tight little hole. Almost there.”

The indecipherable mewling, and the little body quaking underneath him was going to be his undoing. He’d never felt so powerful, so in tune with a boy underneath him, and so much care and warmth with anyone like he did with Liam. He was nearly all the way in and the boy kept saying his name in a pained whisper. “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy.”

“Yes, my pretty boy. You’re doing so good. So good for Daddy. Brace yourself.” He shoved in the rest of the way and couldn’t help but revel in the whine his boy let out. His dick got harder and seeped precum inside of his boy when he said, “It hurts, Daddy. It hurts.”

“I know. I know, baby. You took it so well. I’m so proud of you. Do you want a reward for being so good for Daddy?”

Liam could only nod, his eyes glassy as Cash reached between them and gently took the boy’s now flaccid penis between his fingers. “Daddy’s got to get his boy’s pretty little cock hard again. From now on, you’ll stay hard for Daddy when he slides his cock home, deep inside of you, won’t you?” Still playing with Liam’s cock between his fingers, he smiled to himself when it began to get stiff. “Answer Daddy, Liam. My little boy needs to stay hard when Daddy fucks him, doesn’t he?”

Liam nodded. “Yes, Sir. I’ll stay hard next time.”

“Promise Daddy.”

Liam nodded. “I promise, Daddy. I’ll stay hard. I feel so full. Your cock feels so big, and it’s so deep.”

“I’m splitting you open, and you’re going to have a hard time walking later, aren’t you, baby?”

“Yes, Daddy. Will you…will you move, Daddy?”

“You sure you’re ready for that?”

“Yes, please. Please, you feel so good.”

Cash slid partially out and thrust back in. His fingers, still pulling on his boy’s cock, gripped it more tightly when he pulled out and thrust back in again. “I know it still hurts a little, but Daddy needs you to take the pain. Take all of Daddy’s cock deep inside of you and relax around me. Your cock is staying nice and hard, so I know how much you’re enjoying this. You’re so goddamned tight, little one. Take it all.”

“Yes, Daddy. Mmm, harder, please.”

Cash sped up, hips thrusting hard. “Goddamn, I love the sound of your begging.”

He kept at a brutal pace, knowing that’s what he needed his boy to take, and what Liam wanted. He didn’t let up, and his thoughts grew hazy the closer he got to losing his control. “Come for your Daddy, baby boy.”

The hot spurts of cum jetting out of Liam’s cock tipped him over. He grunted, his hips becoming erratic in their thrusts. “Mmm, fuck. Breeding you, boy.”

“Yes. Yes, Daddy!” Liam continued spurting as he emptied himself deep inside of his boy.

He didn’t think he’d ever come so hard in his life. He collapsed onto his boy, only belatedly realizing he needed to shift his heavy weight off of him. When he moved his chest off to the side, Liam kept his legs locked around him. He chuckled. “Unhook your legs, Liam.”

Liam grumbled but obeyed, and Cash turned onto his back, pulling Liam over top of him where he snuggled in. Cash grabbed the duvet and pulled it over them both, knowing his boy would need time to come down from his high.

They both drifted. When he woke, Liam was still asleep sprawled out on top of him, and his heart constricted, wanting Liam to sleep there forever and knowing forever was a very dangerous thing. He was a good Daddy, a caretaker. He’d always give his best to his boys, always had. He’d never truly been in a situation like he found himself in, falling for a boy and willing it not to happen.

It was exactly the reason he always wanted his boys to be at least twenty-five or older. Boys Liam’s age had so much to look forward to in their future, so goddamn much living to do. He wasn’t about to cut that short and force a twenty-year-old boy to settle down. They were at different points in their lives, and he was bound and determined to help his boy keep a distance he knew Liam didn’t want between them. It hurt Liam, Cash knew that, but he didn’t know another way, and it hurt him too.

He glanced down at Liam and kissed the top of his head. “Wake up, sleepyhead. We’re glued together with your cum. Let’s shower.”

Liam shook his head, his eyes still closed. “HmMmm.”

Cash smiled and tickled the boy’s ribs. Liam squeaked but snuggled back into him, warm and toasty, making contented noises. Cash couldn’t help but wrap his arms around Liam and kiss his head again. “Come on. A bath then. Together.”

They hadn’t done that together, and it was the only thing that got his boy out of bed. He chuckled as Liam scrambled off the bed then he squeaked and grabbed several tissues, holding them to his ass as the last of Cash’s seed spilled out of him. He ran to the bathroom like his ass was on fire, and Cash’s chuckles turned into guffaws. The kid was so completely taken off guard, it was hilarious.

When he made his way into the bathroom, the boy was in the toilet room, door fully shut. He walked out as the toilet flushed looked up at Cash’s smiling face, his own face bright red. “You’re awful! It’s not funny!”

“It really is. I didn’t think you’d be able to move that fast after what I just did to you.”

Liam covered his face with his hands. “Ohmygod, stop!”

He laughed again and turned on the water for them, taking his turn at the toilet to take a piss. He got them both new towels and grabbed some pajamas for himself and a pair for Liam he’d purchased to keep in his room. Liam glanced at them for several long seconds before turning away, avoiding Cash’s gaze as he climbed in the tub that was barely half full. Well, shit, he couldn’t read the boy’s expression. Which didn’t bode well. If he was getting better at masking his emotions, that was all Cash’s doing, and if Cash couldn’t tell how Liam was feeling, things could get rocky quick.

He moved towards the tub, and Liam smiled up at him, the smile not looking so fake any longer worried Cash even more. He got in the bath behind Liam, and the boy settled back against him immediately, convincing Cash that he was paranoid. They sat while the tub filled, and Cash loved having Liam in his arms. When the water was done, he got his sea sponge soapy and cleaned Liam from head to toe then allowed the boy to clean him just as thoroughly. When they were done, he dressed Liam and himself.

Liam gave him a smile, kissed him on the lips and said goodnight. Cash’s heart constricted at the boy’s obvious move to avoid being told to go to his own room. He wanted to make Liam’s first time special and would feel like the biggest asshole for letting him go. When Liam got to the bedroom door, Cash stopped him before he opened it. “Why don’t you stay?”

Liam whipped around, surprise on his face. “You want me to stay?”

Cash smiled and nodded. “I want your first time to be special for you. I’d like you to stay tonight.”

Something infinitesimal shifted in the boy’s body language. The smile he gave Cash seemed genuine as he moved back into the room. The, “Thank you, Daddy,” seemed genuine too, but somehow, his movements were off, or something else was going on. Cash couldn’t put a finger on it but decided he was being paranoid again when Liam mumbled, “My ass is sore,” as he climbed back on the bed.

They sorted the covers out, and Cash pulled Liam back against him, snuggling into the boy’s space, nearly desperate to hold Liam as he slept. The feeling of him in his arms while they were trying to fall asleep was like nothing he’d ever felt, and he’d held the boys from his past while falling asleep, so he knew the difference was Liam. The difference always seemed to be Liam.

Exhaustion took him before he realized Liam wasn’t hugging him back, and when he woke the next morning, Liam was no longer with him in bed.




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