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Love and War: A Bad Boy Romance (Small Town Bad Boys Book 2) by Annette Fields (13)



"Who was that?" 

The tattooed man at the bar had grinned and winked at me as Liam ushered me out the front door. 

"Nobody important," Liam assured me as he tightened his arm around my waist and delivered a sensual kiss to my neck. "Just somebody I have to deal with at work sometimes." 

I wondered if he was an undercover cop or something and was curious to find out more, but  Liam's hands and mouth on me stole the breath from my lips and filled my head with pure, physical need.

As we waited for the valet to bring his car, our kisses got hungrier and I only grew wetter and more desperate to be filled. I knew we were giving people an eyeful of PDA right out in front of the wine bar but I didn't care. Liam awoke the passion in my body that I only felt before on our first night together. 

A thrilling shiver ran through me as I wondered what unexplored desires were in store for us that night. More spanking definitely. Maybe even a bit of bondage? 

"Ahem. Have a great night, folks," called the valet. I didn't even hear him bring the car around. 

Liam grinned as he broke the kiss, keeping his eyes staring directly into mine as he pushed a twenty into the valet's hand. 

"I'm not going to be able to keep both my hands on the wheel," he growled into my neck. 

"So don't," I whispered back, hoping I sounded just as sexy as I felt. Drunk on wine and drunk on him, I couldn't wait for a real night in his bed. 

A tiny, dissenting voice in the back of my brain whispered, what'll you do if he says that woman's name again?

I chose to ignore that voice as I slid into the passenger seat and slid his right hand up my thigh again. He'd been so attentive and charming all evening, it made me giddy. And those flowers were a thoughtful gesture I didn't expect. 

Every action he took showed he was genuinely interested in me. And anyway, we weren't dating yet. Just going on dates and getting to know each other.

But I couldn't deny how my heart fluttered when he smiled and leaned over the center console to kiss me. His hand squeezed around my thigh hungrily, possessively, sending another rush of liquid heat to the center between my legs. 

"Keep putting my hands in fun places and we won't make it to my place, babe." 

"Challenge accepted," I said huskily and slowly directed his fingers further up my thigh. 

"Fuck," he groaned, palming my tender flesh underneath my dress but kept his eyes on the road. 

I felt like I was trying a new drug for the first time. I never did anything like this and it was such a rush. My heart thundered and my breathing was ragged as my body flooded full of endorphins. 

And I wanted more. I wanted to see how he reacted, to see how crazy and wild and high we really could be just from each other. Just from pushing limits and seeing what new heights and sensations laid on the other side. 

Because somehow, despite knowing so little about him, I felt safe with Liam. I felt safer within minutes of meeting him than in my entire three-year relationship with Johnny. He saved me twice and that magnetic spark never dissipated whenever I saw him. Somehow I knew he would be just as gentle as I needed while also riding with me on dark, filthy new adventures. 

“We’re here.” He smiled coyly at me as he shut off the car and withdrew his hand from under my dress. “I win.” 

“I went easy on you,” I replied just as coyly.  

He quickly walked around the front of the car to open my door. When I stepped out and placed my hand in his he pulled me suddenly, almost roughly, to my feet. The momentum sent me crashing into his hard chest, where he held me firmly. 

Already he was testing my boundaries, dominating and possessing my body and it was so fucking hot, I melted like microwaved butter in the solidness of his arms. 

“Do you have any idea how much you control me with this sexy little body of yours?” he breathed hotly into my ear as we made our way, moving as one, to his front door. 

“You control me,” I answered, pressing my ass into the hardness in his pants. I was dying to feel him ravage and violate me. 

We burst through the front door with force, not that I cared if anyone heard. Without losing his tight hold on me he shut it closed and pressed me against the hard, unyielding wood, pinning my body down with his own. 

If it was anyone else doing it I’d be frightened and definitely turned off. But the way Liam dominated me left me with no fear, only a deep thirst for more. 

His stormy blue eyes filled with lust searched mine, searching for a signal to stop if I wanted. But I was only getting started and couldn’t get enough.

“Is this what you want?” he demanded roughly as he spread my legs apart with his foot, pressing his thick, throbbing cock against my lower belly. “Do you want me to fuck you against this door like a dirty little girl?”


“Yes, what?” 

He closed his hand around the front of my neck, using light pressure on my blood vessels, but still enough for to me gasp and quiver under his hold. My panties were absolutely soaked and my knees buckled as my pussy pulsed with hot, greedy need. 

“Yes, I want you to fuck me. Please fuck me.” 

“That’s my good girl.”

The sound of his belt buckle coming undone turned my anticipation into a desperate frenzy. My trembling fingers untucked his shirt and drifted over the hard ridges of his abdomen as I worked the buttons loose. 

Unzipped and unbuttoned, his pants clung to his hip bones and the perfectly round globes of his ass. My attempt to pull them down his thighs was met with having my wrists pinned above my head.

“Please,” I begged. 

I was dying to touch him, to feel the silky sheath of skin on his cock glide into me and fill me to the brim. The desperation itself was working me up to come like never before and he knew it. He relished in making me beg, making me submit.

“I like it when you say please,” he purred as he secured my wrists with one hand and traced a line of heat up my inner thigh with the other. “Such a good, polite girl.” 


Liam’s phone began vibrating insistently on the kitchen counter where he threw it alongside his keys. For a moment, it jolted both of us out of our drunken, lusting haze. 

“Do you need to get that?” I asked, chest heaving as I panted. 

“No. Ignore it.” 

His mouth crashed against mine as his fingers circled lazily across my soaking panties, caressing my swollen tender lips through the thin fabric. 

Writhing under his grip, I moaned eagerly against his tongue as his thumb finally zeroed in on my clit, his fingers deftly pushing my panties aside.

“Fuck, Hazel. You’re absolutely dripping for me,” he snarled with pleasure as he caressed my soaking wet folds. 

“Am I a good girl?” I asked greedily between ragged breaths. “Can I have your cock now?”

He grinned wickedly in reply and brought his fingers from my wet core to my open, eager mouth. I sucked as sensually as I could, tasting my own arousal for him and desperate to show how good and pleasing I was.

All the while, his phone continued to buzz in the background. Whoever was calling him must have been doing so over and over nonstop. I could tell it distracted him from being fully present with me. 

“Maybe you should check,” I suggested. “It could be an emergency.” 

He closed his eyes, sighed deeply, and leaned his forehead against mine before giving me an apologetic kiss and releasing his hold on me. 

I hated losing his rough, dominant hands on me more than anything but if he was needed to save lives like he saved mine, I could be his patient good girl. 

“This is Barnes,” he barked into the phone. 

He paused as he listened to the caller, turning back around to face me with frustration painted in his dark eyes. 

“No can do, Stubbs… No, I’m not available tonight… Because it’s my fucking night off and I made plans.”

Liam rubbed his eyes and let out a frustrated groan as he continued to listen. I peeled my back away from the door and approached him, sliding my hand under his half-buttoned shirt to glide across the taut, warm skin of his side and back. 

He responded by wrapping an arm around my waist, although it was a looser hold than before. 

“Stubbs, listen. I drank a bottle of wine already. I’m in no shape to be in service tonight.” 

Another pause. This time he released me to pace angrily down the hallway. 

“Fuck! Are you serious? Alright, fine. Alright but you fucking owe me.”

He threw his phone on the sofa where it got lost somewhere between the cushions as he returned to me, the frustration heavy in his eyes. 

“So it was an emergency,” I observed. 

“Yeah. We’re three officers short tonight because of a chase north of here. If I don’t come in, I’m facing a dock in pay.” 

His hands encircled my waist as he pulled me against him and leaned his forehead down on mine. “I’m sorry. This is what I hate about my job sometimes.”

“It sucks but I understand,” I tilted my face up to kiss his lips, trying to assure him I wasn’t upset. “You’re needed. You save lives.”

He smiled against my mouth. “So you’ll be a good girl for me next time?” His hand crept down toward my ass and gave a firm squeeze. 

“Yes,” I said eagerly, running my hand along his thick shaft and knowing it would be so much better if I had to wait. 

Reluctantly, we untangled and readjusted our clothing. Watching him button his shirt and zip up his pants was almost as hot as seeing him get undressed. Hell, watching him do anything made me ache to be in his power again. 

He grabbed his keys and wallet but paused before leading us back outside. 

“I had a great time tonight, Hazel,” he said softly, almost shyly. “I’d really love to see you again.”

My insides screamed and jumped for joy like the boy I had a crush on for ages just said he liked me back. But I tried my hardest to keep a cool exterior. 

“The feeling is mutual,” I replied with a smile. 

Those four words couldn’t even begin to describe my feelings. How I physically craved and ached and burned for him like nothing else in my life. 

Liam Barnes was consuming me and we had only barely gotten a taste of each other.