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Love and War: A Bad Boy Romance (Small Town Bad Boys Book 2) by Annette Fields (15)



I felt like a teenager again and in the best way.

Thinking of him made me want to smile, moan, and touch myself all at the same time. I checked my phone constantly to see if I had any messages or calls from him and was absolutely giddy when I did. 

“Look who’s twitterpated,” Ash teased. 

“Babe, leave her alone,” Dahlia chided gently. “After all you’re still twitterpated over me, right?”

“Of course I am, Doll,” he said, looking at her adoringly as he ran an affectionate hand over her baby bump. “Even more now that you’re carrying my little one.” 

“Yuck. Stop,” I said, bringing my eyes back to Liam’s text message. “Why do you two have to be so disgustingly cute. You’re setting impossible standards for the rest of us.”

“You and Liam would make pretty cute babies,” Dahlia said with a wink.

“Not as cute as ours, though,” Ash added. 

“Yeah, one thing at a time,” I muttered. Let’s see if I can spend one complete night at his place first. Then maybe I dunno, earn the title of girlfriend before getting knocked up.

I wanted to be smart and not rush into anything, especially after breaking an engagement with a calloused asshole. Hell, I didn't even know if Liam wanted any kind of relationship or just casual sex. 

Still, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy when I looked at my brother and sister-in-law. If they could find their happily ever after against all odds, why couldn't I find mine too?

Ash was the bad boy in high school. He'd clean up nice for church on Sunday then be caught making out with the pastor's daughter after the service. No one thought any girl could "tame" him. It turned out that girl just had to be Dahlia. 

He looked at her like he would kill to protect her, and she was absolutely glowing when she looked back at him. Complete with her adorable baby bump and their cozy little home, they had a picture-perfect family. 

I told myself for years that wasn't the life for me. I was a career woman, and not even convinced that I would ever want kids. The fast, city life and corporate job with a fat paycheck called to me, not the simple, cliched country life. 

But when I looked at my brother and his wife, they looked so happy to have each other. The thought occurred to me that it didn't matter what kind of lifestyle you had as long as you were with the right person. They could be homeless and still find happiness and comfort in each other. 

At what point was I just rebelling for the sake of being a rebel? A part of me would always want a rewarding career but the thought of waking up next to my life partner, carrying his baby in my belly, and having him to defend and support me just seemed so nice. 

At some point with the right person, I would love that. But I had to take care of me first. 

Dahlia inspired me in more ways than one. Before becoming a wife and mother, she started her flower shop business from the ground up. So far my job applications hadn't turned up anything promising and I couldn't deny the attractiveness of being my own boss. 

In San Francisco, I was on my way to becoming a top account executive at my marketing firm before they went bankrupt. In Cloverville, new businesses were popping up left and right in our cute little downtown strip. Surely some of them would need guidance with their marketing. 

Dahlia got me in touch with some of her fellow business owners and I already had my first consultations booked. 

While trying to ignore the disgustingly cute couple in front of me, I drank my coffee and ate my breakfast with a renewed excitement and energy. My day would be full and busy and I'd be challenged again. Eventually, if the consultations went well, I'd start making some money too and move into my own place. It would be nice to not see Ash & Dahlia's cupcaking every morning and they'd probably appreciate having privacy again before the baby arrived. 

Life was starting to look up again.

A chirp from my phone pulled me out of my daydream and my smile grew as I looked down. 

“Can I see you today, beautiful?” Liam texted. 

It took all my resolve to not say “YES!” immediately with an obscene amount of emojis but I stayed strong and took a few minutes to type and erase several drafts of my reply. 

“Busy with work meetings today :( But I absolutely want to see you soon!” After waffling for a few minutes, I hit send. His reply came almost immediately. 

“Tomorrow then?” 

My heart felt ready to burst with giddiness and my smile grew even wider on my face. 

“Yup, totally twitterpated.” 

I picked up the first thing I could find to throw at Ash, which was my coffee spoon. He laughed as it bounced off his arm and clattered to the floor. 

“Wait until I tell Mr. Cop about your penchant for violence. He’ll cuff you up as punishment.”

I said nothing but kept on grinning as I headed to my room to answer the text in private. He had no idea how much I’d love it if Liam did exactly that.