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Mirror Lake Ranch: Once in a Memory by Kendra Plunkett-Witt (20)

Chapter Twenty


I gasped for breath as I rolled off Krys and pulled her into my arms. I ran my fingers through her hair and tried to keep my head from spinning.

“That was amazing,” she was as winded as I was. “No, amazing isn’t even the word for it.”

I kissed her forehead again. “I know.”

“Me too,” she whispered as she lie her head on my chest – running her fingers through my sparse chest hairs.

I knew what she meant but I needed the clarity. I had told her in the heat of the moment that I still loved her. And I meant it. “You too what babe?”

“I’m still in love with you. I never stopped. This is the most beautiful feeling.”

I smiled and held her even closer. I ran a hand over her ass. I could feel the welts forming. My heart jumped in my throat. I couldn’t believe I hit her. “I am sorry baby. I can’t believe I did that.”

She propped herself up so as to look me in the eyes. “Do not be sorry Gentry Hollis. Do you hear me? Getting to take out some of your anger on me, to feel that I’m in equal pain.”

“I shouldn’t have wanted you to feel pain – especially pain like mine. Love isn’t that.”

“But it worked. It fixed the sex part as least. And most importantly,” she smiled wickedly.

“Are you enjoying yourself Ms. DeLouch?”

“It turns out I enjoyed being a bad girl. A very, very bad girl.”

I pulled her to me for a kiss and snuggled her back down to me. We were quiet for a long time. Snuggled comfortably under the winter quilt. I felt her starting to relax and melt even further into me. I glanced at my alarm clock. We had already been in bed an hour.

“Don’t fall asleep. We have to leave here in an hour,” I told her.

She groaned. “How important is meeting Ed?”

“Very, we need to celebrate. Me, you, together again.”

“Can’t we celebrate here?”

“Running low on time,” I jumped out of bed and tossed her over my shoulder naked. She giggled and slapped me on the ass.

“Where are we going?”

“Shower. To multi-task.”

“We can’t go down stairs in the nude!” Krys protested.

“There isn’t anyone here to see us.”

I carried her down the stairs and through the kitchen to the bathroom. She was still smiling and giggling. She ran her hand down my chest and kissed me as I sat her down. Pushing her deeply against the sink. I turned the shower on with one hand and picked her up by the ass with the other.

Krys spread her legs for me. I was hard as a rock and needing to be in her. As I grabbed my dick I realized what I was missing.

“Fuck!” I stepped back.

“What’s wrong?” she asked looking panicked.

“I know it’s a little late but, I don’t have a condom down here. I know it’s already been twice. But I’ve never done it before without.”

“Heat of the moment. But I never have either,” she out stretched her arm and showed me a tiny white scare. “Implanted birth control.”

Relief hit me. I just got Krystina back. We weren’t ready for two pink lines.

“Thank God,” our bodies collided again. Mouths smashing together, every touch creating an addiction that was never enough. Never deep enough. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her bare legs around my waist. I carried her carefully into the shower shuddering as the stream of hot water hit our skin.

We untangled ourselves long enough to lather each other with soap. I had been with dozens of women over the years. To many I wasn’t proud of, to many I didn’t remember.

But there was no woman’s body who fit mine like Krys’ did. No one who was addicting to me as she.

I felt the anti-slip pads that out dated me, underneath my feet and secured my faith in the grip. In the next breath, I had Krystina in my arms, pressed against the shower wall and my dick deep in her slick folds.

There was so much I needed to do to her, to worship her. I needed to kiss her, to nuzzle and lick every inch of her. From her lips, to her neck, her perfect tits, stomach and amazing folds of her cunt. But most importantly, I needed to be inside of her. Fingers and tongue just wasn’t going to be the trick right now. I needed to be balls deep.

And I was. Finally, I was. With each thrust I pushed her up the wall. She was sliding up and down. Falling back on my dick squirming, groaning and moaning in my ear. Damn, it was going to be hard to hold on for longer than a few more moments. I was a damn marathon runner in the sack. Minute and a half fucks weren’t my style. But I had spent so long dreaming about burying myself in her that I was never going to last.

I felt Krys’ pussy clench around my dick and her moans turn to all out screams as she came. Good enough. I slammed into her quickly and exploded. I held my grip on her despite my own trembles and slowly lowered her to her feet.

We smiled at each other and I pushed her wet hair out of her face and stepped back into the hot water stream bringing Krys with me.


Twenty-five minutes later I walked out of my room dressed for the night. Snapping the pearls on my shirt sleeves I knocked on Krys’ door before opening it. In the short time we had been out of the shower she had done a lot.

Her hair was blown dry and hanging naturally with just a touch of makeup. She wore her new fancy Wranglers, a dark blue long sleeved flowy top tied off with a rhinestone belt, her new “good” boots and a silver and turquoise horse shaped earrings.

She was perfect. I pulled her in for a kiss. When I let her go I noticed the necklace hanging low enough it dipped under her shirt just at the neckline.

“You still have it,” I gently pulled out the locket I had given that night in my parents shed.

“It’s been with me everywhere I’ve gone. Packed in my jewelry box. Just, just in case,” she popped it open. Last time I saw it there was no photo. Now it had a picture of me on the side opposite my name.

“I put it there when you left after I graduated. It’s okay that I wear it? I know what it meant when you gave it to me. What it promised.”

I smiled at her. Feeling like a happy little school boy. I never thought I would feel this way again.

“I love seeing you wear it again.”

She gave me that wicked grin and kissed me. Biting at my lip and making me release a very deep and primal growl.

“As much as I would love to rip into you again, it has to wait until tonight. If we’re late we will never hear the end of it.”

“I can handle some bitching.”

I laughed. My little trailer park princess. “If we are too late, Ed will send someone after us. Our relationship hasn’t been civil. They are likely to think we killed each other.”

“True,” her voice dipped soft and light and it made me even harder.

I pulled her towards the staircase, paused and ducked back into her bedroom and grabbed her hat. I placed it on her head. “Now we match.”

The ride to town was full of her talking about a whole bunch of nothing, laughing, flipping through the radio stations and playing with my free right hand.

“It’s crowded,” Krys remarked as we pulled into the gravel parking lot.

“And Carla prefers it that way.”

We climbed out and I grabbed her hand. She was mine. No one would know the locket was my mark on her. I damn well wasn’t going to let other guys hit on her, and trust me, they were going to want to.

We headed through the front door. There were fifty odd people inside. Some eating at the tables, some throwing darts. The bar was filled up with cowboys belly up and barley legal Brandon, Boots, Ethan and Jake, the cowboy from the Rosethorn party last week, were shooting pool.

They looked up when we walked in. Krys waved at them and I pulled her tight to my side with a smile. I could see Ethan chuckle and Boots’ face fall. I should have felt bad. Boots and I have been friends for years and years. I shouldn’t feel so victorious with Krystina at my side but I did. He legitimately liked her. Anyone with a handful of brain cells would.

But she was all mine. She had always been and always would be mine.

I saw Ed behind the bar near the kitchen end, stacking plates and food baskets to take to the dish washer.

“Ready to tell everyone?” I whispered in her ear.

“You haven’t taken your hand off me since we walked through the door. Or that smile off your face. I think they know. Besides, it’s not like we’re engaged.”

I pouted. “You’re not excited enough to tell them?”

“I’m ecstatic! I want to scream it to the universe!”

“Let’s start with Ed and Carla then.” I pushed her towards the back table in the corner where Ed, Carla and I typically dined. Carla stepped out of the back with a menu in hand and Ed in tow.

They both smiled when I wrapped my arms around Krys from behind, pulling her into me and kissing her ear lobe. It was the best I could do with both of our hats on.

We sat down at the table and she removed her hat, running her fingers through her hair.

  “Well, you two are getting along much better than you were this morning,” Ed said setting down two beer bottles on the table. One for him and one for me. Carla rarely drank at her own bar.

“Yes, we are,” Krys proudly told him.

“I am very pleased Ms. Krys. Can I get you a drink? Carla keeps a couple bottles of just above gas station wine in the back.”

“A beer sounds terrific.”

“A beer it is then,” my uncle replied returning to the bar.

Carla gave Krys a quick hug hello and told us there were still specials left. Salisbury steaks and all the fixings. Krys and I both ordered that.

“I’m going to wash up,” Krys said and I pointed her towards the restrooms.