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Mirror Lake Ranch: Once in a Memory by Kendra Plunkett-Witt (22)

Chapter Twenty-Two


I woke tangled in sheets with a very naked Krys in my arms. I glanced at the clock hoping my two hired hands on weekend duty. Brandon and Robbie were up and feeding. It was after nine now and I had no intention of moving soon. It had been after three when we collapsed into a sweaty cum soaked mess.

I way lying on my back, Krys’ arm across my stomach, her head on my chest and our legs intertwined. I wasn’t accustomed to waking in the spare room she had taken over. But she wasn’t ‘bout to touch my bed with a ten-foot pole. Brittany had gotten to her just a bit.

I pulled the covers over us better and snuggled into her. Between the booze and the exercise she was still out to the world.

Another hour past until I drifted back to consciousness. I couldn’t remember the last time I had lie in bed so late. This time when I woke Krys did too with an audible groan.

I kissed her forehead as I slid out of bed. “I got to get moving but you go back to sleep sweet heart.”

“No,” she moaned and it wasn’t her sexy moan as she tried adjusting to having her eyes open. “If you’re up I’m up.”

“You have nothing to prove to me.”

“I do,” she whispered pulling a sheet around her nakedness. “To you, to me and to Mirror Lake.”

Her phone vibrated on the nightstand and I picked it up noting it was an email from the airlines. I handed it to her.

“Post pone it, cancel it, I don’t care. Make it go away. Don’t leave the ranch. Don’t leave me, not until we figure this out.”

She nodded and unlocked her phone and I headed for the shower and clothes.

Half an hour later Krys had showered herself and dressed. She looked presentable and semi with it.

“Food, coffee, water,” I said and slid some pancakes on a plate for her.

“God bless you.” She took a sip of her coffee and kissed me. Her kiss meant to be quick but I prolonged it. Pushing her into her mouth and pressing my body against hers.

She moaned as she felt my dick crush against her, straining the confines of my jeans. I backed her against the counter, picked her up and sat her down on it. I was kissing her neck and undoing her belt buckle when I heard the kitchen door slam hard and Ed clear his throat loudly.

Krys froze and shrunk back into herself trying to disappear. I leaned my forehead on hers and sighed.

“I was wrong Brandon, apparently, the rut is in. Get her the hell off the counter. You two are not having sex on it as long as it’s mine!” Ed barked but I could hear the ornery grin in his voice.

Krys blushed and pushed at me. I took another deep breath trying to calm my erection and stepped back. Krys jumped off the couch and tucked a stray hair behind her ear, her eyes more or less on the floor.

“Eat your breakfast,” I commanded sitting down at the table myself.

“Breakfast!” Brandon shouted. “It’s near noon!”

“Hell Ed himself is just rolling in!” I protested.

“I’m semi retired child, I do as I please,” Ed rebutted pouring himself a cup of coffee.

“This ranch still pays you to work so on the rare occasion I can take day off,” I ran my hand over Krys’ knee as she quickly ate her breakfast. I was surprised at her embarrassment. Krys rarely let anyone get to her. 

She glanced up at me over her coffee come and licked her lips in an intentionally seductive way. Oh my sweet baby, you will pay for that one.