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Mr. King Sized: A Billionaire Romance by Natasha Spencer (111)

Chapter 16

It was a short trip from their condominium to . Sophia thought the Franklins might have chosen New York Presbyterian because it was so close, but actually it was because it is the best hospital in Manhattan and where Dr. Sugarman had hospital privileges. Sophia was sure that the hospital was great, but right now she had a more immediate issue - squeezing an eight pound bowling ball through her legs. She had initially wanted a natural childbirth, but the pain was like something she had never experienced, so after the first fifteen minutes had begged her doctor for an epidural. Sophia leaned back against the pillows and heaved a sigh as exhaustion swept over her like a great cloud. After twelve hours of labor, her entire body was completely worn out from pushing. But with encouragement from both Adam and Blake, Sophia gave birth to a healthy eight pound seven ounce baby boy.

The nurse carried away her baby before she could see him and they rapidly swaddled him and bathed him. She could hear his little screams and she began to cry as joy overwhelmed her heart. Blake stood at one side of her. He too was crying at the sight of his new son. Looking at his face made her love him even more than she had ever imagined. Then she looked to her other side and saw. Adam, moved to tears but holding them back stubbornly, trying to be macho.

Both men had been there with her for the past twelve hours, as she fought to give birth to their son. Exhausted, Sophia fought to stay awake so she could experience her newborn child. The doctor and nurses spent the next few minutes cleaning up the boy and then swaddling him tightly in a baby blue blanket.

“Here is your son,” the nurse said kindly, laying the little bundle against her chest.

For the first time, Sophia was able to get a close look at her son. He was a perfect mixture of the three of them. He had olive skin, and a few curls of wet red hair. When he opened his eyes to blink as his mother, she realized that they were a shocking deep blue. He was a healthy baby at eight pounds seven ounces, but he was so tiny. Knowing that this little child was all hers, and completely dependent upon her, made her feel both terrified and overjoyed. All she knew was that she loved this child in a way that she had never loved anything before. Her sense of tenderness and desire to hold this child overwhelmed her. Her heart felt as if it was bursting.

“Are you sure about his name?” Adam managed.

“Of course. I want to name him after your father,” she began. “Vincent.”

“And his middle name will be Angelo, after my brother. Vincent Angelo Franklin.”

Both brothers smiled, happy with her choice. She had removed any conflict about who the father was by selecting a neutral name. But it was an honorable and noble name. “I like it,” they both agreed.

She handed the baby up for one of the fathers to hold and Adam accepted him first. At first he looked a little awkward holding little Vincent, but soon got the hang of it. Blake then took him next. They both gazed at the child that was their son and heir. They were as terrified and clueless as Sophia was, but they were also as happy as she was as well.

The nurse brought in a pen and the birth certificate. Sophia wrote nothing in the name line. It did not matter who the father was. They were all in this together. She did, however, give him the last name Franklin.

Blake and Adam tried to fit on his first diaper together. Sophia smiled and laughed as happy tears flooded her eyes. It was so nice to see both of her lovers try to be fathers. While she was not sure what to do, she was grateful for their help. The nurse seemed confused about who was the father but helped them out with suggestions.

“Are you going to breastfeed?” she asked.

Sophia nodded.

The nurse then excused the Franklin brothers to help Sophia learn how to breasfeed the baby. The feeling of little Vincent latching onto her nipple filled her heart. She was so glad to bond with him in this way. When he looked up at her, she swore that he smiled.

“That was just gas, but it’s cute,” the nurse explained.

“I think he really is smiling. I want to think that, anyway.” Sophia looked back down at him, as he suckled. She was flooded with adoration as she stroked his red hair. Already it was drying and taking on its curly redness. She was so grateful that he had turned out just like all three of them, so that it was not clear who the real father was. It would make this whole complicated situation even easier and more blessed.

“You’re a blessing, my little angel,” she whispered to him. All the stress was worth it. He was worth every little bit of struggle, every fight, and the whole ordeal with Tony and her family. She would never want this any other way. It could not be more perfect.

After a few days in the hospital, mother and child were released. Dr. Sugarman congratulated Sophia on being such a wonderful patient, and personally walked the new family down to their waiting limo. Adam had purchased a which was already hooked p in the back. Blake joked that it would be hard to fit a car seat on the back of his bike, but that he would buy a car just so he could safely take Vincent places.

They sat in the back facing the car seat, and Sophia held the hands of both of her lovers. As the car took off and the hospital faded into the background, she knew in her heart that everything would be fine. She could not wait to take like Vincent to his beautiful nursery back at the penthouse.

“Who wants to spend the first night with us?” she asked suddenly.

“Both of us,” the brothers said in unison, without a second of hesitation.

That night, Sophia took a picture of her sleeping newborn son and sent it to her family. She held the phone to her chest, not expecting a reply. But the first reply came from her brother, congratulating her. And then a few minutes later, her mother called.


“Mama.” Sophia let out all of her breath in a huge exhale. This was unbelievable.

“That is the baby?”

“Yes. Your grandson.”

Her mother was silent. Then she said wetly, “He has the Nueva nose.”

Sophia began to laugh. But tears streamed down her face. “Yes, he does.”

“I always wanted you to have a child.” Her mother was clearly crying too. “He’s beautiful.”

“Thank you, Mom.”

“He’s healthy?”

“Yes, very. He was eight pounds and seven ounces.”

“That’s how much your brother weighed.” Her mother sighed. “I want to hold my jito.”

“You can meet him any time, Mother. I want you to hold him, too.”

“You know that I can never forgive you,” her mother went on.

“Can we put that all aside, Mama. For Vincent’s sake.”

“Yes,” her mother finally agreed. “I want to meet him. Please bring him.”
“Can you come here? I want to show you the penthouse. The nursery. It is lovely.”

Her mother inhaled sharply. “I can’t go there. I can’t see…them.”

“They are Vincent's father, Mother,” Sophia explained patiently.

“Dios mio.” Then her mother exhaled again, her breaths still wet. “Well maybe later. I have a lot to think about. Not yet, OK?”

“OK.” Sophia knew that that was the best she would get. And that was more than she had expected. The fact that her mother even called her shocked her, really. This was like a miracle.

“May God forgive you,” was her mother’s final sentence before she hung up. That hurt, but still, Sophia was grateful.

As she cried a mixture of happy and sad tears, the brothers held her and agreed to make themselves scarce whenever Lupe came to meet her grandson.

“I think your Mom is coming around,” Blake said, with more than a little hope in his voice.

“I'm shocked,” Sophia responded. “I honestly thought she would never speak to me again.”

“Nothing is as strong as a mother’s love,” Adam said.

Sophia looked upon her angelic son, sound asleep in his bassinet, and cried.