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Mr. King Sized: A Billionaire Romance by Natasha Spencer (89)

Chapter Sixteen

The following day, she was actually glad of her old position back in the offices. At least it meant she didn’t have to see Francis, and she did her best to avoid him over breakfast and at lunch too, rushing her meal when she saw him, and heading back to her office as quickly as possible.

Thankfully, she had her date with Rico to look forward to that evening, and as usual, he allowed them both an hour or so to get freshened up and changed back at the hotel, before he came to collect her on his bike.

They went for Japanese, which was unusual, but she appreciated the opportunity to try something different and this time, unlike their previous conversations about movies, music, books and TV shows, they went a little deeper and a little more personal. Much to her surprise, Rico began opening up to her, and telling her some incredibly private things about himself.

It all began when Ashleigh asked him what made him want to get into acting. He hesitated, pausing before he answered, leaning over the table towards her and lowering his voice a little.

“I was just asking myself…whether I should give you the answer I normally give in interviews, or the answer that’s most real to me.”

Ashleigh raised one eyebrow slightly. “Just tell me whatever you’re comfortable with.”

“I want to be honest with you,” he insisted. “I feel you deserve that. Honesty.”

“Well…thanks.” She smiled.

“I always tell people that I got inspired by the movies I saw as a kid, that I wanted to be like my heroes…and that’s true, that’s all true. But there’s something else as well. The real reason I pursued my career in acting with such determination and conviction is…I had someone relying on me…”

Ashleigh leaned in a bit, as Rico was talking fairly quietly now, and she couldn’t pick up on every word, especially over the noise of the restaurant.

“My mother,” he continued. “She was very sick. It was up to me to support her. All the money I earned from acting, it went to pay her bills and for her treatment and care.”

Ashleigh’s eyes widened. She had no idea Rico had this whole other, caring side to his personality. He was such a sweetheart underneath that suave, smooth exterior.

“That’s really kind of you, Rico.”

He shrugged. “She was my mother. It’s not a big deal. Any son would have done the same. Or at least, they should. Family is important to me.”

“Why don’t you tell people that in interviews though? It might make them think differently of you.”

“I don’t want them to think I’m just saying it for sympathy, or to try and make myself look good. That wasn’t why I did it.”

“I know it isn’t.”

“I know you do. But other people might not see it that way. Especially if I start talking about it publicly. Do you understand?”

She nodded sadly. “Yes…I do think it’s really sweet that you care for your mother though. You guys must be really close.”

Rico’s demeanour changed slightly at her words, and he sat back, looking down at his plate. “Well…we were. She passed away last year.”

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” Ashleigh gasped, covering her mouth with her hand and feeling bad for having said something.

“No, no, don’t worry, you couldn’t have known,” he insisted, shaking his head then reaching out and gently taking hold of Ashleigh’s hand, removing it from her mouth and holding it on top of the table. “But thank you.”

“I’m still sorry. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been. I’ve never lost a parent.”

“Yeah,” he mumbled, looking away again. “It was hard. It still is. I’m still…pretty broken up over it sometimes. I think about her a lot.”

She squeezed his hand gently, honored and surprised that he had chosen to share so much and really open up to her like this, but she appreciated it.

“Hey, we can…we can talk about something else, if you like,” she offered softly.

He glanced up at her and smiled, returning the small squeeze to her hand. “That might be a good idea.”

“Honestly though,” she added. “I think it’s so sweet of you to be able to admit something like this to me, and I’m…I’m grateful. Seeing a softer side to you is really…heart-warming.”

She felt herself blushing a little bit and she could have sworn that Rico was too, although it was hard to tell with that beautiful swarthy skin, and in the flicker of the light from the candle on the table.

“I’ve never told anyone before,” he admitted with a shrug. “And I don’t even know why I told you exactly, I just…I find you easy to talk to. I can just blurt stuff out to you and it doesn’t feel weird.”

“I feel the same way,” she gushed, still holding his hand. “I really love spending time with you, Rico. I really value our time together.”

She was getting pretty sentimental and soppy now, and she felt that Rico sensed that. He gave her hand another small squeeze, then slowly retreated his own and picked up his glass of sake, taking a little sip as he glanced around the restaurant. “Actually, I’ve been meaning to talk with you, Ashleigh,” he began. “About…about us…”

And suddenly, she knew what was coming.

It made her heart sink in sadness and disappointment, but she’d known all along that she shouldn’t get too attached to him.

“It’s fine,” she interrupted, before he could say anymore. “I know. You don’t want any strings attached, I know.”

He swallowed and looked across at her. “Is that…okay? It’s just…relationships…”

“Aren’t really your thing. I know. They’re not really my thing either.”


“Yeah. I’ve had a couple of not so great experiences in the past so…I think I’m probably done with relationships now.”

“Yeah, me too,” he nodded. “I’m glad you understand.”

“It’s fine,” she said again.

But was it?

Later in bed that night, at Rico’s hotel room, as he was pounding into her and making her scream with pleasure, the last thing on her mind was a relationship. She was perfectly happy with the hot, sweaty sex and the dinner dates.

She scratched her nails down his back and clung to him, her legs wrapped around him as she felt him deep inside her, each thrust sending her closer and closer to the edge, the top of his dick rubbing at her clit every time he moved due to the angle.

She whimpered and moaned, leaning up and biting down on his shoulder, sucking at the skin and marking him. They were both covered in a shimmery film of sweat by the time, a few moments later, he finally exploded, his thrusts becoming irregular and jilted in their rhythm, and she was sent over the edge too, her vision blurring to white for a split second at the intensity of it, screaming out his name.

In the aftermath of their heated sex, they lay curled up in each other’s arms as if they were boyfriend and girlfriend, not just two casual lovers who wanted the cheap thrill of an orgasm, and it was moments like that that she realized she was falling for him. When her heart beat in time to his, when she could feel him so close to her, smell him, taste him, when all she ever wanted was his arms around her, and when she could drift off to sleep so easily just knowing he was there.




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