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Nemesis (Creation Inc Series Book 6) by BJ Cunningham, Misty Clark (33)

Chapter 40


Salvation made his way into the bar, then into the back pool room. He started moving the pool tables off to the side so there was more room. Pulling his hair back he braided it quickly down his back. So it was out of his face as he started putting tables in place. He wanted the room to look as much like the tribunal room in the mountain as he could. Then he lay out the maps on the main table he would be sitting behind. He wondered who'd be the first to show up. Rycker never told me who or if anyone replied to the mail. Finally he took a seat an waited.

Brax hummed to himself in the kitchen. Beyer was helping and for once the cub wasn't annoying the shit out of him. Damn it was good to be cooking for a crowd again. The place had been dead since Bart tossed AP out on their asses and in all honesty, he missed them. Not only knowing that they had back up id shit went sideways, but The Pit had always been filled to the gills with people, someone always had a hair across their ass, was playing a practical joke or telling a story. He missed that. He missed it feeling like home

Reese arrived early to scope things out. She didn't want her people walking into anything until she had a feel for how it was going to go. Her brow arched when she found the door unlocked and groaned at the familiar smells and sounds coming from the kitchen. She smiled. Maybe the bears were coming to their senses. She drifted to the back room that she'd met with Salvation in yesterday, not surprised that he was already here and setting up the room. Smiling, she pulled the new phone that Rycker had set up for the Ghuardian and walked closer. "Ry sent this and wanted me to tell you that we've had no one begging off the meeting." That said one thing to her. Everyone was scared. "Can I help with anything?"

Salvation took the phone. "Thank you and damn I was hoping to kill some people." He said smiling. "Actually yes I want you to take a look at the map on the table please." He said he was about to get up to go find a waitress, because he was thirsty, when Jace appeared in the door way.

"I know I'm not invited to the party, but I took it upon myself to be the gopher for this if anyone need anything from the bar or kitchen I'll be handling it." Jace said hoping Salvation didn't kill him and Reese didn't kick in him the balls. "Good to see you Boss Lady!" He said teasing her a bit.

Sal smiled. "That would be a big help. I could use some coffee. I don't know about Reese, but if you bring me some of in the large mugs that would be great. And are the all the bears in the bar?" He asked Jace.

"Large coffee, got it. Not all of them no." Jace looked at Reese waiting to see if she needed anything.

"Coffee would be great. Hate to admit it, but it's good to see you to, Smart ass." She grinned and moved closer to the map and looked it over, not sure what she was supposed to see. She glanced up when Kara appeared with Ve who was a little sun burnt and leaning heavily on the Valkyrie.

"Where do you want his heavy ass?" Kara grunted out and adjusted her uncle's weight. "You need to go on a diet, like yesterday."

"No, you need to bulk up and stop whining," he smirked back.

Reese chuckled and shook her head looking back at the map. "What am I supposed to be looking for?"

Jace left to get coffee shocked at Ve's appearance, but said nothing.

Salvation looked up to see his sister and uncle. "Where ever you want to drop him I guess." Salvation said laughing. Looking at the map he started touching points. "There marks are where serious battles have taken place as of late. I started mapping them up out the old fashion way. Asher pointed out they are old Indian battles a lot of blood was shed then and now. I thought maybe Rycker would like to know about this. Where is he?" Salvation asked wondering why he wasn't here.

Reese nodded as she took it in, wondering how it would stack up to the ones Ry was still preparing when she'd left. "He should be here soon, he was collecting things and talking to himself when I left. He said something about needing a bare wall to project onto." She had to fight not to roll her eyes. That snow leopard had a bad case of OCD when it came to being prepared.

Kara half carried and half dragged Ve across the floor and dropped him into a seat, rolling her shoulders and wincing when the weight was finally off her.

"Injured man here, for fuck sake. You could pretend to try to be gentle."

"I could have dragged you in by your hair too, but I didn't do that either," Kara snorted. "Who’s being the whiny little bitch now?"

Ve flipped her off.

"By the hair next time. Got it," She made a face at him and looked around. "I'll go see if the bear is ready, since Cheerful Gus, here, is settled." Kara smiled and patted Asher's shoulder as he came into the room, his hair still a little damp from the shower.

Asher saw the small crowd and looked up at the clock, he was still early, even by Bar time.

"Okay good I need to speak to him later in private, and you also." Salvation said to Reese. As Asher came into the room his eyes lit up then he quickly looked away. "So Ve maybe you should have Asher look at you. If you're that messed up I think it would be a good idea." Salvation said looking at Ve in his hair. Taking the phone off the table he pushed the power button as it turned on it vibrated in his hand and noticed the phone carrier was different. He assumed it was a AP thing. He'd ask them about it later.

Jace came back with a tray of coffee mugs and large pot of coffee. He set it down to far from Salvation and poured the mugs full. "Come and get it." He said picking up a mug for Salvation and without even looking at Reese he handed her one. "I'll be back in a few minutes." He said leaving the room again. As he did Brian came in past him.

Salvation hadn't seen the bear since he got the news he was the only Enforcer alive.

Brian nodded at Reese. "Morning!" Brian said looking for a spot to sit. "Where are you sitting?" He asked her, so he could be out of the way of her fists if they started flying.

Ve raised his hand to Asher and dropped it. "There's he's seen me. I got out of the tanning beds for this, so it better be good, or at least entertaining." He sighed and Ghosted a horn of mead into his hand, drinking deeply from it.

Asher shook his head and got a cup of coffee from Jace before sitting in the seat beside Salvation. He wasn't going to force the Viking, hell, he probably couldn't if he tried. He lifted his mug and sipped. "If you change your mind, you know where I am." He smirked at the grunt he got in response.

Reese nodded to Sal and grinned at Brian. "I'm sitting wherever you are bear," she teased, knowing that she would sit with Ryker, Blade and anyone else from AP that had received an invite,

Damion and Serra appeared in the center of the room and he looked around wearily. The last time he'd been here, his reception hadn't exactly been friendly. He smiled softly as Serra went to hug Brian and they fell into a quiet conversation. He didn't have to be psychic to know she was asking about new information concerning Jared. It made his chest ache to see his munchkin so gutted by this and having nothing he could do to make it better.

Asher's brows popped when his eyes fell on Serra. She looked miserable and even though her condition was showing very clearly, he didn't think that her pregnancy had anything to do with it. He'd heard the rumors about Jared. He needed to get her into an exam room, because she looked like a panther who was weeks ahead of where Serra should be. Add that to the strange spikes in her blood work and he was concerned.

Salvation watched as everyone filed into the room. As Asher took a seat next to him he bumped his knee under the table. Glad he was here, because honestly he was worried it was gonna be a blood bath.

Brian hugged Serra wishing he could do more for her, but he hoped Sal and AP had some news for her. Rafe ghosted in on top of a pool table hitting his head on a low hanging beer sign. After a growl of pain he looked around. "About fucking time. This is my tenth attempt to get here. I guess I should be thankful I only hit my head." Rubbing his head he climbed down off the pool table and went to be his brother and niece.

Brock stood in the middle of the living room looking for his phone and wallet. He couldn't seem to remember where they were. Not that he needed them for the meeting, but that wasn't the point. He finally gave up the hunt when the door to their room opened and appear came in. "Cher? Have you seen my phone and wallet? I can't find them." He asked her trying to read the look on her face. He wasn't sure if it was announce or anger, maybe it was both.

"Sorry, I put it on top of the fridge. I wasn't awake and i thought bob might," Kara's words died when she remembered Bob was gone. How weird was it that she could forget that? She pulled them down and handed them over, stretching up to kiss him softly. "I dropped off Ve. The room is already filling up."

Reese took a seat when Rycker walked through the door carrying a bag and a back pack. She watched the door, not sure if Blade was feeling well enough to attend or not.

Ry pulled a projector from the bag and then a laptop from the pack and linked them together with a cable, nodding to Sal when the ghuardian looked his way. "What's with the maps and shit?" he whispered to Reese who shrugged.

Damion clapped Rafe on the back and pulled out a chair for Serra, waiting for her to sit before taking the chair beside her. Noticing the amount of coffee in the room, he pulled some mints from his pocket and held them out to her, returning her smile before scanning the room to be sure that he had a good view of anyone who was not his friend.

Bart walked in and headed to the back of the room, to watch and see what all of the hub bub was about.

Asher smiled softly at Sal's touch and sighed at the map spread over the table. He really wished Sal would wait to set himself up as the martyr until they knew what was happening, but Sal had his own way of doing things,

Salvation took the map from the table and rolled it up. He put in on the floor behind him. His phone went off looking down at text saying some of the other clans couldn't seem to ghost in. He replied he'd get back to them in person. He eyed everyone in the room. Making note of who was here and who wasn't.

"Thank you." Brock said giving her a kiss. "I guess we should get down there. How's Ve going?" He asked as they left their room and headed to the meeting room.

Mac growled at Blade for being stubborn. "Okay panther if Reese beats me for helping you get her I'm killing you." Mac said as they manage to ghost into the hallway not far from the pool room. Blade limped along with Mac's help into the room. "I'm not letting her do this a lone. Banged up or not."

Kara took his hand and laughed. "He's complaining like an old woman. Something about a sunburn where no male should ever feel such agony."

Asher sighed his relief when Salvation but away the maps and his eyes keyed on Blade, who should not be up and around, by the looks of him. "I'm going to call Ana, so she can listen in. She has a patient she can't leave," he leaned in to whisper to Sal before dialing, waiting for her to pick up and placing his phone on the table with the speaker option engaged if she had anything to add.

Reese arched a brow as Blade limped closer. Getting up, she got a chair and helped Mac get him settled. "Thanks Mac." she said quietly and smiled at Blade. She was glad he was here even though he probably shouldn't be. Touching his thigh under the table, her eyes scanned the room, trying to get a vibe for how everyone was going to react. Serra stared at her and Reese sighed. She needed to talk to the panther, but doubted that Damion would let it happen.

"He'll get over it or you'll kill him. Either way problem solved." Brock said as they got to the pool room. Brock looked at everyone in there once he spotted Bart he decided front of the room was best. "Cher you go where you need to I'm gonna sit off in the front to the right." He said kissing her cheek.

Mac nodded. "You're welcome. He's an ass an wouldn't listen. I hope Asher put a needle in his ass." Mac said taking a seat close by the other AP members.

Once Sal thought everyone was here he stood up. "Okay it looks like we are all here for the most part. The first thing I wanted to talk about is the clan problems. I have a long list of people I'd like to kill, but since its not PC to just go around kicking your teeth in we'll try it with open talking and all that hippie crap." He said looking at Damion and Reese. "Who wants to go first?!" He asked the room.

Kara looked at all the filled seats and decided that she'd just hang near the door where she had a clear view of everyone and could stop a problem before too much blood was shed.Crossing her arms over her chest she leaned her back against the wall.

Everyone just seemed to be looking and sizing one another up. When no one else seemed like they were going to do a damn thing, Serra pushed herself to her feet and let her eyes sweep the room. "Since no one else wants to get the ball rolling, I guess I will. A lot of crazy shit is going on out there and I keep hearing people talk about how it's not their problem until it hits home. I've had that moment. My mate was sucking into a hole and is gods know where. We're bonded and as you can see, we're having cubs soon, so you all know what that means. I need to get him back. I need your help to do that. I don't care what your past issues are or with who. If we don't work together to do something now, I won't be the only one missing a mate. The Mangus prowl is prepared to forget old feuds and wrongs. We will work with anyone who needs us, if in return they will share information that may lead to bringing my mate back." She looked around and when no one spoke, Serra sighed and sat again.

"Serra speaks for the Mangus Prowl," Damion backed his daughter up and took her hand in his.


Salvation listened to Serra before he spoke. "Alpha Pride do you have anything to add to what Serra has said?" He gave Bart the hairy eyeball in the back. "And you Bart got some shit to apologize for an own up. So you might as well get your furry ass to the front of the room!!" Salvation said his eyes looked on the bear.

Brock look from Sal to his brother. He wanted to know what Bart's problem was, but he didn't say a word he just stood there and waited. He's heart went out to Serra.

Reese leaned her elbows on the table in front of her and met Serra's blue eyes. "Those terms are acceptable and we too, are willing to clean state it with the past wrongs, real or perceived, between ourselves and the clans. Jared was one of ours and you have Alpha Pride at your disposal." She smiled softly. "We want him back too, even if he tells us to go to hell once he is. We do have some intel that we plan to be sharing with Serra, right Ry?" She turned her head toward the snow leopard.

"Yes. Also I am putting together a non AP data base for the heads of the clans. The theory being that anyone can access the information or upload more. Think of it as Wikipedia for the end of the world." He winced when he looked at Serra and bowed his head respectfully.

Damion glanced at his brother and arched a brow, surprised at Reese being reasonable.

Rafe waited for the punching to start and when it didn't he gave Damion a look. "I want to add my daughter Ashley to missing person's list. I've been looking for and I have yet to even be able to find her scent. I don't believe she's dead, but I want to ask you Salvation to put her on the list of top things that need to resolved." Rafe said his voice started to crack. He didn't bother his brothers with his problem. He knew how important Jared was to everyone. He was shocked when Edge appeared in the room. Bleeding the Kanon demon took a seat on the floor by Serra.

Blade looked at Bart. "You going to say anything Bart?" He was ready to put his good foot in the bear's ass.

Edge turned his head towards Serra. "I'm sorry I'm late I had some problems getting here." He said spitting out a tooth into his hand. "Jared's parents where right behind me when I left. I'm not sure if they could ghost here or not."

Serra stared at her uncle. He should have told her, before she could say anything Edge appeared at her feet. "It's okay. We had to drive," she patted the Kanon's shoulder and looked toward Blade and then at Bart, wondering what the hell was going on.

Asher groaned and the dark looks bouncing between the panther and the bear. He should have brought his med kit.

Bart cocked his head to the side and glared at Blade. "Hadn't planned to. What's got your tail in a knot, Blade?" A sneer curled his lip.

Kara pulled away from the wall and rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. 'Please for the love of the gods, don't make me save THAT bear. ' she prayed to no one silently.

"Salvation said to address all the problems we had. The Mangus did with Alpha Pride and now its your turn to tell apologize for what you did to AP." Blade said with a growl. "We have a lot of shit to get threw. And it would be easier if AP knew it was safe to be here and all that. You owe that to Reese."

Bart snorted. "I'm not in charge now, that's all on Brock, now that he's back. My vote means shit. But yeah, fine unfuck you all, or some shit." He shrugged, not giving a shit. He felt something move under the skin on the back of his neck and concentrated on not letting it show.

Blade wanted to get up and snap his fucking neck. He turned his eyes to Reese, then to Brock. "I am not sure what my asshat of a brother did honestly, but Alpha Pride had always been a part of the Pit and it seems to me they are needed here so whatever Reese wants to do is fine." Brock said eyeing Bart he felt like something was weird with his brother.

Salvation put his hands on the table and looking at the room. He was about to speak when his phone went off. Looking at down at it he picked it up and read a text from The Morgans. "The Morgans couldn't get out of Ireland it seems." He said looking at Edge and Serra. Putting his phone down on the table. He paused trying to decide what to do to next. "I'm gonna turn the floor over to AP, because they have some information to share with us all. Then I have some things I would like to share with you all myself." He said an sat down as he did he reached for his coffee sipping it he let his leg lean on Asher's.

Reese arched a brow at Brock, remembering him slamming her into a wall not so long ago. She lowered her eyes and tried to breathe through the responses that wanted to pop out of her mouth, especially after they had just agreed to letting shit go. Ry, this is your area."

"Okay," Ry stood up and shifted nervously. "Mostly what I have is video captured during missions, but first we uncovered a bit of weirdness, or should a void in it, right here in our own back yard. Kara, can you dim the lights please?"

Kara was still trying to bore a hole through Bart's head with her eyes when Rycker mentioned her name. "Yeah. You've got it." She slid h=down the lever on the light switch to the halfway mark while Ryker turned on the projector.

"I want you all to watch the piece of land that we've colored yellow for clarity. He clicked the keys that transferred what was on his screen to the wall in the back of the room. "If you watch the lines, which are based on lay lines and assorted bullshit that you'd be bored hearing about, notice how they skip over the yellow bit." He let the footage loop twice so everyone could see it. "Reese took a team to the spot and we now have it under surveillance. While on the mission a portal, not one of ours was discovered, and Caleb was able to plant a camera on the other side. We aren't getting visuals but there is audio. It's nothing ground breaking, but it will matter to Serra, so I'll be playing that for her privately later." He smiled at the Panther.

He pulled up another file. "This we showed Salvation, yesterday, but it demonstrates that we aren't just dealing with demons and humans trying to kill us, but rips in time and space itself. For reference this was captured at the Morgan residence." Rycker let the footage play out and then nodded to Kara to turn the lights back up."And there's this. It was wrapped around Reese's anckle when she returned from the yellow zone" Pulling another sack from inside his bag. He dumped the still twitching tentacle on the table. "We don't know what it is, but if you see anything this might be attached to, watch for the hooks." He demonstrated by pulling one up with a pen he pulled from behind his ear. "That's what I have available at the moment. We'll update the clans DB as we get more. Questions?"

Blade's eyes bugged a moment looking at the thing Rycker showed them. Reese hadn't told him about that. He looked at her a moment.

Rafe raised his hand. "I have one. When I went to contact one of The Enforcers no one got back to me. Can I ask why? The Magnus Prowl is suppose to be able to use them if needed?!"

Salvation's mouth went dry as Rafe's question. "I'll get to that once AP is done with their stuff." Sal said not wanting to really tell everyone what happened.

Reese met Blade's eyes. "It slipped my mind. A lot was happening," she said softly for only him to hear. "The humans know about us. Their military is openly firing on us. I saw a hotline for people to call and turn us in, so watch your backs. If you have a choice, don't go out alone. We're stronger in numbers." She looked at her team. "Anyone want to add anything?"

"That is good news. Thank you all for trying to be civil and work things out." Salvation said looking at everyone in the room. The turmoil they were all feeling would so thick it almost choked the Ghuardian.

Blade wasn't happy with Bart's horseshit of an answer, but he wasn't going to chance anything not now. Later though he'd take shit up with the bear. He looked at the other members of AP and hoped everything was going to start looking up.

"Oh, shit," Kara whispered as the hair on her arms stood on end. Wide eyed she looked to Ve, who was trying to get to his feet and failing. The power than vibrated over her skin could only belong to one person, though she hadn't felt it this strong in so long that she wanted to doubt it now. She pulled away from the door and stared. It couldn't be. But it was. She'd recognize those eyes anywhere.

The male stopped beside her and arched a brow, waiting for her to do something. Would she try to chain him again? Kill him? He smiled when Kara did the same thing she'd done when they were young. She throw her arms around him and held him tightly. He hugged her back just as fiercely and whispered, "It's everything you said it was."

"Don't do this, please," she whispered back as he peeled her arms away and set her aside to stride into the middle of the room. "I hear you've been looking for me, so here I am. Now what?" He crossed his arms over his chest and eyed them each in turn as he waited.

Reese arched a brow and stood up, wishing she had her damn weapons with her. Damn her for following Salvation's rules. "Depends. Who the fuck are you?"

Ve finally managed to get to his feet and limped to the center of the room to the male. "This is my nephew, Fenrir."

Salvation's mind skidded to a halt when he saw Fenrir. He wasn't sure what to do. "Yes we have been looking for you. It seems your being set free has really put a wrench in the works so to speak." Salvation said.

Ve shook his head and embraced his nephew as Fenrir returned it, shocked at the reception by his family. He'd honestly been ready for pitchforks, and angry villagers with torches. "Perhaps, but there's nothing I can do about it until Odin unlocks the gates." He helped his uncle back to his chair.

"I still say that story is bullshit," Kara muttered under her breath.

Fen smiled at her, she'd always been on his side and he loved her for it. "So, until that happens what can I do?" He sighed not wanting to be caged again, but he had a lifetime of memories now and people that he didn't want to die. "I want to help."

"Normally I'd order my Enforcer's to take you and lock you in a nice tiny box." Salvation said looking from Fenrir to Brian. "But I don't think what happening is your fault. So if you want to help I think the person to speak to is Serra Morgan. She is the one in need of the most help right now." Salvation said pointing her out to Fenrir.

Fen arched a brow and looked at the tiny blonde woman. His nose twitched as he moved closer and was immediately blocked by the man beside her and the Demon. He smirked. "If i was going to hut her, you tow wouldn't even slow me down. And you darlin, the scent is there, but it's faint. I'd work harder on masking it better." He smiled and turned away to sit in a chair beside Ve. "We'll talk later, Serra."

Damion growled and Serra's face flushed, worried about what that comment meant and a little pissed off, but not enough to fuck up her chances if he could help find Jared. If he could smell himself in the cubs inside her then he's easily be able to smell it in Jared. "It's okay Pops, relax."

Damion arched a brow at her and growled as he eyed the wolf, but did what she asked. He looked to his brother, because this one needed to be watched and maybe be chopped up into small pieces, discretely of course.

Rafe looked at Damion. 'If he tries anything we'll gut him here and now.' Rafe mindlink Damion. His family had been threw enough and he just wanted some peace for them all.

Salvation turned his eyes back to Reese and Rycker. "I need to speak with you two in private later." He wasn't sure what to do now. Having the wolf here an now should be a win, but he wasn't sure how it would work out. In his mind he still needed to speak with Ve and Kara about some things. Christ did he really get anything accomplished with this fucking meeting. He sighed as he felt his head to start to throb. "Does anyone else have anything else to add to this? Any more information to offer up?" He watched Bart closely there was something about him that made Salvation radar go off.

"I'll be hitting everyone's text with their log in credentials for the database and instructions for uploading today. It might not be a bad idea lo log who is missing or confirmed dead. That way no wastes time trying to get in touch with someone who won't be coming." Ryker piped up eyeing Fenrir, wondering what information the wolf god had.

"I think Brax and Beyer made a shit ton of food, if anyone is hungry," Kara added, because the tension was still high in here and she was hungry.

Asher bumped Salvation's knee under the table. "Serra before you leave, we need to check on those cubs. Your family is welcome to join us." He smiled and the under his breath about doubting they'd let her do it alone.

"Okay everyone is free to go then." Salvation said deciding it was good no one was leaving in a body bag.

Reese got up and helped up Blade, stopping infront of Sal on their way out of the room. We're going to grab some food, but we'll be around for whatever you need to talk about. She grinned at him and Asher, but kept her mouth shut.

Kara went to stand behind Brock, a little excited to introduce him to Fenrir, and the smells from the main bar were all but bringing her to her knees.

Serra went to Rycker to find out what it was that he had for her and Damion had to catch her when she heard Jared's voice through the headphones the snow leopard let her use.

"I'll be here." Salvation said to Reese. Salvation wanted to sit here and let everything sink in and decided if he should give them more information about him being the reason the world is going to shit. He thought of what Asher said. First he'd ask for Rycker to help him find that book passage he was looking for then go from there. That seemed the safest bet.







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